Revived Warrior

Vol 7 Chapter 1: Elemental Summoner

Raiders heard that I was going to develop a career as a summoner, and immediately complained to me, saying that this business was very hard and completely unpleasant.

The weakness of the summoner pk will not be mentioned, and the low growth of various attributes need not be said. The worst point is that when others are leveling, the summoner is often doing boring element collection.

Although the summoner can summon elemental beasts to level up, it is time-effective. At the same time, the more powerful the summoned beast, the higher the stock of elements consumed. The elements collected for three days may only sustain the generated elemental beasts. half an hour.

The most useful skill "field" of the summoner, although about half of the elements contained in it can be recovered, but to form an intermediate field, it often takes a summoner to collect elements for dozens of hours.

Therefore, the successful summoners now come from some big forces, and those forces are often collected by several or even a dozen ordinary summoners to supply a senior summoner.

After hearing such an introduction, I only temporarily gave up the idea of ​​getting higher-level elemental beasts to help me with the task, and considered learning some of the lower-level elemental beasts.

In the end, the four lowest-order elemental beasts, "dark mouse", "poisonous mosquito", "grass vine" and "firefly", were selected, and according to the guidance of Baoxia, the corresponding npcs were found to complete the four types. task.

Dark mice and poisonous mosquitoes both consume dark elements. Dark mice have little fighting power, but because of their fast speed and squeaking sound, they are particularly harsh and can attract the attention of the enemy. The poisonous mosquitoes have both blood-sucking and poisonous attacks. Attributes, of course, the power is very small, and the higher-level monsters are all misses. The sedge grass is a wood system. It is most effective to trap the enemy, especially the knight, but it is not very useful because it is too low-level.

Fireflies are just a function of lighting. At least, they can save me a grid for torches in the inventory.

In fact, according to the experience provided by Baoxiaxia and the experience exchanged by some selfless players on the forum, there are at least dozens of elemental pet summons with a mission time of less than three days. Among them, there are more elemental beasts with combat effectiveness equivalent to first-order bosses. However, on the whole, such a combat power has to lose a lot of element collection time, which really belongs to the ribs.

What's more, with my current level of elemental bottles, I also do n’t have enough elementary elements required by advanced elemental beasts. The capacity of elemental bottles is increased with the improvement of the summoner's collection skills, and it is not tradable.

The four types of summoning that I have chosen are rarely practiced by players. However, summoning beasts is just a supplementary means for me, a combat person. I do n’t expect to use them to fight monsters.

After spending five hours on these four garbage tasks, I started collecting elements.

Collecting elements is indeed a boring thing, even more boring than miners and cowards.

For the life professional players of mining, there are always some surprises when digging a day's ore, such as lucky digging to the top ore, cutting high-level trees, and those can be sold for money.

Element collection, there is no surprise at all, the elements collected are only related to your collection skill level. Also, whenever I think of my hard work for so long, the collected elements are destined to disappear in a short time, and the mood is really depressed.

Going underground to find monsters such as poisonous maggots, slobbers, etc. to collect dark elements, which requires me to kill them first, and then collect them on the corpse, just like the hunter's slicing.

The element collection technique is only used a few times to a dozen times, and the monster's body will disappear. In the meantime, a large number of "collection failure" prompts will appear. Therefore, on average, a spit ghost can only collect two or three dark spots. Elements, poisonous maggots are only one point, and summoning a dark mouse or poisonous mosquito requires 50 and 30 dark elements, respectively. This is really a long job.

The collection of wooden elements is better. I only need to collect them on the grass or trees. Although they will disappear soon, after all, it saves time to fight monsters.

The collection of light elements is the fastest, and it is collected against the sun. However, once the heavens are not beautiful and the sun does not come out for a few days, it is only collected against the moon at night, which can be much slower. In the light of fire and gemstones, there are very few light elements, and more of them are fire elements and earth elements.

