Revived Warrior

Vol 5 Chapter 40: Celebration

Volume 40 Chapter 40 Celebration

For the first time, Tianzhu City was so small, because millions of players gathered here, so that every inch of Tianzhu City was full of people, and many players had to climb to the roof of civilian houses.

However, a huge curtain was specially placed on the huge Tianzhu to allow live broadcasting, even if the players are far away, they can see the scene in the center.

In addition, a post has been posted on the forum, with a dedicated commentator explaining in real time and sending live images.

Major media have also sent a large number of reporters to occupy a good position to continue to report, \ "game station" is also live TV. After all, this war is the most important event in the recent infinite world.

In the center of Tianzhu City Square, a huge *** was surrounded by NPBSP; soldiers were where the prizes were.

In fact, most of the players who come to participate in the conference in the city are definitely not evaluated by the war. Even a lot of people have not even participated in the war. They just like to be lively. By the way, look at their idols.

On weekdays, the senior players in Xiliang Kingdom are scattered in major cities. Even if everyone wants to see the real people, those senior players are not necessarily there. They are either leveling or playing treasures.

Only today, the strongest players in the country have participated in the war and all have outstanding performances. They will come to the stage to receive awards, and everyone can watch one at a time.

Surrounded by thousands of Friendship City brothers, we finally squeezed to the closest place to the square, relying on a strong square array.

It is the big names of Zi Tianlong and Sky Survey. Although there are more protectors, they are too conspicuous. They are rushed in by a large group of "chaser stars" to find them for autograph, and they are exhausted.

Fortunately, I changed into a set of ordinary priest equipment, and also used the stealth of a thief's stealth assassin. No one can recognize me from the crowd.

The time for the start of the conference finally came. The king and a number of ministers appeared in the ***, each sitting in a dedicated luxury seat.

An emperor \ "master of the emperor \" came to the magic instrument in the center of the square and chanted: \ "The citizens of the Xiliang Kingdom, the brave warriors, in the past nearly a month, our country suffered After the test of blood and fire, under the protection of the wise leader of King Salzland, under the protection of the great Lord God Hailan, the goddess Anlu of Xiliang Kingdom, the majestic God of War Pongo, the goddess of blessing of holiness ... ,in……"

Ten minutes later, the emcee delivered his speech and invited the king to speak.

Charlsealand, the young king once, now has a handsome moustache on his mouth. He hasn't seen the game for more than two months. In terms of npbsp; 's life, he is two years older and one more. A mature self-confidence and wise majesty.

Charsilan opened his hands and looked at the sky for a few minutes. The players were attracted by this strange action, no longer noisy, and looked at him.

The young king saw that the effect of the atmosphere had been reached, so he let go, and said loudly: "Thank you! My people! You have defended the honor for the kingdom, defended our sacred land, and allowed women, children, and the elderly Not being bullied by the enemy, so that our animals are not looted by the enemy ... "

It's another ten minutes. Shalcyland saw that everyone was already impatient, and he probably was too addicted to words, so he said loudly: "Now, let's raise our glass and toast for victory. The original God of War will always be with We are here! "

After hearing the system prompt, each player opened his baggage, and now he has a wine glass filled with wine, and he shouts victory.

Those who drink this wine have randomly added some attributes, most of which are experience values, ranging from a few hundred to tens of thousands. A few people have added a little power or hp, and even increased explosive power.

Another few people moved their minds a little and asked about the effects of the people next to them. They planned to keep the wine and sell it later or use it for refining and cooking. ~

I gave the chubby wine, and I always give it good food.

After the drink was finished, there was another fireworks display. The emcee invited the Minister of Defense and the main show began.

Marshal Hailong, the Secretary of Defense, is much simpler than the first two: \ "I have nothing to say. This time the conference is for everyone! Reward those players who have made significant contributions in the war! But before that, I We will also announce the results of this war: In this war, our army killed 19 million enemy enemies, 600,000 enemy volunteers, 26 million people in China ’s regular army, and 730,000 volunteers ... ... "

There has been a lot of discussion under the stage, and the number of those killed has already exceeded the total number of soldiers participating in the war. In fact, this is because players are killed in a lot, the so-called \ "times" refers to players. Some people have estimated that 70% of the participating players have been killed and 50% have been killed more than twice.

In comparison, the number of killed in the Kunhe Kingdom is mainly because players from the Haines group have withdrawn from the army or transferred to the rear. Even if the players participate in the battle, most of them did not have the enthusiasm to resurrect and re-enter the battle. npbsp; The proportion of soldiers is much higher.

At the same time, in the later defeat and defense of the Kunhe State soldiers, a large number of surrendered people, like Tiepingguan, eventually led by the host, 700,000 people surrendered.

