Rhapsody of Entertainment Rebirth

Chapter 152 Chapter 152: Collection

Shan He and Zhang Yimou walked out of the door of China Film Group.

"Shanhe, the project of "Hero" will be approved soon. Weiping has already started the preparatory work, and the crew is ready. If you have time, you can follow the crew to watch it!" Zhang Yimou said to Shanhe.

"Brother, I have been preparing a new book recently. I have been collecting materials and experiencing life. I will finish writing the new book first, and then I will go to the crew to learn from you. Do you think it will work?" Shanhe replied with a confused look on his face.

Zhang Yimou looked at Shanhe with surprise, "I have started writing a book again. What subject matter is it suitable for adaptation? I am also enthusiastic about "Parasite", but it is a pity that it is set in Country M!"

"The outline is still being written. It uses the antique industry to describe the changes of the times over the past ten years. It would be more suitable to adapt it to a TV series. Brother, when the sample book comes out, I will give you a copy!" Shanhe replied to Zhang Yimou.

"Okay, let's go first. If you want to come, call me!"


After parting ways with Zhang Yimou, Shanhe returned to the museum and continued his creative life.

With the help of Ma Weidu, the novel outline of "Under the Zhengyang Gate" was completed step by step.

"Master Ma, it's really thanks to you this time, otherwise this book wouldn't have been published!" Shanhe said gratefully to Ma Weidu.

"Hi! I'm willing to do it. Looking at these old objects, I often feel that they are alive and have their own lives. If I can let more people see their brilliance, my life will not be in vain!" Ma Weidu responded while playing with the teapot in his hand.

Shanhe thought for a while and suggested to Ma Weidu: "Master Ma, I find the antique and historical anecdotes you introduced to me during this period very attractive. Do you think it can be made into a series? There must be someone." If you are willing to listen, you have a wide range of contacts, so finding a TV station to cooperate with won’t be a problem!”

Ma Weidu was stunned for a while by Shanhe's words, and then he jumped up from his chair, "This is a great idea, it's so genius. I'm sitting in a pile of ingots looking for money! Shanhe, I'll chat with you later, I Find someone now!"

Shanhe looked at Ma Weidu's figure leaving anxiously, and laughed happily.

CCTV Science and Education Channel has just launched a lecture program these days called "Hundred Schools of Lectures". The first episode invited the famous physicist Yang Zhenning, which is very ambitious.

The director of the show is worried about the invited guests and the content of the show. At first, he can find some heavyweights to support the scene, but for long-term broadcasting, he needs to find suitable themes.

History, culture, science, economy, etc. are all far away from the lives of ordinary people. Professionals represent niches to a certain extent. The program team has never been able to find good promotion themes.

The idea of ​​Shanhe giving Ma the capital soon spread in Beijing circles.

On this day, several old friends made an appointment to visit Ma Weidu at his home because of this matter.

"Old Ma, this is a great idea! If it works, your museum may benefit a lot!" Deng Xiaolong praised Ma Weidu.

Wang Shuo also nodded in agreement and said: "Old Ma, this is quite new. You still have such a brain. This idea will definitely come true. Let Xiaolong help you contact the TV station!"

Ma Weidu poured tea for several friends, "How could I have such a brain? I have been begging for food with Yuan Bao all these years. This idea was given to me by Qiu Shanhe. It's really brilliant!"

"Why are you hanging out with him? The age difference between you two is so big!" Deng Xiaolong asked doubtfully.

"I know about this. Jiang Wen asked Lao Ma to help Qiu Shanhe find a yard, so I guess he knows him!" Wang Shuo replied from the side, "It seems that this kid is indeed what Jiang Wen said, he is a master with ideas! "

"That's not great! I took him to see a yard, and I made the decision within half an hour. After taking him for a walk in the museum for more than ten minutes, he was able to get a new book. I was shocked by him. It's so bad!" Ma Weidu responded with a sigh.

Lu Haiyan, who had been sitting silently on the side, was a little curious by Ma Weidu's words, "It seems that you two have a good relationship! Let's talk about it, we will just listen to the story!"

