Rhapsody of Entertainment Rebirth

Chapter 197 Chapter 197: Opinion Leaders (8,000 words single update)

Xie Meiyu did not talk to her son about the disturbances from the outside world, but she was very concerned about Shanhe's daily life.

He began to ask nonchalantly about Shanhe’s food, clothing, housing and transportation, why it was unhygienic to eat outside all the time, remember to wear woolen pants when the weather is cold in Beijing, and don’t stay up late at night, as staying up late is harmful to the body.

A bunch of common questions made Shanhe feel the warmth of family that he had not seen for a long time.

Shanhe looked at his mother's eyes with concern and worry, smiled and said to her, "Are you worried about me at home?"

"Fortunately, you have grown up and do what you want to do. We all support you. Your grandmaster and grandma also wanted to come over, but Dad and I stopped him. The winter in Beijing is difficult, and your grandmaster and grandma are old. , I can’t stand the trouble!” Xie Meiyu replied calmly.

"You and my dad did the right thing. I'll call home later and have a good chat with my master! How are you doing at home during this time?"

While sorting out Shanhe's daily clothes, Xie Meiyu replied: "Both the family and the company are doing well. Your dad is still busy building a school and is now running to the northwest. I am also going to leave the company's affairs to your Aunt Qu and Several managers, I am not capable enough to manage the company, I am tired, and I am not as good as others. Your sister's grades are also much better than before, but the older she gets, the more she can speak, and she is starting to be a little rebellious, little mouth. started to talk to me!"

"Haha..." Shanhe thought of Qiu Chuxi who complained to Shanhe on the phone two days ago. Shanhe couldn't help but laugh, "Xixi is almost in junior high school. Don't keep talking about her. It's normal for girls to like privacy!"

"If I don't talk about her or ignore her, then she will have to be lawless. You don't know that she has a small mouth now and is very eloquent. Your master and grandma are becoming more and more doted on by her sweet words. In addition, your father , saying that she is a daughter slave is not an exaggeration at all. She will get whatever she wants. Do you know what your sister likes now? She used to just go for a walk on roller skating, but now she is holding a scooter and wearing a baseball cap all day long. , how can she look like a girl? It makes me upset just talking about it!" Xie Meiyu complained to her daughter.

"Uh~" Shanhe touched his forehead. It was better for him to stay away from the war between the two women at home, so as not to get angry. "Mom, are you really ready to let go of the company?"

Xie Meiyu nodded, "I really don't want to worry about it anymore. It's better to leave it to professionals. Your Aunt Qu also said that it's a bit out of her power, so she should leave it to managers gradually. She still likes work in literature and culture. In the future, I will run around with your dad when I have free time. You don’t know, the thank-you letters from the children at home and the small gifts made by myself can be filled up on the table during the holidays. I look at it with eyes warm, what your dad did is really Very meaningful!”

Shanhe looked at his mother tidying up his room and responded with a smile: "That's great! Do we have enough school building funds?"

"Enough! Thirty percent of the income from your novel is quite a lot. When the company makes a profit, it will also transfer some money into the account. Your dad has experience now, and he manages the flow of funds well. He is not as lavish as he was at the beginning. Some charities are purely They are using doing good deeds as a cover to make money everywhere. We should not be taken advantage of. The money should be spent on the children, and it will be comfortable to spend!" Xie Meiyu did not stop her work while talking.

"By the way, Xiaohe, do you still remember the little girl you sponsored in Boli Village?" Xie Meiyu suddenly asked Shanhe.

"Remember! How could I not remember? What happened to Xu Ahui?" Shanhe asked quickly.

"That girl is already in junior high school. Her grades are very good. Not to mention skipping a grade. She also participated in the national mathematics competition and won an award. I sent you her certificate and transcript. She is such a good girl. From time to time, she also sends some of her own I made this gadget for your sister. If your sister were half as good as her, I would wake up laughing even in my dreams!" Xie Meiyu sighed.

His mother's words reminded Shan He of the little girl with firm eyes. A sense of warmth and satisfaction came to his heart. His rebirth was valuable and could change some people and things. I could change more. I couldn't live up to this. Lucky!

Schopenhauer is right. After satisfying survival and physical needs, what people pursue is self-awareness and the realization of self-worth.

As a special reborn person, Shanhe, money and status are no longer the first priority for him, and he should have a higher level of pursuit!