After finishing the battle, Marshal Hailong announced: \ "Below, start to call! First is the list of \" strong men \ "medal winners! These soldiers, outstanding performance in the battle, rating: \ 'ten enemy

This time the list was read out and executed by hundreds of npbsp; the time was as long as one hour. Every time a person's name was read, the player promised to be immediately transmitted to the center of the square by a white light. In the end, there were more than 100,000 people. Transmitted

Most of my volunteer legionaries were named, and some soldiers fighting with the Heavenly Front Brigade totaled nearly 10,000.

Although there are a lot of people who can't go online because of something, they shouldn't get less rewards, just one less chance to appear.

The Minister of Finance also appeared: "I'm announcing" the reward of the "strong man" is 50 gold coins per person and a piece of jade equipment! In addition, the "strong man" medal can go to any government below the town level Go ask for office! "

There was a hiss, but there was also an envious exclamation.

The jade articles that can be equipped by players at level 60 are worth fifty to hundreds of gold coins in theory, but because quite a few players have already prepared a set of jade articles, it is not a surprise. Especially the brothers who followed me, just smiled slightly.

Now that the exchange of gold coins and world coins has stabilized at 1 to 1o, because players who exchange cash for game coins have far exceeded those who sell game coins, Tianji Company and the game console \ "negotiated" and fixed the exchange rate.

In reality, in the private transactions of players, due to bypassing the fees and the trouble of queuing for redemption in the game, the exchange rate is 1:11, which is still very easy to sell.

As a result, these award-winning players earn about thousands of world coins, which is equivalent to half a month's income for expert life professionals.

As for positions, village and township positions, that is, guards, messengers, village management, etc., a higher level of players have already done it, the salary and the reward of peacetime tasks are really limited, and can only be used as a boring leveling life adjustment Nothing more.

Then, the Secretary of Defense said loudly: "Now is the list of the winners of the" Warrior "medal. They have shown extremely heroic performance in the war, and they are outstanding, and they are rated as" '100 Enemies'! "

This time, about 10,000 people were introduced into the square, and most of the players remaining with the Tianzheng Frontier Brigade appeared in it.

With less than 10,000 players, my brothers accounted for 3,000. This proportion is quite amazing. This has also become a hot topic on the forum, and it has become a big hit with the Battle for Heaven and Friendship City.

However, the annoying thing is that mercenaries, gangs, and even robbers who came to be known as "Fight with the Sky" and similar words soon came out. These pirated guys also harmed us.

The Minister of Finance announced the reward: "" Warrior Medal winner, 4oo gold coins and one star equipment! "

There was a lot of noise and exclamation from the audience. In fact, judging from the previous rewards, this time the rewards should reach this level, but everyone still has to be amazed.

Although in the war, players have stripped a lot of star equipment from the corpses of the enemy and us, but in the entire game world, star equipment is still very scarce. For players above 8o level, I am afraid that only 2o% of them are matched. A set of starcraft, some players only know leveling, but have no power and bad luck, a few 8o level, there is no one starcraft.

The trading price of the starcraft is now ranging from 6oo gold coins to 15oo gold coins. Get one, which is enough for the working class for several months. Can you not be excited?

Even me, when the game trading market was extremely unreachable, I was able to show off such money in front of my girlfriend and family.

The Minister of Finance waited a little for everyone, so I announced: "Originally, with the merits of these warriors, we should also give them positions of village head or even mayor, but these positions are not much vacant at present, and the original officials have not missed anything. Therefore, we only have more than 400 village head positions that can be allocated, and at the same time, 300 new positions have been created in the State Council.

However, this is still not enough. Therefore, we have prepared more than 10,000 additional tasks. After completing these tasks, the highest possibility is to obtain a growth artifact, a boss-level pet, or a village stone!

Now, everyone who has won the Warrior Medal is required to draw lots first to see if they are drawn for positions or quests. Players who are not present will get quests randomly. \ "

After a while of discussion, the players started to draw.

In fact, if the village chief runs a village with excellent political achievements, he can get a lot of bonuses. The position of the State Council is still open, but I believe that the salary and task rewards must be good.

However, for players who are naturally gambling, they still want to go to a good mission. The king can grasp everyone's psychology and easily resolve the dissatisfaction of players who cannot be village heads.

I bet that there are only a few artifacts and boss pets for this 10,000-plus mission. The village building stone is afraid of only one. If the task is too difficult to complete, then the king will be even more profitable.

Next up is the "Hero" medal, a thousand enemies.

This time, only 500 players were teleported into it, including Hao Ying, Ice Moon Zhengtian, and Lanks, the leaders of Friendship City. They all have their share, even the breeze clouds that have only participated in the First World War. .

In fact, with the breeze and the clouds destroying the Tiepingguan magic pool and the hub, I originally thought that he deserves the title of ten thousand enemies.

However, judging from the previous celebrations of other countries ’wars, only one player at a time can be awarded the honor of“ many enemies. ”After all, the breeze is only an ordinary soldier, and it is a task designated by me. His role should be worse than mine.

When I first thought of it, I suddenly jumped in my heart. No, among the hundreds of "heroes", not only me but also Zi Tianlong! 2k novel reading network

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