Rhapsody of Entertainment Rebirth

Chapter 17 Chapter Seventeen: Winning the Prize

Xie Meiyu took her son's report card and looked through it with a smile.

Shanhe accidentally missed the final exam, and his score actually ranked eighth in the class, and he was in the top 50 in his year.

Shanhe was a little embarrassed, and was a little tangled in the class teacher's comment that he was a role model boy with a complete mind, body, and arts.

His parents took turns staying with him these two days after returning from the city. His mother cooked delicious food for him every day, and his father took him running early in the morning. Yesterday, he even called Fatty to come to him and force Shanhe to play basketball.

"Mom and Dad, this is so abnormal. You treat me like a patient. Let's go back to our daily routine. How can I keep writing like this?" Shanhe complained endlessly.

Qiu Jiang said with lingering fear: "I read the information you brought back in the past two days, and my hair stood on end. Xiaohe, you have been exposed to so many negative things these days, Mom and I are not worried."

Shanhe said speechlessly: "I have the best parents and the cutest sister in the world. How could I be affected by this!"

"How about letting Xiaohe go back to his grandfather first?" Xie Meiyu came up with an idea.

Ring ring ring…

The phone rang and Qiu Jiang picked up the phone.

"Hello, editor-in-chief."

"What? Xiaohe's Diary won an award!...I'll book tickets right away when I have time."

"Sorry for the trouble, we'll get there on time. Goodbye."

"I heard on the phone that Xiaohe won an award. What award? Where should I go to receive the award?" Xie Meiyu asked hurriedly.

"Hahaha, Xiaohe's Diary won the first prize in the National Youth Essay Contest! Haha~ I'll call and book tickets now. I'll go to the Magic City tomorrow."

"By the way, the school also needs to notify that Xiaohe signed up on the recommendation of the school."

Shanhe was very calm. After all, competing with middle school students, the advantage of being reborn was unmatched.

That afternoon, the living room of Shanhe's house was full of people.

"Qiu Jiang, you and your son launched such a large satellite without any noise, and the school couldn't even react at once!"

Xu Rong was still flipping through the "Grudge" journal, her expression still filled with disbelief.

"At first I thought it would not be easy to publish, so I didn't say anything. After I published it, I was afraid of having a bad impact on the children, who were too young. The competition was sponsored by the magazine, and the recommendation was made in the name of the school. It was my idea. Shanhe was cultivated by our No. 1 Middle School. If he gets an honor, the school will take the greatest credit." Qiu Jiang explained to everyone.

"Okay, you, Qiu Jiang, are one of our own after all!"

"Xiaohe, you have brought great glory to our school!"

"This is wrong. It brings glory to the county's education system!"

"The organizing committee requires the school to send someone to go to the Magic City together. Leaders, take a look~" Qiu Jiang reminded.

The school leaders discussed it with the Education Bureau and said, "Xiao Xu, let's go. She is the head teacher and the Chinese teacher. She will go on behalf of the school."

"You don't have to worry about anything else. The bureau can arrange it. Qiu Shanhe, have a good rest and go bring back the honor tomorrow!"

In the sleeper car, Xu Rong was still asking about the creation process of Shanhe Diary.

The sudden surprise made her feel like she was in a dream, and her nominal instructor was even a little embarrassed to face it.

Qiu Jiang stared out the window, recalling all the surprises his son had brought to him over the past six months. Now he was going to witness that his son was heading towards his dream.

The green train slowly drove into the Magic City Railway Station, and the dense crowd pushed Shanhe forward.

"Shanhe, here, here!" Hu Ge's shout was clear. Qu Ling stood outside the exit with Hu Ge holding a card with Qiujiang and Qiushanhe written on it.

Friends who hadn’t seen each other for months looked at each other and laughed.

After checking into the hotel, Shanhe took out the prepared package from his luggage, "Hu Ge, look, these are the specialties I brought you. These are Shoushan Stone, bodiless lacquerware, and delicious food. Haha, my sister will give them to you too. A little handkerchief!”

"Wow, that's a lot, thank you. I know the Shoushan stone, it's used for carving seals." Hu Ge looked through it in surprise, "Xixi's little handkerchief also has the little swallow in your diary illustration, the embroidery is so good! "

"My grandma embroidered it, it looks nice! Xixi is very precious. By the way, she holds the doll you sent her all day long and won't let her touch it!"

"Really! I want to treasure this. It's a gift from my sister. I really envy you to have Xixi with you every day. I'm the only one in my family, and it's quite boring sometimes."

"Haha, I think you are jealous."

"The TV station seems to attach great importance to the sketch video your dad sent. I heard from Uncle Liu that a new column might be opened." Hu Ge told Shanhe about the gossip he had learned.

"You know this as well!"

"Of course, I'm an old employee, haha, hey, let's not talk about this anymore, adults' things are boring. How long will you stay this time?" Hu Ge asked.

"After receiving the prize tomorrow, I have to go back the day after tomorrow. The tickets have been booked."

"Hey, you are so anxious every time, and I still want you to visit my house! My mother is very curious about you."

"We'll be in high school in two years. Then I can come to you during the holidays!"

"Young people have no right to speak!" Hu Ge sighed empathetically.

"How about the documentary, Director Liu and the others?" Shanhe asked.