Ma Weidu picked up the tea cup and took a sip of tea, "Shanhe is a kid who treats people well and speaks and acts very maturely. He and I really hit it off. You know what the subject of his new book is, antiques! Doesn't this poke a hole in my heart? Now, he has been studying at my place these days. He is down-to-earth and studious, with a sharp mind and no arrogance at all. If he were an ordinary person, I would accept him as a student. Isn’t this novel outline about to be completed? Give it to me when it’s done. It was a big surprise, and I knew immediately that this idea was definitely feasible and would be a huge help to me and my museum!”

"Listen to what you said, Lao Ma, Shanhe is really a person, not a person who is praised by others!" Wang Shuo peeled off a peanut and threw it into his mouth.

Deng Xiaolong glanced at Wang Shuo, "It doesn't matter to you whether you are a good person or not. They still use you to authenticate me! As for Lao Ma, Shanhe is a good person. He has a sense of reciprocating the little things from others. , to be honest, with his ability, he can realize his ideas!"

"I haven't even thought about this. When Xiaolong mentioned it like this, it's true that this kid is serious!" Ma Weidu said with emotion.

"Lao Ma, do you have a plan? Do you know how to deal with it? I can help you connect Beijing TV and CCTV!" Deng Xiaolong asked.

Ma Weidu thought for a while and replied: "Let's focus on popularizing science about collecting. Now more and more people are capable and like collecting, and there are more and more scammers and fakes. It has become a common phenomenon to play this game to learn a lesson. I’m already writing a plan, and I’m starting to see if I can do a few issues first to see the effect!”

At this time, Lu Haiyan's and Deng Xiaolong's cell phones rang one after another. They gestured to everyone and went out to answer the phone.

"Lao Ma, the TV station is definitely interested in your idea. It is both cultural and practical. If you look at Liulichang and Panjiayuan now, you will know that there are more and more people engaged in the antique industry, and the money comes quickly. !" Wang Shuo said to Ma Weidu.

Ma Weidu smiled and responded: "I went for a walk in Panjiayuan a while ago. Good guy, I looked at dozens of stalls and couldn't find anything. They were all used by others and were not fakes. It’s just post-repair, but you can’t make money quickly, you can make a fortune just by covering one in a day!”

"Isn't it just about your eyesight? You thought it was more than ten years ago!"

After answering the phone, Deng Xiaolong and Lu Haiyan walked in and said to Ma Weidu with a smile: "The news of you spread quickly enough. Hai Yan and I received calls from Beijing TV Station and CCTV respectively, both asking for news about your program. , CCTV Science and Education Channel has opened a new column called "Lecture Forum", I guess they will be looking for you soon!"

"Beijing TV Station is also interested in cooperating with you to create a new column about collections."

When Ma Weidu heard this, his eyes narrowed with laughter, "Hey! Shanhe has made me famous this time!"

Shanhe spent two days compiling the outline into a book. Everything in the capital was over. He was going to rush back to the capital immediately to spend the summer vacation with his family before coming to the capital to study.

During this period of swimming in the world of antiques, many collections in Shanhe's memory popped up.

"National Treasure", "The Final Word", "My Family Has an Heirloom", etc., Shanhe has watched them for a while and left an impression on them.

Among them, the most profound ones are "If National Treasures Could Talk" and "I Repair Cultural Relics in the Forbidden City".

In his previous life, Shanhe became interested in antique collecting because of these two documentaries.

It seems that my fate with old objects is not over yet. It might be a good choice to start as a documentary director!

After Ma Weidu was invited by the TV station, he called Shanhe.

His excitement can be heard in his voice.

"Hundred Schools Forum" is a good platform, and Ma Weidu's road to fame started early.

As the antique collecting industry becomes more popular, he will become more and more popular.

Shanhe met his mother and Qu Ling who came to pick him up at Hongqiao Airport in the magical city.

What surprised him was that Qin Haiyang actually drove his car and waited at the airport gate.

"Brother Qin, why are you free to pick me up today? I heard my mother say that you have been very busy in the past six months. Have you finished the Pudong branch?" Shan He looked at Qin who looked like two people compared to the past. Ocean asked.

Qin Haiyang turned around and replied with a smile: "The branch opened last month. The business is not bad. It has been basically straightened out in a month. I don't have to stay there all day. Mr. Yu often teaches me to be a hard worker! "

Shanhe gave Qin Haiyang a thumbs up, and then asked, "Is Qin Nan okay?"

