Rhapsody of Entertainment Rebirth

Chapter 410 Chapter 410: The limelight

"The Instant Universe" became the biggest winner at the 84th Academy Awards. In the following two days, the global media reported on this somewhat unexpected result.

Oscar's recognition gave Shanhe some additional identity tags.

Praising words such as "son of the century", "literary giant", "dragon of the east", etc. frequently appeared in media reports from various countries.

Without the country, Hathaway, who is in country M, has become the biggest target of media attention from various countries.

Hathaway did not win an Oscar, but she became the most popular figure after the Oscar.

Her speech at the award ceremony and every move she made were made headlines by various entertainment media.

The love experiences of Shan He and Hathaway were reviewed and relived again.

Titles such as "The girl with the most accurate vision", "Fantasy flower of love", "The most perfect love", etc. are all over the Internet and newspapers.

Bernier, the child of their love, has once again aroused the curiosity and expectations of the global public.

The number one bounty mission of the paparazzi in Country M is to capture the true face of Little Bear. Just one photo is enough for any paparazzi to complete a life span!

Naturally, the country was even more excited and excited, and the media spread the news all over the country the next day.

"Xinwen Lianbo", "Dazhong Daily", "National Youth Daily" and other leading media outlets have devoted considerable space to reporting and commenting on the record-breaking award of "The Instant Universe".

Words such as "groundbreaking", "epoch-making", "milestone breakthrough" and "a new starting point for Chinese culture" were used to describe Shanhe and the award-winning "Transient Universe".

Shanhe and all the characters related to "The Instant Universe" became the focus of domestic media in the next few days.

Shanhe didn't show up, and the "Transient Universe" team that returned home became the target of reporters' siege.

Zhong Lifeng, Yan Bingyan, Huang Bo, Wang Baoqiang, Ma Li, Li Xuejian, Bai Yuxia and others have become the most popular celebrities in China.

Their performance and filming behind-the-scenes in "The Instant Universe" have once again become a national topic, and everyone's thoughts and feelings about this Oscar have also become a hot topic of discussion among the public.

In addition, "Joker", which is still in theaters, has also benefited greatly from this wave of popularity. In its fifth week, the North American box office still reported nearly 50 million US dollars, occupying the top spot in the North American box office rankings for five consecutive weeks.

The cumulative box office in North America exceeded 500 million! The global cumulative box office exceeded one billion, US$1.16 billion!

With the two pieces of news superimposed, Shanhe's public attention continues to remain at a high level.

The whole world is amazed!

Hua Xiaqiu is good at winning awards and box office, both hands are strong!

As Hathaway said, no one can question her husband's achievements!

The outside world is talking about Shanhe's achievements in amazement, but Shanhe himself has declined all interview invitations, including CCTV's "Face to Face" and "People" interviews.

After only two days of celebrating with his family and friends, he devoted himself to the preparation of the new book "Room" and the movie "Young Yi".

The new book "Room" is okay and is only in the process of outline writing, but the preparation work for "The Life of Yi" is very heavy.

This is a major A-level production with an investment of nearly 200 million U.S. dollars. It has been brewing for nearly two years.

As the person in charge of the entire film, Shanhe's work is much more complicated than the early preparations for "Joker".

First, he had to form a team. Although he had the help of Bruckheimer, Zhong Lifeng, Yang Liu and others, every important crew position required selection and decision by him as the director.

However, most of this work has been completed. Disney and Chuhe Films have formed a large elite team for "Young Yi".

The film was shot by Chilean photographer Claudio Miranda. He was nominated for the Best Cinematography Award at the 81st Academy Awards for his work on the fantasy love movie "The Curious Case of Benjamin Button". BAFTA Best Cinematography Award.

Shanhe has talked with him several times and is very satisfied with this candidate. Claudio Miranda is also looking forward to the filming.

Hua Xiaqiu's films have always been nominated for Oscars, and he hopes to win the Oscar for Best Cinematography again with this film.

