Revived Warrior

Vol 7 Chapter 62: Bad day

Crazed at the game device, I connected to the game as fast as possible.

I appeared at the resurrection point of Friendship City. I didn't care about the surprised eyes of the citizens. I immediately opened the equipment bar and inventory.

Suddenly my eyes were dark, the bloodthirsty spear was gone, Santa boots were gone, the bracers with flying catch on the wolf suit were gone, and the herd hat in the herd suit was gone ...

I lost so many good things, and one of several suits, is n’t that terrible? I was suddenly angry. Even if my blood was reduced, I was lucky, but it did n’t become negative. How could I lose so many things? And such a superb suit like Mu Shen, has been with me for so long, the probability of falling is close to o, it will also burst!

Among the pets, only the headless knight was killed before me, and the other pets returned to the pet space because of my death and can be summoned again. I didn't have time to revive the headless knight, rushed directly to the teleportation array, appeared in the secret city, urged Fei Yang, and gave me the fastest rush!

While desperately whipped and flying, I gritted and cursed. Obviously, my premonition these days had come true, and Hailan retaliated against me!

It was almost impossible to drop something that was exploded. I can only think that Hailan deliberately did it. She hated me for helping the elf family. She was unhappy that I created a perverted blood, and she punished me for the idea of ​​being proud of the shepherd suit ...

***, in this infinite world, is everything up to you? I don't believe it!

With a furious sigh, he finally entered a state of blood again, waved the fan of the **** foal, and in just twenty minutes, took me back to the Jade Valley.

Dozens of players in the Jade Valley saw me and looked at each other. The first time they blocked in front of the cave, one of them laughed evilly: friend, did you just hang up? Chat with us, how did it hang? Haha! I hurriedly struck the horse, and both eyes shot cold light: Flash away! The players stayed for a while, deterred by my momentum, and for a moment did not dare to speak, but did not give way.

I had an ominous premonition again. It is very possible that some players did follow me just now, or heard the sound of the explosion at the bottom. They may not know what equipment I exploded, but they will definitely go to see the King Xiangxiang explode. what!

These players in front of me are obviously trying to stop me from picking things up.

I took a long breath and there was no headless knight, but that didn't mean I couldn't break in.

The tortoise is armored, dancing to the ancient dragon gun, taking the cursed blood medicine, and charging fast!

Flying under the blood, who can resist the degree and the impulse, in the snoring, three players in the 70s were knocked out and flew straight out. This is still the three soldiers who saw me gather and prepare equipment.

Not to mention the archer mage in the back, I was shaken by a large windmill, but more than a dozen attacks also fell on me at the same time, killing most of my health, but I filled up with a few effects In the eyes of everyone, I rushed into the back of the cave with several players.

Although these players are generally below level 85, their equipment is also poor, and low-level skills are used for the fastest shots, but I have been attacked by a dozen people without dying, which is enough to surprise them.

If I have a complete set of herders, my defense will be even higher. Of course, fortunately, Xuangui didn't die just now. The effect of adding anti-blood and anti-blood is not bad enough for me to wear an extra set of high-quality equipment, otherwise I may hang up.

The player behind him rushed to the second floor, and the monsters on the road were not refreshed too much. I patted the horse and sent a message to Rick: The secret city of Jade Smash Valley encountered trouble and brought a group of brothers over. Rushing to the ground floor entrance, as expected, there are several players here who are whispering each other.

The array I placed at the entrance has been destroyed, and my heart sank, but the scream of a player who rushed from the bottom let me breathe a sigh of relief, and the player yelled: 呸It smells so bad, I almost hung up, we have to wait for a while! At this time, several players also noticed me, and they were all very surprised. One player frowned: Those guys above, this little thing can't be done, and it's too big. I am very excited: Everyone, I ’m going to fight against the sky in the Friendship City. I killed the boss below. I will pay a fee to the boss of the Red Devil according to the rules. Please wait for the friends present to have a drink. At the same time a little gift thank you for helping me guard the entrance. In front of the five players, there was a commotion. The name of the battle with the sky was indeed loud. Xiliang Kingdom may not have a few players who were indifferent to the name.

But with more and more players coming from behind, their anger is getting rougher and louder for that person: What are your rules? Here we have to follow the rules of our Red Devils, no matter who you are, visit the boss of our Red Devils to call the boss, not even say hello, we have the right to confiscate the boss's explosive stuff. Another Taoist player's gloomy and weird smile said: In the nest of Jiuxiang insect king, the player is lucky to lose five, and it is estimated that the death of the master of the sky has also caused a lot of things. Many players laughed. There was a kind of excitement in the laughter. They didn't know what I burst, but for these people, even if it is a day-level equipment, scores of people are very surprised. Windfall.

