Rhapsody of Entertainment Rebirth

Chapter 190 Chapter 190: Dawn is ahead

After the documentary is released, the first wave of viewers will definitely be the main creators of 201.

Over the weekend, the entire No. 201 Dormitory moved to the Chuhe Film and Television Screening Room. Ma Weidu and several company department managers were also among the audience.

Accompanied by a deep male voice saying "You have a text message from the national treasure, please check it carefully!", the documentary began to play.

An hour later, all ten episodes of the first season of "If National Treasure Could Talk" were played, and there was a burst of applause and cheers in the screening room.

"Shanhe, you young people really do a great job. Don't say anything. Copy an episode of the film to me. I'll go to CCTV and Beijing TV to talk to you. I don't dare to vouch for you, but I'm pretty sure. Xiao Yang, would Chuhe Film and Television also send someone, and then we can recommend this documentary to the TV station together."

"Master Ma, you still have the final say on the recommendation. When the time comes, the broadcast contract company will be involved, do you think it's okay?" Yang Liu replied from the side.

"That's fine. I'm not suitable for negotiation. I'll be responsible for the recommendation, and you guys will take over. The price of CCTV will be lower. If you can get it, you have to get it. It's free and you won't suffer any loss!" Ma Weidu confessed road.

"We understand, so I'm sorry to bother you!"

Ma Weidu waved his hand and responded: "It's not troublesome, I also have an investment, and the photos taken are all from the collection of the Fuguan Museum. Shanhe and the others have made the film, so we have to worry about the rest!" "

"Thank you, Mr. Ma. Beiying should also help us recommend it to the TV station. We will discuss the follow-up matters of the second season after the ten episodes are aired." Shanhe said.


Several people walked out of the screening room, and Shanhe asked Yangliu: "Can we edit a trailer and put it on the Internet to promote it?"

"Of course you can. We have already contacted Sina and major forums. One to two minutes of promotional clips can be released, but the focus of the promotion may be on you!"

Shan He looked at Yang Liu, nodded and said, "No problem, no need to avoid it. I am a director which is also a big advantage. Let's see if I can impress CCTV!"

"I don't think the problem is big. The quality of the film is very good, and each episode is only about five minutes. Moreover, it promotes the history and culture of China. Plus your reputation, CCTV will not refuse!"

"Then let's go first, Yang Liu, please keep an eye on her."

"Don't worry, I will arrange it!"

After leaving Chuhe Film and Television, Shanhe and several roommates were preparing to find a place to celebrate.

Bruckheimer's call came, and Shanhe greeted his roommates and answered the phone.

"Hey, Jerry, are you still in the Northwest? Your vacation has been more than half a month!"

"I'm back in the capital. I'm in front of your house, Qiu. Is my room still there?"

"Of course, just wait a moment. I'll go home right away. My family has all returned to Shanghai, so no one will open the door for you."

"OK, I'll wait for you!"

Shanhe put down the phone, said goodbye to his roommates, and took a taxi back to the courtyard.

Bruckheimer was much darker than he was more than a month ago. He was still thin, but in good spirits. After seeing Shanhe, he gave him a warm hug.

"Qiu, I'm very eager to show you my trip to the northwest. It's so beautiful there. If it weren't for work, I think I would stay there for a while!"

Shanhe took out the key, opened the door and asked, "Where have you been? Didn't you say you just wanted to see the Mogao Grottoes?"

Bruckheimer followed Shanhe into the courtyard, "Yes, that was the original plan, but after arriving in Chang'an, the plan changed. I saw the Terracotta Warriors and Horses. It was amazing. China was so developed more than two thousand years ago. , and then accepted the suggestion of the locals and set off together with a traveling convoy. Can you imagine that we didn’t know each other before, but we just stayed together in the hotel for two nights and chatted with each other several times. Later we arrived in Dunhuang together. Gao Ku, it’s so shocking. I finally understand why you don’t want to come to Country M. Your culture is so awesome. It was so glorious thousands of years ago. Then, we walked around a big lake. The scenery along the way is so beautiful, the desert, Gobi, plateau, it’s really fascinating!”

Shanhe led Bruckheimer into the west wing, turned to him and asked: "Jerry, is the big lake called Qinghai Lake?"

"Yes, that's the name! It's unparalleled there, Qiu, you should go and see your country."

