Revived Warrior

Vol 6 Chapter 9: Fatty left ~ 10th

Chapter Nine Fatty Leaving

I slowly thought back to the scene just now. Although Liang Bo's status seems to be above the sea blue, in my eyes, the sea blue is simply a God who controls everything. In this game world, she knows everything and decides everything.

Even more frightening is that Hai Lan can see through the human mind, and based on what I just felt, I even think she has the ability to control my soul!

If so, then she is not only the master of the game, in theory, she also controls the world.

Over seven billion people are playing in the infinite world. If Hai Lan would one day attack the humans through a virtual helmet like the holy devil, it would be a terrible scene.

This is not impossible. The holy demon king is not the only special case. The cow **** also wanted to attack my nerves. The purple rain in the past also erased the memory of thousands of people at the same time. May be from the hands of the sea blue!

If it weren't for the fact that I had already experienced so many things, for another player, he would definitely be intimidated by this idea, and everything would be so incredible.

But I can be sure that Hailan is a horror host with unimaginable intelligence and emotion, and she is not really controlled by the game company.

Since sometime, computer experts have given up control of computer intelligence to let them reach such a powerful level today.

What I want to do now is to escape the game, return to reality, and live a free life. I don't want my fate to be controlled by a computer!

But, how can I escape?

In the eyes of other players, the scenery is infinitely powerful, but it is so weak.

If human beings no longer believe in God or destiny in the real world, in the game world, I have to admit the existence of God and destiny. God is the sea blue, and destiny is the rule made by the sea blue, and I , The only thing you can do now is to follow her rules and survive in the game.

Those players who do n’t know the existence of Hailan, they are happy. Because they do n’t know, they are happy. They will never have to worry that one day they will erase their memories and seal their souls.

And what use is my worry? I have no way to solve it, then, just like an ordinary player, leveling and playing treasures as a task.

But now I'm not in the mood to go to the boss again, before going to the teleportation team, I choose to return to my original place. Organize the harvest, some will be auctioned, and some will be made in various workshops.

Fatty can't summon it yet, I will open the forum to see the discussions of other players.

Every time the game opens a new system, the major organizations will definitely try their best to take the lead in the new system. Large groups such as Haitian Club can even buy news from Tianji Company, so they already knew the new system. Contents, collected the strategies and information of all the old games. In just ten hours, most of the bosses below the level of a few thousand games were cleared once, and a few bosses above the level of 100 were also killed.

It seems that I can start in a timely manner. In addition, the games I go to are the oldest, and the boss level I chose is not high, and the big groups can't look at it, so I can gain something.

I'm afraid I won't have much chance to grab the boss in the future, but I still know some hidden tasks and bosses, which is my exclusive information.

I can summon the chubby, and I did not hesitate to put the pot-bellied devil tableware next to his mouth. The chubby projected the glory I had never seen before.

In fact, I still feel very heartbroken, because the pot belly knife and fork are really good for cutting things, and the wine glass is a perverted existence. Now all kinds of monsters have recovered a considerable number. It's a pity.

However, when a white light flashed, the pig in front of me became the original belly-bellied demon, and my mood was relaxed and I didn't feel sorry anymore.

Being able to restore chubby is more important than anything in my heart. I really don't want to apologize for a lifetime.

Although the big-belly demon is still a small fat man, his eyes have obviously become more glorious. That is the performance that he followed me many times to improve his intelligence.

Moreover, perhaps because of going through an ordeal, his expression became more mature.

Fatty carefully checked his body, and he could see that his mood was also very excited. After a long time, he looked up: "Fight with the sky, I'm leaving."

Although I wholeheartedly wanted the fat man to recover, I really didn't think he would leave me when he changed back to the devil. I forgot that our original contract had already expired.

Looking at Xiaofa's eyes, I suddenly felt very reluctant to him. In the past, the cute piglet, I fed the best thing to it every day, and it worked hard for me. In my spare time, I also own the fat One of the most aura of pets, I often confid my troubles to it, but now this loyal partner is leaving.

On the other hand, a part of the chubby soul still remains in my brain, and it also absorbs my human experience, and we have established a wonderful relationship between us.

However, no matter how reluctant he is, the chubby's departure is irretrievable after all. He is a demon and cannot stay with me as an ordinary player.

Now I can vaguely guess the reason why chubby became a piglet, maybe, as an intelligent program, he told some game secrets in front of me, and participated in the battle between me and the **** of gamblers, so Hai Lan therefore He was punished.

He seems to have realized my feelings, and his eyes also show a sense of perseverance. He suddenly said, "If you miss me, help me build a demon temple. This book is" The Big Belly Demon " "Methods of Temple Construction", however, the construction of a demon temple will be attacked by the so-called justice, and I will leave it to you if you want. "

I nodded and said, "I show you your 6o-level transfer job here, and ask you to make three different kinds of monthly works on your own. As long as you can complete it, you can transfer successfully."

I opened my mouth and watched the chubby body slowly disappear, and his last words rang in my ears: "Fight against the sky, evolve well."

evolution? Can I evolve too? Suddenly I was a little foolish. Is it possible for players to evolve in addition to upgrading and changing positions?

