Chapter 96 A dead fat cat like Pa, I can hit ten with one punch!


Ves had already restored Beerus from his injuries.

“You boy… OK. ”

Beerus held back for a long time, and finally held out such a sentence. After speaking, he took a bite of the skewer in his hand.

Beerus, who had just lost to Kahn, now only the food he had never tasted before could comfort his wounded heart. Although it was not an honorable thing for the God of Destruction to lose to humans, Beerus obviously had nothing to say at this time.

Kahn, however, defeated him in every way with real strength. Therefore, even if Beerus was still unconvinced in his heart, he had nothing to say. After all, if you say something superfluous, it will seem that your heart is not broad enough.

And Beerus is a self-proclaimed god with a big heart, so even if he loses, Beerus does not find any excuses. Skill is not as good as man.

There is nothing to admit to this.

“You have to rely on Lord Beerus to raise your noble hand, otherwise it won’t be easy for me to win you today.”

Kahn smiled and said modestly.


“Although you are a Saiyan, you are completely different from the group of stubborn Saiyans on Planet Vegeta before, you are a person who can achieve great things.”

Kahn’s words were particularly comfortable with Beerus, so he was also unstinting, and he and Kahn business blew each other. It can’t be completely said to be commercial blowing each other.

Beerus was telling the truth.

If Kahn had been like the uncivilized wild monkeys on Planet Vegeta before, he would not have been able to reach the height he is today. In the history of the Saiyan nation, countless people have proved this.

“Haha, Lord Beerus is wrong.”

Kahn smiled heartily: “Today is my wife Bulma’s birthday, Lord Beerus can just let go and eat.” ”

“Good food.”

Beerus nodded, and then his eyes fell on Bulma behind him, “Happy birthday to you, Ms. Bulma.” ”


Bulma also raised the goblet in her hand with a smile and signaled.

“Cluck, how can we be absent from such a grand event.”

Right at this moment.

A breathtaking and moving imperial sister voice came from not far away, and everyone followed the source of the sound. Only then did I find that at the very front of the deck, two figures appeared at some point.

It is the sixth universe destroyer like Pa and the angel Bardos.

Although when he promised to come, Xiangpa said that he was a god with a big heart, and no longer thought about Kahn’s affairs. But when he really came here, facing Kahn’s straight eyes, Xiangpa still felt a little uncomfortable.

Especially after witnessing the battle between Kahn and Beerus, facing Kahn again, Xiangpa is no longer as sharp and aggressive as before.

Now it’s not a question of whether he can be at eye level with Kahn, he is afraid that he will have to look up to Kahn.

And when he first met Kahn, he could still look down on Kahn, an ant, with a high posture. Now the positions between the two sides have been reversed in the quiet passage of time.

“Huh… It was actually Lord Elephant and Bardos. ”

Ves and Beerus were surprised by the arrival of Bardos and Elephant Pa.

Especially Beerus, the scene where he lost to Kahn just now, Xiangpa, I am afraid that he saw it. It’s just that according to Xiangpa’s character at this time, shouldn’t he come up and mock himself? But soon.

Beerus noticed the subtle atmosphere between the eyes of Elephant Pa and Kahn, and he understood. Before him, Xiangpa had already lost to Kahn.

Otherwise, if Xiangpa does not rush up and catch himself with a taunt, he will be more upside down than Ruth! That’s all.

Since Xiangpa didn’t say anything, Beerus didn’t want to hurt each other with Xiangpa.

Lest he and Xiangpa expose their scars in front of so many people, and his face will not be too good-looking at that time. This kind of thing that hurts others and hurts himself, Beerus would only do it if he was stupid.

So, Beerus just said with an unwelcoming look: “Dead fat cat, who let you come to my seventh universe?” ”

“Cut, come and come, you can still drive me out, skinny monkey!”

Xiangpa naturally didn’t have a good face to show Beerus.


Beerus grinned for a while, but after thinking about it, he didn’t bother to compare with him. Anyway, it is not the first time that Xiangpa has run to the seventh universe.

“Hi Mr. Kahn, aren’t we welcome?”

Bardos ignored the happy couple of Beerus and Elephant Pa, but waved at Kahn and said with a smile.

“How come, the visitor is a guest, please sit down.”

Kahn took his gaze back from the elephant and greeted warmly.


“You’re not…”

At this time, Sophia, who had been staring at Bardos and Xiangpa for a long time, finally remembered.

Bardos smiled gently, “I remember you, Miss Sophia, you are more beautiful than you were then.” ”

Sophia was still relatively young back then, but now.

It’s becoming more feminine.

“Ah, thanks for the compliment!”

Being praised by Bardos like this, Sophia was immediately embarrassed.

Kahn also knew that Bardos should come to Earth on this trip, and he should come to his own.

So after instructing the waiter on deck to serve food to Bardos and Elephant Pa, Kahn sat down opposite Bardos and Elephant Pa.

“Mom, this”

At this time, Milly couldn’t help but ask curiously: “They look like Mr. Weiss and Lord Beerus, do you know them?” ”

“Hey, who looks like that dead fat cat?”

Beerus, who was on the tip of his ears, heard Milly’s words and immediately retorted….

Weiss said cheerfully: “What Millie said is that Lord Beerus, you and I are more similar to the style of Lord Elephant and Bardos.”

“This is because Lord Beerus and Lord Elephant Pa are twin brothers, and Bardos is also my sister.”

“They are the gods of destruction and angels of the sixth universe.”

“So it is.”

After Weiss explained this, Milly, Charon and Sun Wukong and others suddenly realized.

“That Lord Beerus, who is more powerful than you and Lord Elephantpa!”

Sun Wukong asked with interest.

“Oh, Mr. Monkey King, your question is very rude.”

Weiss said: “But well, if you want to say who is stronger than Lord Ruth or Lord Xiangpa, I think you should be able to see it by looking at the figure.” ”

Even if the question of body shape aside.

Although Xiangpa and Beerus are both gods of destruction, their strength is not at the same level. Beerus is the strongest God of Destruction, while Elephant Pa can only rank at the bottom of the twelve God of Destruction. Beerus also said with a look of disdain: “A dead fat cat like Pa, I can hit ten with one punch!” ”

Will this catch the elephant Pa being pinned to Kahn, and Biruth will not be able to damage the elephant Pa properly? Although this statement is slightly exaggerated, it should not be much different.

“Cow, cow, cow!”

Millie and the others couldn’t help but give a thumbs up, impressed by Beerus’s domineering. Although Beerus lost to Kahn just now, this did not affect him from beating Xiangpa.

“Then again, mother, how did you know Bardos and Lord Elephant Pa in the first place?”

Mi 1.9 Li looked at her mother Sophia, and then asked the question just now.

Sophia recalled and briefly told the story of having a festival with Xiangpa because of the search for Super Dragon Balls in the sixth universe.


After listening.

Beerus laughed unabashedly, laughing so hard that tears came out of his eyes.

“This dead fat cat is also too inferior, no, laugh at me, hahahahahaha!”

I couldn’t try to rob Kahn’s Dragon Balls, but I was counter-educated, and even my own Dragon Balls were lost, which can be said to be losing my wife and breaking the army.

Isn’t the experience of Elephant Pa’s loss to Kahn more humiliating than his? Although but.

Milly and Charon and the others couldn’t help but cover their laughter.

Originally, they didn’t want to laugh very much, but they were infected by Beerus.

But if you really want to say it, this wave of operations in Xiangpa’s year is indeed ridiculous and funny. PS: Ask for a monthly pass for flowers!!。

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