Rhapsody of Entertainment Rebirth

Chapter 15 Chapter 15: Serial Fermentation

After the last rehearsal, Shanhe finally relaxed. His academic performance was easy to say, and his memory could help him cheat. My first novel was more troublesome.

Dozens of characters appear one after another throughout the book, scenes are switched back and forth, the emotional world of the protagonist, etc., and various logics ripple back and forth in Shanhe's mind.

Although he had movies in his memory as a reference, Shanhe was still afraid that he would not be able to put what he wanted into words.

Take your time, action is the best solution.

The next day, Class 1, Grade 2, No. 1 Middle School in Northern Fujian was full of noise.

"Qiu Daxian, your sketch was amazing. I felt it was no worse than the one on TV!"

"Is it our fault? I also made up a sentence."

"Qiu Daxian, why didn't you choose me first? It's a pity."

The classmates gathered around Shanhe and began to discuss.

"Tell me why I have this syndrome? Otherwise, it would be the fat man's turn to take the limelight!" Li Xiaohui was annoyed.

"Fat Man's performance is indeed very good. I really think he has the talent to be an actor." Shanhe praised. "After New Year's Day, Big Head and Fatty become even more popular. Are you angry?"

"I'm so angry, you guys have to treat me. If I hadn't seen the fat man being made to stand, you wouldn't be in the limelight now!"

"Don't you think Datou is here?"

Yuan Datou ran over carrying these bags of potato chips. "It's good to be an actor. There are always people staring at me all morning, and there are a lot of girls. I will be an actor from now on!" Yuan Datou said confidently after handing over the potato chips.

"Don't be blind, the show hasn't even started yet, so you are so proud!"

"I was just nervous yesterday. After yesterday, I'm not afraid now. I'm not bragging. I can perform better at the New Year's Day party!" Yuan Datou assured.

The New Year's Day party was held as scheduled, and the skit about the school badge event of Northern Fujian No. 1 Middle School was a success. The students in the entire auditorium were amused, and many conversations spread throughout the school. Even when the pickets inspected their appearance and clothing, they made noises.

Fatty Yuan Datou has become a famous figure in the school, and Fatty is especially popular.

Not many people know about the director Shanhe, and he is happy to hide away.

My father has sent the skit video to the TV station.

Shanhe's first experience as a director has come to an end.

This experience made him fully understand how difficult it is to be a director. It was just a ten-minute sketch, but many things went wrong in the middle, which made him doubt whether he could complete it.

He realized that he still needed to study and increase his knowledge. He could not fulfill his dream by cheating by just relying on memory.

The years pass quickly, and the end of the semester is coming in a blink of an eye.

The topic caused by the skit was quickly drowned out by all kinds of things.

The relationship between the participants in several sketches is getting better and better, and Feng Jingliang, who plays the picket, also joins their small circle.

Miss Zhou once pestered Shanhe to ask him to submit an article, but Shanhe ignored her with various excuses.

"Qiu Daxian, what are your plans for the weekend? Do you want to play basketball together? We just happen to be a couple." Feng Jingliang came over and asked.

"Not this weekend. My dad and I are going back to our hometown to see grandpa. You can find someone else!"

"I can't go either." Li Xiaohui added dejectedly, "My mother won't let me go out."

"That's such a pity. Feng inspected his store to try out new dishes, and only a certain guy and I enjoyed the meal." Yuan Datou also came over.

Feng Jingliang's family owned a small restaurant, and he often took them to visit him.

"It's ridiculous to think about it. Last week, the picket team actually dragged Lao Feng into it. Now the whole school calls him Feng Picket. He has become an image spokesperson!"

"Thanks to my acting so well, you didn't pull me in. I'm really looking down on you." Yuan Datou said angrily.

"You are destined to be picketed. Old Feng was the squadron leader in primary school, and now he is the group leader. The group leader is also an official, okay! You Yuan Datou, except that you may have been the president in your previous life, you are nothing!" Li Xiaohui said in The side said cheaply.