Secondly, the production of the special effects background of "Young Boys" is still in progress, and Shanhe must continue to follow up. Taking the tiger Richard Parker as an example, the entire special effects team is enough to create a realistic tiger image and movement using CG. It took a year.

The backgrounds of various fantasy rafting scenes are even more complicated. Shanhe has provided thousands of conceptual renderings!

Shanhe must arrange and make a shooting plan based on these special effects production pictures.

Of course, this is not a job he can complete alone. Nearly a hundred people have gathered in the capital to work for several months.

Thirdly, "Joker" has a naturally compatible protagonist in Heath Ledger, but the protagonist Young Yi in "Young Yi" does not have this advantage.

Tang Zhiyu is just a young man without any filming experience. Shanhe must have enough time to train this young man and make him a qualified movie protagonist.

Tang Zhiyu has been attending the Film Academy for nearly two months, during which time he also experienced the feeling of facing a tiger in the Liger Garden of the Beijing Zoo.

But it was not enough. Since Shanhe returned to China, Tang Zhiyu began high-intensity special training, including survival skills, swimming and balance training.

At the same time, strict diet control and physical training must be carried out. Tang Zhiyu must accept the test of weight gain and weight loss in the next few months.

Shanhe is even preparing to experience diving and the power of the sea with Tang Zhiyu in the next two months.

The most urgent tasks that Shanhe needs to complete are not the above, but the selection of location and the construction of the studio.

The Chuhe Studio began construction of the location and studio for "The Young Man" in the second half of last year.

The crew of "Youth" expects to spend nearly 200 million yuan to recreate Singapore in the 1950s and 1960s in Huairou.

In addition, the crew also spent a huge amount of money to re-build a studio on the Chu River set for filming sea rafting, creating a wave pool 80 meters long and five meters wide, which can artificially create hundreds of wave shapes.

More than 80% of the real-life shooting of "The Young Man" will be completed at the Chuhe Studio in Beijing.

The other 20% will be completed in Singapore and Hainan.

Chuhe Film and Television Production Center has handed over all the backup location plans to Shanhe, and Shanhe needs to select the final location for filming from these location plans.

And all of this requires him and the crew to visit in person!

"Youth" is another time that Shanhe has gone through complicated preparation work after "Gravity", which left Shanhe with no spare time to enjoy honors and praises.

A few days after the Oscars, Hathaway took Little Bear to a happy reunion with his grandparents and two uncles in the United States.

Shanhe has already started location survey for "Youth Yi" together with the crew.

In the next half month, he will fly back and forth between Singapore, Sanya, Hainan and Beijing.

March has gone by in a flash, and the buzz about the Oscars has gradually died down.

"Joker" has also entered the end of its global screening. After eight weeks and nearly two months of accumulation, "Joker" has a North American box office of US$560 million, and the global box office has exceeded US$1.2 billion.

It just surpassed the global box office total of last year's "The Instant Universe".

In the global box office rankings, Shanhe and Cameron completely completed the top five positions.

Shanhe has taken the world by storm with two atypical films for two consecutive years, and the investment in both films did not exceed US$100 million. Their high profits have once again silenced global filmmakers.

The "Hollywood Observer" commented on this topic in a report titled "The Birth of a Wealth Myth". They made a rough estimate of the profits of "The Instant Universe" and "Joker" using tables:

Counting box office, peripherals, copyright and other income, the two films brought at least nearly one billion US dollars in revenue to the producers!

As a screenwriter and director, Shanhe's income is even more astonishing. Just from the film remuneration plus box office share, Shanhe's income exceeds 300 million US dollars, and the subsequent shares will continue to flow into Shanhe's private pocket.

"In China, Qiu is called the stand-in for the God of Culture and the God of Wealth. This is indeed appropriate, because he can always bring the myth of wealth back to the world. It is actually very simple to make money, and there is no need for the dogs of Wall Street's investment elites. Shit operation, just invest in Hua Xiaqiu’s movies and you can become a rich man at home!”

