Revived Warrior

Vol 7 Chapter 66: Upgrade plan

The dream system was raised by Tianji Company in response to the strong demand of new players to open new services. Hailan has been preparing for some time, as long as new hardware is in place.

The so-called dream system is to let the player account enter a novice village that he wants to go in the form of dreaming, and re-select the character to start playing at level o.

Players can set other players to dream with you, as long as both parties agree to enter the same dream. If it is not a team to dream, since you choose the same location, players will not meet each other, which is equivalent to a stand-alone game.

The purpose of the dream is to allow players to experience the fun of other professions without deleting the number, so the task in the dream is reduced in difficulty and the experience of upgrading is reduced. However, in order not to let the original world slump, I set the player to use up to one-tenth of the total game time to enter the dream, which means that after opening the dream system, playing in the normal world for ten hours, you can get a one-hour dream. time.

The characters created in the dream can't communicate with the life of the normal world, and the items can't be taken away. The player only gets the game experience here, but it is said that the characters in the dream can be called to the normal world with some special skills.

Because the limitless world limits each player to only one account, many players are tired of their original careers, and dreams are a way to keep everyone fresh and excited.

But the dream is just a transition, or a test. When the test reaches a certain stage, as the hardware is further upgraded, according to the idea of ​​the group, players should be allowed to establish a second account. In the next step, once an intelligence similar to the sea-blue intelligence has been successfully evolved from the infinite world, a new server can be opened.

These are still far away, and I am not optimistic at all to grow a second top-level intelligence under the blue eyelids.

The hardware upgrade purchases currently under discussion are very warm. The first solution is to purchase a batch of newly manufactured equipment and processors to improve the computing power of the game and alleviate the pressure. Only three billion yuan is required. The current flow of Tianji Company Funds can be paid.

The second set of plans, in addition to the first plan, acquired the servers of some small companies and the equipment eliminated by the government and the military. Due to long-term operation, these servers may hide the prototype of autonomous intelligence or parasites, and have the growth conditions. After the sea blue transformation, it can take on some simple intelligent tasks such as playing npc. (I speak quite mysteriously. There is no scientific truth at all. It is originally a copy. Do n’t take it seriously. But it ’s hard to say. Who knows if future programs can really hide in the transistor itself where it is impossible to hide? Hey.) The second plan, which needs 12 billion yuan, can be solved with a small loan.

The third set of plans, in addition to the first two plans, purchase the most advanced equipment, start a purchase war with some of the larger virtual entertainment companies, and acquire advanced brainpower, which requires more than 50 billion yuan, which requires additional investment by major shareholders. .

There is also an additional content, which is to obtain a cutting-edge master brain that will be successfully developed by the US government through Tianji's powerful public relations methods. Based on this, a new master brain research that may take several years is conducted.

The reason why Huang Zhuang can become a leader in the high-tech industry as a purely scalping businessman (legends that he started scalping arms) is because of his public relations methods. Bribery and kidnapping threatened hypnosis. With all these methods, he could incredible buy a Chinese computer blue that has been in the field for more than ten years, and robbed China and even the world's most talented programmers from the computer center. Liang Bo program, this is the wonder of today's infinite world.

The main brain of this research in the United States, because it is a few years later than the sea blue, so the performance may still pass the sea blue, yellow diamond, and walk in front of everyone. (I do n’t want to add more plots, so I ’m too lazy to take the name of this master ’s brain, and it wo n’t appear in the future) After repeated arguments, the shareholders controlled by yellow diamonds have the upper hand. Two-thirds of the majority passed the third set of plans, and an additional investment of 90 billion yuan was set. Old shareholders who hold equity can preferentially subscribe. The subscription amount is 5o% of the original share value. The purchase price is 12 today. The stock market price shall prevail, and the purchase price must be paid within three days. The remaining new shares are put into the stock market for free trading.

The plan was approved, and I whispered secretly, because the plan was set up for the rich.

The current market value of Tianji's stock is 140 billion yuan, and I have about o.28% of the shares after the acquisition of the scattered shares. This time, I will almost need to take out 200 million world coins, otherwise my equity will be lost. Diluted, if I ca n’t afford to add money, my shareholding ratio will drop to less than o.2%. Although the property and income have not decreased, the status of the company has declined, and it may be at any time be a large group like Zitianlong. Table squeezes the board.

I suddenly received several pieces of information on my card at the same time. They were Yellow Diamond and some other wealthy shareholders. They all said that if I have financial difficulties, I can transfer my purchase quota to them, and they will pay me a benefit. of.

(The stock thing, I have n’t really played it, I did n’t understand it for a while when I checked the information. I wrote it like this, there may be a lot of loopholes. Still, that ’s the thing. It ’s written a few decades later. Do n’t It ’s too real.) Huang Zhuang ’s personal assets are now 600 billion world coins, ranking second in the world. In addition to Tianji Group, he also has absolute controlling rights in more than a dozen large groups in various countries. Some media rumors would add The underground assets may have been changed by Peel, so this additional investment, he has all-inclusive.

