Revived Warrior

Vol 6 Chapter 52: Player organization

This task does not indicate the level, but only requires the collection of things that represent various elements: ore, liquid, wood, etc. The task reward has been announced in advance. It is the summoner's "Element Collection" and an Element Collection Bottle.

Summoner is one of the few occupations I haven't learned skills at present. This task made me overjoyed. I hurried back to Friendship City and issued an announcement to buy advanced materials from everyone.

In the end, I spent more than 10,000 gold coins and collected the superb materials of nine elements: wind, fire, water, earth, electricity, gold, wood, light, and darkness. When I was about to leave, I accepted my horseshoe. The knight, presented a monster Nedan, saying that it was something representing spiritual elements.

Back at the union to hand in the task, the npc also opened his eyes wide and stuttered for a long time, then said that he didn't have such good prizes here, and asked me to go to Baiyuecheng to find a higher level summoner npc to receive the prize.

Sure enough, as I expected, since the level is not marked for this task, the higher the level of material submitted by the player, the better the reward!

Element collection is that every summoner can learn basic skills immediately after birth. Some players don't even use it as a task, npc will teach it.

For most novices, they ca n’t take up so many top-level materials to submit a basic skill task, and there is no such condition in the early stage. Even now, there are not many single players with 10,000 gold coins in the game. see.

Maybe some big groups will conduct such experiments when they deliberately cultivate Need for Summoners, but at least for the high-level players registered in August and September last year, no one will have such good materials as I am now.

The reward of the task is that at the beginning of my element collection, it is 50% more efficient than the ordinary summoner's primary collection, and the storage capacity of that element collection bottle is 30% higher than that of other summoners. . Such a reward can indeed create a super summoner, but unfortunately wasted on my half tone, but anyway, the things in exchange for ten thousand gold coins are still worth.

If I sell this secret, I dare to say that it is worth at least one million gold coins. Even if the big groups train new summoners from now on, it is very likely that after two or three months, they will catch up with the existing masters in the game.

But this special reward is not yet the surprise that Nedan brought to me.

The monster Nedan is recognized as a spiritual element, and I have thus obtained the "Method of Collecting Spiritual Elements".

npc told me that in the future, I can collect some spiritual elements before the death of the monster through element collection. These elements do not need to enter the collection bottle, but are stored in the brain. As long as enough spiritual elements are accumulated, my mental strength A small increase, even a little benefit to the growth of my vitality!

Of course, after using the element collection, the inner Dan effect left by the monster will be reduced or even disappeared, but this is a small problem.

Nedan, originally used only for refining medicine, can also be used for cooking, and players have experimented with the method of inlining Nedan into equipment, which can improve equipment attributes.

But compared to these, it is important to be able to enhance the hidden attribute "life force". With more and more advanced skills, the role of vitality is more and more important.

After finishing these two tasks, it was time for dinner again. Looking at the happy expression on my face, Tiger King asked a few words and I said it.

Hearing my discovery of the summoner, the tiger king's eyes flashed, looking at the pony and Xiao Huang behind them, they were also excited.

The Tiger King pondered for a long time before he looked up: "Ye Tian, ​​you know, I have been a professional player for some years, and I have a lot of professional player friends around. I have always wanted to form a player organization. What you found, let I am more confident! "

I snorted, and soon understood the meaning of the Tiger King. He wanted to use my discovery to cultivate a team of super summoners. As long as a few months, this team's strength will dominate the game.

To be honest, I don't like player organization because it means bullying and bullying. But if it is an organization established by Tiger King, I believe he will be more reasonable than other players.

Tiger King looked at me: "Actually, I am not just referring to such a discovery as you. My friends and I have also explored a lot in the game. In addition to the secret techniques disclosed on the forum, we will train a group of new people from now on. Absolutely. Is very competitive. "

I agree with the King of Tigers. Although it is more beneficial for professional players to enter the game sooner, if there are many new secrets discovered in a game and these secrets are no longer available to the old players, then the game will be advanced. Instead, it will have some advantages.

Moreover, the current newcomers rush into the ranks. If we use the growth equipment we eliminated or some small superb products, there are enough funds to back it up, plus the advanced mage belt, it is definitely a thousand miles away.

