Rhapsody of Entertainment Rebirth

Chapter 419 Chapter 419: Ultra-high-standard reception

July has passed, and the studio green screen shooting of "Youth" has come to an end.

The crew's filming plan was not delayed. The time Shanhe had previously wasted to sharpen the crew was recovered with the efforts of the crew and Tang Xiaoyu.

Shanhe was very satisfied with the footage and even took advantage of the break in shooting to roughly edit the fantasy scenes with several department heads. The post-production of the film's special effects has already started in advance.

After the first shot of Tiger and young boy Yi being on the same boat was made, the entire crew was watching the effect.

"The effect is great, no worse than "Avatar" at all!"

"Richard Parker is so realistic, Fisher, you did a great job!"

"The color and light are even better than we expected. Director, your opinion is correct!"

Shanhe was also very satisfied with the produced lens and responded with a smile:

"We seem to have done a good job. The whole shot is very coordinated. Xiaoyu's potential is higher than I thought. Let's keep working hard and strive to finish the studio shooting in early August and wrap it up as planned in September!"

"no problem!"

"With this kind of picture quality, I feel so excited right now!"

"I'm already imagining what to say when I hold the statuette!"

"Ha ha…"

Amid the laughter from the crew, Tang Xiaoyu looked at his performance on the screen and felt as if he was in another world.

Is this my own performance? I am the boy in the picture who is in the same boat as a tiger?

It turns out that the charm of the profession of actor is here, to interpret the fate of another person, and to experience a life completely different from your own in the performance.

feels good!

It would be even better if I could create such a world!

At this moment, Tang Xiaoyu confirmed his choice. In the future, I will become a successful actor, or I can also become a successful director like Brother Shanhe!

"Xiaoyu, how do you feel? Do you find it enjoyable?"

Shan He's teasing question brought Tang Xiaoyu back to his senses. He turned to look at Shan He and replied:

"It's incredible, director, do you think I can become a director in the future?"


Shanhe smiled and patted Tang Xiaoyu on the shoulder.

"Of course! Xiaoyu, many directors start their career as actors, but the prerequisite is to become a successful actor first!"

"I will!"

Tang Xiaoyu replied firmly:

"Director, I have decided that I will go to film school in the future, and I also want to major in directing!"

"Ha ha…"

Tang Xiaoyu's answer made Shanhe laugh loudly,

"Then the teachers of the Beijing Film Academy's acting department will have to blame me. All the good young talents have been led astray by you!"

Rookie Tang Xiaoyu has entered the career rhythm of an actor, but the other rookie has not been so smooth.

Xu Ahui studied with Kang Zhixuan for two months, but she felt more and more pressure and difficulty.

Shanhe's personal assistant has a high status in the group. On the surface, Xu Ahui is always polite and respected wherever she goes.

But there are a lot of private discussions among employees. The most annoying thing in the workplace is the parachute. Others have worked hard for more than ten years, but you, a fresh undergraduate graduate with no working ability, just parachuted into this place. A coveted position.

It is impossible not to be questioned and criticized by others!

Xu Ahui is also aware of everyone's private discussions and gossip. She may not care about these on the surface, but in her heart she really wants to prove her ability and worth.

At the same time, we also live up to the trust and preference of Shanhe.

But it’s not easy to be Shanhe’s personal assistant!

Not only must we understand the operation model and development status of the entire Chuhe Film and Television branches, but we must also master various information in the group, select and classify it, and then report to Shanhe, and even give our own opinions.

In addition to being the boss of Chuhe Group, Shanhe is also a writer and director. As his personal assistant, he also needs to have sufficient knowledge of these two professions. The personal assistant team needs to provide maximum convenience for Shanhe's work and provide him with The most comfortable creative environment.

Starting from Boli Village Elementary School, junior high school, high school and university, Xu Ahui has always been a top academic figure. Although it is not easy, she has always been handy.

In the past ten years, she has never faced such a huge challenge.

To be honest, for a fresh graduate with no work experience to take over the assistant job of Shanhe, it is indeed a rush to get on the shelf, and it is difficult for someone to do it!

However, Shanhe's original intention was not to put Xu Ahui under so much pressure from the beginning. He just wanted Xu Ahui to slowly learn to adapt at work, and he needed someone around him who he trusted enough.

But Xu Ahui has very high demands on herself. In the past, Shanhe was his benefactor, and now he has entrusted such an important position to herself. She hopes that she can do her best and use her own efforts to prove Shanhe's vision and fight back. Those gossips.

For more than two months, except for sleeping, Xu Ahui devoted all her time to work, and even looked at the company's various reports while eating.

Kang Zhixuan saw all this, and she was very fond of this young and inexperienced successor.

At noon that day, Kang Zhixuan saw Xu Ahui again in the company's cafeteria while eating and reading information. She prepared the meal, declined the invitations of several subordinates, and sat across from Xu Ahui.

