Revived Warrior

Vol 4 Chapter 22: Run away

Staying quietly in the nap space, my alcohol does not seem to be awake, the virtual alcohol cannot anesthetize my real nerves, and now it is really not drunk.

If you do n’t have to wake up, it ’s good. For the first time, I feel that although there are so many beautiful people on the earth, there is so much pain.

But why is there a little pride in my heart?

Li Tianpeng's stare at me when he was drinking and his performance in front of me showed that he had begun to see me as a threat.

When he met for the first time, the generosity and demeanour he showed seemed to put himself in an absolutely strong position, which really made me very uncomfortable.

Now, seeing that he values ​​my existence so much, I have a sense of accomplishment.

However, it is impossible for me to destroy him and Zhao Xueer in order to obtain this sense of accomplishment.

Even without the light that Zhao Xueer brought me, I would fall into hell, and I would never do that!

I woke myself from drunkenness, except for Li Tianpeng, who was no longer there.

Li Tianpeng's eyes looked particularly bright in the night. He stared at my eyes tightly and slowly said: "They are all offline, we are not online for a long time every day. I am waiting to wake up with Heaven Brother, You say goodbye. "

I whispered, facing his eyes lightly, and didn't want to add a little bit of spirit, because I was not his enemy.

Li Tianpeng suddenly said: "Xue Er said, she thought of your city to play ..."

My heart bounced lightly: "Welcome, let's all go together."

Li Tianpeng slowly said, "But I hope you tell her personally tomorrow that you still have something to do and you can't join us on the road."

Although this sentence is plainly spoken, it has a resolute strength and I cannot tolerate it.

I secretly smiled, it was a showdown, and it was forcing me to show my attitude.

I don't want to fight, I don't like to play this disgraceful enemy-the third party.

I nodded: "No, I do have something, and I'm leaving, you can help me tell her. Hey, I'm a professional player, and I'm busy every day for the level, equipment and territory. It can't be like you Happy, hehe, 88. "

Pegasus ran to the village. I felt that I was fleeing the desert, and it was like the ease of finally getting out of the bitter sea.

However, I didn't completely relax. When I think about my performance today, it is really unkind and not smart enough.

Except for adding some shadows to Zhao Xueer and Li Tianpeng, I really didn't do anything good.

However, I ca n’t remedy the situation. I ca n’t mess up anymore. I ’m not a master of emotions or an expert in acting. When I see Zhao Xueer again, I do n’t know what to do and what to say. .

The village of white silkworms at night seemed extraordinarily quiet, with the scent of mulberry in the air.

Suddenly, the quiet night was broken by a voice: "Wu Yueguo's national report, ten minutes ago, China has declared war on Pegasus, and citizens of Wu Yueguo who are interested in participating in the war can join the Wang ** team and establish merits."

I stayed, war, just born?

Pegasus has always been at odds with neighboring countries. War is a common occurrence. This time, it is likely that the operation of the Bright Knight failed. Wu Yueguo was worried that after Pegasus had my shepherd, his strength would increase day by day, so he moved ahead.

Speaking of which, am I wrong to graze Pegasus? I am doing good deeds. I protect endangered animals. However, people who do good deeds indirectly lead to war.

I don't know what new orders the king will give me when I return to Pegasus. To be honest, even if I can finally turn the Snowflake Racecourse into my own private racecourse, I also want to quit the position of the owner. I don't want a foal raised by myself to enter the cruel battlefield and become a war machine .

However, is it really necessary to let my half-month's effort at the racecourse be wasted for this idea?

I press the teleportation array, and the goal is the city.

The system prompts: "You have the official position of Pegasus and cannot be teleported in the belligerent country."

I stayed, there is still this, I now switch the property to Xiliang nationality, the system can still detect my second nationality. What should I do now? You know that my resurrection point is located in the village of White Silkworm. Even if I die, I will not be able to return to Pegasus. Then I will stay in Wuyue until the end of the war? And you can't use teleport arrays, you can only ride around.

Things were far worse than I thought. Two shouts sounded, one was the village chief of the White Silkworm Village, and the other was the village guard. Although now with the player's level increasing, npc has also increased by a little bit, but it is still far behind me. This village guard is only 5o level, and it can't threaten me at all.

However, I fled the village without killing them.

Behind him, the scream of the middle-aged woman village chief came: "There are spies from the enemy country, everyone get up and catch him!"

I smiled, it was really a sin, a disturbing dream, I don't know if I would harass the residents of the enemy country like this, would I win any merits?

But after riding a horse for a while, I couldn't laugh anymore. A familiar feeling suddenly appeared behind me. Don't look back, I already feel what it is.

It is the knight of light god! It seems that the village chief issued a warning to the top, and this knight of the light **** came first.

A stream of data with strong emotions came to me. Although I can't see the shadow of the knight of the light now, these mental attacks have made me somewhat unable to control my actions.

If it was impossible to feel these data streams before I integrated the in-vivo intelligent program, at most it was only intuition and discomfort, but now I can clearly see the faint light and shadow behind me.

These data streams contain information such as "anger," "challenging," "repression," and "collapse." They are trying to change my will, and my soul is becoming increasingly unbearable in the face of this information.

Countless voices surround my consciousness, shouting: "Give up! Surrender! Or fight!"

