Revived Warrior

Vol 9 Chapter 47: Tug of war

The Northwest Group Army handsome account, when I was evaluating the tiger skin sandalwood chair under the butt, the NPC generals have basically completed the combat deployment.

NPC's tactics are generally not surprising, and of course there are no obvious mistakes. This time, the group's coach Harder is still preparing to hit his periphery first, and finally decisive in the sunset city.

The battle in the infinite world is different from the real ancient war. In the game, the biggest difference is the existence of the teleportation array, which is a great convenience for the defense. However, if the defense can use the teleportation array to freely adjust its troops, It's too unreasonable, so after many complaints from players, Hai Lan also slightly modified the rules.

Ordinary village-level teleportation arrays can pass ten people per second, town-level twenty, and small cities forty, but according to the magic power of the villages and towns, the system has set different upper limits for the number of single-day passers in some villages. It can't even pass 50,000 people a day.

The revised rules further limited the traffic capacity during the war, about half of that in peacetime, but even so, there were still many difficulties for the attackers. Even if their intelligence showed that an enemy in the target village None, and at least 20,000 to 30,000 troops must be prepared to prevent enemy reinforcements.

In addition, for the NPC, the degree of the transmission array has something to do with the training of the soldiers and the commander's commanding ability. Like the bandit in Heping Village, the transmission between villages can reach six people per second. More than 3,000 people can be passed in ten minutes. If the attacking party is more powerful, such batches of combat can only be killed in vain.

Although the NPC officers and soldiers have a faster transmission rate, in order to maintain the balance of the game, the system is to leave alive for the bandit profession. Therefore, the NPC army is set to go out after a certain delay after receiving a reinforcement request.

Finally, npc officers who have received an orthodox education usually do not run out of daily passes in a short period of time, but instead reserve some. Because they must be prepared to lose the battle, once the enemy is too strong, leading their men to withdraw from the teleportation array, the security of the troops can be considered a success. Such a reserve ratio depends entirely on the experience and wisdom of the commander.

In addition to the main base of Sunset City, the robber army has also occupied three towns and sixteen villages, so Marshal Hard ordered that each of the three cities closest to Sunset City should have 20,000 troops, with a base camp of 80,000, and the remaining two 100,000 people (including 100,000 soldiers in our free country), divided into ten teams, to recover ten villages. If the enemy has reinforcements in a village over 20,000, immediately notify the base camp, the reserve team or nearby winning forces will reinforce.

Marshal Hard didn't have any opinion about other generals, so he asked me with respect in a respectful tone. After all, as a first-class duke, with the rank of general, this time I had another hundred thousand soldiers. On the status, it was only higher than his marshal. Low, free country armies also have a large degree of freedom.

I coughed: "Actually, I don't have any opinion, but just now my spy reported that the main enemy of the city in the setting sun had already reached the village near Zhiyi Village. It is estimated that he wanted to attack the nearest Jackdaw Town, Jackdaw Town. It is important that everyone knows that I do n’t think it is too late. We should drive through the army. Of course, this is also the best opportunity to wipe out the robber army. "

All the NPC generals were stunned, and a general came forward: "Our scouts are responsible for the intelligence collection of this operation. Why are we completely unknown?"

I smiled and ignored him: "Marshal Hard, do you believe me or believe him? If you don't keep Jackdaw Town, who will be responsible for the consequences?"

Marshal Hard's face turned blue. Although Jackdaw Town is just a town, it is the connection point of the underground magic channel of several cities. If it is lost here, the "Magic Network" will be cut off, which will make several cities' defense capabilities simultaneously. Declining is indeed a very important strategic place.

Although from the analysis of various aspects of current intelligence, the chance of the main force of robbers appearing in Zhiyi Village is less than one percent, but this new information comes from the dignified and the Duke of Heaven. The priority is very high, Hard can not ignore it, and because of the situation Urgent, he didn't even have time to check and confirm.

After all, npc is not a human. They can only obey the rules. Even if Hard himself is very doubtful about the authenticity of my human player's information, he still only has to change the order. Just a few miles ago, Hard had another bad situation. One hundred thousand players in the free country, with an average level of fifty, and all wearing novice equipment and scattered teams. Such an army, ten people were not as good as themselves. Soldier! As a result, Hard reluctantly revised the directive again, and transferred another 40,000 people from Daying to follow.

Finally, we were close to the front line of Zhiyi Village-Jackdaw Town. The previous information showed that there were indeed senior leaders of the Peace Country nearby, but I did not see where the army was. I insisted: "These robbers must have been hiding very well! "

[But no matter how Hard decides, he has no time to restore the war, because the real main force of the peace country has already appeared in Jinding City. Due to the collective rebellion of thousands of players in the garrison army, the robber army quickly rushed into the city with ten The overwhelming advantage over one eliminated the heroic 15,000 npc soldiers, but the robber group did not immediately **** the city flag. Instead, it stood beside the teleportation team and easily ate thousands of reinforcements rushed by the two neighboring cities and the base camp. Until Harde ordered to stop reinforcements.

In the defeat, Harde's eyes were red. Regardless of his identity, he yelled loudly in front of my face, and I also looked very regretful. He immediately called over the spy, a 2o-level assassin player, to clear his merits. , Expelled his military status, and also admitted that he was responsible for management and was willing to be punished.