After a while, I remembered the transfer job, and I could not help but cursed another host metamorphosis, but because I had experienced the horror of the sea blue myself, I just dared to flash a little thought in my head.

For ordinary life professional players, the primary third-level skills have a 5% chance to make stone tools, a 5% chance to make bronzes, a five-thousandth chance to make iron, and so on. Intermediate third-level five-thousandths chance to make silverware, advanced third-level five-thousandths chance to make goldware ... God-level third-level skills have five-thousandths chance to make dayware, of course, there are theoretically one-thousandths Five chances to make a sacred weapon, however, I haven't heard that many players have such good luck.

Of course, in the actual production, the producer also needs to use some equipment to increase the skill level, increase the production effect and the probability of success, a good workplace is also essential.

In addition, a multi-professional use of various skills for a reasonable combination also has a great effect, so a holy painter and designer in Langning also has a very small chance to produce a god-like giant painting. However, he himself was too laborious, and he had not recovered after a half-month rest.

As intelligent programs are increasingly integrated into my soul, my production level has improved a bit. When I use a variety of skill sets, use the strongest professional equipment, and use my mind to the best, the best works, It is two pieces of treasure-level equipment and a magic column equivalent to jade.

Now the task requires me to make two or three levels of monthly works, I am really going crazy.

However, think about it, now that my skills can be trained to the third level, maybe it will be a miracle.

Now is not the time to think about it, there are too many things waiting for me to do.

The first player contest in the infinite world is about to start. It is the dream of every game enthusiast to get a good place in the contest. I am no exception. I must now improve my strength as soon as possible.

The information of the pet mission and the founding mission obtained at the celebration party has been collected for me by Destiny Rogue, but that is not what I can currently accomplish. Except for the difficulty of the mission, the most important thing is that both of these missions require a lot of time. , I haven't.

The amnesty order of the Sicilian fire, I have sent someone and the Tiger King's brother to meet in the Third Congress and give it to the Tiger King. Now he should have released it. But how to get another amnesty for my heart, I can't help it.

In addition, so many brothers have not obtained the territory and positions, including fate stalker, Arisis and Feng Lei, and I often go to the king to entangle those officials, which is also a headache.

Coupled with the trees I planted, the grazing, and the fish I needed, I needed to take care of it all the time.

And the most important thing is to remove this scourge and restore my combat power to Lorne's nest.

However, according to the information of the destiny stalker, Lorne's Nest has quite a lot of advanced monsters, which is very dangerous.

The cursing effect of the Atonement Water has its limitations. For example, it cannot solve the curse of kindness such as compassion, so I do not want to risk taking a large group of brothers to fight Lorne.

But only my baby is too weak, especially when the chubby leaves, I only have Qiuqiu as his fighting darling, Xuangui and Feiyang's attack power is basically useless to advanced monsters.

Moreover, only * Qiu Qiu, I can only deal with bosses of level 40 or 50 in a different world. For a while, I seem to be able to do nothing.

After a day like this, on the 27th of December, the system came to notice: "On New Year's Day, large-scale collective weddings will be held in some major cities in the infinite world. The city has the main temple of Eros, which is the first priority. City, you've been given the task of setting up a wedding in the city. "

Chapter 10 Large Wedding Ceremony

I'm dizzy and have such a task.

The lord of Youcheng was originally Mingxin. After Mingxin treason, Youcheng was temporarily nationalized, but I, the owner of Youcheng have not been removed, and I still have a salary of about several hundred gold coins every month.

It has been a long time since you have operated a Youcheng. According to the system regulations, the city will not operate for 60 days or the city's income will continue to decline for 30 days. The king will revoke the owner of the city. Fortunately, I have not yet reached the standard, but it is fast.

In addition, there is not much to do anyway, I will go to Youcheng to change the game mode.

I asked Tiandi and hundreds of other brothers for help, consulted the marriage customs of various countries in the world, purchased materials, and hired a large group of archeologists as consultants. We drove into the city.

Thanks to the efforts of archaeological experts, the city's teleportation array has finally been transformed into a modern teleportation array that can communicate with the outside world. At the same time, shops and workshops are also being transformed.

This kind of renovation work was planned by me long ago, but it was delayed because I didn't go online for a long time. Later, I had a lot of things so I didn't have time to carry out.

Once the transformation was successful, the residents of Youcheng began to rise sharply. Everyone knows the importance of Youcheng, especially some decorative artisans, farmers, alchemists, tailors, etc., who frantically came to apply for citizenship.

Farmers will grow flowers, alchemists will use petals to refine perfumes. In short, they are all occupations with love, and doing business in Youcheng will definitely make money.

Apart from leaving the best shops to the brothers from Friendship City, I did not reject other players. On the 29th, Youcheng's population reached 3,000.

I donated 3,000 gold coins to the unique building "Spring Temple" of Green Wind City, bought three "springs" for Youcheng, and asked Xiaoyi Yixian to summon Jinwu to provide sufficient sunshine for Youcheng.