The arrival of his mother made Shanhe's life more comfortable. He didn't have to worry about anything every day. Xie Meiyu helped him arrange everything properly. He could also order dishes and taste the taste of his hometown.

Discussions from the outside world are still continuing, and have even extended to the differences, advantages and disadvantages of Eastern and Western civilizations, and what the rise of China will bring to the world.

Qi Cheng, the editor-in-chief of the National Newspaper, was in his office looking through the comments and debates on the online forum.

Major newspapers were happy to see the public uproar caused by Shan He's remarks, and even added fuel to the fire.

Young people's thoughts are active and passionate, and their styles are naturally more bold and radical!

Qi Cheng sat in front of the computer all morning, carefully recording and classifying the debates in various forums.

He has felt that the passion and impulsiveness have receded, leaving behind more rational and in-depth debates. These trends of thought should be led, and there should be a weighty report.

Qi Cheng rubbed the lines between his eyebrows. The best way is to interview Shanhe!

He, the instigator, has not spoken out yet. He lit the fire and then disappeared. Will Shanhe accept an interview?

Qi Cheng picked up the phone on the table and called Yao Yuan, who had interviewed mountains and rivers, into the office.

"Editor-in-chief, do you have anything to do with me?" Yao Yuan asked as he sat down opposite Qi Cheng.

Qi Cheng asked directly: "Yao Yuan, I am going to give Shanhe an exclusive interview. Do you think he will accept our interview recently? He has been avoiding reporters recently!"

"Maybe! Our newspaper office has always had a good relationship with him. Shanhe's interviews and reports are indeed relatively few, but based on my understanding of him, he is not afraid of trouble. He doesn't speak because he feels it is unnecessary, and he does not need to be in the limelight. !" Yao Yuan replied.

"In this way, you will contact Shanhe this time, and you will complete the interview. Please prepare carefully. These are some summaries that I considered this morning. Take them back for reference!" Qi Cheng handed his record to Yao Yuan.

Yao Yuan took the manuscript paper, nodded and responded: "I will contact Shanhe's agent as soon as possible to complete this report as soon as possible!"

"The sooner the better!"

Shanhe soon received a call from Yangliu, and Shanhe did not refuse the interview invitation.

The discussion he had started had begun to calm down, and everyone was becoming more rational about the future. Shanhe felt that he needed to express his own opinions.

Things still have to start and end!

Yao Yuan came to Chuhe Film and Television Beijing Branch the day after Shanhe agreed to be interviewed. He was a little surprised that he could interview Shanhe so quickly.

After all, he is no longer the young boy he was before.

As a famous writer who is famous at home and abroad, a lot will change in a few years!

Yao Yuan waited in the conference room for about ten minutes before Shanhe walked in alone.

"Brother Yao, long time no see!"

Yao Yuan stood up and shook hands with Shanhe and said, "It must have been three or four years ago, but I still remember the scene vividly. A boy of fourteen or fifteen years old said he was extremely mature and wise!"

"Brother Yao, you are flattering me. We are old acquaintances, there is no need for this! Have you brought your interview transcript? Let's not talk nonsense, business is important!" Shanhe responded with a smile.

Yao Yuan smiled and handed the interview script to Shanhe.

Shanhe took the manuscript and started reading without saying a word.

Ten minutes later, Shanhe looked up and smiled at Yao Yuan, "These are very good questions. I have no objections. You can start directly!"

Yao Yuan nodded, "Shall we start?"


Yao Yuan started to ask, "Shanhe, what do you think of the recent disputes caused by you? Have you ever thought that your words would cause such a big disturbance?"

"I'm just telling the facts on the show. I don't understand why so many people turn a blind eye. What I said is obvious. It's normal for everyone to have their own views and opinions, but you can't ignore the facts! I speak The purpose is to enhance the national self-confidence of young people, and it is not within my scope to expose whose lies."

"How important do you think civilization is to the development of a country, and what qualities do you think a nation at the top should have?"

"In my opinion, civilization is like a fire. As long as it is not extinguished, it will change into various forms. It will bring people a sense of identity and cohesion. The development of the country and society is inseparable. This kind of cohesion, our country has a glorious history and a splendid civilization. Our ancestors left us a vast territory and a large population, so we should have an extraordinary sense of identity and cohesion. I think this is the pinnacle. It is an essential trait of a nation, and if anyone wants to destroy this sense of identity and cohesion, then he is our enemy!”

