Rhapsody of Entertainment Rebirth

Chapter 29 Twenty-nine: Standing on the Top of the Wave

The next novel was conceived, and the memories of a few days made Shanhe remember the name of the foreign movie "A Couple Made in Heaven."

It was about a pair of twins who swapped identities to bring together their divorced parents. Shan He couldn’t remember the specific plot. There are similar Korean drama themes, but the impression is vague.

In two days, Shanhe came up with the outline.

Gao Yue, a second-year junior high school girl, lives a hard life in a small town with her single mother. The lack of family and financial constraints make the girl a little weak and introverted, but she studies well and is a good student in the eyes of the teacher.

Chen Xingxing is also a second-grade girl, but she has a wealthy father in a big city. Her father's busyness and lack of maternal love make her rebellious and unruly, and her studies are extremely poor.

The rebellious Chen Xingxing ran away from home, but met Gao Yue who was participating in a mathematics competition. Chen Xingxing decided to return to the small town with Gao Yue to find a possible mother.

Chen Xingxing confirmed the existence of his mother as Gao Yue, and also understood the hardships of mother and daughter's life. Chen Xingxing decided to exchange identities with Gao Yue to find out the truth of the matter, and she convinced Gao Yue.

This is where a story of joy and sadness begins.

The name is called a perfect match.

When Qu Ling saw the outline, it was already early August. She had to admire Shanhe's creativity and execution.

"We Are Young" is about to be released, and Qu Ling is focusing on publicity and distribution. I didn’t pay too much attention to the creation of Shanhe’s new book.

The August issue of Germinal published an interview with talented writer Shan He, which caused quite a stir among teenagers. The reason is that Shanhe has made a loud voice for the generation born in the 1980s.

"We will carry forward the inheritance of our ancestors, and we will not let down the blood and sweat of our ancestors. We will surely witness and be committed to the rise of the country and the rejuvenation of the nation." These words loudly shout out the confidence and vows of the post-80s generation.

Many teenagers born in the 1980s used this as a basis to refute their predecessors who looked down on them.

The National Youth Daily also reported on the current situation of those born in the 1980s and sparked controversy.

For this reason, the first release of "We Are Young People" has attracted a lot of attention, and various bookstores are also preparing to increase their recommendation efforts.

On August 20th, Shanhe's new work "We Are Young" was released simultaneously nationwide.

The pile of books at the entrance of Xinhua Bookstore in Minbei County was quickly emptied by people who came to buy books.

Half of the people in the county knew that there was a young genius writer in Northern Fujian County, and they were very curious about him and his novels. At the same time, out of support for his fellow villagers, he bought out half of the inventory of the county bookstore.

Even the hottest topic in the county that day was, have you bought a book?

Shanhe honestly hid at home and listened to the retelling and reconstruction of a few best friends.

"Can you imagine, my uncle even bought a copy and asked you to sign it!" Yuan Datou said exaggeratedly.

Miss Zhou also said: "The bookstore will be empty in a few minutes. Daxian Qiuqiu is definitely the number one celebrity in northern Fujian."

"My dad and others at the police station said that this book was written by them. It was so shameless, so I went there for a few weekends to check some information!" Fatty said with disdain.

Xiaohui even shouted excitedly: "Signed books will definitely be rare from now on. How about Qiu Daxian, can you sign a few more copies for me?"

"My dad asked you to go to dinner and said he wanted to celebrate for you." Feng Jiezha said excitedly.

"Can't I even go out like this?" Shanhe said weakly.

"Add it, add it, add it." This is the only word that comes to Qu Ling's mind right now. The book Shanhe performed unexpectedly well in the market.

Teenagers, young adults, and adults all rate this book very highly.

Literary newspapers reported on the book's sales boom, as well as some reviews from critics.