With the good weather, all kinds of plants grew quickly, the field was decorated with dazzling colors by the farmers' countless gardens, and various decorative objects began to spread throughout the city.

The scent of flowers, wine and champagne, the smell of perfume, linger in the city all day, attracting countless insects such as butterflies and bees, as well as some cute little animals, which together decorate the city.

Various bar and hostels that have been decorated romantically and warmly have also been established, and many homeless bards and musicians perform for lovers here.

On the small lake outside the city, there are fishermen who provide cruises for couples. In the sky, there are deep hot air balloons in love carrying players overlooking the city.

It's really hard to imagine that here was the ruins of countless ghosts wandering around.

It is no longer necessary to wait until the New Year's Day, a pair of male and female players flock to Youcheng to get married, including many elderly people who are older, and also enter the game to play a romantic marriage.

The funniest thing is that many children aged seven or eight also sneaked into Youcheng to marry the player's house, and were approved, so that everyone who saw it was surprised and funny.

However, the setting of the Temple of Love also rejected the marriage of close relatives and **** marriage, and these people held an unrecognized wedding outside the Temple of Love.

Weddings are charged according to the game settings. Although not expensive, tens of thousands of new couples got married in two days, plus their consumption in the city, the income of Youcheng also reached 200,000 gold coins. Of course, I also try to make these people have fun. In the past two days, I spent tens of thousands of gold coins to buy petals, wine, firecrackers, food, etc. All of them were out of my personal pockets. Of course, this is still the price paid by the Saint King.

In order to make this wedding ceremony more lively, I also heavily hired the best bands, found the best artists to make "wedding albums" (similar to photo albums) for the new people, and asked the best beauty makeup artists to make up for the newcomers, and Thousands of flower girls were also openly solicited.

In addition to the ordinary wedding dresses and rings provided by the system, I also organized and produced a number of higher-end wedding dresses and rings for those rich newcomers to choose, and also produced a large number of red envelopes, Chinese sedan cars, western-style floats, and red carpets in Friendship City.

The system gave me 100,000 gold coins, but I also received some red envelopes from players with special requirements. These players had a variety of requirements. Some wanted to get married in the sky, some wanted to be underwater, and some wanted to ride a dragon. (Only the baby Red Dragon who is aggrieved by the mist shadow), and a couple of lovers, asked to hug us to kill them and complete a "death wedding" ...

January 1st finally arrived. At 12 noon, collective weddings around the infinite world started. Although the player contest is also held today, the system stipulates that the preliminaries will be held for ten days. Players participating in the wedding can be at any time in the next few days. Go, so it doesn't conflict.

Some players with special wedding customs and special requirements first performed their own ceremonies in various venues I arranged. Then, more than 50,000 new couples were led by flower girls and bridesmaids and groomsmen, walking in rows on the red carpet in batches. The temple of love is full of flowers and cheers, and the scene is extremely lively.

I was wearing a gorgeous dress and stood in front of the altar. There were several npc masters sent by the system, including Western priests, Chinese moon olds, and Muslim imams wearing turbans. They blessed the newcomers.

Why am I standing here, because I am the owner of the city, so I played the role of a witness, in addition, as long as the newcomers have good luck, they can get extra blessings here.

Of course, my blessing attributes are also randomly generated by the system, and some are better than those given by other guys.

I could have given up the witness to npc without attending, but one is because the witness can get some task rewards, and the other is that I want to share the happy moments of these new couples.

My last wedding with Mingxin was too simple. I only wanted to get the city, but I did n’t think so much. Now I suddenly feel sorry, so I hope to get some compensation in this wedding ceremony and watch others happy. , I also seem to be very happy.

It's just a pity that Mingxin can't return to Xiliang Kingdom. What a beautiful thing if she snuggles beside me now.

The newcomers walked in pairs, and Bingyue led the beautiful girl who came with him. The boy was very quick and had good luck. He was the 99th pair of newcomers and got a special reward: 1314 gold coins.

There are still many acquaintances. There are Friendship City, Eagle Slayers, and actually poor Lions and Hanmei. They are rich now, and they have come to the game to make up a wedding, and they are specially sent to the first seat of the game. Come to the Temple of Love.

The former enemy, the Fire God's friend, the God of the Moon, also came. I also smiled and gave him a blessing, and he also smiled embarrassedly.

Yumen prodigal son who once resisted my order in the war of Tiepingguan also married a beautiful bride. He also received my congratulations and shook hands with me.

Suddenly I feel lucky that I can meet so many people at this opportunity, and the new people get my blessings. I will definitely leave a good impression in their hearts. Afterwards, everyone will have something to talk about. Haha.

However, tens of thousands of people came down this way, I was still tired enough, and I was dizzy for a while, considering whether I should find an npbsp; at this time, another couple of newcomers came to me and handed in a "marriage certificate:" , Youcheng City Lord, on behalf of the Lord God and Xiliang King, offer sacred blessings to the two newcomers, the groom is Li Feipeng of Wu Yueguo, and the bride is Zhao Xueer of Wu Yue Guo ... "2k novel reading network

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