"Now some people think that modern civilization was created by Westerners and is the continuation of Western civilization. We should accept Western civilization with a more open attitude. What do you think about this?"

"In the thousands of years of history of our country, China has been invaded by aliens, defeated by aliens, and even ruled by aliens. In the end! They have all become a part of us. Our civilization has the ability and heritage to be tolerant. Western civilization has created Without modern science, we have been defeated by science. Same as history, we need to integrate science into our civilization. I have been to M country and know the difference between East and West. I don’t think Western values ​​are suitable for China. Based on Only when you learn from yourself can you learn from others!"

"You keep saying "we China", but are you a nationalist? Don't you think nationalists are narrow-minded?"

"It's true that I am a nationalist. How sad it is for a person to abandon his own blood culture. Is it narrow-minded to identify with oneself? I don't think so. Human beings develop in competition. Since there are always people Victory, then why can’t it be us!”

"Shanhe, how confident are you in the rise and rejuvenation of China, and how long do you think it will take?"

"We have joined the WTO as a big platform. We have a stable social environment, a market, talents, and a foundation. What we lack is technology and hard work. I personally think that China's rise is unstoppable, and it will come soon, soon to us. I can’t even react, the world needs China!”

"As a representative of the post-80s generation, what do you want to say to your peers? You are the future of China!"

Shanhe thought for a while and said only eight words, "Take dreams as horses and live up to your youth!"

At the end of the interview, Yao Yuan stood up and said goodbye to Shanhe, "Shanhe, thank you for accepting my interview!"


After completing the interview, Shanhe returned to school and restarted his study routine with the support of his roommates and classmates.

Studying in directing professional courses and revising the outline of "Cliff" took up most of his time.

On Friday, Shanhe's exclusive interview was published in The Nation.

"Take dreams as horses and live up to your time", the National Newspaper used Shanhe's last interview words as the title, and published the full text of Shanhe's interview.

Major online forums also reprinted this interview.

Shanhe's comments swept the Internet again!

Taking dreams as a horse and living up to your youth has become the motto of many young people!

The influence of Shanhe's opinion leaders was once again demonstrated. For a time, the comments criticizing Shanhe were drowned out by the support!

Well said, since someone has to win, why not us!

This exclusive interview report by Shanhe was even partially reprinted by newspapers and periodicals in Country M.

The New York Times described the turmoil caused by Shanhe in China under the title "Qiu: I am a nationalist!"

The Washington Post's report was titled "Qiu, China's youngest opinion leader!"

However, the public in Country M did not take China seriously at this time. Most people regarded Shanhe as a Gu Hongming-like figure. In their eyes, this report was just gossip news!

Shanhe still left after saying this this time. He did not accept many subsequent invitations from newspapers and magazines, and quietly lived his daily life as a sophomore.

At the end of November, "Hero" was scheduled to premiere on December 14th.

The world premiere will be held at the Great Hall of the People, which can be described as extraordinary.

For a time, a large number of "Hero" promotional materials and posters were spread all over the Internet and in reality, and the turmoil caused by Shanhe came to an abrupt end!

The public’s eyeballs need freshness, and new topics will always replace old topics.

The domestic blockbuster "Hero" is starting to show off its power, and the great director Zhang Yimou has announced an investment of 30 million US dollars.

There are also many big stars participating in the show, which attracts the public's attention.

China has never made a big move in movies, and the blockbuster era has begun!

In the next two weeks, the most popular and most watched movie will be the movie "Hero"!

A poster backdrop featuring First Officer has been set up at the entrance to cinemas in all major cities, and promotional posters for "Hero" can be seen everywhere in the capital.

Several actors and Zhang Yi are constantly exposed on TV, and the trailer of "Hero" is being played on major TV stations in turn!

Zhang Weiping put all his energy into sucking milk this time!

When Shanhe completed the revision of the outline of "Cliff", it was already December 7th.

The past few days had not been peaceful for Shanhe. Two things happened during this period that made Shanhe a little bit dumbfounded.

Overseas rights to "Heroes" unexpectedly sparked competition between Disney Pictures and Harvey Weinstein.

Perhaps Zhang Weiping hopes to muddy the waters and obtain the highest benefits from it, but the overseas distribution of "Hero" has been delayed in negotiations.

Bruckheimer's call went directly to Shanhe.

