Rhapsody of Entertainment Rebirth

Chapter 125 Chapter 125: Art Examination

Shanhe put down his cell phone, his head still a little confused. The art department of Peking University specially recruited him, and they also offered a double degree. It seemed that he was quite popular. Both Peking University and Beijing Film Academy showed their talents to recruit him.

Double Degree? This is a good idea!

The next day, Shanhe arrived at the Beidian Gate as agreed. Beidian is located on Xitucheng Road, Haidian District, Beijing, not far from Beijing University. The gate is made of granite and looks full of art.

After Shanhe checked in at the gate post, he walked towards the direction of the directing department.

Xie Xiaojing received Shanhe in the director's office, "Shanhe, please sit down wherever you want. The zero-level teachers Yang Lin and Wang Hongwei will come over later. Would you like some tea?"

"Thank you, teacher. I'll just drink water." Shanhe sat down on the sofa next to him.

Xie Xiaojing handed Shanhe a glass of water, "Classmate Shanhe, I asked you to come here in advance, not to open a back door for you. As a well-known writer, we certainly welcome you to apply for our film school. I heard that you have determined to be a film school for a long time. Director, may I know why? After all, you are already a famous writer!"

Shanhe took a sip of water and answered without hesitation: "Teacher Xie, the director is the chief planner of creating images. I have always wanted to express the images in my mind with images. I have always felt that images are more intuitive and more touching than words." , and film is a very interesting thing. It is both a commodity and an art. It can be produced like an assembly line and can also be crafted like embroidery. The charm of film attracts me!"

Xie Xiaojing nodded, glanced at Shanhe, and responded: "It seems that you already have your own creative concept. It's not surprising. Almost every one of your books is suitable for adaptation. To be honest, if it is not a domestic movie The market has shrunk so much that your novel has long been adapted and put on the big screen."

“Mr. He is so mature that he can easily form a qualified filming and behind-the-scenes team."

Shanhe took a sip of water and continued: "The publicity and market development are even more surprising. Most of Disney's films can recover their costs without box office revenue. This means that Hollywood's investment in filming will become larger and larger, and production will become more and more expensive. The more sophisticated, to be honest, the situation in the country is really worrying, can we resist it?"

Xie Xiaojing listened silently to Shan He's words. He felt the strong sense of mission in his words. He had also seen this feeling in another person, and he was a little moved.

"Shanhe, I also understand some of the situation you mentioned. It doesn't make sense to you to think about it now. Your purpose of coming to the film school is to learn and practice. We will give you the best environment and opportunities. You should know that Beijing Film Academy Director, if you are really determined to change, you should come to Beijing Film Academy to learn in a down-to-earth manner!"

Shanhe nodded, "I came to the art exam just to study and catch up!"

At this time, there was a knock on the door, "They are here, you sit down first and I will open the door!" Xie Xiaojing stood up and went to open the door.

After a while, Xie Xiaojing came over with two teachers, a boy and a girl.

Shanhe stood up and paid attention to the future teacher.

"This is Yang Lin. She was the one who called you yesterday. She will be the class teacher and head teacher of the Zero-level Directing Department. This is Wang Hongwei, an excellent director who graduated from the Film Academy and is also the class leader of the Zero-level directing department. teacher!"

"Hello, Teacher Yang, Hello, Teacher Wang!"

Several people sat down separately. This was the first time Yang Lin saw Shanhe. The young man's appearance was quite clear, and he no longer had the tenderness of a teenager. His temperament was elegant and a little indifferent, and he had a poetic and calligraphic temperament. smell.

Yang Lin nodded to Shanhe and asked with a smile: "Classmate Shanhe, how are you preparing for the art exam?"

"Teacher Yang, I should have no problem with the written test, writing, and scripting. I'm just not sure about the skit performance. I've never acted." Shanhe answered honestly.

"The directing department also has requirements for performance. You have to know how to perform and even be able to perform. Only in this way can you choose suitable actors and know what effect the actors on the scene can achieve." Wang Hongwei explained to Shanhe.

