Rhapsody of Entertainment Rebirth

Chapter 13 Chapter Thirteen: The belated first appearance

Ring ring ring…

Another weekend, Shanhe's newly installed phone rang.

Xie Meiyu picked up the phone: "Hello, this is Qiu Jiang's house."

Standard post and telecommunications operator posture...

"Oh, it's Sister Qu. Xiaohe and his father went to arrange sketches. They won't come back until noon."

"Xiaohe's work has been published! Is it true? It's great."

"It has been sent over. I can finally see the real thing! Thank you so much. There are so many small rivers that you take care of them."

"What kind of genius? You've never seen him get so angry that his nose is blown off when he's naughty!"

"I'll ask Qiu Jiang to call you back this afternoon, okay, good-bye."

Xie Meiyu put down the phone, pumped her fists and screamed excitedly.

"Brother is going to become a great writer, Xi Xigao is not happy!"

He picked up his confused daughter and kissed her hard, "Shall we go find Grandma Shi?"

In the school auditorium, Shanhe asked several classmates to audition for a certain role, but they failed to meet expectations.

"Xiao Lizi, why are you so timid? Apart from my dad, everyone in the audience is my classmates, how can you be so nervous!"

"Do you think I'm a coward? What's that syndrome? What can I do if I'm born with it?"

"If I don't point at you, I'll go to the fat man's house and find him."

"He is not in our class, so who will own the show then?" asked Miss Zhou.

"Chairman, do you know there is a word called friendly acting? My dad is one of them, isn't he?"

"Teacher Qiu plays the role of family friend, haha"


"Fat man, make a mean expression, no, you are so nervous, and there is no audience below!"

"Why not? Your father is not, he is still a teacher. Please let me slow down. I just knew what happened."

"This is the state, remember this state, you are the only one who will be the best. Fatty, you are now the leading actor in "Northern Fujian No. 1 Middle School Badge Incident". You will definitely be popular, I guarantee it! This is your script, take it. "

Yuan Zhonghe was stunned, now he's on it!

After explaining everyone's return mission, Shanhe got on the back seat of his father's bicycle.

"Dad, it's much harder than I thought. I'm so busy that I don't even know what to do!"

"It's not bad, the actors have been decided, and you've sent them the scripts. The first step has been taken care of. Experience is not accumulated slowly." Qiu Jiang answered while riding a bicycle.

"That little fat guy is probably the son of Mr. Chen from the police station. The protagonist you chose is really suitable."

"Xiaohui is actually quite suitable. One of them has a mean mouth and the other has a mean appearance, haha."

"I don't understand you, but at your age, if anyone dares to call me mean, I will definitely do it."

"The bitch written in my script is the kind of person who is quite annoying, but not annoying at all. It's not a literal meaning."

While talking, the bicycle entered the alley.

"Xiaoqiu, don't go home. Xiao Xie and Xixi are at Mistress's place. Xiaohe's books and periodicals have been distributed." Shanhe heard Master's shout and quickly jumped out of the car and took the basket from Master's hand.

"Look at me, I'm a little excited. Go back and tell me."

By the time Shanhe took the magazine in his hands, it was already four days later.

"From the city to the fields, it's a different world"

Author: Shanhe

Painting: Mountains and Rivers

Seeing his name printed in the catalog, Shanhe was excited and proud. This is just his starting point, and the mountains and rivers will continue to move forward.

The content published this time is approximately 20,000 words, and four short stories form an animal series. The illustrations are embedded in the text and are not obtrusive at all.

The twelve issues of "Grudge" have sold nearly 400,000 copies and are distributed all over the country, mainly in the south.

"Aunt Qu, the magazine has been received and we are very satisfied." Shanhe received a call from the magazine company.

"The editor also helped me register for the National Youth Essay Contest?"

"Okay, Aunt Qu, I will tell my dad and he will call you when he comes back in the evening. Goodbye."

Qiu Jiang set up a round table at home, and Wu Zhiwei and his teacher and his wife were reading magazines.

Shanhe hugged his sister, pointed to the illustrations in the magazine and asked, "Xixi, do you remember these little animals?"

"This is the little swallow that my brother drew for me. Why is it also in this book?"

"Other children also want to see it. Xixi, don't you want to share it with other children?"

"I'm quite willing, but the ones in the book are not as big or as numerous as mine."

"The printing effect is okay. Xixi is right, the picture is a bit small." Wu Zhiwei was a little dissatisfied.

Yu Zhengchong glanced at him, "There are only so many large national journals, so it would be nice to have illustrations. "Sprouting" is doing well, with so many columns, but the price is a bit expensive, at ten yuan a copy, most of them are The city kids are watching.”

