Revived Warrior

Vol 8 Chapter 4: The mission of Yuji

Sure enough, he was a good man. I screamed and ordered the headless knight to stop, then went to the dazed man.

I sent a message on the bandit channel and knew the location of the Robin Hood bandit. Although Prebble has already mixed up with the Witch God Kingdom to build a b-class cottage, there is also a c-class cottage base in Pegasus. I will Calling the guys they used to join the bandit group. With his ability, it was absolutely no problem to be a big boss.

Returning to Thorn Night Town, and telling the story, sure enough, I greeted Yuji with a sweet smile: "With Master Tian, ​​you ... you are really different from those bad players!" Looking at her eyes, it was obvious, Her defense against me completely disappeared, and she returned to the original innocent little girl.

As the mayor and the spiritual leader of the clan due to the inheritance of gunfire, Yu Ji had to mature herself and be cautious, put aside the gratitude I used to give me, and send me such a test task.

Yuji apparently met or investigated the heroes. If I kill the wanted criminal who should not be killed for the reward of the king and the gunman of Assassin, I will probably do it because of greed in the future. There are many cruel things.

I'm a bit ashamed. If I did n’t think there was a problem with Yuji ’s task, maybe I would have killed the heroes and Atu together with the headless knight. Really speaking, I am afraid that my sense of justice has not reached the level of the hero 110.

The next task of the Gun Temple should have been complicated, but Yu Ji chose the easiest way for me to pray to the Gun God in their temple. It should be difficult to pray for the gods. Even the most loyal priest to a certain **** often kneels for a long time to obtain the appearance of the gods. Whether the gods will answer your request depends on the mood.

But that's just conventional. From the events of God of Love, Thieves and other events, any movement of the player is under the control of these gods, and they can show up at any time (joking, computer speed ...), so why? More procedures, completion is a matter of dignity of the gods.

The appearance of the gun **** once again verified my guess. He was simply "summoned" by me for the first time. There was no way. For tens of thousands of years, no one would worship him except for a little incense from his descendants. Besides, he also knew that the time limit for the king's call for the townspeople was approaching, and he could not afford to delay.

Gun God could n’t wait to answer my request, and flew directly to Friendship City to serve as the patron saint. At the same time I got a new patron saint, the system prompted me to "break the bottleneck of the" Changhe Sunset "and break down to master level. The degree of worship also automatically increased by 10,000 points, and the degree of worship can be exchanged for the corresponding **** reward.

Yu Ji began to issue a mobilization order for the clan. In the end, 70% of the young townsfolk followed Yu Ji and I left their homes, of course, in batches and quickly. Otherwise, such actions will definitely be noticed by the court.

They temporarily settled Yuji in the tree house area outside the friendship city (the townhouses in the towns have been full and had no money to cover ...), I sent a brother to continue to pay attention to the night town. Fortunately, the angry king did not move. For the remaining descendants of the Gun God, perhaps because Yuji did not defect to the enemy country, he did not dare to break Yuji's way, hoping that she would return one day. Of course, if this king's intelligence is really high enough to lock up the townspeople to threaten Yuji, I can't help it, but fortunately he doesn't.

Selling the monthly long-handled knife and earning 20,000 gold coins. This is the price of the sundial. Who knows that this thing is rare?

I have built a private house, and I have no money. It is miserable, but the benefits that the Gun God Temple brings to Friendship City and the tasks that Yu Ji gave me make me feel better.

The **** of guns acts as the patron saint of the city, increasing the military force of the entire city by 200, increasing the power of city defense and military facilities, and increasing the player's experience in this city slightly (no display, about 0.1%), and there are also special barracks. Bing options.

The task of Yu Ji, according to her, is because our favorability and my charm and reputation are very high, plus only one player of mine owns the sharpshooter profession, so every few words I say to her, the system will prompt her to To the task, for the highly intelligent npc, in addition to the tasks that must be handed out, there are some optional tasks. They decide whether to give them to the player or the npc. We have such an iron relationship, I have made her a moderator, fish Of course Ji chose all the tasks for me.