It is said that there are some "lucky people" who turned into Summoners of the Light Department at the level of 90. Since then, they have inquired with friends about the weather information all over the day, or begged on the forum to ask good people to tell them where the big sun was. Where they run, the cost of travel costs is a miserable.

Not only that, the weather changes in the game are very large. Sometimes the sun comes out less than five minutes, and it quickly becomes cloudy. Therefore, these summoners have to buy weather forecasts from fortune tellers.

Large groups have advantages. The senior priests they cultivate can change the weather for a period of time and range. After the priests cast, dozens of summoners stand together in the sun and sunbathe.

Of course, the summoner is not so miserable, the setting of the infinite world is more balanced.

I only now know why, when we formed the team, the treasure hunter could increase the explosion rate of monsters. In addition to his high fortune value, it was also a compensation for the summoner by the system.

Monsters that have been dealt with by the summoner will not leave a bit of material. If they do not increase the explosion rate, how can they be told to live?

However, it was later said that this hidden attribute of Indiana Jones and other summoners became inconspicuous, presumably because Hai Lan found that the summoners basically leveled with people, so they downplayed this setting.

However, it may also be added to the judgment of the team status. If the summoner is indeed leveling by himself and there are no other players around, may this "discount" be available?

This kind of imagination doesn't matter to me, because I'm not a true summoner, and I can't enjoy such concessions. In fact, each class has its own hidden attributes, such as the priest's anti-sleepiness and anti-chaos, and the knight-taming skill bonus, etc. Unfortunately, none of them are mine.

In the case that I am 50% more efficient than other summoners, and I can add other collection techniques in the auxiliary column, I still spent a full eleven hours to rise to the elementary level second-level element collection, before The dark, wooden, and light compartments in the Element Bottle are full, which is the current maximum capacity of my Element Bottle: 700 points for each element.

The elemental bottle of a normal summoner is the initial 500 points, which is 30% more for me, and there is a 50 point increase in collection.

For those special summoners who change jobs to become one element, the capacity of other elements will no longer increase, and the collection efficiency and capacity of the element he specializes in will increase several times.

During the period, I quit the game twice, all eating, but I didn't care about sleeping at all. I felt that I didn't need much sleep.

Excluding the intelligent program's transformation of my brain, think about it, I have actually slept for twenty years, and I will probably have all the sleep in my next life.

Sister Lu warned me very seriously not to indulge in games, but to pay attention to physical recovery. I just smiled and asked her how many levels in the infinite world, what kind of job her husband and children played, and then told her to wait for our professional player company to run well After hooking up with Tianji Company, I could send them a full set of equipment. Sister Lu immediately broke down and never advised me again.

Back in the game, I practiced summoning for a while, and watching the elements in the element bottle decrease rapidly, that hurts in my heart. The summoner is really not a good job.

Maybe someone wonders, I am so rich, why not buy ready-made elements with other summoners?

In fact, I will definitely do it in the later stage. At present, I collect the elements myself to improve the level of element collection as soon as possible.

Now the summoner sells elements. Generally, there are 1, 2 silver coins per point. Players with master-level collecting skills can collect thousands of points in one hour, which is worth 10 gold coins and 100 yuan. That is also quite considerable. It can be said that The summoner is also considered a life profession.

However, the promotion of collection is significantly slower than the various collections of life occupations. When there are already several players in the game, including master-level cutting and mining, there are still only a few summoners with master-level collecting. .

(Author's note: I don't know if there are other professions such as elemental summoners in other online game novels. The reason why I spent so much time introducing this profession is actually because I think that using element collection and element summoning beasts, I can directly make A good game, and you can use various elements to make equipment or other life occupations. At least, I think I want to play such a game.)

At this time, they came to urge me to participate.

In this scene, we still used fairy tales. In the end, we won the 952nd place in the entire continent.

In addition to a high-attribute musical equipment, the reward of this game also has a professional mission.

For Zifengling's skills, they are all master-level third-class, this professional task can just make them promote to master-level skills.

The task given to me was "building a cultural goddess." 2k novel reading network

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