Revived Warrior

Vol 4 Chapter 33: Tianmenguan

For several days in a row, King Wu Yueguo has received many requests from nobles and city owners, hoping that the kingdom will help them solve the problem of robbers. Because the current robbers have learned to act simultaneously, the local army is too busy.

It is now that the frontline battle is fierce, and there is no way to send troops back. Instead, the soldiers need to be moved forward.

When the king was upset, another news came. The recently active Robin Hood bandit announced that he did not want to harm Wuyue nationals anymore. He hoped to get the king's consent to fight against the enemy at Pegasus and obtain Wuyue State. Merit in order to become a good citizen.

Such a thing had never happened before, and the king summoned the ministers to discuss the possibility of using robbers to fight the enemy.

The ministers agreed that some ministers said: "The Lord God has given us these highly intelligent npc learning human history classics. There are many such examples recorded. Many kings will pardon prisoners during the war and let them attack the enemy. Some recruit robbers and recruit them into the army, and other kings encourage the people to do pirate attacks on ships of other countries, etc. In short, this is a great way to protect the residents of the country and fight the enemy! "

The King said: "But the Lord God set that soldiers will attack when they see robbers, no matter what country they are. This is a high priority, and I cannot change it. Moreover, the Lord God gave me no authority to forgive sins. Order. Therefore, these robbers would not be able to cooperate with our army without doing their own task-washing. "

A minister said: "Our soldiers can deliberately not meet these robbers. As long as the robbers do not enter our army's sight, there will be no conflict."

Everyone thought that was really the case. At the same time, they praised the minister's intelligent evolution, and he wanted such tricks.

Therefore, the king posted a notice that at 7 pm to 8 pm on November 3, the "Tianmenguan" on the border will remove all soldiers, and close the armed facilities and enchantments, and open the city gates. People crossing the border will not be hindered a little.

However, we did not want to meet the requirements of the king's "commission", and the robber experience and reputation obtained by the robber robbery could not be converted into the country's meritorious value. This is set by the game. A king cannot change the rules.

This is my plan. During this extraordinary period of pressure on Wu Yueguo, the intelligence of nppc did not disappoint me.

Although the king only made a small concession to the robber, it has proven that the rules of the game can be changed.

Recalling the ancient society, when the wisdom was not enough, people adhered to one or two codes, and the word change was a sin. The times have progressed since then, and it is common to produce a draft amendment to the law in a few months.

Any rule can be changed, depending on whether the external and internal factors are strong enough.

Just because a small band of robbers is tossing in Wuyue Kingdom, the King will never look at us. But then other robber groups in Wu Yueguo saw that our tactics were effective and imitated them. In the end, the terrible situation in which the robber operation time was unified to minutes was finally formed. The king finally opened the door for me according to my idea.

A speech was given to the members of the Robin Hood Bandit, explaining the benefits of robberies in other countries, and then more than 300 of us drove out and hurried toward Tianmenguan.

On November 3, thousands of people gathered behind a crowd on a small hill in the border area.

These people are all robbers, thieves, and wanted criminals in Wuyue Kingdom. They are all preparing to cross the gate through Tianmen.

As long as you can change a country, you can wash away all the evil values. Who will miss it? Of course, there are exceptions. If a player commits a crime that endangers the entire infinite world, or there are many countries jointly wanted, or if the crime reaches "evil fullness" or "pointing", it cannot be washed away.

Some people in the crowd are here to join the fun, after all, few players have the opportunity to enter this kind of border fortress for sightseeing.

There are also dozens of journalist players stationed in major media in Wu Yueguo, who are frantically capturing pictures and conducting interviews. Speaking of which, this incident is a classic moment in the game. Thousands of robbers swayed through the official armed fortress, which was very shocking.

Our robber group was regarded as a guide to this incident. Of course, it was under siege by reporters and it was easy to cope with the past.

Prebo and I went aside to discuss it and decided to wait for the other bandit groups to advance to prevent the military from intentionally setting up traps to wipe us out. Some details were also discussed.

Stand up and look at the people behind the mountain. Just because of a plan that I implemented to leave Wuyue Kingdom, it affected so many people, which is really a good thing.

Moreover, the follow-up impact of this incident must also be very great, if the warring countries will do so in the future, it will be fun. And maybe because this time, some kings will be enlightened to implement a policy of encouraging robbers, so the era of robbers may have begun.

While thinking about it, a familiar figure suddenly flashed in my eyes. I opened my eyes, looked carefully, and finally showed her in the crowd.

Seems to be sincere! She is still in this country, why ...

I stayed for a while, I wonder if I should go to her, no matter from what angle I should be concerned about her. Even if our husband-wife relationship is unnamed and doesn't seem to have any emotional foundation, we are friends who have worked together.

However, I really do n’t know how to face her, and I feel that if you meet her, it may involve some emotional things ... I never thought that there would be a man and a woman with this abominable heart. That kind of emotion, but after this experience with Zhao Xueer, I feel that the friendship and love between men and women are actually very easy to mix.

I ca n’t be sure if I have a bit of “love” in Mingxin, but thinking about Mingxin ’s departure from me that day and her refusal to receive my message made me feel that she had a little affection for me. unusual.