Media outlets from all over the world reprinted this report, and Shanhe’s reputation as the “God of Wealth” resounded throughout the world.

In addition to the terrifying income, the two movies have had a huge impact on the entire Hollywood and even the global media and entertainment circles.

During the release of the two movies, Disney's stock continued to rise rapidly, and its valuation and prospects completely widened the gap with other Hollywood film and television groups, becoming a veritable hegemon in Hollywood.

It even surpassed Murdoch's News Corporation to become the world's largest media conglomerate.

Warner and DC Comics also completely got rid of last year's decline through "Joker". Not only is the momentum and confidence within the group high, but the outside world is also very optimistic about Warner's prospects.

"Superman" has begun substantial preparations for the reboot, and "Wonder Woman" has also entered the gestation period. During Hathaway's stay in the United States, Warner executives had a lot of contact with her.

Hathaway is attracted by the most powerful heroine in the history of M country comics.

This is the daughter of Zeus - Diana Prince, a ceiling role for women, beautiful, wise, powerful, and full of charm!

She is a perfect woman, comparable to Superman in both image and popularity. She is extremely popular in North America and the entire Western world!

Two years ago, Hathaway would have definitely accepted this role without hesitation, but after getting married and having children, her mentality changed a lot.

For her, her career has come second to her family. When she thinks about Little Xiong'er, she hesitates. She also wants to have another daughter!

Let’s discuss it with Qiu when we return home!

At the end of March, Hathaway took the little bear back to the capital on the "Little Flying Bear".

The elderly people who had not held their grandchildren or great-grandchildren for more than half a month missed the little bear so much that they all surrounded the child and kept making love.

This brat didn't forget the elders who loved him. His speech became clearer and clearer, and after being teased for a few times, he started to call out the names of his elders.

The whole yard was filled with laughter!

But what he missed most was Doudou, and he got into trouble with Doudou as soon as he got home.

Hathaway held her husband's arm and looked at the happy scene at home with a smile, and said:

"Bernie is very noisy in country M. Kate and Gerald are as accommodating to him as Mama Xie. They buy whatever they want. Michael even bought him a small Labrador, but Bernie I still can’t forget Doudou, I always cry for Doudou!”

"How can a little puppy withstand such torture!"

Shanhe watched his son lying on Doudou's back, holding Doudou's ears and laughing, and responded happily:

"That is to say, Doudou is old and smart enough. He has watched the brat grow up, otherwise he would have been impatient a long time ago. His cats and dogs are now disgusted and must stay away from him!"

"Doudou is indeed the smartest dog I have ever seen!"

Hathaway couldn't help laughing as she watched her son and Doudou playing with each other.

After having fun with her family for a while, Hathaway talked to her husband about her endless success in Hollywood.

"My dear, you have made me feel like a queen in Hollywood. I am cheered and given preferential treatment wherever I go, especially Disney and Warner. Both parties are so attentive to me and have invited me to play roles. My dear, I am a little hesitant. , do you think I should accept their invitation?”

"What character, or Scarlet Witch and Catwoman?"

"It's Scarlet Witch and Wonder Woman!"

Hathaway leaned on Shanhe's shoulder and replied:

"Qiu, I'm a little tempted by Wonder Woman. This character is indeed very tempting, but this character will run through the entire comic universe. Once I take this role, it is estimated that it will be related to the DC universe within ten years. I am a little hesitant. You know, I want two more children!”

Shanhe smiled and rubbed his wife's hair with his cheek. He had some impressions of the character Wonder Woman. She had a good reputation and was politically correct and in line with the feminist trend in country M.

When it comes to feminism, the status of women in China is higher than in Country M. The Qiu family is an example. Even if Shanhe is such a monster, Xie Meiyu is still the one who calls the shots at home.

There is no tradition in the Qiu family that a woman must take care of her children at home after she gets married and has children. Shanhe also fully supports his wife in continuing her career.

