Chapter 84: Father’s Filial Piety! Dad, I’m going to single you out!

Oh yo?

Kahn raised an eyebrow in slight surprise.

Beerus also has the qualification to certify the Great Destroyer? If you think about it, it doesn’t seem so incredible.

Beerus’s strength is among the twelve Destruction Gods, which are all in the top ranks, and it is not an exaggeration to say that he is the strongest Destruction God.

It is reasonable that he can obtain the qualification to certify the Great Destruction God.

In that case, when Beerus woke up, he would have to ask.

And if you count the time for twenty-five years, if nothing else, it should be about three or four years after the conference of force.

“Then this Great God of Destruction, I should be sure!”

Kahn looked up and straightened his chest, full of confidence. Anyway, in order to take Bardos, this big god of destruction he must be. Otherwise, if you miss this opportunity, you will have to wait until the Year of the Monkey next time.

“Wait until you really become one.”

Bardos Zhu’s lips raised slightly, “Maybe it’s not difficult for you to stand out from the twelve Destruction Gods, but it is thousands of times more difficult to pass that test than the former.” ”

“If it weren’t, the Great Destruction God, the priesthood of the God of Destruction, would not have been empty until today.”

“In short, I advise you, don’t have any contempt for that test, maybe there is a great possibility that you will fail on it.”

Kahn said with a smile: “The lion fighting rabbit also uses all his strength, I still understand.” ”

Kahn certainly wouldn’t underestimate that final test.

But in any case, he would have to take the position of Great Destruction God twenty-five years later.

“Good luck then.”

Bardos threw an eyebrow at Kahn and said, “Don’t let me down, Mr. Kahn.” ”

For Kahn, Bardos also has a certain fondness.

430 Otherwise, she would not have given Kahn such a chance.

And Bardos also wants to see what kind of point this man with super ambition can go to.

Kahn didn’t have to reach the point of surpassing the Great Priest, as long as he could become the Great God of Destruction that no one had been able to successfully assume for hundreds of millions of years.

Why is she the woman who is Kahn? Such a man is also worthy of her.

“Don’t worry, you won’t be disappointed.”

Kahn remains confident.

“That’s right.”

Suddenly, Kahn’s words changed and said, “Bardos, if I really become the God of Destruction, you won’t mind that I have many women, right?” ”

“Hehe, Mr. Kahn is thinking too much.”

Bardos said, “The reason why you have many women is because you are strong enough, if you are a man with no skills, then I think…”

“There shouldn’t be many women willing to follow you, are they?”

“You have a point.”

Sure enough, as Kahn thought, Bardos, as an angel, the main source of his vision of things is power. After all, in the end, the essence of the Dragon Ball world is the supremacy of power.

Don’t talk about a few women.

As long as you can sit in the position of the king, how many women do you want, is it not up to you?

“Okay, let’s get here today, I should go back.”

Bardos got up from the grass and suddenly said, “Mr. Kahn, before you became the Great God of Destruction, I don’t know if I will have a chance to taste your craft.” ”

“Today’s food is so delicious, I will never remember it.”

Although but.

It would be a pity if you can only taste such delicious food once.

“Of course there is a chance.”

Kahn also patted his butt and stood up, chuckling: “You can come to the earth of the seventh universe to find me when you have time, and then I will take you to taste all kinds of delicacies that you have not tasted.” ”

“Okay, I’ll definitely go when I have time.”


Bardos separated, Kahn did not stay too long in the sixth universe, and returned to Earth directly. After returning to Earth.

Kahn lived a warm life of his wife and children.

Due to Kahn’s factors, many of the plots in the original book were rewritten in the following years. Or rather, changed because of Kahn.

For example, Raditz came to Earth, then Vegeta and Naba attacked, and then the Nami Nemesis event, none of which happened.

Originally, Kahn wondered whether to trigger these events to temper the Monkey King, but after thinking about it carefully, it was not necessary at all, and the strength of Vegeta, Naba and Raditz at the same time was far higher than in the original book.

If they pretend to invade the earth, how can Sun Wukong’s hundreds of combat power do it? So.

Kahn took the time to train Sun Wukong himself, and improved his strength and pulled down.

And Kahn has not trained Sun Wukong’s strength too strongly, basically maintaining the same strength as the same period as the original.

Because… Kahn is setting the game!

After setting up this bureau, it is not too late to improve the strength of Sun Wukong. After all, it is still early before the power conference.

