Revived Warrior

Vol 5 Chapter 26: obstacle

Qingfeng Fuyun screamed, "Scare me? I haven't hung up since I entered the game! Have you ever seen the wind die and the cloud die?"

I smiled lightly: "Just a metaphor to illustrate the danger of this task. Your task is to seize the opportunity to break into Tieping Pass when our army is fighting the enemy of Tieping Pass!"

The clear breeze fluttered: "With brother, don't you want me to stay here to help you?"

I nodded and handed a pack of things again: "This is the map of Tiepingguan. Once you dive into Tiepingguan, you will destroy them one by one according to the locations I marked on the map. This is the grain warehouse. This is the mechanical hub of the barrier. This is the most important: the magic conversion pool, which provides the energy of all the magic facilities of Tiepingguan ... Also, the enemy architects who are responsible for repairing the city gate, if they have the opportunity, also Kill a few. "

Qingfeng Fuyun said two times: "What task am I doing? It's that simple? I thought you wanted me to fight those more than one hundred enemy handsomes. But, my brother, you asked me to deal with these dead objects, but also It ’s boring to have a life professional. I ’m not going to do it. I want to absorb more fighting experience on the battlefield. ”

I was saying: "Breeze, are you a knight? What is the hero of the knight?"

The breeze flew up and said, "For the country and for the people!"

"So, this time, let go of your martial arts and contribute to the Xiliang Kingdom!"

Qingfeng Fuyun thought about it: "It seems quite right ... well, I'll take this trip."

I said again, "When you break into the city, you need to be sure. Although the gate of Tiepingguan is as high as dozens of feet, you can fly over the enemy, but when entering the door, you cannot have high-level enemy forces nearby. The enemy, their big move, even if you are agile, you can't escape it. Also, this big belly knife can cut any item, it is the best to cut off the hub and flagpole, lock, etc. For destruction, it is best to use the items in this bag, including acid, sledgehammer with destructive properties, flammable oil bags, etc. You have to look at all of them. "

The breeze went, and I sent away Aogu again, and let the two soldiers and the iron hooks follow him. Once the battle was unfavorable and Aogu was in danger, the hooks would immediately bring the drum of thunder back. Hook is the best.

Although leaving Aogu in my army will be of great help to us, the counterattack unit needs him even more.

The enemy has already begun to advance. Now they are facing the asphalt defense line. Under the scorching sun overhead, the asphalt is extremely viscous. Once the enemy forces step on it, what is waiting for them is our long-range attack behind the asphalt.

An order from the enemy array followed, followed by a few yells: "A dark cloud covers the sun!" "The moon is coming!" ...

In a blink of an eye, the sky darkened, and a bright moon appeared in the sky by day.

Looking at this vision, I can't help it. The high-spirit professionals of the Haitian Club have all gone. Others will never summon large-scale spells like the sun god.

Next, the "field of ice" shrouded the asphalt ground. Then, the earth mage covered the sand and dust, and the ice mage covered the ground with thick ice and snow.

I yelled, "Fire! Wind!"

However, the number of our army is too small, the faint magical flame cannot fight the ice spells of the enemy's 100,000 mage, and the wind cannot blow away the sky and dust.

Amidst the cheers, a large number of Kunhe fighters set up a strong square array of ice and snow, followed by mages and priests.

Asphalt array seems to have failed.

Suddenly a long laugh, Bingyue jumped out of the sky: "This strong ice field is an excellent opportunity for our ice mage to perform! Lord! Order!"

Having said that, he has rushed forward alone, out of the level spell "Frozen World!"

The front line at this time was already a very cold area. As soon as the frozen world came out, a huge "ice block" appeared in front of our eyes. The ice block was 100 feet long, tens of feet wide and thick!

Almost at the same time, the "Million Silver Package" of Xuehai Piaoxiang also went out and wrapped a thick layer of quilt on the ice cube.

What is it called? Use strength to fight, use ice to use ice ...

I laughed long and tall, and the military order swept up in one fell swoop: "All! Ice Spells !! Field of Ice! Stack!"

In the field of ice, each side can only be used once, and the effect of the second use will not be superimposed, but this time the two sides each use it once, and they can be superimposed!

Suddenly, the huge enemy array, more than 100,000 soldiers, was mostly frozen in the ice world!

For the first time, under the effect of the double ice field, all the ice mages of the enemy and us simultaneously covered the ice environment on the same army, and the world was frozen!

Although in less than five seconds, panic commands were issued in the enemy line: "Fire!" However, the enemy soldiers who were caught off guard had already suffered heavy casualties.

While the enemy's powerful fire spells melted the ice, countless bows and arrows of our army fell on the surviving fighters, shot on the armor, cracked the armor, and shot on the face. The face was made of glass, and the entire face was Crushed.

More than 30,000 enemy soldiers were killed, including more than a dozen commander-level officers. Most of the rest were also frostbite, and their physical fitness declined, and they could no longer play the role of meat shields.

The soldiers were urgently transferred to the rear for treatment. In the heat of drums and bugles, the enemy army began to attack.

Although suffering an unexpected fiasco, the enemy forces in Dashiguan knew that Tiepingguan was under tremendous pressure and had no time to delay.

The area of ​​ice was removed and the ice and snow were melted, but the soil spells were still effective. Before the soil surface formed by the last spell disappeared, the second batch of wizards' spells were used again, so the ground was always covered with earth and stones. Asphalt arrays still fail.