"It's good. My parents are here. She is more cute and laughs than before. She often goes to Aunt Xie's place now and says she wants to be an agent in the future!" Qin Haiyang replied easily.

Shanhe looked back at his mother, "Qin Nan still has this idea, Mom, aren't you and Aunt Qu brainwashing me?"

Xie Meiyu reached out and patted Shanhe on the front seat, "Nannan is so attentive! She is very smart. She is now studying at home and has learned high school courses. Haiyang also hired a tutor for her sister. What is this little girl thinking? But that’s so fair! You think they’re all as heartless as your sister!”

"That's not bad. Brother Qin, I asked my family to come to my house for dinner in the evening. Let's have a good gathering. Several months have passed in a flash!" Shanhe said to Qin Haiyang.

Qin Haiyang started the car and said, "When you come back, I have to pick up the wind for you. Why did you let a group go and have a meal?"

"Hai Yang, just listen to Xiao He. Qu Ling's family just happened to be here too. Let's have a lively gathering!" Xie Meiyu also chatted from the back seat.

"Auntie Xie said, I must do it. I will pick them up later and help you!"

Shanhe's first night back in the magic city was spent in the lively reminiscing and gossiping of the three families.

Early the next morning, Shanhe was woken up from bed by his naughty sister.

During breakfast, Xie Meiyu told Shanhe about the news about Tencent.

"Tencent's money is about to burn out. Their software is now called QQ. The number of customers is increasing rapidly. In the first two months, Xiaoma said it exceeded 100 million. Xiaoma and the others are now looking for investors everywhere. According to current We can’t afford to invest in QQ at its valuation!”

Shanhe was a little confused, swallowed the egg in his mouth and asked: "QQ is developing so well, Lao Ma and the others still can't find investors? This is so strange!"

Xie Meiyu shook her head and replied: "I think it's normal! Xiaoma and the others are just burning money. There is no profit. Who is willing to invest money without profit? To be honest, I feel a little regretful!"

"Mom, you can't measure the Internet industry in the same way as traditional industries. Although I don't quite understand it, I know that the Internet industry must first have customers and traffic. These can later be turned into profits and money. QQ now estimates How much is it worth?" Shanhe explained to his mother.

Xie Meiyu pouted. She didn't agree with Shanhe's explanation. "The valuation is quite high. Last time Xiaoma said it was 50 to 60 million US dollars. I think it's too unreliable. How long has it been?" Based on this calculation, our investment has increased nearly ten times, how is that possible!"

Shanhe laughed after hearing this, "Mom, how about we make a bet. If someone is willing to use this valuation to invest or buy our equity, you have to listen to me and keep it without selling it. We can dilute it proportionally." , if this round of financing does not reach this valuation, you have the final say on what to do with it! How about it?”

"Haha! You young people think about good things all day long. Okay, I'll pay you 50 to 60 million. As long as there's a valuation of 20 million, I won't say anything. You have to keep it. You can't afford such a golden egg. Wait until it hatches! According to me, we will be lucky to get our money back this time!" Xie Meiyu dismissed Shanhe's bet.

Shanhe smiled and said to the family members at the table: "Everyone heard what my mother said just now. Mom, I take it seriously. My father, teacher, grandma, grandma, and Xixi are all witnesses!"

Qiu Jiang raised his head and glanced at the two mother and son, "I won't get involved in your mother and son's affairs. It's scary to even think about it. They've spent tens of millions of dollars on it. Do you know how much tens of millions of dollars are?"

Qiu Jiang's words made Yu Zhengchong laugh at the old couple, "Qiu Jiang, do you know how much money your son has earned! You must have a good son and a good wife, otherwise I don't think you will be able to make a fortune in your life!"

"I don't want to get rich either!" Qiu Jiang replied in a low voice.

Xie Meiyu glared at Qiu Jiang, "Teacher and Madam, if you tell him this, you are playing the piano to a cow. He has no brains. If you don't make money, how can Qiu Jiang build a school and help students!"

Qiu Jiang stopped talking when his wife pointed out the painful point, and lowered his head to drink rice porridge.

Xie Meiyu suppressed her husband, turned to her son and said: "Your mother, I can still fool you, we are committed!"

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