Mrs. Xie held the magazine lovingly, "This is our Xiaohe's first work. I have to keep it. Xiaohe, come here and sign it."

"Sign all these books, hahaha."

Qiu Jiang said with a smile: "The magazine called to tell me that Xiaohe had signed up for the National Youth Essay Contest and has been selected for the second round. He is expected to win the prize."

"There is also news about Xiaohe's first novel. Editor Qu recommended the outline to Harvest Magazine, which is very interested."

"Great. Double happiness."

"Celebrate Xiaohe tonight well."

"If he wins the award, Xiaohe's identity will no longer be kept secret."

"Didn't you say that the outline has been transferred to Harvest? There is no problem with Harvest. There are many novels on Harvest that are more sensitive."

"Xiaohe, have you decided on the name of your novel?" Wu Zhiwei asked.

"We young people, Master, Uncle Wu, what do you think?"

"How do you plan to end it?" Yu Zhengchong asked.

"Mutual redemption, the boy hid his age, and the girl broke her promise. They deceived each other in order to protect each other."

"It's very good. Write it down. Master, I believe you can write a novel well."

"I've almost collected the information. I plan to start writing it after the New Year's Day program is scheduled."

Wu Zhiwei was very curious about the sketch that the father and son had arranged, "I heard that you are going to find someone to film that sketch?"

"Director Liu Quanhe of the Magic City Education TV Station was very interested in this sketch. He called and asked to send it to him."

Yu Zhengchong burst into laughter, "Meiyu told me that Xiaohe is the screenwriter and director, and you, Qiu Jiang, are just a supporting actor. You are also bound to three chapters."

"His father gave him an actor job for free, and he was picky and said he was afraid that I would interfere with their ideas. How can this be justified?"


"But they are a group of junior high school students, and they did a really good job. They even auditioned a few days ago, and the actors were selected, and they were quite suitable."

"We won't read the script. Let's just look at the finished product. Director Xiaohe, come on!"

"It was just a coincidence and an idea. My dad said it so seriously. I'm very stressed now. The whole morning was wasted during the last rehearsal. Master, Uncle Wu, please help me!"

"Neither me nor your Uncle Wu can help you with this. Let alone arranging the sketches, we have never seen the sketches performed live. Haha" Yu Zhengchong and Wu Zhiwei laughed together.

"It's thanks to you that I can see the live skit."

"Elders, let me take a group photo for everyone. Xixi, come too and let me hold you." Shanhe raised his hand and took out the camera from the room.

"Everyone, look here, Eggplant!"

"Xiaohe, it's okay. The camera is all equipped." Wu Zhiwei took the camera and looked up and down, "Plum Blossom 135 is produced in Shanghai."

"The last time I went to Shanghai to sign a contract, Xiaohe met a host of a youth column on the TV station. He was only half a year older than Shanhe. The young man looked very clear and spoke and acted very grandly. The two talked for an afternoon and became friends. Before leaving, I gave Shanhe this camera as a gift.”

"Children who grow up in big cities are different, they are generous." Wu Zhiwei sighed. "Xiaohe, they give you such nice things, what do you give them?"

"I gave him the diary from the summer vacation."

"Hey, you sent out the first draft of your first work! Each of your young people's handwriting is bigger than the last."

"I am ready to write "The River on Tianshan Mountain", but I have been hesitating for more than a year." Wu Zhiwei hesitated for a moment.

"I finally made up my mind, come on!"

"Xiao Wu, you said before that my dream will be realized by you. You will definitely succeed this time."

Early the next morning, father and son went out together.

"Editor Qu told me yesterday that the magazine publisher of your book has been scheduled. The royalties are about 8%, and the first printing is 100,000 copies. The manuscript fee is about 100,000 yuan. Moreover, the response from readers has been very good, and the editorial department has already I have received some letters from readers, and I believe there will be more in the future.”

"Dad, you have so much money?" Shanhe pretended to be surprised.

"If it's reprinted, it's still 8%. In one book, you have compared your parents' income for more than ten years!" Qiu Jiang sighed: "You said I wish I had persisted a little longer."

"Haha, Master said, you can only read propositional essays of less than 1,000 words."

"...Your master is a generation apart. How could I have given birth to a little writer like you without talent." Qiu Jiang said forcefully: "Your little uncle Wu has also started writing recently. It seems that he was stimulated by you."

"Great, I believe Uncle Wu can do it."

"Would you like to buy you something after the royalties are paid?"

"I don't need it. I'll give my mother another bicycle when the time comes."

"Okay, you have the final say on the money you make. Your mother will be happy."

"How about you get another one?"

"You brat, are your dad and I that stingy?"

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