Rewrite the Technological Landscape

Chapter 330 cell processor project

January 16, 2004 was the annual meeting of Dafeng Group. This year, Dafeng Group once again exceeded its target and achieved an annual turnover of 29.8 billion.

The overall profit exceeded 30%, and among the profit of more than 10 billion, the research and development expenses of Dafeng Group reached 4.6 billion.

The rest of the money is mostly used for expansion and acquisitions.

As for the target for 2004, it was directly raised to 80 billion, but most people have no opinion, because judging from the current situation, the country alone can generate at least 10 to 20 billion in turnover, plus multiple The products really began to go abroad, and the game also entered the second stage of explosion.

The real rise of Gale Group will begin in 2004.

In 2004, the key development industry was computers.

This year's annual meeting is different from previous years, that is, Sony's Idei also came to participate in the Dafeng Group's annual meeting. In the past few years, Sony has never sent anyone to the annual meeting. This time, the chairman came directly.

However, even though Idei tried hard to pretend, his condition was still very poor. After all, 2003 was the darkest year for Sony. In April 2003, after Sony announced its huge loss in 2002, it caused the famous Sony shock. %, and Sony, as the super enterprise of Neon Country, directly caused the high-tech stocks of Neon Country to dive one after another, pulling down the entire stock market of Neon Country.

In December 2003, Idei was labeled as a sinner of the Neon Nation by the Neon Nation media and netizens, and was being criticized by everyone.

Meng Qian didn't know what Idei was doing in that life. Anyway, in this life, Idei came to Dafeng Group. He also delivered a speech at the annual meeting, saying that Sony and Gale Group are best friends.

After the annual meeting, Idei came to Meng Qian's room. Those who should greet each other have already exchanged greetings at the dinner, and now it's time to talk about business.

"Mr. Idei, Dafeng Group wants to join the cell processor research and development project."

The cell processor is a famous project jointly developed by IBM, Sony and Toshiba. A few years later, Sony used the cell processor on the PS3, Toshiba applied the cell processor to the TV, and IBM applied the cell processor to the server. superior.

The Cell processor has been in the spotlight for its supercomputer-like floating-point computing performance, with observed clock speeds greater than 4 GHz.

But in the end, the ending of the cell processor does not seem to be very good. There are various opinions about the cell processor. Some people think that the cell processing is really good, and some people think it is all bragging. Meng Qian's attitude is just difficult Let’s not discuss the truth. After all, Sony’s and Toshiba’s cell processors are simplified versions. In fact, no one knows what a cell processor with full blood looks like.

Some people often compare the cell processor of PS3 with the Pentium series, and then step on the cell processor, the problem is not in the same channel at all.

The core reason why Meng Qian wants to join the cell processor project is not whether the cell processor itself is good or not, Meng Qian is more concerned about the reasons behind the establishment of this project.

What is the purpose of Sony and Toshiba entering this project? Meng Qian is not very clear. He said that Sony is for the development of handheld devices. There is a general understanding of the purpose behind this matter.

IBM's power architecture has been abandoned by the computer and mobile phone markets in later generations, and the power architecture is basically used on servers and workstations.

However, the power architecture in the 1980s was recognized as the strongest. Although the popularity of the power architecture was not high, its performance was also recognized by everyone.

The power architecture has not been popularized. The key is that IBM has not done Intel in the consumer market. There are many reasons why it can’t do it. One of the core is that Intel has an alliance with Microsoft. The power architecture is based on the RISC instruction system. Even Windows The system does not support it.

Intel and Microsoft are working together on ecology, but IBM relies on a rigid architecture and cannot play at all.

It is said that the power architecture is not friendly to developers. It is said that the cost of power architecture is too high. Of course, the cost of no ecology is high, and no ecology is of course unfriendly to developers.

Originally, IBM had Apple as an ally. Before 2005, Apple used IBM's power architecture, but the problem is that even Apple abandoned IBM in 2005.

IBM is fighting alone against the Intel-Microsoft alliance, and can't find a way to fight it.

And IBM's last struggle in more comprehensive chip applications is the cell processor. As we all know, the foundation of the cell processor is the power architecture. Comprehensive coverage from machines to computer chips to high-end servers.

Although Meng Qian really didn’t understand the purpose of Sony and Toshiba’s entry into this project, it is much easier to understand the purpose of IBM’s involvement in this project. Sony can provide him with products and markets, and Toshiba’s semiconductor factory can help him reduce costs. , From the price of the cell processor later, it can be seen that Toshiba's ability to suppress costs is really strong, and the largest semiconductor company in the neon country is not built.

And Meng Qian's purpose of joining this project is very clear now. After long-term thinking recently, Meng Qian knows that he needs to find an ally in the United States, and the best person for this ally is none other than IBM.

Now that IBM still has the strength and energy to build an ecosystem for the power architecture, it coincides with Meng Qian's layout.