"Hello, I'm Jerry!"

"Jerry, what do you want from me? Aren't you busy with "Pirates of the Caribbean"?"

"Disney may have to give up Zhang's "Heroes"! Harvey is too difficult to deal with. How could Zhang cooperate with him? There is no way he would pay 20 million US dollars to purchase the North American rights of "Heroes". They were deceived by Harvey!" "

"Ah! Harvey Weinstein paid 20 million US dollars to only purchase the North American rights? Is this Harvey so brave to gamble?"

"Fuck, he doesn't want to pay so much money at all. I know his tactics. Twenty million is just a number. What he paid Zhang is only a small advance payment. He can completely tear up the contract and renegotiate when the time comes. He uses this This is not a once-in-a-lifetime move!”

"Also, is there no liquidated damages in the contract?"

"Yes! But there is a release date. As long as "Hero" is not released in country M, Zhang will always be able to get only that small amount of advance payment. Then it will be Zhang who begs Harvey to terminate the contract! Zhang also wants to get 20 million US dollars. , half of it is Harvey’s mercy!”

"I'll go, there's still this kind of operation, Jerry, I will intervene in this matter, Disney will wait a little longer, and it will be solved soon!"

"Okay! Zhang's vision is so bad, how could he cooperate with someone like Harvey!"

"The distribution of the movie is handled by another person, and Zhang is probably not involved! Let's not talk about this! Has the live-action filming of "Pirates of the Caribbean" started?"

"It started, it didn't go well, and the crew was still getting used to it, but the actor Johnny Depp chose was really good. The Jack Sparrow he played was exactly the same as what you wrote in the script. It's so special. I have a strong feeling for it. Intuition, we have to make a lot of money this time, Qiu, hurry up and prepare the second and third parts!"

"It can't be so fast, there must be a year or two in between! Jerry, there is another film "A Dog's Purpose" waiting for you!"

"Okay! Look, Qiu, you've filled up all my time!"

"You're so good at what you say!"

"Fuck, what does this Chinese sentence mean? I feel like you are scolding me!"

Shanhe hung up Bruckheimer's call and immediately called Zhang Yi.

After telling him Bruckheimer's original words, Zhang Yimou on the other side of the phone was shocked. After hurriedly thanking him, he hung up the phone and went to find someone.

As expected by Bruckheimer, Harvey Weinstein's contract was full of traps. How could a rookie like Zhang Weiping be his opponent? He was so confused by Harvey's large sum of money and the charlatanism!

Fortunately the contract has not been signed yet!

The two Zhangs looked at each other in confusion, their faces turned pale and their heads were covered in sweat.

"Thanks to Shanhe this time, otherwise we would have suffered a big loss, Weiping, you were too careless!"

Zhang Weiping also had a scared look on his face, "This ghost guy is so wicked. He still has such damaging tactics. I asked him why he kept mentioning Oscars. He said that after being nominated and winning, the box office will rise a lot. It turned out to be a cover-up. Two years of release period, two years later, the day lilies are already cold! This time it was my negligence. Fortunately, Shanhe reminded me in time. I was about to sign a contract with him. There are still such people in Hollywood. !”

"At the beginning, Shanhe reminded us that this Harvey man is not authentic and has a bad reputation. We didn't pay attention to it. We will learn from every experience. Don't delay. Please contact Disney Pictures as soon as possible. Shanhe is in Disney If you're right, the price won't be much different!" Zhang Yimou said to Zhang Weiping with a wry smile.

"I'll contact Mike right away. We signed a contract for 16 million US dollars. We have to thank Disney this time. Shanhe has been so helpful. Should we be smarter?" Zhang Weiping asked Zhang Yimou.

Zhang Yimou glanced at him and said, "Don't come with the money. He still needs us. If you give it to him, he won't take it. It will only hurt our feelings. I will go and say thank you. Let's remember our feelings and have a chance in the future." You have to give it back!”

"Okay! It's better that you two talk about it. Will he come to the premiere?"

"Let me ask, he is writing a new book recently!"

The next day, Zhang Yimou came to thank him. When talking about Harvey Weinstein's contract trap, Zhang Yimou still looked sad.

"I'm so stunned by the Oscar trophy!"

Shanhe smiled and asked: "Brother, do you think "Hero" can win the award?"

