Rhapsody of Entertainment Rebirth

Chapter 423 Chapter 423: Return to Amstetten

At the end of September, Shanhe had just finished the post-editing of "Young Man Yi" and took the "Little Flying Bear" to the water town of Shaoxing to attend the closing ceremony of the 21st Golden Rooster and Hundred Flowers Awards.

As soon as the iconic "Little Flying Bear" pattern appeared at Hangzhou Xiaoshan Airport, it attracted the attention and reports of the media.

The arrival of Shanhe and Chuhe film and television star groups has brought the brightest light to this film festival, which was originally a bit dim and had only a few big names.

On the red carpet of the closing ceremony, Shanhe's appearance as the finale guest brought the biggest cheers and topics to the film festival.

"The Transient Universe" naturally became the biggest winner of this film festival. Although it is a double-yolk egg, it is still a full harvest.

Ma Li won the Best Newcomer and Best Supporting Actress, Huang Bo and Wang Baoqiang won the Best Supporting Actor award together, and Yan Bingyan and Xiao Songjia won the Best Actress award together.

Shanhe and Feng Xiaogang jointly won the best director, and "The Instant Universe" and "Tangshan Earthquake" jointly won the best film.

After the closing ceremony, Shanhe was naturally the person that attracted the most attention from the media.

The reporters would not let go of this rare opportunity to interview Shanhe, and threw all kinds of questions at Shanhe.

"Shanhe, what do you think of the future of Chinese-language films? Do you think Chinese-language films can withstand the impact of Hollywood?"

"Shanhe, what do you think about the further expansion of Hollywood film quotas, and what methods do you think domestic films should take to deal with this challenge?"

"Shanhe, when will "The Life of Yi" be released? What is the theme of your next work and when will it be launched?"

Shanhe briefly answered the reporters' questions and gave the panicked domestic film and television industry a dose of stability.

"I very much support the country's gradual expansion of Hollywood film quotas. As the country advances in globalization, this is a challenge we must face. We can never truly grow up by being suckled by our parents all the time! "

"Facing competition will bring crises and failures, but it will also bring opportunities and progress. I have great confidence in Chinese-language films and filmmakers. Maybe we will have a period of weakness, but what Chinese people are best at is learning and tolerance. , the same is true for Chinese-language films. Give Chinese filmmakers some time, and like other domestic industries, we will create a miracle against the wind!"

"The urgent problem that Chinese-language films need to solve is to form their own industrial system, support and cultivate their own production talents and behind-the-scenes teams. Film shooting is a team work that requires collective wisdom and cannot be supported by one or a few people alone. Start the entire Chinese film market!”

The next day, Shanhe's victory and answer at the film festival became the headlines of major media.

""The Instant Universe" swept the Golden Rooster Awards as scheduled, and Shanhe became the voice of Chinese films!"

"Shanhe and Chuhe Film and Television stars shine at the film festival and promise to use movies to bring another miracle to China!"

"We still have Shanhe! We also have Chuhe Film and Television!"

"Shanhe gives Chinese-language films a prescription: they need to abandon impetuosity and establish their own industrial system!"

After returning to the capital from Shaoxing, Shanhe no longer paid attention to the media's harassment, and no matter how much he talked, he could not calm down enough to put it into action.

After the National Day, throughout October, Shanhe devoted most of his energy to the post-production of "Young Man Yi".

Cooperation discussions with special effects production, soundtrack, color and other teams took up most of his time.

The script outlines and directions of "Operation Mekong" and "Operation North Africa" ​​were handed over to the Chuhe Film and Television writing team.

The script needs to be polished, and ultimately requires the approval of multiple departments. The progress of these two films is destined to be slow.

At the end of October, after nearly two months of post-production on "The Young Man", Shanhe had completed more than half of the work, and the remaining half had to wait for the special effects production to be completed.

Shanhe is preparing to go to Austria in November. He plans to complete the writing of the novel "Room" before the release of "Young Yi".

Hathaway strongly requested to go with Shanhe this time. She was very sympathetic to the Fritzler family. As a mother, Hathaway had a high respect for Fritzler.

The novel "Room" is a work created by her husband for her career as an actress. She is looking forward to playing such a great mother role. Regardless of career or relationship, Hathaway puts this matter at the highest level. s position.

After the couple discussed it with their families, they found that the whole family supported their actions. They planned to go to Europe with Shanhe and Hathaway, and the family happened to be on vacation.

At the same time, it can also allow a few elderly people to visit and appreciate the cultural scenery of Europe, and even Doudou will travel together.

In early November, the "Little Flying Bear" flew to the hinterland of Europe carrying Shanhe and his family.

Nearly ten months have passed since the last visit between Shanhe and Bruckheimer. Just when police officer Greg thought that Shanhe had given up paying attention to the Fletschler family, Shanhe's call came, and two days later , appeared in front of him with his wife.

"Nice to see you again, Officer Gregg! This is my wife Anne Hathaway. She just became a mother last year. She admires Ms. Fletschler, so she came with me to see her!"