In fact, no matter how I stand, no matter how high my status is, such a false intelligence incident will still deduct me hundreds of merits. As long as I make another mistake, I will be degraded to second-class public, so it seems, I was really bare-legged and Marshal Hard couldn't say more.

As another city was lost, the surrounding small villages and towns were too small to receive support from other cities, so most of them were lost the next day. The king was furious, and under pressure, Hard could only concentrate his forces and attack the city of Jinding directly.

It is foolish to attack the city without attacking the surrounding villages and towns, because even if you attack the city, people can withdraw from the army through the teleportation array at any time, but Hard ’s purpose is to give the king A helpless move made by an accountant.

The attack on Jinding City lasted only two hours. The Northwest Army lost only a thousand people, but the enemy losses were almost negligible: only the robber who was responsible for the last strike of the teleportation array It's dead.

The army had just entered the city, and there was news of attacks on a town and a village. It turned out that just a small band of robbers was guarding the city, and the robbers had half of the country's military power, but they killed the army.

On the fourth day of the war, the two sides fought back and forth between the villages and towns. Although Harde has basically ignored all my so-called "true" intelligence, his own spies are not almighty and want to capture It was too difficult to get to the actual marching route of a bandit army. On the contrary, the robbers knew the distribution and marching of officers and soldiers, and the battle was really aggrieved.

The number of NPC officers and soldiers has been reduced to 170,000 (deducted from the wounded), but Hard has not been supported by the king. This is because the battle with the Kingdom of God and the Kingdom of the God of Sound is as intensive, on the other hand, it is still my bad Because I took the initiative to write to the king, the free country can still form another 60,000 people to participate in the war, and said that the robber army has been severely damaged, which is less than 100,000, so the king only sent an additional 30,000 people, of which Many more are new players.

Players, I'm afraid in Harder's eyes, "player" is already a noun on the same level as the robber. Almost all villages and towns are in a state of rapid fall, because the players do their part to make it impossible for the Northwest Group Army to even reinforce.

But hate the players again, Hard still dare not offend me too much, because the elite players of the free country have already enlisted in the army. Even if I remove the majority, I still have a strong force. Fighting power, without us, Hard would be more stretched.

On October 12, I once again provided information. "According to reliable information," Black Tornado, the king of the peace kingdom, led 100,000 robbers to station in Sanjiaopo. Hard would not believe it, of course, but when he walked through the field, the detective sent out generally confirmed the accuracy of the news, and Hard jumped on the spot.

God of war, 120,000 in the Northwest Army, and 110,000 in the Free State, surrounded the black whirlwind with the fastest speed.

However, it is already evening and fighting at night, which is not good for officers and men, and Sanjiaopo itself is a small highland, which is easy to defend and difficult to attack, so Hard ordered to camp and stay in the same time. Come.

Over the night, after Hard made the most powerful speech in history, he couldn't wait to issue a general attack order, but when the army attacked the hillside, he saw only empty camps and imitation flags.

It may seem a bit unbelievable, but it's actually very simple. In this huge encirclement, the free country's camp accounted for half of the area. For players, it is necessary to go offline to sleep at night. When tens of thousands of people go offline, they stay. Some gaps are inevitable, so it is normal for the robber to break out quietly. This is my interpretation of Hard.

Hard is already going crazy, and of course I did not hesitate to drag out a few 3o-level players who were supposed to be last night. In the presence of Hard, he was fired and deducted. However, Hard has been unable to watch me perform, because, in the rear news, the robber army split into several routes, and simultaneously captured two cities and three towns ...

On the 13th, Hard, who was exhausted physically and mentally, submitted a resignation to the king. The new commander Ruhr, on the first day of his appointment, lost his troops because he was unfamiliar with the enemy ...

Sitting on a small hillside, looking at the setting sun in the sky, I suddenly said, "Are you ready?" Next to me, Rick and Heaven and Earth were rich, and they gave me a positive answer at the same time. Tiandi continued: "The medicines we are stocking now are enough to fight for half a year, and in accordance with your instructions, we have purchased a lot of food that only npc can use. Fortunately, we bought early. Today at noon, medicines and drugs from various places Grain prices suddenly increased in an all-round way, and it was actually npbsp; I said lightly: "It was Alisis, this guy stopped all npc pharmacists from producing, and even made these pharmacists give players cloth training tasks, 'No two weeks. Refined blood and magic drugs, also took a name: 'Reflection of the pharmacist'. Such a mess, coupled with a large amount of purchases by us and Mi Tianguo and Hai Tianhui, it is no wonder that the medicine does not rise. "

Tiandi smiled: "It's really clever. Actually, I also guessed that this is the case, and now, there are rumors of high-level monsters circulating in every medicinal material producing area. There are basically no npcs who dare to go up the mountain to collect medicine. Sith they did it. "

I took a long breath: "But Alice ’s tricks have been used almost the same, and the npc who is unwilling to betray is still the majority. With 350,000 troops and the main force of the Northeast Group Army, although they played brilliantly and won more by less, it was a victorious victory, a disastrous victory, and Arisis could not stand it. "

I stood up: "I give my brothers a preparation order, a decisive battle, and it will be tomorrow!" 2k novel reading network

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