After Xu Ahui raised her head and saw Kang Zhixuan, she put down the report in her hand and politely greeted her senior.

"Sister Zhixuan, have you just finished your work and are you here for lunch now?"

"I just finished a meeting with Mr. Zhong and the others!"

After Kang Zhixuan answered Xu Ahui's greeting, she smiled and relieved her, saying,

"Ah Hui, you don't have to put so much pressure on yourself. Shanhe is not a harsh boss. His intention is to let you grow slowly at work!"

"I know! The boss is a very easy-going person!"

Xu Ahui nodded gently, but her answer was very stubborn.

"But I don't want everyone to talk behind my back about the unfairness of the boss' employment because of me. I have to prove myself!"


Kang Zhixuan laughed when he heard this.

"Why are you listening to those gossips? That's how the workplace is. Gossips are unavoidable. What do they know? The position of the boss's personal assistant is not all about work ability. Trust is more important than ability. Just be yourself!"

"You are so capable, but when you first joined the company, some people gossiped about you?"

"Yes, why not, but not as many as now. When I first returned to China, Chuhe Film and Television Group was not as big as it is now!"

Xu Ahui asked with curiosity and gossip:

"Sister Zhixuan, can you tell me how you became the boss's assistant? I heard that you are the only employee in Chuhe Film and Television Group that the boss personally poached from abroad. Is this true?"

Kang Zhixuan looked at Xu Ahui's gossipy and curious eyes across from her and couldn't help but laugh.

This little girl usually works hard and doesn't talk much. She doesn't look like a young man in her early twenties at all. This is the first time in more than two months that I have seen her reveal her girl's unique gossiping nature.

"So be it! I joined Scholar Publishing House right after graduation and worked as an editorial assistant for several years. I was a small clerk that no one paid attention to. At that time, my boss happened to be writing "Dallas Buyers Club" in country M. Scholar Publishing House was very fond of him. I took it seriously and planned to send him a writing assistant. I was lucky enough to be selected by the publishing house because I knew how to read and write Chinese. Looking back now, that opportunity was the biggest variable in my life!

My boss invited me before returning to China. It was his invitation that changed our family’s life and fulfilled my parents’ wish. I am very grateful to him! "

"Brother Shanhe has really changed a lot of destiny!"

Xu Ahui felt the same way, so she couldn't help but change her name to Shanhe, and talked about her past to this kind senior sister,

"Sister Zhixuan, do you know that when I met Brother Shanhe, I was only ten years old and stayed in school for less than a year. At that time, I didn't even have the chance to finish elementary school. It's not that my parents didn't want me to study. , because my family really couldn’t afford the school fees for several children, and I had no choice. I could only face poverty and hardship. I knew that I would spend my whole life in the valley like my mother, but at this moment , Brother Shanhe and the others appeared in the village like saviors!

They not only changed my life, but also changed our entire village and the future of many children. Do you know that when I come to work at Chuhe Film and Television, I am not representing myself alone. I must do my best! "

Although she had some guesses about Xu Ahui's identity, the matter was beyond the scope of Kang Zhixuan's guesses. Looking at the red-eyed little girl opposite, she was deeply touched.

"More than ten years ago, the boss was still a middle school student. He is such an incredible person. He can be described as great! It is our honor to follow in his footsteps. Ah Hui, let me give you a suggestion. You can start from the boss's location. I’m starting to get involved in assistant work as I prepare for the filming schedule and the new book, so don’t worry, some things can’t be rushed!”

"Starting from "Young Yi" and "Room"?"

"Yes, our job is to prepare the itinerary for the boss in advance, the more detailed the better. Collecting information and understanding the local situation is the focus of your recent work!"

"Thank you, Sister Zhixuan, I understand!"

"Come on, our future will be bright and interesting!"

The two rookies whose destinies were changed because of Shanhe are working hard to move forward in their own way, and Shanhe, the shining protagonist in their hearts, has not stopped either.

At the end of August, the crew of "Youth", under the control of director Shan He, completed all domestic shooting plans, including green screen shooting in the studio, artificially constructed exterior shots on the set, and real-life shots in Sanya, Hainan.

The crew rested for two days and boarded a charter flight to Singapore.

Before the plane even landed, Singapore had arranged the reception process.

When Shanhe and the crew walked out of the plane door, what appeared in front of them was a red carpet and the sound of ceremonial music.

Not to mention the other members of the crew, even Shanhe was shocked by the scene in front of him!

Did you pick up the wrong person?

I am not a national dignitary. We are here to film, not for a foreign visit!

"Boss, the person standing at the front is He Jing, the CEO of Temasek Group. She also has another identity, the First Lady of Singapore. Standing next to her is Li Wenwen, the Minister of Information, Communications and the Arts of Singapore. I'm sorry, I don't have the others. impression!"

Xu Ahui's words brought Shanhe out of his distraction. He unexpectedly turned his head to look at Xu Ahui and praised in a low voice:

"You did very well!"