"After reading "We Are Young People", I was impressed by the twists and turns of the story and sighed for all the living beings in the world. The novel is derived from reality and blooms in the eyes of readers, highlighting everything it depicts. The author, through the perspective of a young man, is touching The story, the wonderful pen and the flowers, knock on the door of people's hearts to reveal the tasteless life..."

"When I first read "We Are Young People", I only had a sad, sad and complicated feeling. What I saw was class, rich and poor, and indifference. When I read "We Are Young People" the second time, I suddenly felt a kind of enthusiasm, and fire burst out from my heart. The kind of enthusiasm..."

A large number of book reviews came one after another. Some were promoted by magazines, but most of them were spontaneous comments from readers.

"We Are Young" sold over 200,000 copies in its first week. Sprout Magazine was in a state of jubilation, and the first print run of 500,000 was quickly cleared out.

"The 200,000 copies printed overtime have been sent to major bookstores in the south, and 100,000 copies are on their way to bookstores in the north. The printing factory is still working overtime to print another 500,000 copies." Qu Ling reported to the editor-in-chief .

"The National Youth Daily called me and said that I would do an exclusive interview with Shanhe," Editor Zhao said.

Qu Ling responded: "Except for the interview in our agency, Shanhe has never accepted any interviews. It's hard to refuse an interview with Youth Daily. Let me communicate with him! I'm just afraid that he will say the wrong thing!"

"No, this interview is positive. It mainly focuses on the current debate about those born in the 1980s. There won't be any problems!"

"Well, their reporters should go directly to northern Fujian. I'll communicate with Shanhe first."

The National Youth Daily was coming to northern Fujian to conduct an exclusive interview with him. This news confused Shan He. There was no peace at home or in the county.

As the largest media in the field of youth in China, the National Youth Daily has a strong and far-reaching influence, and its exclusive interviews are not simple.

The popularity of the novel alone does not get such treatment. Shanhe's inadvertent words in the Sprout magazine actually triggered a group effect. The two things came together, so this interview was held.

Northern Fujian County was established in the early years of the Northern Song Dynasty. It has a long history, but its cultural heritage is relatively lacking. There is only one Jinshi in the county history and there is no other.

The county party committee and government took this visit very seriously. The county secretary went to the city in person, took the Youth Daily reporter back to Minbei County, and gave him the highest standard of reception.

News of the reporter's arrival soon reached Shanhe's ears, and Shanhe waited for the reporter's arrival with excitement but some uneasiness.

Even though he was prepared, Yao Yuan was still surprised by Shanhe's youth.

"Hello, student Shanhe, I am Yao Yuan, a reporter from the National Youth Daily."

"Many people are surprised by your young age. Why do you think you can write such a book at this age?"

"Well, my father was a high school Chinese teacher and was also an avid literature lover. My teachers and grandma were cadres of the Cultural Bureau. They gave me subtle cultural influence since I was a child, and they also left me a large number of children. Piles of books, all my achievements should be attributed to them.”

"I watched "Children from the Stars" and was very moved. When and where did you pay attention to autistic children?"

"Here is a story that I collected to collect materials for "Heritage on the Bite of the Tongue"... I want to convey my feelings to everyone and let everyone care about them, even though they are different from us!"

"Something you said in an interview with Sprout Magazine caused quite a bit of controversy. Can you talk about your original intentions and the source of your confidence at that time?"

"Well, I don't think the controversy about the post-80s generation is of much significance. Parents love their children and always set their expectations very high. Once the children have problems, they will be trembling and afraid, and even have the emotion of hating iron for not being able to make steel. ."

"But if children want to grow up, they have to try and make mistakes. Through mistakes, we will become more adaptable to the times and become stronger. We have a profound inheritance and a strong foundation. We have tempered our will under constant falls. Why don't we have confidence? We How could we not have confidence that we will shoulder the important responsibilities entrusted to us by our nation and history, so that China can rise again and shine with strength again?"

In the end, Shanhe couldn't help himself, because he had seen those people and those things.

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