Rhapsody of Entertainment Rebirth

Chapter 24 Chapter 24: Essay Contest

"From City to Field" sold 150,000 copies in the fourth week, and sold more than 440,000 copies in the whole month.

The second printing of 200,000 copies is about to be sold out, and the third printing of 300,000 copies is already on its way to various bookstores.

Shanhe is well-known in the publishing field. The literary circle also knows that there is such a talented young man.

Interview requests from various newspapers and magazines came one after another, and the magazines rejected them one by one at Shanhe's request.

Sprout Publishing House has gradually improved its distribution channels through the hot sales of its books and made its name.

At the same time, the first part of "Heritage on the Tip of the Tongue" and the two short stories "Children from the Stars" were also sent to Sprout Magazine.

After reading it, Qu Ling let out a long breath, and Shan He's writing power was obviously strengthened. Both articles are written about children, but the content they contain is for all ages.

One mentioned the inheritance of culture and the memory of ancestors, and the other touched on disadvantaged groups. What a great article!

The May Day holiday is here, and Shanhe is going to the telecommunications office to get dial-up access.

The cost of Internet access at this time was five yuan an hour, and Qiu Jiang's monthly salary was seven hundred yuan, which was ridiculously expensive. And the Internet speed is extremely slow, it takes more than ten minutes to download a file package.

However, with the separation of telecommunications and postal services in the second half of this year, the Internet will rapidly develop and become more popular. Shanhe misses the convenience of the Internet era.

Just this year QICQ, the predecessor of QQ, will be established, there will be a huge flood this summer, and the French will also lift the Hercules Cup in their own country.

"Titanic" has been screened in Northern Fujian County, and the theaters are said to be full.

Seeing that the times are coming step by step, money comes first and materialistic desires will inevitably follow. Shanhe decided to persuade his family to buy a house. The best way to resist material desires is to have money!

"Mom, the building next to your post office is almost ready. Is it for sale?" Shanhe asked.

"It's a fund-raising building of the Radio, Film and Television Bureau, and it seems it can be bought and sold. Why do you ask?"

"Buy a house! The location of your post and telecommunications office is so good. It's close to the school, the government, and the market. The price will definitely increase in the future." Shan He said as if something was wrong.

"What kind of building should I buy? The house is not big enough to live in. It's a waste of money!"

"Mom, this is called investment. You can earn interest by putting your money in the bank. If the price of a house increases, it will be more cost-effective than depositing it in the bank."

"You knew the price would rise. Even if the price did rise, who would you sell to?"

"Why won't the price increase? The house this year is more expensive than last year! Can't the house be sold in the county? Besides, the house can't be run away if it is placed there. It's not money! Dad, do you think so?"

"I don't know, but what Xiaohe said is very good. House prices have really increased this year." Qiu Jiang gave his son a little support.

"Really? I'll ask first tomorrow."

"Mom, how much money does our family have now?"

"Why are you asking this? You still want to get back what you earned, don't even think about it!"

"Meiyu, tell me, I'll listen too!" Qiu Jiang was also curious about his family's finances.

"More than 600,000 yuan. Xiaohe's book made almost 600,000 yuan. It turned out that he still had some savings."

"So much, all of it is deposited in the bank?"

"Then you still want to keep it at home!" Xie Meiyu said angrily.

"Mom, do the math for yourself. If all this money is turned into a house, how much will it cost? If the house can be rented out, how much will the rent be? How much will it cost if you calculate the bank interest? In addition, the price of the house will increase!"

"Wait a minute, you've already knocked me out, Lao Qiu, you take care of it!"

"What's the price of the Radio, Film and Television Bureau building?"

"It seems like 40,000 for a two-bedroom apartment and about 50,000 for a three-bedroom apartment."

"Meiyu, hurry up and buy a house. If you do any calculation, it's cost-effective to buy a house, and it's a lot more cost-effective!" Qiu Jiang did a rough calculation.

Xie Meiyu became serious now and did the math by herself. "If you think about it, it's true. Why didn't I think of it before?"

"How can you compare with your son? Do you know how talented he is?"

"Aren't you Qiu Jiang the same as me?"

Xie Meiyu decided to put buying a house into her schedule tomorrow.

Shanhe breathed a sigh of relief, now it was better, no matter what happened, he could still become a charterer in the future.

The sixth issue of Germination in 1998 published an announcement of a new concept essay contest:

The "New Concept Essay Contest" facing the new century and cultivating new talents is initiated and co-sponsored by seven national key universities, including BJ University, Fudan University, East China Normal University, Nanjing University, Nankai University, Shandong University, and Xiamen University, in conjunction with the "Sprouting" magazine , the competition invites domestic first-class writers, editors and humanities scholars to serve as judges. There is no registration fee and no restrictions except that the word count of the preliminary works must be controlled within 5,000 words and the contestants are under 30 years old.