Yang Lin looked at Shanhe and said: "For the exam the day after tomorrow, Hongwei and I will be on-site invigilators. This time our enrollment quota will be more than before. You don't have to worry too much. With your talent, you will definitely pass these three times." take an exam!"

"Thank you for the encouragement, teacher. I have another situation here that I don't know if I should talk about!" Shanhe asked hesitantly.

"Say it!"

"After Teacher Yang called me yesterday, the Art Department of Peking University also called me. It was a professor named Wu Zaishan. He wanted me to study a double degree from Beijing Film Academy and Peking University. I was a little confused. He also I didn’t explain it in detail, has this situation ever happened before?” Shanhe expressed the doubt in his heart.

After hearing this, Xie Xiaojing yelled at Wu Zaishan in her heart. Fortunately, we took action, otherwise you would have stolen the chicken!

"Beijing University of Science and Technology and Peking University do have a precedent for dual-major cooperation, but the situation is different from yours. Well, you don't need to think about this issue here. You can prepare for the exam with all your strength first, and I will coordinate the special recruitment of Peking University!"

Three teachers from the directing department introduced various teaching courses and practical opportunities at Nortel to Shanhe.

The emphasis on mountains and rivers is obvious.

Thank you Xiaojing for seeing what you have said, and finally concluded: "Classmate Shanhe, we have high expectations for you. First, you are a well-known writer, and your starting point is much higher than others. Second, it can be seen from your novels that you have The potential to become a good director. Third, this is the advantage I just saw in you. You have a sense of belief. I also felt this feeling in Zhang Yi. He was not a director at that time, just a photographer. !”

After listening to this, Shanhe was a little flattered. He quickly stood up and thanked the three Beiying teachers. "It is an honor and a pressure for me to be valued by the teachers. I will work hard to live up to your trust!"

After saying goodbye to the teachers in the directing department, Shanhe calmed down and prepared for the exam. He couldn't embarrass himself. If he couldn't pass the written test, it would be ridiculous.

Two days later, the first test of the directing department began, which included four test items: a written test on art knowledge, self-introduction, line reading, and sketch performance.

There were quite a few candidates in the directing department, and three large classrooms were filled with students for the art general knowledge exam. Shanhe became nervous in this competitive atmosphere of being the best among the best.

The general knowledge written test on art went very quickly, and the paper contained some very basic questions. Most of the candidates handed in the paper and left the classroom in less than an hour, and Shanhe was one of them.

The pace of the first test was very fast. Just after the written test, several teachers divided the three to four hundred people into several groups of ten people, and continued the next test according to the groups.

Shanhe was ranked higher in the queue, and soon it was their turn. They looked at their unfamiliar companions, including two girls. Everyone looked a little nervous, and they were taken into the examination room without even thinking about getting to know each other.

The examination room was very simple, no different from a normal interview. After a few tables, Shanhe met Wang Hongwei, but Yang Lin did not come.

"Everyone, please introduce yourself one by one. It should not be too long, about one minute!"

Each candidate began to introduce themselves one by one. When he arrived at Shanhe, his introduction was very brief, but included most of his actual situation.

Before he could finish speaking, all the other candidates were staring at him, with disbelief and resentment in their eyes.

Let me go, if a person like this comes to take the art exam, there will be one less quota. Nortel is really, what kind of formalism is it? If you just enter it directly, you will also carry out dimensionality reduction attacks for us!

The first test is actually a process of eliminating poor students. As long as you are in the middle or upper level of the ten people, you can pass without making any mistakes.

The skit performance that Shanhe was most worried about passed easily. The invigilator's topic was "encountering a thief on the bus," and the candidates acted as passengers and acted freely.

Shanhe played the role of a loser who wants to have sex but is afraid of it. Shanhe felt that he did a good job!

After the skit performance was completed, Shanhe's test was over.

"Your results will come out the day after tomorrow, and the list of those who participated in the second test will be posted on the public column outside the classroom. You go out!"

After leaving the examination room, Shanhe hurriedly slipped out of the film school. There was a high possibility of being recognized and surrounded. Safety came first.