I really didn't dare to see her. I had just suffered a blow, and now I don't have the strength or emotion to deal with another woman.

In other words, I feel like I don't want love anymore in my life. Once the sea was in trouble, leaving Zhao Xueer, no matter how good a woman is, it won't make me feel that kind of excitement and sweetness.

However, how can I avoid the problem, no matter how unwilling and embarrassing, I must go to see her. I have to make clear to her that our relationship is a virtual couple who is united by interests and also a very good friend. As long as it is clear, everyone will be easier.

I was about to squeeze the crowd away, and a thief on the top of the mountain was shouting, "The door is open, the army is gone!"

Everyone cheered and climbed to the top of the mountain to look. When the crowd was chaotic, I couldn't find my heart.

At this time, it was seven o'clock. The soldiers guarding the Wuyue Kingdom were quickly evacuated. Thousands of people behind the mountain shouted and rushed towards the barrier.

Except for our Robin Hood Band, others have already left the mountain, and there is no doubt that the heart is also in the crowd. I turned to Prebo and said, "If we wait for us to pass alone, it is also dangerous. I will take dozens of Brothers go in. "

Follow the team in front and enter the towering Xiongguan. Only by walking to Tianmenguan can you feel the magnificence of this fortress. A team of several thousand people is just a handful of ants under it.

Tianmen Pass is one of the two major gates between Wu Yueguo and Pegasus. It ranks third in the country and is usually stationed with 50,000 soldiers, which is very important. Now that the Wuyue ** team has penetrated into the enemy's territory, this pass belongs to the rear, so the king allowed to temporarily disarm this pass.

Although enchantments around the border can be opened by magicians, that can't be done often.

Usually, there are only dozens of advanced magicians that a government can concentrate on. At the same time, it can only open the border enchantment temporarily for about ten minutes while casting top magic. At the same time, it must rest for at least ten hours to recover. Therefore, the offensive method of stealing into the border is not suitable for large-scale wars.

Although the Xiongguan is strong and strong, once it is captured, it belongs to the attacking party, and the army can pass through it from now on. Therefore, most of the time, battles still occur at these gates.

Walking in the gate fortress, looking at the city walls up to 100 feet high, and hundreds of huge magic columns and arrow towers, everyone was chilling. I was so envious that I was going to die. It would be great if my friendship city could have such facilities.

There are no dwellings and buildings in the fortress, all of them are barracks, arsenals and grain depots. It seems that the king still spent a lot of manpower to send us the plague gods to transit.

The robbers and thieves in front couldn't care less about exiting the gate. Anyway, it was still early, and they rushed into various rooms in search of everything that could be removed.

Doors and windows, furniture, flowers and plants, masonry, sculptures, all in a blink of an eye, a good fortress, just like being stung, is not good.

In fact, it is not that these robbers are mad, but they feel that being able to **** things from such a mighty heroic level is a very good thing. Although these things are not worth a few dollars, they still make them extremely excited.

I smiled bitterly and asked the brothers to go out to see what was going on outside. I was looking for the heart in the crowd.

Will Mingxin also be so tasteless, stealing things here, I am not sure, thinking about her strange temper before, I can't help laughing, in fact, Mingxin is not so annoying, in fact, she just doesn't want to talk People like it, but she still feels very kind inside.

Suddenly, my body trembled, and a familiar and dangerous breath was approaching me quickly. This breath brought a strong suppressive force, and it gave my soul in a low tide a feeling of breathlessness and a headache. !!

The rapid sound of horseshoes came from the door. As the robbers exclaimed, a knight like a sun appeared at the door, and a long howl echoed throughout the fortress: "Fight against heaven, come! Fight!"

The sound was like a sharp sword, shot directly into my brain, I gritted my teeth.

Not only is my soul at a low ebb, but now I am stealing the sage ’s identity, it has also greatly reduced my combat power. It seems to be restrained by the Light God knight. The Light God ’s murderous spirit and spirit now have a few days ago Great improvement!

Can't fight, now he died in his hands, and my efforts for so many days are completely in vain!

Summons the chubby and Qiuqiu, Xuanqiu, who are soon resurrected, and Xuangui possesses, and Fei Yang takes me quickly forward.

The Light God knight roared and came towards him in an absolutely imposing manner, and the robbers around him stared at us as they approached.

Near, Sanzhang, Guangshen roared: "With light! Storm gun! Hexagram!"

Horror. I do n’t need to try. I also know the horror of this attack. The power after the attachment of the light is already very powerful, not to mention he has also combined the formation and the power!

However, I didn't mean to fight with him at all, so when he raised his gun, I had turned the horse's head and turned to poke from his side.

Just one line away, the spear after the light knight's emergency change passed behind me and broke my universal protective cover. It was just the power of the spear that had hurt me more than 8oo blood!

But I still rushed over, I had to rush out of the gate and meet dozens of brothers outside the gate.

The Light Knight behind him yelled, "Coward, do you think you can escape this way? Close the door!"

With a bang, the huge gate was closed tightly in front of my eyes, and I looked back at Guangshen in amazement.

The Knight of the Light God snorted: "I knew you would take this opportunity to leave the country, so I asked Guan Guan for the position of" gatekeeper "! Don't try to escape by chance anymore, show your courage and dignity, and join me Fight! "

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