"Annie, we don't have many worries to consider now. If you want to pick him up, go and pick him up. Little Bear is still young, so we are not in a hurry about the child. Let nature take its course. Warner won't embarrass you!"

Hathaway enjoyed her husband's support very much. She couldn't help but think of her mother's experience. She put her arms around her husband and responded:

"Qiu, do you know that being a mother in country M is actually much harder than in China!"


Shanhe turned to look at his wife and asked curiously:

"Why do you say that? I've never heard you feel this way before?"

Hathaway replied in Shanhe's arms:

"It was also when I returned to Country M this time and heard Kate talk about it that I learned that in Country M, a family needs a lot of savings to have a child, and having a baby is a disaster for low- and middle-income families!

Women in country M do not have paid statutory holidays like China. A working woman only has ten weeks of unpaid pregnancy leave. After giving birth, it is almost impossible to continue working. It is not that they do not want to work, but that society is rejecting them. The reality does not allow it. My mother Kate is an example. She used to be a well-known stage actress, but after giving birth to my brother Michael, she lost the opportunity to work. Giving birth to a child is an economic penalty for women in M ​​country. , so unfair! "

This was also the first time Shanhe heard about this situation in Country M. No wonder most mothers in Country M were housewives. He looked at his wife who looked indignant.

"You are now a Chinese daughter-in-law. Why, you still want to become a feminist fighter!"

"I feel that women in country M should not accept this unfairness. I am angry about what happened to my mother. My dear, I have accepted the invitation of the United Nations Committee on the Rights of Women. From the second half of the year, I will become their spokesperson and Giving a speech on women’s rights at the United Nations General Assembly!”


Shanhe was confused by his wife's actions. It's okay for you to have such a big mouth. You've already reached the level of the United Nations!

It seems that my wife really wants to take over the role of Wonder Woman and become the spokesperson for women’s rights of the United Nations, which perfectly fits the character of Wonder Woman!

It's not easy for Hollywood actresses to succeed, and the same goes for his wife, who is not lacking in scheming and means!

"Honey, don't you agree?"

"Of course I support you, our whole family will support you! All of China will support you!"

"I think so too, Qiu, you are right. Sooner or later, relations between China and the United States will deteriorate. We must be prepared!"

As soon as April arrived, Shanhe received an invitation from Beijing Film Academy. The 19th Beijing University Student Film Festival will be held at Beijing Film Academy.

As the biggest legend of Beijing Film Academy in the new century, Shanhe was naturally favored by the organizing committee.

Shanhe could refuse the CCTV interview, but he couldn't refuse the invitation from Beijing Film Academy!

On April 5, Shanhe appeared at the opening ceremony of the Beijing Film Academy Student Film Festival.

This college student film festival is full of stars. Shanhe is not here alone. His alma mater needs someone to support the scene, so he naturally helps.

Shanhe not only brought his wife along with him, but also brought all the stars from Chuhe Film and Television.

Together with the alumni of the film school, the opening ceremony of the entire film festival was packed with more big names than the Golden Rooster Awards.

Zhang Yimou did not come because of the filming of "Return", but fifth-generation directors such as Han Shanping, Chen Kaige, Tian Zhuangzhuang, Huo Jianqi, and Wu Ziniu were all present.

Jia Zhangke, Zhang Yuan, Lou Ye, Wang Xiaoshuai and other sixth-generation directors who graduated from Beijing Film Academy were also not absent.

This college student film festival has become the largest event in the domestic film and television industry this year, and it has naturally become the entertainment focus of the media and the public.

In the opening ceremony schedule that Shanhe received, there would be a director forum after the red carpet.

He will represent the new generation of directors, review the history of Chinese films with the fifth and sixth generation directors in China, and talk about the future of Chinese films.

This forum is the part of the entire College Student Film Festival that has attracted the most attention from the media and film and television circles. The development of Chinese films is changing with each passing day. To a certain extent, these directors are the future of Chinese films.

Especially Shan He, his past views have been confirmed one by one, and everyone wants to hear his analysis and predictions about the Chinese film market.

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