"You actually traveled the entire Northwest Great Ring, Jerry. I have to say that you are very lucky. You encountered a great opportunity!" Shanhe sighed incredulously.

"Yes, I am very lucky. I heard that traveling alone will encounter many bad things. Your country still needs to work hard. The northwest is very desolate and poor. Most places are in primitive ecology, but most of China Chinese people are very enthusiastic, people talk to me wherever I go, and I received a whole box of gifts!" Bruckheimer sat down on the sofa.

Shanhe looked at Bruckheimer and replied: "We will work hard. There will be changes there soon. Ten years later, when we have the opportunity, we can drive there again. It will be even more beautiful!"

"I'm looking forward to it. I arrived in Golmud this time and it's very close to XZ. I hope I can go there next time. The Roof of the World is very famous in M ​​country!"

"There will be a chance!" Shanhe poured a glass of water for Bruckheimer, "Jerry, when are you going to return to Hollywood?"

Bruckheimer took a sip of water and replied: "Next Tuesday, three days from now. I have asked my tour guide to book a flight for me."

"Okay!" Shanhe lowered his head and thought for a while, "Jerry, how about I introduce you to a director, have you heard of Zhang Yimou?"

"Of course, Zhang is a film master and a representative of Chinese cinema. How could I not know that? Do you know Zhang? I am honored to know Zhang!" Bruckheimer raised his head and replied.

"Then I'll contact him later. He just came back from the northwest like you." Shanhe patted Bruckheimer's arm and asked, "Whatever you want to eat for lunch, I'll treat you!"

"How about Western food, I kind of miss American steak and borscht."

"no problem!"

After lunch, Bruckheimer spent the whole afternoon showing Shanhe his northwest trip. Hundreds of photos he took along the way were spread out on the table. He kept finding some impressive ones for Shanhe. Introduction.

Shanhe looked at the magnificent scenery and simple faces in the photos, and felt a little envious of this enthusiastic foreigner.

He is also very yearning for the cultural and natural beauty of the northwest. In his last life, he consulted a lot of information and photos about the northwest. The majestic Hexi Corridor has always attracted mountains and rivers, but his solitary habit has always prevented him from making the trip.

This life is limited by age and time. I don’t know when I will have the opportunity to go!

Shanhe held a photo of the Mogao Grottoes and secretly made up his mind to find time to visit it within the next two years!

Zhang Yimou arrived at Shanhe's alley entrance at around ten o'clock the next day. He had just returned to Beijing for a few days when he received Shanhe's call yesterday.

The live-action shooting of "Hero" has been completed, and most of the special effects are done. The remaining post-production can be completed within two months.

It won’t be a problem for the film to be released by the end of this year.

Shanhe asked him to come to his house on the phone and said that he would introduce a Hollywood producer to him. Zhang Yimou immediately understood what Shanhe meant.

Without calling Zhang Weiping, he came to the alley entrance of Shanhe Shuo alone and dialed Shanhe's number.

Soon, he saw Shanhe walking out of the alley wearing flip-flops.

"Brother, my home is right here, less than fifty meters away. Come and recognize the door today, and come and sit at home often when you have time."


The two walked into the alley, and as soon as they reached the street gate, they saw Bruckheimer waiting at the door.

"Brother, this is my friend and partner Bruckheimer. Just call him Jerry. He is a big Hollywood producer and just came back from the northwest like you." After saying this to Zhang Yimou, he turned to Bruckheimer. Mo said, "Jerry, Zhang, you don't need me to introduce you!"

"Zhang, nice to meet you!" Bruckheimer stretched out his hand and said to Zhang Yimou.

"Hello Jerry, nice to meet you too!"

Zhang Yimou's English level is relatively poor. He can hardly speak spoken English and can only understand half of it.

Shanhe was in the middle to help them translate.

The two complimented each other a few words and then walked into the main living room.

The three of them sat around the coffee table, and Shanhe began to show off his tea skills, "Brother, when will the film "Hero" be released? I briefly introduced it to Jerry yesterday, but I still need something to talk about in depth. "

Zhang Yimou picked up the tea cup and took a sip of tea. "It will take a month or two. I will come up with a video as soon as possible."

Shanhe turned to Bruckheimer and said: "Jerry, Zhang Cai has just completed the live-action shooting of the Chinese-language film that I told you about yesterday, and it will take another month or two to see the finished film. Let's start today. Let’s chat, and you’ll be able to make recommendations when the time comes!”