Our old players have worked hard for more than five months, and the newcomers can reach it in as little as three months.

However, I still have doubts. The real professional players have already entered the game in August. Where can I find new people now? If some amateur players are found, even if they are trained to be the best, the neural reaction speed is not good and the operation level is not enough. Also embarrassing.

The tiger king then made a news. One of his iron brothers, he established a big gang in a certain country in the east. He clashed with a big group. He fought half a month. Although he caused great damage to the other party, his gang had thousands of players Most of them were killed below level 50, and they couldn't get mixed up in that country. The King of Tigers told them to come and fight together.

If you delete the number below 50, it is not a particularly large loss. As long as someone brings it, it is not impossible to get back to level 50 a month. Now that I have my secret skills, it is even more worthwhile.

I also think it is feasible, saying that I will try to help these friends of Tiger King as much as possible, and support him to establish a player organization, what needs to be said.

The King of Tiger grinned: "With heaven, not just help, I want you to be the boss of this player organization!"

I opened my mouth wide and was totally unprepared. Next, Tiger King and his two brothers took turns to battle and convinced me that I was so suitable to be the leader of a player organization.

Now, I do n’t know enough about this era, and my professional knowledge is far from keeping up with the trend. If I want to learn again, I ca n’t do it in a short time. So, the place that is best for me to play is Game world.

My fame in the game can surely enter the top 100 of the infinite world, enjoy a high reputation among players, and can't be wasted.

Although Friendship City is currently united, it lacks a name, and it is difficult to say how long such cohesion can be maintained over time.

Nowadays, the order in the game is getting more and more chaotic. If you want to reverse all this, you need a big hero, a savior, and I am just that kind of person ...

The more I talked about the more mysterious, I finally agreed to establish such a player organization in a dazed state, but I was just a "boss" in name. The management of the organization was still the responsibility of Tiger King and his brothers.

Player organizations represent three aspects. One is the "association", which is a group of people with the same hobby in reality. It can also be called a club.

The second is the "company". When a company is created, it can formally conduct game business operations and pay taxes to the country. Unlike the previous underground transactions between players, players who own the company have higher credibility and can also follow the game. The company strengthened cooperation.

The third is the "gang". The embodiment of the organization in the game is the gang, and its role need not be elaborated.

After a night of discussion, a preliminary plan was drawn up, and the rest were left to the Tiger King.

All the thoughts in my mind were about organizational matters, and I didn't fall asleep for a few hours, but I was still in the morning, got out of bed slowly, and took a negative ion magnetic bath in the electronic bathtub.

Enter the game again and meet them with Bai Yu and Qingfeng.

Dancing and killing had an important class in school in the morning, he left a message and asked for a leave.

I was secretly relieved, and I thought dancing to kill was intentional.

In this game, in addition to the five of us, there are two substitutes. If the team gets a good ranking, the substitutes get the same rewards, but this time the competition is more than just a competition.

Killing sea monsters is also a mercenary mission. There is a reputation for bonuses and mercenary experience available. The bonus can also be distributed to the substitutes, but the reputation and experience cannot be separated. Besides, even the bonus, Bingyue Zhengtian insisted .

Under such circumstances, the dance and the killer who got the most benefits in the last game, voluntarily withdrew, and gave the benefits to others, which is indeed very graceful.

Rick also exited very simply. He made no excuses, but just said that everyone should have the opportunity to perform.

In fact, with Rick's combat ability and experience, his role must be above the young and proud world. I really wanted to stay with Rick, but when I think of the years like a knife, I still obey my own. feeling.

However, it is quite reasonable that Bingyue played in the sky. From the situation of the previous monster, we really need a mage who can master large magic.

Today ’s game has just been announced. It ’s still killing monsters on the beach, but this time the game time was extended to three hours.

The audience did not like to watch the games to kill these monsters. The major media have protested to Tianji Company, but it is strange that Tianji insisted on its own approach this time, but they concentrated the original three rounds of competition In one day, the date of this competition was also shortened directly.

After this match, according to the player's record, all positions in the team match will be determined directly.

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