"It's still early. We have to go to suburban counties for filming next summer. I will be the last to dub the voice and not appear in the scene!"

"Shanhe, let me tell you something. Do you think it's possible for me to be a star in the future?" Hu Ge asked hesitantly.

"Eh~ Why are you thinking about becoming a star so much?"

"During the holidays, I had a great time watching videos in the studio. Have you seen the Hong Kong movie, Mountains and Rivers?"

Shan He suppressed a smile and replied, "Have you ever heard of it?"

"Let me tell you, that Zhou Runfa is so handsome and cool that I can only dream of throwing cards away in my dreams!"

"Then you want to be a star?"

"I think I'm pretty good-looking too. Maybe if I grow longer, I'll be as handsome as him." Hu Ge responded with a cowardly tone.

"Haha, you are too narcissistic. Well, you are very handsome. It would be a waste of talent not to be a star! Maybe you will be more popular than him in the future!"

"That's my classmate. But my mother definitely doesn't want to, so I'll just tell you!" Hu Ge was a little distressed.

"We are only in the second year of junior high school. Let's talk about high school. Aren't there art schools? They are also universities." Shanhe gave Hu Ge an idea.

"Yes, you are still good. I just took the exam. What kind of school is there?" Hu Ge clapped his legs and stood up.

Shanhe looked at Hu Ge with disdain, "You don't know anything. It's a waste of time to take the exam. Find out by yourself. I think anyone on the TV station will know it."

"I will probably enroll in an art school in the future, and I will be a director, specializing in directing you, the star." Shanhe half-joked.

"Haha, famous people are all celebrities, who knows the director!"

"In the future, directors will be more famous than actors!"

"It's impossible. When you watch Hong Kong movies on video tapes, you only look at the big stars. Who cares about the director?"

"Uh~ Okay, you're right." Shanhe was speechless.

The next day, Shanhe sat in the front row of the auditorium. Watching young people come on stage to receive awards, I truly feel the weight of the honor. It is not only an affirmation of talent and hard work, but also the cultivation and encouragement of younger generations by senior writers, and the result of educational reform.

"The first prize winner in the 7th National Youth Essay Contest was recommended by No. 1 Middle School in Northern Fujian. The essay collection "From the City to the Fields, It's a Different World" was written by Qiu Shanhe. The author and instructors are invited to come to the stage to receive the award, please. The award guest is Wang Anyi, a famous writer from the Magic City Writers Association."

When Shanhe stood up, applause rang out. In an instant, he felt his blood surge, his cheeks turned red involuntarily, and he felt at a loss what to do.

"Xiaohe, come on stage." Qiu Jiang beside him excitedly patted Shanhe's shoulder.

Shan He woke up and everyone was looking at him and Xu Rong. He turned around and hugged the teacher who was standing and applauding, and stepped forward.

Wang Anyi on the stage began to speak, "When the competition reached the final stage, our Writers Association participated in the selection. After reading this manuscript, I was shocked to learn that the author was a boy less than fourteen years old..."

"...a perfect combination of literature and interest, it is a perfect popular science book for teenagers..."

"Hello, Teacher Wang, my father likes your "Song of Everlasting Sorrow" very much." Shanhe said to Wang Anyi who presented him with the award.

"Come on, cherish your talent, I believe this is just the beginning for you." Wang Anyi encouraged.

The three of them walked from the auditorium to the Germination Magazine in a daze.

"Next month, "From City to Field" will be serialized. It has received a great response in the field of youth education. It has been listed as an outstanding youth popular science book by the education department. The single volume is scheduled to be increased to 300,000 copies." Qu Ling was happy. Said, "How does it feel, receiving the award and having it stamped, are you so happy?"

"Aunt Qu, I'm still dizzy now. If this happens a few more times, I probably won't be able to write for a few months!" Shanhe answered tangledly.

"Haha, I think our little writer is still very sober!" Qu Ling teased Shan He, "Okay, I won't let you go to receive awards and sign books anymore, you are still too young."

"How's your first novel going?" Qu Ling continued to ask.

"It was half written, and some parts were changed in the middle."

"How do you feel about what you wrote?"

"At the beginning, I was stumbling and trembling when I wrote it. Later, after talking to a child psychologist several times, the situation got much better. I felt that there was no problem and I could finish it!"

"Okay, send me the finished manuscript, and I will review it and recommend it to "Harvest" next door."

"Aunt Qu, are there many novels related to children's mental illness? No one seems to care about this social issue."

Qu Ling looked at Shanhe expectantly and said: "I have never tried it, and there are probably very few others. There should be basically no such thing in China, so why do you have any ideas?"

"I'm just asking, but I don't have any at the moment. I talked with a child psychiatrist some time ago, and I'm a little worried about the current situation in this regard."

Qu Ling stared at the mountains and rivers suspiciously: "I'm going to get some information on this at home and abroad so that I'm prepared."

After hesitating for a moment, Qu Ling still suggested: "You can also pay more attention to youth themes. This theme is not obscure and you can easily control it."

"Okay, thank you Aunt Qu for the reminder."

"You're still young, so it's not good to be exposed to these things all the time. It's still a long time, so you have the opportunity to worry about it."

"Aunt Qu, I am lucky to know you!"

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