Chapter 90 The Great Fool Bardos! Are you Kahn?

Seventh universe.

In the universe, there is a colorful streamer shuttling between billions of stars, and in the blink of an eye, the colorful streamer spans a distance of tens of millions of light years.

Among the colorful streamers, it is not Ves and Beerus, but Bardos and Elephant Pa!

Since Kahn ate up in the hands of Kahn and lost Super Dragon Ball, Xiangpa became more and more angry the more he thought about it, and then after several years of repair, he once again embarked on the journey to find Super Dragon Ball.

Originally, Elephant Pa was still half-convinced about whether Super Dragon Ball would really be able to fulfill any wishes.

However, with Kahn’s precedent, Elephant Pa is convinced that Super Dragon Ball can achieve any wish.

After several years of arduous searching, Xiangpa and Bardos finally found the Super Dragon Balls distributed in the sixth universe, so they shifted their targets and came to the seventh universe to find the Super Dragon Balls.

“me off!”

In the colorful streamer, Xiangpa said with a look of disbelief:.

“Why is that kid from Kahn so easy to find seven Super Wishing Beads? We’ve been looking for it for so long and haven’t found it all! ”

“I think Mr. Kahn must have a unique way of finding the Super Wishing Bead.”

Bardos analyzed.

After Kahn won Xiangpa’s two Super Dragon Balls that year, it took only two months to find the remaining two Super Dragon Soo.

That’s an astonishing speed!

They’ve been looking for years now, and they’ve only found four Super Dragon Balls.

“If only I could get Kahn’s kid’s way through.”

Elephant Pa muttered.

“Do you want to ask him?”

Bardos smiled slightly and immediately proposed.

As soon as Xiangpa heard this, his whole face instantly darkened.

Let him go to Kahn and ask how to find Super Dragon Ball? Like Pakola can’t get off this face!

Although so many years have passed, this account is still remembered.

“Lord Elephant, you are the God of Destruction, shouldn’t you be generous? Mr. Kahn has long not paid attention to the events of that year, could it be that you are really the kind of narrow-minded person with a small belly? ”

Seeing that Xiang Pa hesitated, Bardos couldn’t help but excited.

Actually, it was Bardos who wanted to go find Kahn.

At that time, she told Kahn that she would visit him on Earth in the seventh universe when she had time, but as a result, she had not had the opportunity to go once for so many years, and now they were looking for Super Dragon Ball, and they just happened to find the seventh universe, so Bardos wondered if she could take this opportunity to go to Earth and visit Kahn.

By the way, you can also taste the food there.

Stimulated by Bardos like this, Xiangpa also went up, and immediately raised his head and straightened his chest,

“Who said that? I was a big-hearted god Bardos chuckling without a trace, and continued to seduce: “Then let’s go to Mr. Kahn’s?” It is said that there is an unforgettable meal. ”

When Xiangpa heard this, his saliva was about to fall.

“Well… Okay, but if you have to ask, I won’t ask him! ”

Xiangpa’s eyes were a little evasive.

Although, he still couldn’t pull that face and personally asked Kahn how to find Super Dragon Ball.

“Cluck, no problem, I’ll ask.”


Bardos also did not ink, and immediately drew an arc-shaped rainbow in space and went straight to the earth.


Ves and Beerus have also set off on their journey to Earth.


A jumbo cruise ship is sailing the sea.

This is the world’s largest luxury cruise ship specially chartered by Bulma to celebrate her 45th birthday to hold her 45th birthday party.

However, Bulma declared her thirty-eighth birthday.

Earth 2 warriors, as well as the Kahn family, gathered here to share this grand birthday party.

On deck.

Everyone was dressed quite brightly, and groups of three or five gathered together to eat food and chat.

Bulma simply entertained the visitors and sat back down next to Kahn.

“Bulma, today is your forty-fifth birthday.”

As soon as Bulma sat down, Kahn spoke.

Bulma hurriedly covered Kahn’s mouth, made a silent motion, and said with a look in her eyes: “Am I that old?” Obviously thirty-eight years old! ”

Kahn directly raised his hands in surrender.

Well, if you say thirty-eight, then thirty-eight.

“Then again, Brother Kahn, how old are you?”

“I do the math… I guess I’m fifty-nine.”

Fifty-nine may be a bit different, but it’s not a big difference.

“You don’t want to be fifty-nine at all!”

Bulma pouted, “I’m miserable, I’m starting to wrinkle.” ”


Kahn, who is fifty-nine years old this year, looks not much different from when she first met the crocodile.

To say the difference, it is nothing more than that Kahn has become more mature.


“If I were your age, Brother Kahn, you would dislike me, right?”

Bulma said worriedly.

Although her skin has been well maintained over the years, it has not been able to withstand the erosion of time.

At the age when she should wither, no matter how she maintains it, the wither will still wither.


Kahn said positively.

“Cut, I don’t believe it!”

Bulma said with a look of disdain: “Maybe you will go to the little girl again one day!” ”

To this.

Bulma went from being helpless at the beginning to being rotten in the back.

Anyway, Kahn is such a person, she has always known.

Thinking too much, on the contrary, she is uncomfortable with herself.

Kahn smiled and didn’t speak, but he was already thinking about how to extend the life and eternal youth of Bulma and them, because he was already the soul of God, and life expectancy was linked to strength.

But Bulma and Sophia are just ordinary human beings after all, and time will always be their worst enemy.

Kahn naturally did not want to see Sophia and Bulma die naturally over time.

“It seems that I can only find Super Dragon Ball to make a wish once.”


Kahn is not in a hurry, or take a look first to see if Xiangpa is looking for Super Dragon Ball again.

If he was looking for it, he would have saved a lot of effort.


At this moment, a colorful rainbow appeared from the sky, and in an instant, it landed steadily on the deck of the cruise ship.


Everyone on the deck was attracted by this sudden colorful rainbow.

As the colorful rainbow dispersed, two figures appeared in everyone’s sight.

It was Weiss and Beerus who had spent twenty minutes rushing over from the star of Beerus!

As soon as she saw Weis, Milly, who was eating a skewer, immediately stood up:.

“It’s Mr. Weiss!”

“Sister Millie, who are they?”

On the side, Charon, who had grown up, asked.

“That tall name is Weis, the teacher who taught me cultivation before, as for the one next to Mr. Weis, according to Mr. Weis, his name is Beerus, the god of destruction in our universe.”

Just when everyone was talking about the two uninvited guests, Weiss and Beerus.


Beerus’s gaze fell directly on Kahn, who was half-lying under the umbrella, and asked: “If I’m not mistaken, you are Kahn PS: Ask for a flower monthly pass!” Spoon!. ”

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