Greg shook hands with the two, smiled and replied:

"Your wife is no less famous than you are in Amstetten. There are many fans of hers here. Please sit down. What are you drinking?"

“Pure water is fine!”

Shanhe took the water glass handed over by police officer Greg and asked:

"How are Ms. Fletzler's family doing? Is Rooney okay?"

"not bad!"

Greg nodded and replied,

"Fretzler and his two daughters have not changed much, but Rooney is getting better and better. He is now no different from ordinary children on the surface. I took him to watch a football match at a public court the day before yesterday!"

Shanhe took a sip of water and responded with a smile:

"This is really good news!"

"Qiu, I'll call Fritzler soon. Rooney said that their impression of you is not bad!"

"Okay! I will keep my promise and not disturb their lives too much!"

At this time, Hathaway on the side said:

"Officer Greg, can you mention me on the phone? If he agrees, I want to meet her!"

Greg looked at Hathaway and nodded,

"I'll bring the words!"


In the next two days, Shanhe took his family to experience a cultural landscape different from that of China in this small Austrian town.

Amstetten is a typical European small town with a small population, a leisurely pace of life, and the surrounding scenery is quite good.

Xie Meiyu, an expert in buying houses, stayed here for two days and immediately started thinking about buying a house and land. As soon as her opinion came out, Hathaway was the first to raise her hands in approval.

The two mother-in-law and daughter-in-law have the same preferences in this regard. Hathaway owns many properties across Europe.

Especially in Switzerland, since she became pregnant on her honeymoon in Bernier, she has been particularly fond of Switzerland. She has purchased holiday villas not only in Bernier, but also in Zurich, Geneva and Basel.

Amstetten is very close to Switzerland, and Hathaway liked the scenery of this small town very much.

Naturally, no one else in the family objects to this proposal. Just buy it if you like. It’s all your money anyway!

Just as the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law were enjoying the fun of buying a house, Greg's call came.

Just like last time, Shanhe and his wife took Greg's police car to the outskirts of the city.

There has been almost no change in the courtyard of Fletzler's wooden house. Everything is still clean, tidy and orderly. Perhaps because of the different seasons, the cold and alienated atmosphere is not as strong as last time.

Very similar to the last time they met, Fletschler still received the visitors in the yard with a calm expression.

The difference is that it is the boy Rooney who brings the coffee from the house.

He looked a little taller than last time, and his body looked a little stronger. His expression was vaguely resistant, but he was still polite.

"Hello, this is the coffee my mother made!"

As soon as the child appeared, Shanhe and Hathaway's eyes never left him. This child born in hell was the inspiration and key to Shanhe's writing.

"Hi, Rooney! This isn't the first time we've met. Do you still remember me?"


Rooney nodded and stood next to his mother. Like his mother, he didn't respond too much.

Hathaway looked at the mother and son, smiled and introduced herself softly,

"Hello, Ms. Fletschler, I am Anne Hathaway, Qiu's wife. I am very happy to be welcomed by you! Qiu and I also have a boy named Bernier!"

Fletschler obviously felt more secure with women, so he nodded and gave an answer,

"I know, you are famous online!"

"Our whole family admires you. You are one of the greatest mothers I have ever seen!"

Fletschler looked at Hathaway calmly and gave no other answer.

Shanhe took over the conversation, took out the prepared novel outline from his bag and handed it to Fletschler.

"Ms. Fletschler, this is the outline of the story I wrote. Take a look at it first. If you have any objections, I can change it at any time!"

Fletschler took several pieces of manuscript paper from Shanhe's hand, looked at the manuscript paper, then looked at Shanhe, and said to his son beside him:

"Rooney, you stay here with Greg to receive the guests!"

"Okay, Mom!"

After saying that, he turned around and walked into the room with the manuscript paper.

Rooney looked at his mother's back and explained softly to the guests:

"My mother wants to discuss it with Susanna. She always says that Susanna is the smartest one among us!"

Shanhe looked at the boy and smiled, then asked back:

"Do you agree with what your mother said?"

Rooney answered directly without any hesitation.

"Of course, Suzanne knows everything. She is the best sister. She has read your books and movies, and so have I!"

"Yeah, what do you think of them?"

"I've only read a little bit. Susanna and my mother don't like me spending too much time in front of the computer. I can't read the novel, but I like the illustrations in "Young Man Yi". The tiger you drew is great!"

Greg on the side smiled and added,

"Boys don't like reading, and Rooney does the same. He only reads illustrations. What he likes is football, and his idol is David Alaba!"

"Ha ha…"

Shanhe and Hathaway both laughed,

"I know Abala, he plays for Bayern Munich and is a star of hope!"

When it came to football, Rooney talked more. Under Greg's mediation, several people started chatting around football.

Even Hathaway, who is illiterate in football, asked some interesting questions, and they even made an appointment to watch an amateur league match of the local Amstetten football team on the weekend.

Half an hour later, Fletschler came out of the room. She handed the manuscript back to Hathaway and said softly:

"We have no problem with the story!"

"Thank you for your recognition!"