"Recognition of the God of Guns: As long as you offer sacrifices above the star level to the God of Guns, you can get approval, increase your dedication by more than 100 points, and have a sacrifice opportunity every ten days, one kind of offering at a time. Food, flowers, animal offal, etc., alcohol is particularly good. "Although sacrifices are a game used to waste players' money, but what else can we say in order to dedicate the reward? There is no place to use it, it is cheaper for his old man. After the sacrifice, he gets 1,000 devotion, save it first, and then find the gun **** for a prize.

"Kill 640 dark monsters that are eight or more levels higher than you, and get the 'night battle octagonal' skill." "Night battle octagonal, an intermediate group attack skill, transforms eight gun shadows around, and has a certain chance to block the enemy. Attack, if you encounter obstacles, the attack effect is weakened. "Good skills make up for the lack of linear attack that I only have a long river sunset, making my gun shooting more applicable to the environment. At the beginning, the lethality of each gun shadow is only the body's 1/6, will become stronger and stronger in the future.

"Under the attack of a level 100 boss 'Break' for three hours, you can understand the" Vine Spear "and require an understanding of 8 or more." "Vine Spear, a flexible gun special skill, and weapons other than shields The format is invalid, the gun head can be attacked in a variable direction, the higher the level, the greater the arc of direction change, and the gun can be bent and ejected to attack the enemy. The ejection attack power is 200%, and the weapon has a certain chance to be recovered. Now it is a primary skill. After training, you will automatically be upgraded to 'Viper Spear', and then you will be trained to the advanced skill 'Panlong Gun Uprising'. "Good skills ... not much to say.

"Practice throwing spears 10,000 times to get 'Javelin Skills'." "Javelin Skills, elementary skills, initial projection power is 1/2 of normal attacks." "Unreasonable. Real javelins have more kinetic energy than people can shoot in place." Much more ...

"When more than four types of gun skills reach the master level, you can realize 'riding gun skills'." "Riding gun skills ... is the ability to use infantry spears right away, stupid! Also, the riding gun skills have risen to Master level, you can use the knight gun to make the infantry gun skills, which is what you have been looking forward to! "The last task:" Kill the 128-level boss 'Hidden Dancer', get the thornwind stone, and build a giant gun barracks. "" All are good missions, but they can't directly bring me wealth, and it's time-consuming, so I only did the gun **** sacrifice and rattan gun technique, and then quickly went to participate in the upgrade mission of the world mercenary regiment.

The situation in the world has been doing well in the past six months, from level C to level A, but because it has not been recognized by senior npc lords, it is stuck like most mercenary regiments in level a. The so-called senior lords are at least The lords of Hou Guo, only these lords have the right to donate a piece of land to the mercenary group to build their own mercenary village, and the ss-level mercenary group requires the king's approval.

Of course, after being recognized, when there is something in the lord's territory, the mercenary group cannot refuse any employment of the lord, even if it knows that it will fail, it is a semi-private mercenary group.

Now there are more than twenty s-class mercenary regiments in the game, and some are even recognized by the king of their country, but they have not been promoted to ss-level because the honor value is not enough. These players are really powerful and have good luck. Because to get the approval of a certain aristocracy, as many tasks as possible must be completed by this aristocracy. The problem is that there are many people competing for each task, and no npc aristocracy is okay to send tasks every month.

Although the Fengyun Tianxia and Fengyun second generation fathers and sons are well-managed and very loyal, their mercenary regiments have a strong cohesive force, but they are disadvantaged without funds to back them up. They can meet the requirements of the s-class mercenary regiment because it is complete Got me a lot of tasks.

Of course, I ’m not just for good faith and kindness. My honorary head can receive thousands of gold coins salary and 10% of income from them every month. I can still ignore this money before, as their business grows bigger and bigger. That 10% should not be underestimated.

If this mission is successful, the number of s-class mercenary regiments will be expanded, and the missions that can be taken up will be more advanced. If the business is good, this 10% will have a monthly income of more than 300,000 gold coins! (There is no doubt that the monthly income of the S-class mercenary regiment may reach 30 million world coins, but it needs 5,000 people.)

The income of 10,000 gold coins a day is very important to me now, so at the invitation of the world, I promised to participate in such a task.

Upgrade mission for s-class mercenary regiment: "Destroy the" Ghost Thief "in the" landless land "between" Aisha City "and" Sunset City ". I took a sigh of relief, a perverted task ... 2k novel reading network

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