Revived Warrior

Vol 5 Chapter 9: Life and death teleportation

I swallowed a blood-drenching medicine, and shot hard at my chest. It hurt, but the blood volume that was declining swiftly recovered, I can't stand it!

After passing through the layers of protective cover, the attacks that landed on top of me successively caused me more than 5,000 injuries in two seconds, but I still stood there with a smile. Not just enemies, even my brothers are dumbfounded.

The next moment, another group of enemy players turned white, and a piece of equipment burst on the ground.

When these players attacked us, they also committed the crime of treason. I don't know why they came here. After treason, they will become Big Six wanted criminals. Even if they grab these supplies, they will lose more than they pay.

While directing everyone to attack, I called out the village chief and the Jianjun behind him to report to the superior, and the Jianjun shouted to me: "Have your other men go online! Why did they go offline this long?"

I smiled bitterly. If it was really offline for the collective, there will always be online, but unfortunately they are now hundreds of kilometers away to grab the effort.

I laughed: "Sorry, Lord Jianjun, I don't have their contact information, and I guess they are important outside now, and will not be online for a while."

Jianjun's eyes widened: "Why am I so unlucky that when you meet a player you can't manage at all, you haven't left their phone!"

I said, "You're not the first to say this to my prison ..."

Under the powerful attack of the armed facilities, the attackers suffered heavy losses. Although they could be resurrected, as traitors, they have lost their nationality and will be randomly resurrected in the wild after death. There are now more than 400 players with more than 600 players.

The reason why we can use one enemy six, in addition to the powerful power of the military facilities and the effect of the flag, the most critical thing is that I am agile and hp are high pervert blood addition, they are difficult to kill our players.

If they turn to attack magic poles and arrow towers, there is no hope. These powerful magic poles are much more durable than ordinary village magic poles. With their level, fifty players may not use the big move at the same time. Destroy one.

At this time, the mayor had set the teleportation array to allow only his own soldiers to pass, and several soldiers from other villages and towns had already jumped out of the teleportation array. The city's reinforcements need to be notified to the city's owner, who ordered other layers of procedures, so temporarily unable to arrive.

The player who succeeded the leader finally saw that nothing could be done, and instead ordered the attack on the teleportation array, turning a blind eye to us and the attack on the armed forces.

I didn't expect them to be so fierce. I ordered the soldiers and knights in defense to charge and interfere with the enemy, but it was too late.

Under the attack of up to 400 players, the teleportation array was finally broken. Then, these players attacked the warehouse house several times, and then grabbed the most important equipment on the ground. The remaining 200 people hurried out of town.

Maixiang Town is an important grain storage base in the Xiliang Kingdom. This large warehouse is a special building approved by the king. After the blessing of senior magicians and wizards, it is also built by the best architects with advanced materials. Nearly Hundreds of magics and bows did not leave any trace on it.

I ordered a quick sweep of the battlefield. At this time, the other people who went out for reconnaissance returned, and there were no enemies in other directions.

Ordered the assassins and knights to investigate the east of the village again, Famil stepped up to build a new magic column, several carpenters worked together to build the same arrow tower, and others together with the town's npc residents also dispatched to deepen the trenches outside the town and erect various obstacles.

I started to repair the teleportation team urgently, but unfortunately, Master Shi ’s method of building the teleportion team was only willing to be transmitted once. Otherwise, Famil learned this method, and with his building skill level, the teleportation team would soon be repaired.

The investigators returned soon, reporting that the enemies had approached ten miles outside the village. In fact, they were no longer required to report it, and everyone could already feel the sound of horseshoes and footsteps in the earthquake.

The incoming Kunhe army reached more than 5,000 people. How did they reach the rear of our army? Even if it flies in the sky, it will be seen by our army's numerous air soldiers.

After only thinking for a few seconds, I was sure that this unit must have used my offline tactics just now!

With a bitter smile, these guys did not pay patent fees for learning my tricks, but this time I was retaliated. Maybe the attack on Shangyue City had to be returned to the Ministry of Defense.

As a result of the two assassins' long-distance investigation, the enemy forces are all composed of players, and their levels are basically above 65. Who has such powerful strength?

Everyone unanimously determined that it is the international consortium Haines Group. The main base of this group stationed in the infinite world is in the Kun He Country, which is also the strongest force in the Kun He Country.

The group's top leader in the game, Rick, currently holds the rank of Colonel Kunhe, and can lead two thousand soldiers. Another senior player of the group, Hiragu, is a notary and has also formed a volunteer army.

Although these game celebrities are different from ours, for some game enthusiasts, the top thousands of celebrities in the entire game can almost memorize them ...

Look at less than a hundred soldiers around, as well as those hundreds of ordinary players in the town who are watching at their doorsteps. They are unlikely to help us, and their level is generally not high. At this point, we have no hope at all to repair the teleportation array. I proposed to the Jianjun that the materials in the warehouse should be transferred immediately.

The prisoner opened his eyes wide and said, "Transfer, how to transfer?"

I said, "Take the most important supplies away from the soldiers. Each of them has a baggage capacity of more than 400. A hundred people can take away tens of thousands of supplies. I recommend destroying the rest."