Shanhe looked at Fletschler and said,

"Tomorrow I will ask Officer Greg to bring you the novel adaptation agreement, which contains the remuneration you deserve. When the novel is published in the future, you will still have some copyright income. It will be noted in the agreement. Do you think this is okay? ?”

Fletschler looked up at Shanhe and his wife, hesitated for a while, and responded softly:

“I don’t need the money, but my kids do!”

"We understand that this is what you deserve, and you can use them with peace of mind!"

Greg changed the subject from money.

"Fretzler, Qiu and I are planning to take Rooney to a regional league game over the weekend. Let me tell you in advance!"

Fletschler nodded.

"But he has to get home on time!"

"Of course, I'll call you then!"

Shanhe's experience trip in Amstetten went smoothly. After a ball game, he and the boy Rooney started to communicate.

The boy is very simple. He may not be as lively and talkative as other children, but he is definitely a boy with a normal body and mind. When he meets people he likes, his emotions are no different from those of ordinary people.

Moreover, he was greatly influenced by his sister Susanna. Susanna probably liked Shanhe's works more, and perhaps even praised Shanhe in front of him.

This resulted in him not being too repelled by mountains and rivers, and he quickly got used to and became familiar with this stranger who often appeared around him recently.

Ten days later, when he saw Shanhe, he would even take the initiative to say hello, and the two of them could sometimes chat.

Through these ten days of observation and communication, Shanhe has started writing "Room".

He named the mother and son in the novel Elizabeth and Tate.

Elizabeth's prototype is Fletschler and Susanna's mother and daughter, and Tate's prototype is naturally Rooney.

The rest of the Qiu family were not idle either. Qiu Jiang drove around with several elderly people in his car.

Amstetten is located at the foot of the Alps, not far from Switzerland, Germany, and Italy. Within an hour or two's drive, you can visit three different countries in one day, and the scenery along the way is very beautiful.

This is also the biggest reason why Xie Meiyu bought a house locally.

Hathaway's experience with the Fletschlers was not smooth. They were resistant to visitors and did not go out.

So I simply took Xiao Xiong'er and my mother-in-law to wander around with the real estate agency. The two mother-in-law and daughter-in-law were busy buying real estate with enthusiasm.

Ten days are enough time for the two rich women to figure everything out.

As a result, the Qiu family owned a beautiful holiday villa on the outskirts of Amstetten, at the foot of the Alps, and nearly thirty acres of land around it.

The scenery here is indeed beautiful. There is not only a small lake on the thirty acres of land, but also a large pasture and a small forest.

Everyone in the Qiu family was full of praise for the vision of Xie Meiyu and Hathaway's mother-in-law and daughter-in-law.

As a result, the Qiu family held a special housewarming party in a foreign country.

There are only two guests, police officer Greg and boy Rooney.

Naturally, they invited the Fletzler family, but Rooney was the only one who came to the banquet. The Fletzlers and their daughters did not object to Rooney having more contact with Shanhe. They knew very well that the association between Shanhe and Rooney would be of great help to Rooney's future.

It was Rooney's first time as a representative of a family to visit someone else's home. When he and Greg arrived at the Qiu family's new home together, they looked very nervous and apprehensive.

But he soon relaxed, because there was a little kid here who was smaller than him, and this little kid was very lively and loved to laugh.

Seeing the young, blond and blue-eyed Rooney, the little bear Qiu Yanche's curiosity immediately peaked, and he bumped into him with Doudou.

The eight-month-old little bear is already walking and talking quite fluently. Although he still rushes out word by word, he can probably express his wishes clearly.

The two children, one large and one small, had never had any contact with friends of similar age, and both of them were extremely curious about each other. As soon as they met, the two children and an old dog stared at each other.

The Shanhe family and Greg were all amused by this scene.

Shanhe walked forward, picked up his son, and introduced Rooney.

"Rooney, this is my son Bernier! This Labrador is also our family. His name is Doudou!"

"Little Bear, this is Brother Rooney!"

"deer deer!"

"It's Rooney!"

"deer deer!"


The children are very innocent, and the two quickly started playing with Doudou.

Rooney was very happy during his visit to the Qiu family. Not only was he accompanied by his very funny little brother and smart Doudou, but he also tasted Chinese cuisine that he had never tried before.

Qiu's family welcomed him. Chinese people's enthusiasm for children is completely different from that of Europeans. They like to pick up food for their children or talk kindly to them.

This happens to be very suitable for Rooney now, plus there is a little bear joining in the fun.

He liked this warm feeling very much. This was the happiest guest trip in his life.

After returning home, he kept telling his mother and sister about the various experiences of the Qiu family.

"Qiu's family is very warm. Although I can't understand what they are saying, I feel that they welcome me!"

"Mom, Susanna, they also asked me to bring you Chinese food. Chinese food is very special. Some of them I like very much, and some of them I can't accept. You guys should try it too!"

"Bernie is very playful. He always likes to grab something and stuff it into his mouth. He likes me very much and always likes to let me hold him and run on the lawn. Qiu also has a very smart Labrador at home. It understands our greetings and is very docile. Mom, Susanna, can we get a dog too?”

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