Rhapsody of Entertainment Rebirth

Chapter 19 Chapter Nineteen: Release

Yu Zhengchong opened the title page of the book, and a line of straight handwriting came into view: Master's teachings are my greatest wealth, and self-reflection every day will become my life motto.

Looking at the autograph given to him by his disciple, Yu Zhengchong felt a little jealous. Tusun gave his first sample book to himself, and he was very touched.

As young people grow up rapidly, the support of the older generation will gradually become weaker. After you helped him teach him to walk, you could only watch him run.

"Master, master!"

Yu Zheng rushed back to his senses, turned around and patted Shan He on the shoulder, "Did the magazine say when it will be released?"

"About a month later, Aunt Qu called me yesterday and gave me a simple interview. It will be published in this issue of the journal and some publicity will be done." Shanhe replied.

"The magazine is very considerate. Very good!"

Yu Zhengchong went on to say: "No matter how good or bad your grades are or how good your sales are, Xiaohe must treat you with a normal attitude. But Master, I believe in you and I believe you can make a big difference!"

"I will."

"Master, I want my dad to buy me a computer. Now that the computer can be connected to the Internet, Aunt Qu and her editorial department will need it."

"Hey, Master You, I don't understand these new things. Ask your dad to buy them for you. Young people have to learn new things! Master, I support you."

Qiu Jiang interjected from the side: "One costs tens of thousands of yuan. I heard that you can play games and use the phone line to chat with others online! Meiyu Unit had one last year, but no one uses it. They say that the cost of Internet access is very expensive. ."

"Dad, Aunt Qu said that I have to use a computer to write books for two years. In the future, I don't need to send manuscripts. I can send them directly using a computer."

"Why, Qiu Jiang, you think it's expensive, how about I buy it for my child?" Yu Zhengchong glared at Qiu Jiang.

"How can I ask the teacher to buy it? His mother and I just made suggestions and didn't say we wouldn't buy it for him. Anyway, it's all his own money."

The teacher's wife covered her mouth and snickered.

At the end of March, the editorial department sent several large boxes of new books to Shanhe.

The Shanhe family divided the books and waited for Shanhe to sign each one before giving it to relatives, friends and colleagues at work.

"This is the book written by Xiaohe, Meiyu, your family is so great, you want to produce a literary star!"

"Wherever I am, my child was writing and playing in my hometown, and it happened that the magazine took a fancy to it."

"Meiyu, you are too modest, it just happened! This is something that happened to be able to do. Didn't Qiu Jiang also like to write articles before? I think it's because you and your husband have a good education."

"If you ask me, when I have time, ask Sister Xie to hold a meeting for us and let us learn from it. My family doesn't even know what to say."

Xie Meiyu shied away on the surface, but she was already happy in her heart, "Xiaohe was so naughty before. We don't have much control over this child. The child grew up all of a sudden, just like it was the same when he was a child."

In the senior year office, Qiu Jiang is also distributing books to colleagues.

"Teacher Qiu, your literary talent has been passed down to your son. For a fourteen-year-old to write such a thick book, you are so talented!"

"It turns out that I didn't read all the comics in the journal. Look, there are a lot more comics. It's very interesting!"

"Is this the first book to be published in our county? I heard that it will be sold nationwide. It's great, Teacher Qiu. I'll enjoy it in the future."

Qiu Jiang blushed and waved his hands, "Don't praise me too much. Xiaohe has some talent. The main reason is that he has good opportunities. When he meets many good people, he helps him. Now, I am worried that he will turn into Fang Zhongyong!"

Shanhe also distributed books in the classroom.

"It's all here. Everyone's names are on it. Take it for yourself." Shanhe spread out the books in the box.

"No, why do you still write Yuan Datou in the book? No, you have to change it for me!"

"Isn't there another sentence after this, "Gift to Yuan Zhonghe, you are blind!" Li Xiaohui said directly without waiting for Shanhe to reply.

"Let me see your message, 'Read more, grow your brain', hahaha, OK, I won't change it." Yuan Datou laughed after reading the message to Li Xiaohui.

"Miss Zhou, I have done what I said."

"Okay. I don't have time to talk to you now." Zhou Xiaoou looked at the book and was very satisfied with the message Shanhe gave her. "May classmate Zhou Xiaoou remain a young man for many years to come."

On April 1st, "From the City to the Fields, That's Another World" went on sale in major and medium-sized bookstores in the southern provinces.

Xinhua Bookstores in Shanghai and provincial capitals in the south have highly recommended this book.

Not only is it placed in a conspicuous position, but also a banner is hung: First Prize in the National Youth Essay Contest, Highly Recommended by the Ministry of Education, Bringing a Different World to Your Children.

Xinhua Bookstore in Northern Fujian County has a whole row of piles at the door, and the loudspeakers in the store play advertising tapes on a loop: the genius work of a second-year student from the No. 1 Middle School in Northern Fujian, the first prize in the National Youth Essay Competition, was educated The Ministry is included in the important recommendation list for youth science popularization...