After Zhang Yimou lowered his head and thought for a while, he raised his head and smiled bitterly at Shan He: "It's really impossible to win the award. The film's flaws are too obvious. This time, the film viewing tastes of foreigners were mainly considered. If you put it like this, Will you not please both domestic and foreign parties this time?"

"Probably not. The filming of "Hero" is not bad, but I'm afraid the audience's expectations are too high. There will definitely be scoldings. Brother, you have to be mentally prepared!" Shanhe replied.

Zhang Yi responded calmly: "I received a lot of scolding. The filming of "Codename Jaguar" was a mess ten years ago, and I almost spit in my face!"

Shan He looked at Zhang Yi and smiled, "If it weren't for my butterfly effect, you would have to do it again in the future!"

"By the way, Shanhe, will you come to the premiere of "Hero"?"

"I won't go. I'm not a cast member, so I won't join in the fun. I will definitely go watch the movie!"

"Okay! Shanhe, senior brother owes you again this time!"

"Come on, senior brother, stop being pretentious!"

"Hey...I'm done with my work. I'll treat you to dinner!"

"Then I'll wait!"

Not two days after Zhang Yimou's incident, Zhang Jizhong approached Beijing Film Academy again. He was really persistent!

However, this time he did not approach Shanhe directly, but approached the Beijing Film Academy Committee to discuss with the school Jin Yong's speech at Beijing Film Academy.

Jin Yong gave a speech at Beijing University in 1997. I heard that the effect was quite good and it attracted some attention.

Jin Yong is a celebrity throughout the Chinese-speaking world. His readership and reputation accumulated over decades are hard to match in China. How could Beijing Film Academy refuse such an activity to enhance the school’s visibility and influence?

In his negotiation speech, Zhang Jizhong took advantage of the situation and proposed the plan of Shanhe and Jin Yong to sit down and talk.

Now the school committee is in trouble, Shanhe is Beiying’s treasure!

It’s not all because of his reputation and achievements. Shanhe’s daily learning attitude and pragmatic style also add points to himself.

At the beginning, the leaders and teachers of Beijing Film Academy did not expect Shanhe to be like ordinary students, studying, living, and taking exams like they are now!

The school's leadership has a very good impression of Shanhe, and they like this junior who became famous at a young age but is still down-to-earth!

You, Zhang Jizhong, have now talked about Shanhe from your speech. It is clear that you want to use Shanhe's fame to promote it. Several teachers on the school committee are a little tired of it.

It's okay for Jin Yong to come to Beijing Film Academy to give a speech. It's impossible for you Zhang Jizhong to want the school to pressure Shan He into taking the stage. Don't worry about Shan He losing his temper. Several teachers don't want Shan He to be used like this!

If you want Shanhe to come to power, you, Zhang Jizhong, go talk to him yourself. No matter how famous Jin Yong is, he is not Beiying’s treasure!

Seeing that his plan failed, Zhang Jizhong left the Beijing Film Academy Office and walked towards the performance department classroom.

When Shanhe was called into the department director's office by Yang Lin, he immediately saw Zhang Jizhong and Liu Yifei sitting on the sofa.

Xie Xiaojing looked at Shanhe, who was a little surprised, and said: "This is Director Zhang Jizhong. He has something to do with you. You can talk about it. The department will not participate. You make your own decision. No matter how you decide, the department will support you!"

Shanhe understood at once that Zhang Jizhong was a real thief and wanted the school to come forward. The school probably didn't give him face! Is this another honey trap?

"Director, thank you, I understand!"

Zhang Jizhong stood up and came to greet her, "Hello Shanhe, we meet again. Let me introduce to you. This is Liu Yifei, your junior high school student in the acting department. She plays the role of the fairy sister Wang Yuyan in "Dragon and the Eight Parts"."

Shanhe turned to look at Liu Yifei, who had a slightly red face. This was the first time Shanhe saw this famous beauty star that he often saw on TV in his previous life.

At this time, Liu Yifei was only sixteen years old. In front of Shanhe, she looked like Xiaojiabiyu, with a bit of shyness on her face. Her beautiful facial features, childish eyebrows, tall figure, and this shy expression made the girl His grace is very touching!

"Hello, Xuemei Liu, I am Qiu Shanhe!" Out of masculine demeanor, Shanhe greeted Liu Yifei first.

Liu Yifei raised her head and glanced at the most famous senior in Beiying, her face turned a little redder, and she responded in a low voice: "Hello, senior, I am Liu Yifei, a student in the Level 0 Acting Department!"