This time the enemy was ahead, the mage.

The anemic mage always hides behind the fighters, but when the manpower of one side occupies an absolute advantage, the mage comes forward, but has extremely terrifying power.

As these mages formed a square array, their attack range became longer, and our air forces did not dare to approach.

The mage was unable to chant a spell while marching. Only after entering the range did they stop and chant.

Therefore, our mage and archer can attack first, and they can kill thousands of enemies in a single round.

However, after one round, the spells of the enemies also began. One hundred thousand mages can kill our only 10,000 mages and archers in one round.

I screamed, "Attention all knights, assassins, knights! After our mage and bow and arrow attacked manually, you immediately picked them up and backed away by five feet! Re-form!"

This tactic is indeed useful. After three rounds, we have lost only a thousand mages and killed more than 10,000 enemies.

However, such a disproportionate number of casualties cannot shake the enemy's determination to advance, the drums of war scream, and morale, and the mage formation is still approaching us.

If the strengths of the two sides are not far behind, facing such an opponent, our knights will already be charged. Only 50,000 knights will be needed to kill this group of mages!

Unfortunately, we have less than 10,000 knights, and a considerable number of knights have lost their horses in battle. In addition, the most elite and complete knights have been assigned to the counterattack force.

The Mage Array finally set foot on our minefield.

The deterrent effect of landmines on the human body is based on physical fitness. Once a person with a poor physique stepped on it, he would be stunned for a long time, and the wizard circle suffered heavy losses.

Although there are only a few hundred mine stones, the explosive magic can shock people within a few feet at a time, and the ensuing thunder also causes great panic among the mages.

The stunned mage became a living target and fell down piece by piece. However, after losing thousands of mages, the Phalanx moved forward again.

Behind the mage's square, a large number of diggers quickly started digging and took out the mine stones. It is said that these mine stones were later sold by players to the unit price of hundreds of gold coins, which was extremely useful for killing monsters. Even monster bosses were often made. Dizziness.

Now that the mage's matrix has advanced to the trap area, they stop and launch fire suppression on our army in place. Then, a group of assassins go around and start dismantling the organs and traps.

The traps were dismantled one by one, but the assassins also died one by one under our army's senior mage.

Only the attack range of the senior mage can safely attack the assassin. In order to create the greatest success, Feng Lei and I also combined to use the powerful power of Chaos Sky Thunder to kill several enemies at once.

The long range of the combination technique, coupled with our top-level banner effect, Chaos Sky Thunder also extended to the enemy mage group, killing six mages at the same time at most.

(Some people think that after the battle with Heaven is cursed, the attack is all positive, and the combo skills should not have such power. However, I am the author, and the power of interpretation is my priority. The combo skills have priority over curses. This is the explanation. , Hehe.)

However, the number of our senior mages is still too small. After losing thousands of assassins and hundreds of mages, the enemy finally removed most of the traps.

Next, there are dozens of sparse arrays, which were violently cracked by the mage group.

Now, in front of us, there is only a line of defense composed of trenches, stones and wooden grids.

The enemy mage group that suffered heavy losses and spent a lot of mental power temporarily stopped, and replaced with a bow and arrow array formed by more than 100,000 people.

Unlike bows and arrows, they can shoot upwards without locking the target.

The rain of arrows that cover the sky is falling from the sky. Although most of it is inserted in the open space, one of the ten branches can shoot into the trench.

The demon warriors, knights, and assassins ambush in the trench were shot and killed more than half of the time, and the rest were urgently recalled by me.

There are fewer than two thousand soldiers with heavy armor and thick shields who can continue to fall on the bottom of the ditch, but I don't know how long their blood medicine can last.

Arrow rain continued, and a large enemy flying unit appeared again.

That was the flying force that died in the previous battle, and some were transferred from other border defense forces in the Kunhe country.

Although the threat of the Haitian Club kept many Kunhe players from resurrecting and not participating in the war again, there are still many people who are not afraid of the incident and the players who have not heard of this threat. After reviving their pets, they quickly rushed to the front to grab their merits.

Apart from the merits, if you can keep Tiepingguan, you will have the opportunity to re-invade the Xiliang Kingdom in the future, which will affect more territories in the future. Therefore, the players in the Kunhe Country are still very willing to contribute to the country.

The Kunhe Army has 300,000 flying troops, and our army has only 7,000.

However, fortunately, the players who returned from our army were also revived at this time, and the total number was nearly 100,000. Among them, 20,000 were ordered by Marshal Anin to come and help us. (The previous batch of ice moon Zhengtian was killed through the Tiepingguan, and now this batch was killed in a defensive battle.)

Why do 100,000 people only send 20,000 people to participate in defense? Because those volunteers are not willing to come over, they are participating in counterattacks and grabbing merit.

From the news brought by the flying forces, our counter-attack troops have already taken advantage, and the enemy of Tiepingguan was afraid to send more troops to fight because of the tightness of the pass, and it was almost impossible to support it. Now we have 80,000 more The flying force was defeated only for a moment.

Obviously, the enemy forces in Dashiguan knew that the battle was not good, and all the flying forces swooped in. Although our army's 27,000 flying units also took off, I can feel that almost everyone has lost confidence. This is a ten-to-one war!

At this time, the system prompts: "A soldier of the Sky Battle Brigade first rushed into Tiepingguan, the morale of the enemy soldiers fell by 1o points, and the morale of our army rose by 1o points!"

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