"Qiu Daxian, your book went on sale yesterday. When my mother came home from get off work yesterday and passed the bookstore, she heard the loudspeaker shouting!" Li Xiaohui shouted as soon as he entered the classroom.

"Xiao Lizi, please speak up. When I heard you say that, I thought you were selling pork!"


"Qiu Daxian, how many copies do you think you can sell?"

"There should be many people in the county buying it. After all, it is a book written by someone from Northern Fujian County." Shanhe replied.

"Who told you about our county? I said about the whole country!" Li Xiaohui shouted.

"Then I don't know. I hope more people will buy it."

"It's an exaggeration to think about it. My deskmate's books are sold in bookstores across the country. Do you think the books you sign for us will be valuable in the future?"

"How come your mind is racing so fast! Don't worry, I will give you a signed copy of each book from now on, so that you can make a fortune. Haha"

As soon as Shan He returned home, Hu Ge's call came.

"Hey, Hu Ge, please speak slowly."

"Thank you classmates for me. How are the sales at the Magic City Bookstore?"

"That's good. I really don't have any confidence in my heart. The magazine's promotion is very good."

"I don't know. Let's count it once a week. We won't know the national sales until next week."

At Sprout Magazine, Xiao Li pushed open the door and walked into the publishing house's editorial office. "Sister Qu, I have visited every bookstore in Magic City. The sales volume is good, and the proportion of students is small. Most of the books are bought by parents with children."

"Students don't have much spending power. The price of fifteen yuan is not high, but it is not low either. The consumption of the student group has to be postponed. It depends on the sales volume in the first week. In the second week, the North also put it on the shelves. It is estimated that the sales volume will be only Come up."

"Reporters from several newspapers just called and wanted to interview Shanhe on the phone. It is estimated that there will be more in the future. Please be careful not to make any promises or reveal the author's information. In terms of publicity, we must communicate well with Shanhe and not cause unnecessary conflicts. .”

"Sister Qu, the Magic City Education TV Station also called. Next Monday's "Reading" column will introduce "From City to Field" and ask us to provide information."

Unlike the busyness and noise of publishing houses, the sale of books has little impact on Shanhe. Like other middle school students, he goes to school, listens to classes and then goes to school.

The second draft of "We Are Young People" has been revised and will be sent to the Magic City tomorrow, waiting for Qu Ling's review before the final draft is finalized.

For more than half a year, Shanhe has been busy, taking care of his studies and writing. The pressure and changes brought about by rebirth have been pushing him forward.

The completion of the second draft made Shanhe feel relieved. He doesn't want to do anything now, he just wants to have a good meal, have a good sleep, and be a simple middle school student again.

"Mom, what are you having for lunch? It tastes so delicious!"

"Yesterday your dad said that he wanted to eat chicken soup noodles. I killed the chicken early in the morning and made the chicken soup. I asked your dad to watch the fire. He was so good that he almost forgot. You can see that it was almost dry. You know how to call , What can I do?" Xie Meiyu's nagging voice sounded.

"Mom, I feel that your cooking is no worse than Feng Jingliang's father." Shanhe quickly praised his mother.

Xie Meiyu fully accepted her son's praise, "Well, even though Lao Feng is a chef, the Hakka cuisine he cooks is not as authentic as your mother's."

Xie Meiyu began to talk about ancient times, "When your grandma was alive, she was famous all over the country for her good cooking. Although your mother and I are not as good as your grandma, I have learned at least 60-70% of the skills."

"Grandma used to be a chef?"

"There were no chefs in the countryside at that time. Everything was lacking at that time. Without materials, no matter how good your cooking skills were, you couldn't make good food."

Listening to his mother talk about his grandmother, Shanhe became interested, "What kind of dishes does grandma cook?"

"There are so many, braised fish with tofu, triangular tofu dumplings, taro meatballs, stewed meat with dried bamboo shoots, steamed loach with rice flour, all these things remind me of your grandma!"

Seeing that his mother was starting to feel depressed, Shanhe quickly answered, "Mom, can you do this too?"

"You little heartless boy, I haven't cooked any of these dishes for you before!"

"Yes, I've eaten every dish separately, but together they feel so great!"

"It's called Hakka cuisine in the restaurant. In fact, it's all home-cooked food here. In addition to the white-chopped chicken and old duck soup that were always served when we treat guests, it's called Hakka cuisine outside."

"My grandma taught your mother how to cook. Even cooking requires talent. You can buy everything now, but your mother just can't make it taste like that."

Shanhe understood that what his mother was talking about was the taste in his memory, a taste that belonged exclusively to his mother. He had an idea and suggested: "Hey, how about this weekend, let's call Master Gong Shi Nai, and we can do all these things together. It's a family activity, and we can have a big meal at the same time. How about that?"

"Okay, I'll be responsible for your mother, no problem. You and your father will take care of the rest." Xie Meiyu smiled and asked them a difficult problem for their father and son.

"Okay, no problem, I agreed on my father's behalf."

"Then I'll have to wait and see, haha" Xie Meiyu laughed as she got what she wanted.

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