In such warm and peaceful days, the gears of time came to May 767. This day.

Weiss informed Kahn that Millie, who had been practicing with him for nearly nine years, was already ready to become a teacher. Although Millie had been cultivating with Weiss in Beerus Star for nine years, she actually did not.

During this period, Millie also occasionally goes home to live for a while, after all, after living alone on a distant planet for a long time, it is inevitable that she will miss her family.

Beerus Star. Lakeside.

Weiss and Millie sat side by side, and the master and apprentice just quietly looked at the lake, they didn’t say anything, and they seemed to say everything.

After all, Millie has been here for nine years, and she has also practiced with Weiss for nearly nine years. So for Weiss, the teacher, Millie still has deep feelings. Now that she is leaving, Milly is naturally a little reluctant in her heart.

Weiss, on the other hand, is much more relaxed.

However, Weiss also understood Milly’s mood, so he stayed quietly with Millie here, waiting for Kahn to pick her up.

“Mr. Weis, nine years have passed, time flies so fast.”

A light breeze blew and blew Milly’s three thousand green silk.

Milly stretched out her green jade fingers and brushed a strand of hair that fluttered in the wind behind her ear, and said in a flat tone.

“Oh, time flies quickly, and you seem to be completely different from nine years ago.”

Weiss said with a smile.

Today’s Milly, compared to Milly, who just arrived here nine years ago, is indeed a completely changed person.

Nine years is enough to fade all of Milly’s corners, making her more mature and feminine, and her appearance has reached its peak.

Nine years ago, there were some innocent and playful red eyes, but now they are mature, steady and sharp to dominate Milly facing the wind, with a bright and sweet smile on her beautiful face.

Oh, yes.

Looking back, she was a big grinning and very naïve girl.

But as she grew older, Millie herself felt that she could no longer be as naïve as before, and time could really change a person.

Shout! Suddenly.

A tall and burly figure suddenly flashed out. It was Kahn who teleported from the earth.

“Mr. Kahn is here.”


Millie also stood up at once, stepped forward in two steps and hugged Kahn tightly.

“Okay, how old a person is still like this, and I’m not afraid that you, Mr. Weis, will see jokes.”

“People miss you, hehe.”

Although, in front of Kahn, Millie is still the naïve little girl she was back then.

“Don’t you say that I thought you only had you in your heart, Mr. Weis, and forgot about me as a father a long time ago.”

Kahn also did not forget to damage Milly’s words.


Milly pouted, looking like a little girl.

“Haha, finally sensible, don’t talk back to your father.”

Kahn was pleased.

Kahn still remembers that Milly’s mouth was sharp and ruthless, and if she didn’t agree with herself, she would damage herself and talk back to herself. After nine years of transformation here in Weis, it has matured a lot.


Milly snorted arrogantly, directly put on a posture, and said defiantly: “But Dad, I’m going to single you out now!” ”

After cultivating here in Weiss for so long, Milly of course wanted to show her father her cultivation results. Kahn was also interested, and said enthusiastically: “Okay, let Dad see how much you have grown.” ”

Kahn wanted to see what kind of realm Millie’s strength had reached now. Immediately.

Kahn immediately put on a posture and waited for it.

Seeing that Kahn and Millie were about to fight, Weiss on the side did not forget to fan the flames: “Milly, your father has only practiced with me for one year, but you have been practicing with me for nine years.” ”

“Come on, I’m optimistic about you.”

Milly nodded a little, and immediately unambiguously.

I saw her hands naturally drooping, her eyes slowly closed, and the entire Beerus Star seemed to have become quiet at this moment. In one breath, a hot breath burst out from Milly’s body.

Her soft three thousand green silk is also windless at this moment!

“Are you comfortable with extreme effort?”

The corners of Kahn’s mouth raised slightly.

It seems that after nine years of hard training, Milly has finally learned to be at ease, which is not easy. Don’t look at the Monkey King learning so quickly in the original book, that’s because the Monkey King has the aura of the protagonist.

In fact, the threshold of self-conscious work is very high, at least higher than the threshold of self-extreme work. So.

Millie can learn to be at ease, and Kahn, as a father, is also quite gratified. A few seconds later.

When Millie opened her eyes again, the hot silver-gray energy flame burst out violently. Milly’s black hair and red eyes also turned silver-gray at this moment!

PS: Ask for a monthly pass for flowers!!。

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