Rhapsody of Entertainment Rebirth

Chapter 164 Chapter 164: Time Magazine

York was right. The news that Shanhe's "Parasite" won the Best Novel Award from the National Book Critics Association of Country M was widely reported in various media in Country M the next day.

The National Book Critics Circle Award is aimed at all English-language novels in the North American book market. Unlike the other two major literary awards in the United States, which are only awarded to writers of Chinese origin, the Book Critics Circle Award has a wider scope of awards, and non-Muslim writers also win awards. possible.

But it is only possible. In previous years, most of the Book Critics Association Awards were monopolized by M-origin writers. This time, Shanhe, as a Chinese writer, won the most valuable honor of the Best Novel Award, which indeed attracted a lot of attention. .

The New York Times reported on the front page the list of winners of the Book Critics Circle Award with the title "Chinese genius writer breaks unspoken rules and wins Book Critics Circle Award for Best Novel".

The report praised the Book Critics Association's fairness and impartiality, and Shanhe and "Parasite" were again praised.

The headline of the Washington Post is: "Parasite" lives up to its name, and the teenager Qiu makes history.

The New Yorker: "Parasite" strikes again, and a movie of the same name is about to be released.

"Los Angeles Chinese News": Shanhe made history. The Book Critics Circle Award went to Asia for the first time. Shanhe was an honor fought for by the yellow race.

The happiest thing about Shanhe's award is not him himself, but Disney Pictures!

The movie "Parasite" is about to be released, and Shanhe's award is like a fuse, setting off Disney's publicity plan.

Posters of "Parasite" can be seen everywhere on the streets of big cities across the United States. Newspapers, magazines, radio news, and TV news all reported on the award-winning novel "Parasite" and the release of the movie "Parasite".

The reputation of mountains and rivers once again swept the whole M!

Shanhe's Hollywood itinerary became more intensive, and various interviews came to him.

Disney Studios held a small press conference for Shanhe.

Shanhe and Bruckheimer dealt with reporters' questions on stage.

"Qiu, how do you feel about being the first Asian writer to win the Book Critics Circle Award?"

"Have you watched the movie of the same name as "Parasite"? Are you satisfied with it?"

"Your win has increased the media's box office predictions for "Parasite" by 30%. Do you agree with this prediction?"

"Mr. Bruckheimer, Disney and Yau have already collaborated on three films, and the first two have been successful. What is your box office prediction for "Parasite"?"

"How long can the cooperation between Disney Pictures and Shanhe continue? It is said that Time Warner is trying its best to facilitate a meeting with Qiu. What do you think of this competition?"

After being bombarded with questions for more than an hour, the press conference finally came to an end. Compared with Shanhe's tired face, Bruckheimer was full of energy.

"Qiu, why are you worse than me, an old man in his fifties? You still need to practice more." Bruckheimer teased Shan Hedao with a smile.

Shanhe leaned on the sofa and glanced at Bruckheimer, "Jerry, do you need me to repeat the schedule to you? Every time I come to Hollywood, I feel like I am being rushed. The pace is too fast."

"This is Vanity Fair. There are so many films released in every Hollywood schedule. Competition is the norm, and publicity competition is the top priority. Every film company is grabbing publicity resources. Qiu, you have always been our lucky star!" Bullock Hemmer responded.

Shanhe stood up and moved his limbs a few times, "Jerry, what is your box office prediction for "Parasite"? How true are the media's questions just now?"

"Qiu, this time you win the award, I estimate that it will bring more than a 20% increase in the box office of "Parasite". I have good news for you. Disney Pictures is discussing increasing your share of the North American box office, although it is only At one point, if the total box office in North America exceeds 200 million, your share will be worth a lot of money." Bruckheimer replied with a smile.

At this time, Qu Ling walked out from the backstage and happened to hear Bruckheimer's answer.

"So Disney's North American box office forecast for "Parasite" is US$200 million? Isn't that too optimistic?" Qu Ling questioned Bruckheimer.

"Qu, under normal circumstances, the North American box office of "Parasite" will not reach 200 million. After all, it is not an entertainment blockbuster, but this is the Oscar awards season. If "Parasite" can win a sufficient award at the Oscars, " A film like "Parasite" that is suitable for long-term screening can last for a long time, and it is normal to have more than tens of millions in box office!" Bruckheimer explained to the two.

Qu Ling then asked: "Disney has so much confidence in "Parasite", can it guarantee that it will win at the Oscars?"

Bruckheimer also stood up, unscrewed a bottle of mineral water, and took a sip, "Qu, you don't understand Oscar preferences and selection rules. Disney Pictures has invested a lot in this awards season. The gold medal is coming soon." "Parasite" will be a big hit at the Oscars and the Oscars in a month's time, I'm sure of it!"

After listening to Bruckheimer's passionate words, Shanhe gave him a thumbs up, "You are awesome!"

"What, what does awesome mean?" Bruckheimer lamely repeated Shanhe's words.

Shanhe glanced at Qu Ling next to him, then whispered into Bruckheimer's ear to explain.

Bruckheimer was confused by Shanhe's explanation. It took him a minute or two to react, and then burst into laughter.

"Fuck, this word is so interesting. You Chinese people are so imaginative. I have to remember, Qiu, you are awesome too! Haha..."

Qu Ling looked at the two of them with disgust and disdain, then walked backstage calmly.

Three days before Christmas in the West, Qu Ling received an appointment call from Time Magazine. Shanhe would be the cover character of the next issue of Time Magazine and receive an exclusive interview.

After getting the news, York even opened a bottle of champagne in the car to celebrate, "Qiu, not everyone can be on the cover of Time. Qiu, this means you are already a real big shot. Congratulations! "

"Thank you!" Shanhe raised the champagne in his hand, "Aunt Qu, when will Time Magazine come for an interview?"