"You're forcing me to call you bald!"

Li Xiaohui was so angry that he wanted to pinch Yuan Datou's neck, "I only shaved my head once, you will remember it for the rest of your life!"

"You call me Big Head and I don't say anything!"

"You do have a big head. If I had no hair now, I would let you scream!"

Ha ha…

Xie Meiyu carried a large package of letters home from the post office. This was already her second time carrying letters. The two-issue serialization brought great popularity to Shanhe's works.

The magazine received a large number of letters from readers. Half of them are written to the author Shanhe. The editorial department forwarded the letter to Shanhe and asked Shanhe to retrieve some letters and reply to readers.

"Lao Qiu, hundreds more letters have arrived, and I have to open them for another day! I have been working at the post office for more than ten years, and this is the first time I have seen letters packed in large cardboard boxes." Xie Meiyu proudly showed off to her husband, "I can't hold it in anymore. Shut up, Lao Kong asked me what happened today, and I almost let it slip."

"Don't think about showing off, just let nature take its course. This is more than last time! It seems that Xiaohe's works are becoming more and more popular."

After dinner, Yu Zhengchong came over with the old couple to help read the letter.

"This letter is well written. Let me read it to you."

…My daughter likes the illustrations in the article very much. As an educator, I don’t want my children to be ignorant of grains and live in a spiritual world full of cement and steel bars. I have never been able to find reading materials that interest her to popularize science. , until I saw "From City to Field" in my nephew's books, and I read it to my daughter as a bedtime story... I hope you will create more such books in the future to bring another world to your children.

"I wrote this letter from a high school student, and I will read it to you."

…I don’t know your age, but you must be about the same age as me. …I am very touched and regretful. Your words reminded me of my deceased grandfather. I was not able to work and live with my grandfather like you and experience his life...

"This is a female student, haha. She wrote a letter to express her admiration for your talent and that she wants to be a pen pal with you. Xiaohe, you can read it yourself!"

Most of the letters were praising the work, but there were also letters of advice and criticism. Shanhe couldn't reply to them all, so he only picked out some pertinent letters and prepared replies. The workload was not small.

"The workload is too much to pick out so many. You are still a student, and the pressure from studying and long-form creation is already great. In this way, I will help you reply in the name of your master, and your master can also help. Qiu Jiang, you and Xiao Xie should also send some back." Yu Zhengchong can be said to be extremely protective of his disciple.

"Thank you, Master and Master."

"Where did you write "We Are Young"?"

"The main characters have all appeared. As for the heroine Chen Nian, I feel that the writing has always been stumbling. Just looking at the cases is still too superficial." Shanhe said about his recent creative troubles.

"You mean to find a woman who has had a similar experience to interview? This is not realistic. I will try to find a few more cases of bullying for you. Take your time, in fact, you are already very fast."

Xie Meiyu looked at the two helpless grandparents and said with some hesitation: "Teacher Yu, I have an idea. Her sister, Lao Kong from our unit, is a child psychiatrist. Can we talk to her?"

"Why didn't I think of that! A psychiatrist, yes, a psychiatrist should help you!"

"Mom, you helped me a lot this time!" Shanhe hugged his mother's arm and kissed her.

"Kid, I'll go find Lao Kong tomorrow, but I may not be able to hide Xiaohe's article in the magazine!"

"Xiaohe, do you know why I gave you the desk calendar?" Yu Zhengchong asked, staring at Shanhe.

"Master reminds me to reflect on myself every day and not to be proud and complacent!"

Yu Zhengchong nodded with satisfaction, "I won't hide it if I can't, Qiu Jiang, your greatest achievement in this life is giving birth to a good son!"

"Teacher, as you said, Xiaohe is not the disciple of you and your wife!"

"Hahaha, you're right, the teacher is a little bit intolerant!"

Mrs. Xie also walked up to Shan He and patted his back with admiration: "Master, I'm waiting to see our Xiao He become a great writer."

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