That being said, these players are afraid to act wildly. After all, there are tens of thousands of players behind me. They just block the entrance and wait for the odor to dissipate. Just kidding. But that directly killed me and the headless knight. . The scene came to a standstill.

As time passed, the Red Devils would run up and wait for dozens more players, and my teeth would be cracked. At this moment, there was a long cry: Who dares to mess with the boss of our friendship alliance! It is Rick. They finally came, and brought more than a thousand masters at a time. The red devil in the hole suddenly felt nervous and couldn't say a word.

The message bar rang, and it was the chairman of the Red Devils Society, who said that he had just learned that his men were in conflict with our friendship, and I hope everyone can calm down and talk.

I understand that the chairman must have known about this. He deliberately refused to show up. He hoped that his staff would grab the cheap, and then he did not confess his account. Now he saw that there was no opportunity and he hurried to appear. [梦网.]

No mood and the Red Devils will fall out, I promised them 10,000 gold coins to solve the matter, a battle was easily resolved, and everyone at the scene was relieved.

Everyone is a professional player, and it is impossible to live with money, especially the lesson learned from the Gelong Club. No one dares to commit the friendship alliance again and lose tens of millions of assets in one breath. It is not worth it, and the players of the friendship alliance have Who likes to drop out?

The stench has dispersed for most of the time. I ca n’t wait to rush into the ground floor and retrieve some of the best equipment. But what makes me sad is that the bloodthirsty lance is a star device with a lower durability. The power of explosion and the system automatically refresh. Under the setting, it has completely disappeared, and I have lost the most powerful fighting means at present!

The next three-hour search with a group of brothers made me crazy. Nine Fragrance Kings didn't explode, and Purple Stone's did not matter at all.

The bottom cave and even the first two floors of the wall and the ground have been damaged by us, and each of the gold nuggets pushed by Krona has been broken and inspected by us.

The brothers saw that I was in a bad mood and searched silently from beginning to end. At this moment, Rick looked at me suddenly and came to me, as if to say something.

The information bar rang, and I opened the window annoyingly, the message came from the heart.

With heaven, I'm getting married, well, it's real. My brain exploded with a buzz, and my body shook a few times before almost standing still.

What's the matter, want to marry someone? how is this possible?

How is that impossible? It's so beautiful after Mingxin restores its original appearance, and it's normal to have a family history. It's normal for someone to chase. I've been nervous for a long time. But why hasn't she mentioned to me that she has a boyfriend? Let me think she doesn't.

We do n’t get along well in the game and in reality. I even think of myself as passionate. As long as we are more positive and confident, can our emotions progress to intimacy?

Wrong, isn't my intuition very accurate? Seeing my eyes and the tone of speech clearly means that she has assumed that I am her prospective boyfriend.

I almost returned a message subconsciously and dumbly: Who? Why don't I know ... Mingxin quickly wrote back: Well, it was introduced by my father, and I started dating him after a facelift. We have been dating for almost half a year, and you haven't asked me. I still can't accept such a thing, half a year? Since then, you know you have a boyfriend? Mingxin, you are so hard to conceal me, why don't you tell me earlier, lest I fall into the trap of feelings!

I am already forty-five years old. When I think I can finally find a girl who will accompany me through the second half of my life, how can I fall in love again, and this time I fell, can I still get up again, I still have Is it possible to run a new relationship?

I almost yelled: Ming, no! I don't allow you to marry someone, no matter how much you pay, no matter what you want me to do, I have to hurry up, I swear to make you happy! But I couldn't yell or send a message, I was stagnation for a long time.

My age, my physical condition, my ordinaryness in reality, except for games, I have no other skills to make a living, I do n’t understand fun, I do n’t coax girls, I have hurt consciousness ... all these, let What power do I need to choose me with my heart?

What day is it today, the level is down, the weapon explodes, the mission is not smooth, and I encounter a junk player, and now I have suffered the worst emotional blow?

I don't know how long, Rick's nth cough woke me up: Leader, why would you let everyone find purple stone here, where do you come from? I yelled, controlled my emotions, and said weakly: It was prompted by the system when I went online today, and there was a clue given to me by npc. Rick coughed again: Lord, uh, I'm afraid you didn't notice that today is April 1st, April Fool's Day.

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