Chapter 80 The Power of the Law of Time, Modifying Reality!

Kahn carried Allie in one hand and stood tall in front of everyone.

He just stood there quietly, and Kahn’s sons and daughters, wives and concubines could feel a sense of supreme security emanating from Kahn.

When it was confirmed that it was their father and man who stood in front of them, the hanging stone in everyone’s hearts was finally put down.

Whether it is Kahn’s children or wives and concubines, they all have an absolute sense of trust in Kahn.

“Dad… Father!? ”

Allie, who was carried by Kahn in his hand, suddenly burst into tears.

Just now, she thought that she was going to be separated from her parents.

Kahn smiled gently at Allie and said, “You can always trust your father.” ”

“You go back first.”

Kahn put Allie down, and then looked up again at Broly on the other side.

Broly transforms into a superrunner and thus loses his mind, which is unexpected by Kahn but reasonable. After all, in the cultivation plan that was given to Vegeta back then, it also included the skill of how to transform into a Super Saiyan.


Facing Kahn, Broly, who had lost his mind, did not know what fear was.

He roared like a wild beast, and immediately his casserole-sized fist suddenly clenched, and as soon as his big foot stomped, the ground under his feet cracked, and he attacked Kahn without fear.

Facing Broly who came with a monstrous fury, Kahn’s face was waveless, as steady as Tarzan. The next moment.

When Broly’s fist was about to smash into Kahn’s face with Tarzan’s overwhelming momentum.

I saw Kahn’s left hand behind him, and his right hand leaned out slowly, and a strange sound of space shattering sounded, and then everyone could see it in shock.

The space around Broly collapsed inch by inch, forming a spatial cage that imprisoned Broly in it. Even with the terrifying strength of Super Sabroly, he is still helpless in the face of this spatial cage.


Kahn’s eyes froze slightly, and then his palm gently clenched.


The space cage that imprisoned Broly began to shrink, and Broly’s screams of pain immediately resounded in the sky!

Under the squeeze of the space cage, Allie and the others could see that Broly’s face gradually became hideous, and he seemed to be in extreme pain.

But at the same time, with the squeeze of the space cage, Broly’s qi was also soaring rapidly.


In the end, Broly finally broke through the limits of the super competition, and it was to transform into the super form!

Feeling Broly’s sudden surge of qi and the change from blonde to dark green hair, everyone was secretly shocked in their hearts.

At the same time, I felt extremely terrified.

If Kahn hadn’t arrived in time today, I’m afraid that no one here would have been able to subdue this monster Broly today! As Broly broke through to the Transcendent form, that terrifying power actually had a tendency to break through the spatial cage.

“Hmph, you can’t turn the sky.”

Sensing that the space cage was on the verge of shattering, Kahn shook his palm hard again! The power of the laws of space is once again activated.

The space cage that was on the verge of being shattered instantly became extremely solid, and then squeezed Broly in the cage again. At this time, Broly’s screams became more and more violent.

At last.

Under the absolute suppression of the power of Kahn’s space law, Broly in his supernatural form finally reached the limit, returned to normality and fainted.

Kahn lifted the space cage, and Broly lay on the ground, unable to go any further.

“It’s worthy of Dad, it’s really too strong!!”

“Dad is so powerful, he subdued this monster Broly in an understatement!”

“I can’t see how strong my dad is, and compared to my dad, Broly seems to have become very weak.”

“Hehe, the main thing is that Dad is too strong, so Broly’s monster will appear weak!”

“Dad is mighty and domineering!”


Seeing that Kahn easily leveled Broly with a snap of his fingers, his children couldn’t help but be excited and proud of it. After all.

All that flows in their bodies is Saiyan blood.

Although most of them are half-race Saiyan, they also have the natural nature of Saiyans to seek power.

As their father, Kahn naturally felt extremely proud and excited to see his father so powerful.

Just the ability of Kahn to use the broken space just now to form the space cage made them feel extremely shocked and amazed.


Kahn let out a long sigh of relief before turning around and asking, “Is everyone okay?” ”

“Of course it’s okay to have Dad here!”

“Dad, you are so strong, can you teach us too?”

More than a hundred sons and daughters looked at Kahn with a thirst for power in their eyes.

“Okay, Dad hasn’t come for a while, your strength is improving a little slowly, I’ll live here for a while and personally teach you to cultivate until you can all transform into Super Saiyan.”