Two days later, Shanhe found his name at the top of the list, but the news that Shanhe participated in the Nortel Directing Department Art Examination spread all of a sudden!

"Where is Shanhe? Didn't I say that he also came to take the art exam? If he failed in the first attempt, he can just meet a famous person to make up for it!"

"It's outrageous that such a well-known writer is here to grab a spot. He should be expelled from the art exam!"

"Look quickly, Anne Hathaway is very beautiful! I have to see what the hero looks like!"

Wearing a baseball cap, Shanhe heard the comments of the candidates next to him, and hurriedly avoided everyone's gossip without making a sound. Now he couldn't be quiet anymore!

Sure enough, the reporter's figure appeared before the re-examination started. Now Shanhe couldn't hide. The reporter's professionalism recognized him at a glance.

"Classmate Shanhe, what do you think of the difficulty of the art exam and the admission rate?"

"Anne Hathaway's movie has exploded in North America. Have you had any communication?"

"What do you think about teenage puppy love?"

Shanhe was suddenly surrounded by a dozen reporters. The candidates on the side looked at each other. Why are these reporters so aggressive? They pounce on them when they see them!

Shanhe pushed away the microphone that was about to hit his face and walked forward silently while supporting the reporter.

After a while, teachers from Nortel came out and isolated all reporters from the examination room.

Shanhe was able to enter the teaching building.

The second test of the directing department is the most important. According to the information collected by Qu Ling, the retest will eliminate most candidates, and the chance of elimination in the third test is much smaller.

The retest includes three written test items: story writing, narrative prose writing, and film review writing.

The test question is a fragment of "That Mountain, That Man, That Dog". Based on the fragment, write a short story, a narrative essay and a film review.

Shanhe quickly completed the exam. He wrote a short story about his father and wrote a few hundred words of prose about working with his father. The film review also used the father-son relationship as the core to explain the director's perspective of observation, selection of aspects and color. Meaning.

Two days later, Shanhe saw his name on the list of the third trial. There were about thirty names in the entire list.

The three tests include a talent show, a two-person sketch, and an interview with the examiner.

In addition, candidates also need to prepare interview materials and interview performances.

Facing Yang Lin, Wang Hongwei, and an unknown female teacher, Shanhe felt very relaxed.

He read "Will Enter the Wine" aloud as a talent show. After handing in the interview materials, Yang Lin and Wang Hongwei asked a few questions related to their basic understanding of the director, and Shanhe passed the test.

He was not even allowed to perform the sketch.

Finally, the unknown female teacher said hello to him, "I am Xue Xiaolu from the Literature Department. I will come to the Literature Department to discuss script writing when I have time in the future!"

"Thank you, I will go there often after I enter school!" After saying this, Shanhe walked out of the classroom.

At this point, all the art exams for Beijing Film Academy have been completed.

Shanhe still had to go to Beijing University. No matter whether the dual degree operation could be realized or not, Shanhe had to go to Beijing University. People gave him face, so he had to carry it!

What Shanhe didn't expect was that the person who received him was not Professor Wu from the Art Department of Peking University, but a middle-aged scholar named Li Zhiwen from the Chinese Department.

"Hello, Shanhe, I am an admissions teacher at the Chinese Department of Peking University. My name is Li Zhiwen."

Shanhe responded with some confusion: "Hello, Mr. Li, I am applying for the film and television communication major. The Chinese department has a heavy academic load, and I'm afraid I won't be able to take care of it!"

Li Zhiwen handed over a glass of water and said to Shanhe with a smile: "Classmate Shanhe, your first choice is to be a director, but you are now an internationally renowned writer. Someone has given you the advice to major in directing and minor in Department of Chinese Language and Literature, you can register as a student in the Department of Chinese Language and Literature at Peking University, and the school will issue you a diploma when you complete the credits!”

After listening to this, Shanhe thought quietly for a while, nodded and responded: "Thank you Beijing University for your consideration and suggestions, I won't let you down!"

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