Especially if Meng Qian really wants to build a system in the future, he cannot do without a group of powerful allies. The only thing he needs to worry about is how IBM will react when it comes to national disputes.

Then it depends on how much everyone can get from each other before reaching that step, each according to his own ability.

Although the previous cell processor failed, this is an opportunity for Dafeng Group. For Meng Qian, it is really time to gamble at this time.

And joining this project has other meanings for Meng Qian, Meng Qian must bet.

"What do you like about this project?" Idei asked first.

"Computer chips." Meng Qian gave an answer that could be tested in reverse.

"It seems that you are well aware of IBM's purpose."

Meng Qian became more determined in his heart, and Idei's words reconfirmed what later generations said and his own guess, "Furthermore, Dafeng Group will deploy more hardware products in the future."

"Then why don't you go directly to Intel to cooperate?"

"The alliance between Intel and Microsoft will bring a lot of trouble. I would rather leave a way out for myself." Meng Qian actually said this in a straightforward way, but he deliberately said this in front of Idei because Idei can actually It’s better to be frank than to guess something, which is good for everyone’s long-term cooperation. “But you, how did you think of cooperating with IBM to do this?”

Meng Qian was just curious, so he asked by the way.

"Microsoft is going to develop into the hardware market." Idei gave his answer.

Meng Qian thought about it, but it was quite reasonable. In the face of Microsoft's challenge, Sony was worried that it would be controlled by Intel, so it really made sense to unite with IBM.

"You want to enter the game, do you need me to say hello to IBM and Toshiba?" Seeing that Meng Qian was silent, Idei asked.

"Let me talk about it myself. I wonder if Mr. Idei would like to nod?"

"Of course, the Gale Group is willing to join, and I believe it will be a great benefit to this project."

Meng Qian was actually expressing politely that Idei would definitely not refuse. After all, Sony is a shareholder, Toshiba is a strategic partner, and IBM is doing well now, and I am still an IBM customer.

More importantly, after using the immersion lithography machine of Dafeng Group for a period of time, Sony and Toshiba know it well. The immersion lithography machine is the best ticket for Dafeng Group to enter this project.

Although in terms of size, it seems a bit out of place for Dafeng Group to squeeze into this project, but the achievements and potential of Dafeng Group in recent years are worthy of it.

"By the way, there is one more thing I want to ask Mr. Idei for help." After talking about the project, Meng Qian changed the subject, "Is Sony interested in Blizzard?"

"Blizzard?" Idei was stunned for a moment, "Warcraft that Blizzard?"

"Yes." Meng Qian nodded, "If what I understand is correct, Vivendi is going through a financial crisis, right?"

2003-2004 was the time when Vivendi had a huge financial crisis, and it was also the time when the large-scale layoffs of Xueleshan were cut to direct dissolution. However, this year, Vivendi did not only lay off large-scale layoffs. % shares were sold to General Electric.

"The outbreak of the debt crisis of the entire European consortium is expected to last for some time."

"Mr. Idei also knows that we are now competing with Blizzard in games, but I heard that Vivendi plans to sell its entertainment industry. Why don't Sony use this moment to talk to Vivendi about the acquisition?"

He came out with a puzzled face, "Mr. Meng should be clear about Sony's recent situation. It is impossible for us to spend energy to build a brand new department now, and if we just buy Blizzard, the price is not high. Dafeng Group can buy it." get up?"

"Because we don't really want to buy it." Meng Qian leaned forward with a smile, "Blizzard's industry is too similar to ours, and it would be embarrassing for me to buy Blizzard now. If I continue to operate the IP of Warcraft, it will be equal to fighting with my left hand. , but as far as the current game environment is concerned, this is not necessary.

And I was not very happy with Vivendi before, and the current size of Dafeng Group is so small. If I go out to talk to Vivendi about the acquisition, I’m afraid it will only make them feel insulted. Not only will they not relax their vigilance, I will try my best to do it with me.

Unlike Sony, as an international giant, you go to Vivendi to discuss acquisitions, which is reasonable and will not make Vivendi feel ashamed. "

"You want us to pretend to buy Blizzard to make Vivendi give up the blood transfusion to Blizzard?" Idei pointed out directly.

Meng Qian didn't dodge either, "Yes."

"Mr. Meng is not leaving any escape route for Blizzard."

Meng Qian's complexion couldn't help but sink, "There's no way, retreating for your opponent is digging your own grave. This competition with Blizzard is of great significance. I'm not usually a person who pursues a dominance, but "Ancient Times" The dominance of Mythology will have an important meaning for us to enter the Omi market.

As long as "World of Warcraft" is there, it will be difficult for us to break into the Omi market. Now this type of game has just developed, and we have seen player feedback. Whoever can dominate the world will have the opportunity to influence global players. Such an opportunity , There will never be a few times in a lifetime. "

Idei suddenly made a complicated expression, "Mr. Meng believes me so much?"

Meng Qian smiled freely, "Mr. Idei said that Dafeng Group and Sony are best friends."

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