Shanhe nodded to Liu Yifei, turned to Zhang Jizhong and said, "Director Zhang, is this still Mr. Jin Yong's business?"

"Shanhe, you sit down first!" Zhang Jizhong said to Shanhe with a smile, "It is very appropriate for Mr. Jin to come to Beijing Film Academy to give lectures and hold discussions. His novels have been adapted to the screen several times, and each time they trigger a viewing craze. Come to Beijing Film Academy." Talking with teachers and classmates about the production of film and television dramas and the performances of actors is also a special open class. Shanhe, you are the most famous rising star in our country. It is worthy of you to take the stage to represent the new generation of China and communicate with Mr. Jin. It’s a legend in the literary and art world!”

Shanhe frowned after hearing this. It was not that he rejected the communication with Jin Yong, but he felt uncomfortable being used and hyped. Zhang Jizhong did not have a good impression on Shanhe, and his way of doing things was too unfair!

Shanhe didn't answer Zhang Jizhong. He turned to Xie Xiaojing who was sitting behind his desk and asked, "What's the school's opinion?"

"The school means that Mr. Jin is very welcome to come to Beijing Film Academy to give a speech. As for the exchange and discussion, it depends on what you want. If Mr. Jin doesn't come to Beijing Film Academy, he can also go to Beijing University!" Xie Xiaojing stabbed Zhang Jizhong slightly.

Shanhe smiled at Xie Xiaojing, then turned back to Zhang Jizhong and said: "Director Zhang, I understand your idea. You want to promote "Dragon Babu" through hype. Maybe you think this is a good thing that benefits both sides, but I don't This kind of hype is needed, and I even think that the hype is demeaning! I can go on stage to have a discussion with Mr. Jin, but I refuse to make a big deal and just treat it as a normal communication event. What do you think?"

Zhang Jizhong was a little confused by Shanhe's directness. After a while, he replied: "Shanhe, you may have misunderstood. I want to promote "Dragon Movie", but I don't want to make a big deal about Mr. Jin's activities at Beijing Film Academy." Hype, I also know that this is an elegant thing, excessive hype will be counterproductive, I guarantee you, this is just a normal communication, I will not deliberately promote it, there will only be normal reports from the media!"

Shanhe glanced at Zhang Jizhong, "Director Zhang, this is our agreement. I hope it won't backfire. Publicity is good, but consuming others is bad. I don't want to turn an elegant matter into a farce!"

Zhang Jizhong received Shanhe's warning and smiled coquettishly, "Don't worry, Mr. Jin's trip to Beijing Film Academy will become a good story in the literary and art circles!"

The matter had been settled. Zhang Jizhong was a good dancer and didn't care about the embarrassment just now. After a while, he and Xie Xiaojing started chatting and laughing.

The atmosphere in the office also relaxed. Shanhe looked at the confused little girl sitting on the sofa and asked with a smile: "Xuemei Liu, I heard that you received your secondary education abroad, and you can keep up with your studies at Beijing Film Academy. ?"

Liu Yifei replied shyly: "Senior, I don't have much time in school. I am busy training and preparing for filming, so my courses are far behind!"

Shanhe nodded, as if she was criticized by her classmates and rarely came to school. To be honest, Shanhe didn't understand her future choices. It was a pity that her promising future was delayed by a mysterious operation!

However, this girl has a lot of blood, and she can regain her blood even if she acts in a TV series, and she is still firmly on the front line in the country. It is indeed a bit amazing!

"Our situations are somewhat similar. We both rely on God to provide us with food. I would like to give you a suggestion. Do you want to listen to it?"

Liu Yifei looked at the mountains and rivers with twinkling eyes. She seemed to have relaxed a lot and started talking more. "Senior, I especially like your book "A Dog's Mission". I know you also have a dog named Huangdou." Brad Retriever, I also like dogs and cats, can you sign an autograph for me next time?”

Shanhe was dumbfounded by Liu Yifei's answer. I said I'd like to give you a suggestion. You gave me so many things. What a little girl!

Liu Yifei looked at Shanhe's smiling face and realized that her answer was a little off-topic. She quickly blushed and added: "Senior, I'm a little off-topic. This is an old problem of mine. You are a genius writer. People in M ​​country are very fond of you." I highly recommend it, I am willing to listen to your suggestions!"

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