Revived Warrior

Vol 7 Chapter 16: Crescent City

Chapter 16 Crescent City

Alexis finally left me.

Without mentioning liquidated damages, the spirit of warding off evil is already priceless. Arisis has not asked me for compensation, and he is very polite.

In fact, even without it, I can never limit the freedom of Arisis by our emotions.

Alice ’s help to me was really too great. When the robber attacked the city, he helped me to keep the Friendship City and won the minimum amount of tribute for me. I do n’t need to talk about it. It is also one of the most critical factors for the development of Friendship City.

I certainly want to stay with him, but because of my reasons, he has lost Sheffield and others. What qualifications do I have to discourage him?

I didn't ask why Arisis left, but I know that he was more than just disappointed or angry with me.

Just like he left the village of the dead world, he was also afraid of affecting me.

After this incident, I will definitely be the subject of the king's attention. Maybe when the hidden spies discover the identity of Arisis, it will also offend me. Learning Corner Forum

But I also have a feeling that what plans will be taken by Arisis this time.

For so many years, Alices and Shepherd have been hidden from the world. They should have never thought about taking back the throne, but now it is different. The beneficiaries and divisions of Alices were killed by the army of the king. Can you suppress the hatred in your heart.

What can Arisis do? Think about the talents he recruited so easily for me, it is impossible for an ordinary liar.

It is likely that the identity of former Prince of Arisis gave him a strong appeal in front of some NPCs, and he completed the ability to convene a large number of people to carry out his plan.

Looking for opportunities, I also went to the library to check the materials of the royal palace struggle, and at the same time asked some elderly people.

I asked Alisis what help he needed. He just shook his head. Before leaving, he also turned back to me and said thank you lightly.

Thanks me, I just knew I owed him a lot.

But I still guessed what Arisis meant. Like other intelligent programs that I had contacted, Arisis also gained some human experience from me, which helped his evolution.

In fact, I noticed that few other players in the game have such a deep level of communication with the npc as I do, or because there is no intelligent program in their brains, the communication with the npc cannot be achieved at all. To my degree.

When Arisis left for a long time, I suddenly had a realization that in order to help people, I must first become stronger.

No matter how good a person's heart is and noble morality, if there is no power, what effect does it have?

If I now have even half the strength of King Xiliang, it is likely that I will directly help Alyssi regain power and avenge Shepherd.

So, feel less here and do something meaningful!

When I returned to Friendship City again, preparing to carry out a lot of my own plans, there was an unexpected good news: I finally got a new city.

This time, the king dispatched more than one hundred high-level generals, including 35 people who were killed in the battle. Most of these people owned territories above the city level, although the king gave most of the territories they left to them. Children, but there are still five cities and dozens of villages empty. Learning Corner Forum

In order to alleviate the sentiment of the players who did not get the territories, these territories had to be surrendered. Haitian would get two cities. I and the main swordsman of Qianjianmen and the other player each got one, and several backbones of the friendship city were also obtained. Territorial territory.

Originally, to get a new city, as long as it is well developed, it means that my income will double, but when I learned about the city's information, I realized that it was not that simple, or that I got a trouble.

"Crescent City, second-class, mining-type city, city reputation 180, maximum population capacity 10000, can build mega buildings 1, large buildings 30, medium buildings 600, small buildings 11000. Guardian temple 1, barracks 2 can be set up , Medium-sized ore processing plant 3 ... "

A mine-type city with abundant ore resources in the wild. The characteristic building is an ore processing plant, which can process quite high-level ore and has high efficiency. Comprehensive cities like Friendship City can only build small plus workshops.

However, crescent cities have no buildings that can be built in cultural cities like libraries. In addition, like the forest-type cities, there are wood processing plants, and military-type cities have special barracks.

In the construction of the city, the original lords have been perfected, and among the various attributes of the city, the production of one is higher than that of the friendship city.

The trouble I am talking about has nothing to do with the attributes of the city.

No matter how bad the city's attributes are, they can be built, not to mention the city's attributes are quite good.

The problem is, the city's income is very, very small.

Looking at the historical data of the city, the city's income has continued to decline for the past two months. Now excluding tribute and various expenses, the average daily income is only 1,100 gold coins, less than one tenth of the friendship city!

All the reasons lie in the actual ruler of the city: the Dragon Club.

The Songlong Club was established by the professional player organization "Songlong Company" from Brazil. It has six big strongholds in the infinite world. Xiliang Country Crescent City is their second stronghold. Here, they gather them. Nearly a thousand professional players, and the Crescent City players who participated in the Song Dragon Club reached 5,300, more than half of the total number of Crescent City players.

The actual population of Crescent City is only more than 8,000. Those who did not join the Songlong Club, except for npc, are mostly low-level players, or a handful of people stationed by other forces. Therefore, Crescent City is basically Monopolized by Songlong.

Gelong is also the ninth largest force in the Xiliang Kingdom, with thousands of members in other cities in the Xiliang Kingdom.

The president of Gelong Club, Amazon, is the owner of Crescent City, which is why Gelong will use Crescent City as its base.

There are gangs in every city. This is not a big deal at all. The problem is that the existence of the Songlong Club makes the Crescent City almost no income.

First of all, the transactions between members of the Gelong Club are completely given away or exchanged on the ground, so that there is little transaction tax to be collected in Crescent City.

Secondly, the shops in Crescent City are basically members of the Dragon Club. Amazon uses its own power to sell them to them at low prices through various means. And the original npc merchants and players in the city, because of various accidents, left or died one by one, even if there are new foreign merchants, they will give up because of the high cost of selling stores opened by Amazon.

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Store taxes, especially those of processing plants, have also been reduced step by step to a minimum of 1%. On the other hand, as everyone knows that this is the site of the Dragon Club, there are basically no outside players here. Collecting high-level ore and hitting bosses will reduce the income of the teleportation array.

It is also very important that Amazon has appointed a large number of gang members as city civil servants. To be honest, I have rarely heard of which city's civil servants are as full as here, and all have the highest salary. The huge cost of the city is also inevitable.

Of course, it is even more important for Amazon to use the power of the city owner and use public funds for the convenience of its gang.

Therefore, while the crescent income is extremely poor, the members of the Songlong Society are a very comfortable group living in Xiliang.

In general, the original lord of this city, the lieutenant general, can be said to be miserably bullied by Amazon. If you play with your mind, npc's intelligence is obviously not as good as the wisdom of such a large gang. .

Now, is it my turn to be bullied by Gelong?

With Tianfu and Rick, accompanied by Amazon, we walked around Crescent City. We have basically solved the situation of this city and know the problem.

If you want to increase the income of this city, it will inevitably infringe the interests of the Songlong Club, but if I do n’t move the Songlong Club, it will be too much.

I looked at the two brothers and everyone frowned. Amazon already spoke first: "With Brother Brothers, everyone is asking for money in the game, and I do n’t come too much, since you received this city In addition to the king ’s tribute and the city ’s necessary expenses, we can give you another two thousand gold coins each day. However, the city ’s decision-making also hopes that you can entrust all to me. Honestly, I used to deal with that npc general I have to ask him for everything first, it really makes my head big, and I hope we can be a bit simpler. "

Two thousand gold coins? An ordinary player doesn't do anything, and can receive a net income of 20,000 world coins every day. It is estimated that I will wake up with a smile, but I don't think so.

Two thousand gold coins are not small. Like Friendship City, although there are 20,000 gold coins in income every day, except for the dividends I gave to my brothers and the expenditures for rebuilding, they are really in my hands, and less than one third. One more.

But the question is, who exactly is Crescent City? 2k novel reading network

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