I roared loudly all the way. Only by using these roars can I get rid of the information temporarily, but I still feel that my consciousness is gradually getting lost. Last time at the racecourse, the knight of the **** of light faced so many people, so I didn't use all my spirit to suppress me. Therefore, I didn't realize his real power, and today I only know the huge gap between the two sides.

Without knowing it, I ran outside of Hua Ni Gu, and I don't know why I came here unconsciously.

The shadow of the knight of the **** of light has appeared behind me, and the sound of the horseshoe has shaken my eardrum.

I know that I can't fight the Light Knight, whether it is will or combat power, and the flying degree is slightly inferior to his mount. I can't have the original underground line, so he just asked a few soldiers to stay where I was offline. , You can trap me all my life.

If he died, he was resurrected in the village of White Silkworm and continued to be pursued by him. Is there really no way out?

Go ahead and go to that demon-eye cave! Even if the demon eyes have not been refreshed, the cave still has the next layer, and it will be decided in these horrible monster groups!

Flying all the way, after meeting Zhao Xueer during the day and everyone picnicking, all kinds of complex tastes burst into my heart, and I was suddenly surprised to see that no matter what kind of emotions, it can actually dissolve some of the spiritual suppression of the light knight, and They stand out of my mind.

Human emotions also have powerful power. I found a way. I tried to let myself think about the sad or happy things in the past, and I gradually recovered my will. The Knight of Light God seemed to feel it, and he took it back. Those data streams, try my best to chase me.

Finally rushed into the cave and saw dozens of demon eyes refreshed in the cave. I carefully bypassed their attack range and reached the second level of cave.

This careful action, the knight of light **** also arrived.

At a distance of hundreds of feet and dozens of demon eyes, I collided with the eyes of the Light God Knight.

Guangshen's eyes emit hot light like the sun, which seems to melt everything. Even the demon eyes in the center are swept by the light from the corner of his eye, and they are also disturbed.

But I also show no weakness. All I think about now is all daytime things, thinking that the angel in my heart may be in the arms of Li Tianpeng now, thinking that her friends are talking about me as a fool, and thinking about Zhao Xueer when she looks at me The compassion in my eyes is going to blow up! In this mood, my eyes are no less bleak than the light god!

There was a flash of surprise on Guangshen's face, and obviously the power contained in my eyes greatly exceeded his imagination, and his mental oppression method seemed to have no effect.

Guangshen slowly raised his gun, but still waited quietly. For a long time, there was a sound of horseshoes outside the cave. It turned out that he was waiting for reinforcements.

Of course, Guangshen disdain other people's help, sure enough, he ordered several soldiers who came to guard the entrance of the cave, and he rushed forward alone.

The line of light and spirit is also bypassing the demon eyes. Although he is no longer afraid of the demon eyes, he does not want to waste his energy on these monsters.

Seeing him getting closer and estimating the situation, I still have no hope of victory, so I turned to enter the second floor.

The second layer of monsters is a one-eyed giant standing up to three meters. Since no one has been killed, their number reaches more than a thousand. They have shields, maces and javelins in their hands.

After investigating, it is a 9o-level monster, and as a humanoid monster, it must have high intelligence.

I dismounted and retracted Fei Yang, carefully looking for the gap between the Cyclops, and slowly moved forward. After struggling a dozen feet away, Guangshen has appeared at the entrance of the cave.

The knight of the **** of light still maintains a strong war will and momentum, but he did not rush to me immediately, but quickly scanned the entire cave. Obviously, so many 9o-level intelligent monsters also pose a great threat to him.

But his pause didn't make me easy, because a dozen Cyclops were staring at me with that red eye, and the two giants closest to me had slowly raised maces. .

Nervously put the concealment and stealth into the auxiliary column, I did not dare to breathe too much, and moved a few feet slowly.

The Knight of Light God appears hesitant. As an intelligent program, when there should be no hesitation, they often make the first decision and adopt the most favorable solution. But this knight of light **** obviously has some human emotions.

I seem to feel the mind of the Light Knight. For him, rushing into the Cyclops is extremely risky. His most correct decision should be to abandon the mission, exit the cave, leave the soldiers or guard the cave in person.

But the feeling of "hate" interfered with his decision. In the past, experts once said that once an intelligent program has emotions, it must evolve. However, such evolution obviously has side effects.

The knight gas of the senior knight should reach a distance of about ten feet. The knight of the **** of light finally made a decision and forced me down.

I looked back at the **** of light in surprise, he should not hide and sneak, but he didn't even alarm the Cyclops.

I moved deeper into the cave again, sweat began to appear on the forehead, and moved two feet again. The distance between the Cyclops in front was getting narrower and narrower, and I could hardly find a needle gap between their attack range!

This is still because of my rich visual experience in the game to get to this position. For a player who is almost level, it has long shocked the Cyclops.

The knight of the light **** is advancing faster than me, and as I see it is approaching ten feet, I reach out the magic wand and begin to whisper.

In order not to alarm the Cyclops, Guangshen gave up the mount and lost the charge ability. Now I can hit him a few more times. However, after the shot, what the consequences are, I really can't imagine, in fact, my chanting just expresses a threatening meaning: "If you approach again, I will use magic to startle the giant!"

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