The Jianjun shook his head vigorously: "Don't think that I don't know. You players are unreliable. Is it possible to put the most valuable things in your pockets? Is it possible to spit them out? Also, the materials cannot be destroyed without permission! Without the orders of our superiors, we must go to the military court to destroy our supplies! "

I was dizzy: "Don't we have the power to temporarily adapt on the battlefield? Obviously, the materials cannot be destroyed when they fall into the hands of the enemy?"

The supervisor nodded heavily: "That's how the system is set! You can't destroy it unless the supplies have become enemies."

It's irritating. Losing materials will certainly reduce merit, but stealing tricks or robbing military materials is a felony. Forget it, the big deal is the cheap Haynes group.

Think about it, do n’t all these materials belong to the game company? Can we commit death for these dead things?

There was really an urge to send someone to contact that Haynes and give us a sum of money. Our army automatically abandoned, and everyone was happy.

However, after all, I am a person who lives in the game, what is the use of money for me? Moreover, how can the reputation lost by doing so be measured by the game gold coins.

Although I captured Shangyue City and changed the whole war, the insults to me and my soldiers on the forum were countless, and I couldn't bear another shame!

The blood began to surge, and I gave the order: "Everyone depends on various defensive facilities to fight. The enemy is crowded this time. The first wave of attacks must be various defensive facilities. Everyone should pay attention to saving strength and wait until the various facilities are destroyed. , Stay behind the warehouse door! "

Then, I brought all the materials used to build the teleportation array and went into the warehouse. The mayor also brought the town flag into the warehouse. As long as the town mayor and the town flag were not acquired or destroyed by the enemy at the same time, the town's sovereignty remained with us.

The Squadron followed in: "The outside battle requires you to command. What are you doing here?"

I didn't look up: "The enemy's rush into the town will not give me a chance to repair the teleportation array, so I plan to build a new teleportation array in this warehouse. The warehouse is easy to defend and difficult, and there is still a chance."

The Jianjun coughed: "The other party is 5,000 people. If you attack the warehouse, you can destroy the warehouse in ten minutes. Can your men last so long?"

I said lightly: "As far as possible, in fact, the enemy should come to grab the supplies. If the warehouse collapses, the supplies will be completely destroyed. Even if it is not destroyed, it will take time to clean up the ruins. At that time, our reinforcements were surrounded from all sides. , So they should not destroy the warehouse, but storm from the main entrance. "

The Jianjun company shook his head again and again: "That's still unsustainable, oh, let's withdraw. The military law stipulates that when the difference in strength reaches more than five times, both officers and soldiers can decide to retreat without being held accountable."

I said impatiently: "If you want to withdraw, withdraw, don't disturb my work."

The prisoner er whispered, and walked nervously for a few laps in the warehouse, and then exclaimed: "Then I will leave, and I will report to the commander of the heroic deeds of the Viscount."

The fly finally flew away, and I sank down and merged into the building technique with the combination of the mind, and began to build a teleportation array.

With my construction skills, it takes about three hours to rebuild a teleportation array, but after adding additions, sculpting and mosaics, equipping the master to send me advanced construction tools, and combining mind-to-heart skills, should be able to shorten by half. time.

The gradual strength of the intelligent program in the body and my increasing skill in combining mind and heart have made my intermediate third-class architecture almost comparable to the third-class construction.

At the same time, the bandit's destruction is also surprisingly useful. When making stone, adding destruction can also greatly improve the degree.

At this time, various sounds had begun to be heard outside the warehouse, just like blasting the pot, magic whistling, bugle sound, war drum sound, sword impact sound, building collapse sound, scream sound, pet roar sound, The horse hissed and scolded, but I still couldn't help it.

Maybe it's the role of intelligent programs. In the state of mind-to-heart technology, a considerable part of my physical and mental dominance is actually handed to them, and they can help me determine what I should do now and control my other thoughts.

Now the teleportation array that is gradually forming in my eyes is like a teleportation array between life and death. After repairing it, the Maixiang town where I am stationed will survive, otherwise, it will be death.

The sounds were getting closer and closer. It seemed to have reached the gate of the warehouse. I didn't look up to see the brothers fighting, because once I looked up, I couldn't help jumping up and joining the fight.

I don't know how long, the roar and fighting sounds at the door have been going on, I really can't imagine, just dozens of brothers, can keep the door for so long?

At this time, the information bar sounded. Viewing the information would basically not affect the architecture. I opened the information.

An unfamiliar name: "Rick", seems to have just heard it somewhere.

The word on the message is: "Friend, why fight to such a point, you will now quit the battle and you will still be rewarded by King Xiliang. As soon as you reply, we will immediately make way."

I returned a message: "I don't run away."

Another message came over: "How long can you persist like this? It doesn't make sense at all! You have to drop all your brothers by one level or even a few levels to be reconciled? Anyway, you can't keep it, you persist for an hour and a minute. What's the difference!"

I went back again: "Would you care?"

The third message: "I buy you 500,000 gold coins to retreat. At the same time, we are also making friends. I have seen your courage and persistence. I appreciate you and your loyal people."

Half a million? I couldn't help laughing, and returned the message: "Bring the gold coins to the door." 2k novel reading network

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