"No problem. Zhang is a film master. His movies are very famous in Europe. We have the basis for cooperation. Zhang, can you tell me about your action film?" Bruckheimer asked Zhang Yimou road.


Under Shanhe's translation, Zhang Yimou gave Bruckheimer a brief introduction to the theme type and creative direction of "Hero".

"So, this is a movie like Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon?" Bruckheimer asked.

"The main themes are the same, they are both costumed action movies, but the cores are completely different. "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon" tells the story of Jianghu and the pursuit of freedom, while "Hero" tells the historical facts and the unification of the world!" Zhang Yimou replied.

After listening to Shanhe's translation, Bruckheimer responded with a smile: "I like the history of China. Zhang, you may not know. I just came back from Chang'an. The Qin Shihuang you mentioned, I know, he ordered the production of the Terracotta Warriors." , it’s so amazing, the protagonist of this movie is Qin Shihuang?”

"It can be said that there were many famous assassins in ancient China. What I am telling is the story between Qin Shihuang and an assassin who assassinated him." Zhang Yimou explained.

Shanhe thought for a while and translated to Bruckheimer: "The film tells the story between the emperor and his assassin, similar to the story between Caesar and Brutus in ancient Rome."

"Wow! Does China also have this kind of history? I'm very interested. This is a good selling point!"

The three of them talked about "Heroes" for more than half an hour, and Bruckheimer spent most of the time asking questions related to Qin Shihuang.

After drinking a pot of tea, the mountains and rivers did not continue.

"Brother, we will eat at home at noon. I have already ordered the banquet, and Fengzeyuan will deliver it in a while."

"As guest as host, I have no problem!"

The three of them had a meal of roast duck and Beijing cuisine in the open air in the courtyard of the courtyard.

"Shanhe, your old house is really nice. It's quiet and leisurely. I'm a little jealous!" Zhang Yimou said to Shanhe after eating, looking around.

Shanhe looked at Zhang Yimou and responded: "Ma Weidu helped me find it. There should be some houses nearby. If you want to buy one, I can help you ask."

"I can't afford it. This kind of yard is not cheap. Let's talk about it!" Zhang Yimou replied with a smile.

After the meal, the three of them joked for a while about Bruckheimer's trip to the northwest, and then Zhang Yimou said goodbye.

"Zhang, I'm looking forward to your "Heroes". Disney will be interested in it, I promise!" Bruckheimer shook hands with Zhang Yimou and said goodbye.

"Thank you! We will have the opportunity to cooperate. Next time I treat, let's eat Northwest cuisine!" Zhang Yimou responded.


Shanhe sent Zhang Yi out of the alley, "Brother, be careful when you contact Hollywood film producers. They have many tricks. Don't believe their promises until you see the cash!"

"Huh?" Zhang Yi turned to look at Shanhe and asked, "Isn't this Bruckheimer your friend?"

"Haha..." Shanhe replied with a smile, "I'm not talking about Jerry. He is not a film dealer. Some companies in Hollywood will hoard films. They focus more on film transactions. Jerry focuses more on film production. Disney Pictures' Our relationship is very strong, you have the foundation, and you have enough confidence when negotiating with other distribution companies, but I can’t guarantee that the price offered by Disney Pictures is higher than others!”

Zhang Yimou nodded, looked at Shanhe and said: "Junior brother, I'm sorry to trouble you this time. Brother Qingfen will remember it and won't say more!"

"Let's not talk about this. You know that my thoughts are all for the future of Chinese-language films. I admire you for standing up and taking risks to carry the flag. This is the only thing I can do." Shanhe looked at Zhang Yimou sincerely responded.

Zhang Yimou grinned and patted Shanhe's arm, "I understand, I'm leaving, please come back!"

Shanhe watched Zhang Yimou leave, smiled, turned around and walked into the alley.

"Hero" is about to be released, and Shanhe is looking forward to it very much. The era of blockbusters in Chinese movies is coming!

The dawn is ahead, the dawn is coming!

In his previous life, he had not witnessed the resumption of Chinese cinema.

I only learned about some rumors from documentaries and online gossip.

In this life, mountains and rivers will not only witness, but also participate. He will be part of the rapids!

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