This announcement confused Shanhe. Isn't the New Concept Essay Contest held next year?

In my memory, Han Han and Guo Jingting both made their mark in competitions and became very popular.

Shanhe called Qu Ling and asked him about it, and Qu Ling told him the whole incident.

As early as the end of last year, some people in the education and cultural circles were dissatisfied with middle school Chinese education.

He believes that exam-oriented education that is uniform throughout the text is a distortion of language and literature. It cannot teach students the unique beauty and interest of Chinese language, and it cannot adapt to the rapid development of society.

Therefore, Germination published a series of articles in the last issue to discuss this matter. In the end, the educational and cultural circles basically affirmed this view.

The New Concept Essay Contest came into being.

In addition, Qu Ling also praised Shanhe's two short stories, "Heritage on the Bite of the Tongue" and "Children from the Stars", which have been widely praised.

Famous writers such as Tie Ning and Ye Zhaoyan could not believe that such a talented article was written by a middle school student. Wan Meng, a famous literary figure, also praised the article.

Many youth magazines reprinted these two articles. China Medical Forum not only reprinted the full text of "Children from the Stars", but even labeled it as a pioneering work on child psychology.

The two short stories were successful, and their repercussions in the cultural world were much greater than the hundreds of thousands sold.

"From City to Field" sold more than 350,000 copies in the second month, and the total sales next month will exceed one million, which is a miracle that has never happened in youth books across the country.

Qu Ling urged Shanhe to finish "We Are Young" and strike while the iron is hot, which will have a knock-on effect on the promotion of the novel.

The revision of "We Are Young" was very difficult, and it was a huge challenge for us to try a full-length novel for the first time.

The characters and language that were originally satisfactory seemed dull and insubstantial after re-examination.

The transformation of Shanhe was very slow and painful, but he was so happy with it that he could clearly feel the progress of his writing and the deepening of his foundation.

June 1st, Children's Day.

This day belongs to Qiu Chuxi, and it is also her birthday. I don’t know whether she should be happy or sad when she grows up, Children’s Day will always be his holiday!

Qiu Jiang and Xie Meiyu sat on a bench by the square, watching their son holding his daughter running on the lawn and laughing. The children grew older in the blink of an eye, and the youngest one was eight years old.

Xie Meiyu's house-buying project is progressing smoothly, and she has purchased five three-bedroom apartments and three two-bedroom apartments. With another printing of "From City to Field", her funds have increased again, making her realize the troubles caused by sudden wealth.

Before the final exam came, Shanhe finished the lengthy revision, and nearly nine months of creation and repeated deliberation finally came to an end.

"Uncle Wu, long time no see!" Shanhe met Wu Zhiwei at Yu Zhengchong's house, who was devoted to writing.

"Haha, congratulations to our little genius writer. I heard from your master that the sales of your first book have exceeded one million." Wu Zhiwei's face looked a little haggard, but his energy was extremely strong.

"I was lucky this time and took advantage of popular science books." Shanhe responded modestly: "Uncle Wu, have you finished the first draft of your novel?"

"Most of it has been done."

"Your sister-in-law and master's wife have prepared the meal. Come on, let's eat and chat." Qiu Jiang greeted everyone to the table.

"Xiaohe, your dad said that your novel has been finalized, and I came over today to read it."

"It was just completed the day before yesterday. It was very difficult to modify! I will bring it to you right now."

"It's well written, delicate and moving, with a long-lasting aftertaste. Xiaohe's writing style has improved greatly. This book has transcended the youth field, and the response after publication will be great." Wu Zhiwei praised and sighed after reading it.

Yu Zhengchong took over the topic, "After I read it, I sat there all afternoon. Alas, society is developing at a rapid pace. Everyone's living standards are much better than before, and there are also many ills that come with it. What happened in the school The tragedy reflects on the entire society!”

As a teacher, Qiu Jiang has a deep understanding, "I am even a little afraid that the gap between social classes will be reflected in the school and the students, and we cannot resist it. What will happen if the school also becomes indifferent and utilitarian? horrible."

"Elders, there is no need to be pessimistic. Novels are meant to amplify reality. The situation is not as serious as you think. I think that every generation has its own problems and missions. The purpose of speaking out about problems is to make us better. I am very fond of us. This generation has confidence.”

Yu Zhengchong stared at the confident Shanhe and felt his determination. Okay, our descendants will definitely create greater miracles!

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