Then he walked down the gangway amid the sound of music playing.

"Shanhe, welcome to Singapore. Last time you came in a hurry and left in a hurry without ever seeing each other. This time we can't be silent again!"

Shanhe shook hands with the two of them in turn and greeted them.

"It's an honor to be welcomed by Mrs. He and Minister Li. You gave us an unexpected surprise!"

"Oh, Shanhe, you actually know us. You are indeed the greatest pride of the Chinese people in the world. You have broad vision and are knowledgeable!"

Mrs. He then introduced everyone present to Shanhe in turn, all of whom were celebrities in Singapore's political and business circles.

Later, two Chinese teenagers put a garland on him, and the surrounding Singapore media recorded the entire pick-up process.

This treatment shocked the crew members behind him, and Shan He was also a little confused by the sudden attack from Singapore.

But after thinking about it for a moment, everyone accepted the scene in front of them.

Shanhe's global influence deserves such a welcome. He is the most outstanding new generation figure of the Chinese people, and to a certain extent represents the friendly exchanges between Chinese people and Singapore.

Especially at this historical threshold where China is becoming increasingly powerful, this high-level welcome to Shanhe is a vague statement from Singapore:

Singapore and China share the same roots, blood and culture. We respect China and welcome its rise!

Shanhe has been avoiding meetings and exchanges with political figures from various countries in the past. He does not want to get involved in international political games. It is too complicated and his identity is not suitable for participation.

Although this reception was also a civil exchange, it was full of political flavor. This was the first time Shanhe had experienced such a scene.

After waving to the many cheering and applauding fans at the airport entrance, Shanhe bowed and entered the VIP limousine arranged for him by Singapore.

He looked at the mounted policemen in front of the car and on both sides, and couldn't help but grinned bitterly.

What the hell is this? Being forcibly received by a distinguished guest!

What can you do? Let’s make peace with it now!

Subsequently, the car drove into the Golden Bay Sands Hotel, the most luxurious hotel in Singapore.

According to Singapore's arrangements, there will be a welcome reception on the hotel's boat-shaped rooftop in the evening.

When Shanhe shook hands with Mrs. He and said goodbye, he implicitly expressed his attitude.

"Mrs. He, thank you again for your grand welcome. I came to Singapore this time for filming. I'm afraid I won't be able to participate in too many activities next time!"

Mrs. He answered very readily,

"Don't worry, Shanhe. Our attitude is just to express the Singaporean people's welcome to you. You are the pride of the Chinese people around the world. The benefits that "Life of Yi" has brought to Singapore are immeasurable. We must express our gratitude to you and give you With enough respect and respect, you don’t have any special activities in Singapore. We fully support the filming plan of "Youth" and Minister Li will arrange everything!"


"You have a good rest and we'll see you tonight!"

After arriving at the hotel, the entire crew talked a lot about this super high-standard welcome and were proud of it!

In Shanhe's room, Shanhe, Yangliu and Xu Ahui were also chatting about this unexpected high-level reception.

"Ah Hui, you did a good job this time. Without your reminder, I would probably have been a little embarrassed. You were very well prepared!"

Xu Ahui shook her head and took the initiative to admit her mistake to Shanhe.

"Boss, Sister Zhixuan has reminded me to pay attention to the local situation before, but I still haven't clearly remembered the political and business figures in Singapore. Although I didn't make any big mistakes, I still neglected my duty!"

"Ah Hui, how long have you been in the company! It's already good to be able to do this. To be honest, who would have thought that Singapore would unilaterally do something like this!"

Yang Liu explained to Xu Ahui at the side, and then asked Shanhe,

"Boss, what do you think their purpose is?"

Shanhe thought for a while and answered:

"It should be to express my attitude to the country. It probably also has a promotional component. After all, my name is still somewhat influential. Because of "The Life of Yi", Singapore has benefited a lot. There are more and more tourists in Singapore. They probably also want to take advantage of the filming opportunity of "Youth" to expand their reputation to the outside world again!"

"Hey! Kill two birds with one stone. These people are really thieves. They haven't paid a penny for advertising. We have done a lot of publicity for Singapore in vain!"

"You can't say that. This is Singapore's advantage. They are at the throat of the East and the West and are the only way for trade exchanges between the East and the West!"

"Yes, the development here is indeed good!"

Xu Ahui then asked:

"Boss, do we need to make any preparations for the dinner and reception tonight? I have no experience in these and don't know how to arrange them!"

Shanhe thought for a moment, shook his head and replied:

"There is no need to make any special preparations. I won't say anything. Let's just treat it as going to eat and socialize and maintain normal etiquette!"

"I understand, boss, I'm going to do my homework. I can't leave out any famous people in Singapore this time!"

"Well, go ahead! Don't be too anxious, take your time, you did a great job!"

"I'll do my best!"

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