The additional funds must be in place within three days. It seems that I have no hope of getting together, but I still want to try to find ways not only to stabilize the board of directors, but also to seize this preemptive right, because now I buy The price is still low. According to the current stock market price, it will soon double.

When I got home, I immediately joined the game and went to the Royal Bank of Xiliang to evaluate the loan collateral. The herd set that can reach 10 million gold coins was only valued at 1.5 million for me. The ancient dragon gun was only estimated at 600,000. Vulcan The eyes are 320,000, and the wolf suit is 300,000. All my territories won a total of 3 million evaluations. Fortunately, because of my high reputation, I can also exchange some loans and deposit some small items. I can barely get one. More than 10 million points. In reality, although 100 million world coins are not enough to add, but how much can be bought.

Considering that the daily interest rate of the bank in the game is as high as 1%, I still leave the bank first and come to lend after three days.

First go to find the intelligent program Blood Demon Advent, and learn the bloodstaining technique. This skill cannot be superimposed with the effects of tailor's printing and dyeing, painter's lacquering, and painter's painting effects, but as long as you find enough advanced blood, it is added to the equipment. The attributes are much higher than the first three, and the blood of advanced monsters is easier to obtain than other advanced dyes.

Bloodstaining is a special skill. Fortunately, the Blood Demon has trained it to the Holy Level, otherwise I do n’t want to learn it.

(Please note that the skills transfer between players is limited to life occupations. Therefore, life skills books are much better than combat skills books, and they have been learned with the sky. The expensive ones are life occupation methods.) I also tried In order to communicate with the blood demon and set up a friendship, but it seems that this hope is not short-term. After the blood demon came to pass my skills as instructed by his master, he immediately returned to the indifference.

I went back to Tianliang Kingdom to continue my bandit career, and at the same time let Tiandi stop all acquisitions and help me save some money.

One day passed and two days passed. The extra one million world coins on my account made me feel nothing at all, and it made my heart grow more and more irritable.

Do I have to make up my mind to sell my ace equipment to seize this great financial opportunity? Of course, the shepherd suit is not for sale. The eyes of Vulcan and the ancient dragon gun can be considered ...

However, as a true game enthusiast, there is no reason to sell the first-grade equipment that you can use!

Damn the task of founding the country, if ... if I would dig out the little girl ’s eyes, even if I had borrowed it temporarily, then I would have succeeded in building the country. At that time, let alone the income reached a higher level, the loan amount could also be greatly increased.

People say that good people are destined to be poor, and this seems to make sense. People like yellow diamonds can make a fortune, and many years ago, there was a good person who donated money to help hundreds of children. Die.

Sometimes think about it, if I have no conscience and be harder on others, my achievements in the game will definitely be several times higher than now. If I can learn more about thick black, I will definitely be rich. Maybe it has already reached the level of yellow diamond in reality.

Depressed Depressed, I even yelled out of control in front of everyone: Isn't it just an npc? I really want to fight hard! Brothers go home together, we don't have to fight robbers anymore! Everyone looked at me, then looked at each other, and finally waited until I took back my words, and continued to fight the robbers.

Disbanding the team early and freely, I went offline to use an electronic hypnosis device to let me sleep. If I don't do this again, I am really going to be annoying.

I have n’t slept so much for a long time. When I woke up, I felt my spirit came back again. You should know that the hypnotic time I set for the whole time was eight hours, and the whole person was as refreshed as being reborn.

However, it seems that only the spirit is restored, and the body is a little tired, which is still rare.

After sorting it out, I will join the game again. Just fight the robbers. It doesn't matter if the country is established a few months later than others. Even in another year, there will not be a thousand players who can establish the country in the game. I just It was only lost to big groups and intelligent program players, and it was because Hailan deliberately embarrassed me and my heart was too soft to lose. I can definitely be proud of myself.

Entering the game and opening my eyes, I suddenly froze. I was actually on my own bed in Friendship City, but I clearly remembered that I was in the giant ant hole built by Tianliang Kingdom.

This time we were stationed in Tianliang Kingdom for a long time to fight the robbers, so my brothers and I were stationed in the tents and ant dens in the wild. The tents were restored to strength and the ant dens kept personal belongings.

Make sure I do n’t have hallucinations again. Am I confused and misplaced when I went offline? But I think I have no reason to return to Friendship City.

Take a look at your physical strength column, it is actually the lowest point, and it is actually recovering from the injury. It is really strange, where did I go to get injured?

At this moment, the system came up with a reminder: Congratulations to the player, Saint Demon King, who became the second successful player in the founding of the country. The reward is 2oooo and the Acropolis is rewarded. The system automatically adds a first-level protective cover to its country.

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