Kahn groaned with a smile.

For the past three years, he has been patronizing his wife and children who have been with him on Earth. Kahnxing’s children and wives and concubines are indeed a little snubbed.

Take advantage of this opportunity to stay here for a while.

After all, children are still young, and they should also be given a little fatherly love. This is one of them.

Second, it is natural to deal with Broly’s timeless bomb.

In order to prevent this from happening again in the future, Kahn also had to train Broly so that he could control his power as he pleased.

Otherwise, one day in the future, he may lose his mind again and run away like today, and even threaten the lives of his children, wives and concubines.

This kind of thing, once is enough.

“Yay, long live Daddy!”

Hearing this, both Kahn’s children and his wives and concubines showed bright smiles and cheered happily.

Although their dozens of girls from the earth are more superior in life here than when they were on the earth, they also lack the love of men.

So when they heard that Kahn was going to live here for a while, they were going crazy. You have to take advantage of Kahn’s time here to squeeze Kahn well.


Kahn came to Vegeta who was lying on the ground, and Naba and Raditz did not dare to slacken, and hurriedly greeted him, giving Kahn a brief explanation of what happened just now.

“Brother Kahn, we didn’t know that Broly was such a monster…”

Naba said with a look of grievance.

If Kahn hadn’t arrived in time, I’m afraid they would have suffered with him.


After listening, Kahn did not say whether this matter was right or wrong, but said lightly: “Vegeta is dead.” ”


“How is it possible… His Highness Vegeta…”

As soon as Kahn’s words came out, Naba and Raditz’s whole person instantly petrified!

“Poor Vegeta, after all, he still suffers on his own.”

Kahn also shook his head rather helplessly.

His starting point was correct, but he didn’t expect Broly to be this kind of monster.

With the terrifying strength of Broly after transforming into Super One, how could Vegeta possibly withstand Broly’s punch? But well.

Although Vegeta died and the city was destroyed, it was not a big problem for Kahn today. Followed by.

Naba and Raditz are petrified again!

I saw Kahn’s right hand stretched out and aimed at Vegeta, who was lying on the ground and had lost all his life,

“Get up.”

As Kahn’s fluttering voice fell.

Naba and Raditz were horrified to see that the blood stain on the corner of Vegeta’s mouth returned to Vegeta’s mouth at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the fist mark that remained in Vegeta’s lower abdomen disappeared.


After just a few seconds, Vegeta miraculously opened his eyes and even changed back to his Super Racing form.

“I am…”

“Brother Kahn??”

When she woke up, Vegeta looked confused, and seemed to have no memory of what had just happened.

“Naba, Raditz, what’s going on? I remember Broly just now…”

Now Vegeta’s mind only remembers the last moment when Broly finally rushed towards him, and what happened after that is completely impossible to remember.

Naba and Raditz also shook their heads and said to Vegeta with a shocked expression: “Your Highness Vegeta, just now Brother Kaen said that you are dead, and then he just stretched out his hand, and you miraculously came back to life!” ”


Vegeta’s small eyes were filled with big doubts, and he looked at Kahn, as if he wanted to get an answer from Kahn’s mouth. Kahn didn’t bother to explain, just said: “It’s okay, there are still pieces to clean up.” ”

Say it.

Kahn tapped his toes and swept directly onto the balcony on the second floor of the palace.

From this position, you can see the palace square and the entire city below.

“It’s really ruthless.”

After Broly’s indiscriminate bombing just now, it is more appropriate to say that it is not so much a city as a purgatory on earth. Then, Kahn’s big hand reached out again, and a strange silver light flashed in his sharp blade-like eyes.

“Let’s get back to the way it was.”

When the words fell, Kahn’s heart moved, and the power of the law of time began to slowly activate. And then.

Vegeta, Naba, Raditz, Allie, Xuefang and more than a hundred other people were shocked to see that the city below, which had been destroyed by Broly, was actually recovering at a speed visible to the naked eye!

The skyscraper that had collapsed into ruins was automatically extinguished by the raging fire.

This was followed by a recombination of rubble, which was then reverted to its original position and reconstituted as a skyscraper in perfect condition. Vegeta and the others, who witnessed this scene with their own eyes, were all dumbfounded!

This feeling is like going back in time, and the reality that has just happened has been modified! ps: Six more, 17,000 words update, ask for a flower monthly pass! Big!.

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