"Tomorrow afternoon, Disney has arranged for us to be on the set, and the interview outline will be sent over tomorrow morning. Time Magazine is a very influential magazine with distribution channels around the world. You have to be careful and don't answer sensitive topics." Qu Ling said to This interview was both exciting and a bit worrying.

Shan He raised his glass and thought for a moment, then replied: "I will be careful, Aunt Qu, don't worry, I'm no longer a rookie!"

The next morning, Shanhe received an interview outline from Time Magazine. The questions above were mainly about the Book Critics Association Best Novel Award, mixed with some questions about his growth experience and works, and the achievements of the film adaptation were also mentioned.

These are just general communications before the interview. The reporter's questions are highly random. Even with the interview outline, Shanhe does not dare to take it lightly.

Time Magazine, also known as Time, was founded in 1923 and is one of the first news weekly magazines to appear in the past century.

"Time" is one of the three major current affairs weekly magazines in the United States. It has a wide range of content, including analysis and reports on international current affairs, as well as interviews with celebrities in various industries.

"Times" has a main country edition, an international edition, and European, Asian and Latin American editions.

Shanhe's interview this time is an exclusive interview with the cover character of the main page of M Country.

In fact, when "Parasite" was released in the country M in the first half of the year, "Times" had the idea of ​​listing Shan He as a cover character, but it later failed.

This time Shan He comes to M country, "Parasite" once again swept the United States, "Time" editor-in-chief Walter Isaacson decisively made Shan He the cover character of next month.

In the afternoon, the three of them arrived at Disney's Los Angeles studio on time. In a large warehouse-style room, Shanhe met a reporter from Time Magazine.

There were five people in the "Times" team, including a middle-aged female reporter, a photographer, a videographer, a lighting engineer and a makeup artist.

"Hello, Qiu, I'm Elizabeth Arden, a reporter from Time Magazine. It's a pleasure to communicate with you. I wish us a happy afternoon!" the middle-aged female reporter extended her hand to Shanhe and introduced herself.

Shanhe also extended his hand to shake hands with the other person, looked at the middle-aged blonde girl and said, "I am Qiu Shanhe. I am also very happy to be interviewed by Time Magazine. We will have a pleasant conversation!"

Immediately afterwards, Shanhe started simple makeup, and the videographer and photographer also prepared their equipment.

Ten minutes later, Elizabeth looked at the mountains and rivers opposite with a smile and said, "Shall we start?"


"This is your second time in country M. Can you tell me about the different feelings between this time and the last time?" Elizabeth's first question was off the topic.

Shanhe frowned slightly and replied: "More than a year has passed and country M has not changed much, but I am an adult now and face more people and things. After all, the world of adults is more complicated. many!"

"Oh? Can you tell me what the adult world is like in your eyes?"

Shanhe answered simply: "The adult world is a world where ideals and reality are constantly entangled!"

"Wow, that's well said! Let's get back to the topic. This time it won the Book Critics Circle Award for Best Novel. Are you surprised? After all, you are Chinese."

"Before coming to M country, I didn't even know about this award. It's not that I despised it, but I didn't have the ambition to win the award. I knew very little about literary awards and didn't understand them. I was very surprised that I won the award, and I am also grateful to the Book Critics Association. Appreciation and recognition, as for being Chinese or M, it has little to do with winning the award, everyone is letting their works speak for themselves!”

""Parasite" is a realistic novel that describes the bottom-class black community in Country M. The authenticity of this novel has resonated with many people of color. How did you transcend your identity during the creative process to tell the story of a black family? What about the tragic ones?”

Shanhe thought for a while, "All literary and artistic works are derived from reality, but they are different from reality. The solidification of class division is not unique to M country. I think this is a phenomenon that will occur in every society when it develops to a certain extent. My This novel is not written just for black people. The black family in the book is just a representative. During the more than a month of living in the black community in Country M, I felt that this kind of class opposition would become more and more obvious. Country M If it is not improved, once a fuse ignites it, extremely terrifying energy will explode!"

"Your novel has gained so much success in Country M. Have you considered coming to Country M for development? I believe you will get more money and honors here?" Elizabeth asked very straightforwardly.

"I am very happy to receive honors in Country M, but my family has given me the Chinese identity and bloodline. I cherish this heritage very much. While pursuing success and ideals, everyone must have their own persistence and bottom line. , If people are just profit-seeking animals, the world will become very scary!" Shanhe's answer was also very straightforward.

Elizabeth nodded and continued to ask: "China and M are very different. As a successful writer in both countries, how do you view this difference? How do you judge the future of the two countries? of?"

Shanhe frowned and thought for a while, "Different histories and environments have created different national systems and cultural values. The world has become rich and colorful precisely because of its complexity. Differences will bring more possibilities to human society. Now, The Internet is developing faster and faster, and exchanges between the East and the West will become more and more frequent. The complementarity between China and China naturally exists. I think the two big countries in the East and the West can put aside their differences. Cooperation is the development and evolution of mankind. Motivation!"

During the nearly one-and-a-half-hour interview, the two talked and discussed topics about the award, the novel, and the country.

"Qiu, I'm glad I spent a pleasant afternoon with you. I saw a lot of things I didn't know about from your answers. I hope to go to China to experience it for myself one day!" Elizabeth greeted politely at the end of the interview. .

"You are welcome to visit China. Chinese people are very hospitable and have many delicious foods. They have different scenery and culture from Country M." Shanhe responded.

Elizabeth nodded with a smile, "I will go, Qiu. This interview will be published in Time Magazine next month. I wish you a happy stay in Country M. Goodbye!"


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