Rhapsody of Entertainment Rebirth

Chapter 44 Chapter 44: Scholar Press

Frank, the Chinese representative of Scholar Publishing House, came to China to discuss with Yu Hua the European and American publishing of "Alive".

Today, he suddenly received a call from the headquarters, asking him to pay attention to a young Chinese writer named Shanhe, learn as much as possible about the two books he published, and report the situation back to the headquarters as soon as possible.

Frank is a Chinese expert. He began to study Chinese culture in college, and later went to Kyoto University for further studies. He speaks fluent Mandarin, even better than some Chinese people.

After receiving instructions from the headquarters, Frank immediately went to Kyoto Xinhua Bookstore.

Since he had only arrived in China for more than half a month, he did not know much about the sales of Chinese literature books. He only knew that the sales of Yu Hua's books were not very good at the beginning, and had only slowly increased in the past two years.

As for the best-selling books in China, Frank knew nothing about it. He only remembered that when he was studying in China, martial arts romance was the most popular book type in China at that time.

As an employee in the book publishing industry, Frank visited major bookstores in Kyoto when he arrived in China and became a frequent visitor to each bookstore. But today's bookstore made him feel a little more lively than usual.

When he stepped forward to ask, he found out that the reason was Shan He, a young writer he needed to know. His new book "A Couple Made in Heaven" was put on sale, and it had already broken the sales record for Chinese literature books in the first week.

Frank looked at the piles and banners at the door and asked the staff on the side about the sales status.

The staff is still very proud of a foreigner who cares about China. "Shanhe's books have always sold well. The last book "We Are Young" seems to have sold more than two million copies. This new book is even more impressive. , according to my experience, it should be able to exceed 3 million, he has great appeal in the youth field!"

After hearing this, Frank asked: "Do the bookstores have all kinds of books on mountains and rivers?"

"Shanhe is only sixteen years old and has published three books. We have them in our bookstore. They are all on the literature shelf. You can easily find them."

Frank said goodbye to the staff, bought books in the bookstore, and immediately returned to the hotel where he was staying.

In two days, Frank read three books. The one that surprised him the most was "We Are Young People". "Better Days" has a lower reading threshold and is more like a best-seller.

After reading "We Are Young", Frank even immediately wanted to call the headquarters back. This book is very suitable for distribution in Europe and the United States. School bullying is a common social phenomenon in European and American countries, and it also contains racial discrimination. In North America, school bullying is also A big social topic.

The situation in the book "We Are Young" can be said to be common in Europe and the United States. There are school shootings in the United States every year, most of which are caused by school bullying.

Moreover, this book is extremely well written. The innocent emotions of young people are shared all over the world and are also the most cherished memories for adults. The boy described in the book is so sad and affectionate. These can impress many people, and it should be no exception in Europe and the United States.

As for "Made in Heaven", its plot is very novel and its emotional atmosphere brings tears of laughter. As soon as Frank finished watching it, he felt that it was very suitable to be adapted into a movie and would be a good family-friendly theme.

After reading the book and sorting out the mountain and river information compiled from newspapers and magazines, Frank called back to the headquarters.

In the call back, Frank reported what he knew and strongly recommended Shanhe's two works, believing that they have great sales potential in Europe and the United States. And applied to go to the Magic City to meet Shanhe.

Scholar Publishing House is a leader in the publishing industry in the field of young people in Europe and the United States, and pays special attention to young people's best-sellers around the world.

The popularity of Shanhe Books spread to Scholar Publishing House. The publisher promptly contacted Frank because he wanted to know whether Shanhe’s books were at risk of cultural isolation or acclimatization.

Frank's report made Scholar Publishing House pay more attention to Shanhe.

The headquarters approved Frank's trip to the Magic City and telexed the intention of cooperation, requiring Frank and Shanhe to explain in detail and establish a preliminary intention to cooperate with Shanhe.

Frank quickly arrived in Shanghai. After settling in the hotel, he immediately called to make an appointment to meet Qu Ling.

Qu Ling was really in pain and happiness during this period. Everyone in the publishing house was buzzing around Shanhe's new book, and various interview invitations came one after another.

Even publisher representatives from Neon and Bangguo have requested to meet with Shanhe to discuss translation and publishing cooperation.

Today, a big publishing house in Europe and the United States, Scholars Publishing House, also called. Representatives of the publishing house have arrived in Shanghai and will visit Sprout Magazine tomorrow.

Qu Ling was even a little confused. This situation was beyond the scope of her imagination. Are Chinese literary works so popular? The theme selection of mountains and rivers has surpassed the Chinese level?

Putting aside his doubts, Qu Ling contacted Shanhe on the phone, "Xiaohe, you need to come to the magazine tomorrow. Representatives from the European and American Scholars Publishing House came to Shanghai to discuss European and American distribution cooperation with you."

After Shanhe received the call, he was a little surprised. The European and American publishing houses acted so quickly, and the representatives had already arrived in Shanghai. They were indeed sincere.

Shanhe promised Qu Ling to interview Frank tomorrow morning, and also asked Qu Ling to arrange an interview with representatives of Neon and Bangguo tomorrow afternoon.

Shanhe is happy to see Chinese culture spread abroad.

The next day, Frank met Shanhe at Sprout Magazine, an ordinary Chinese boy with a gentle appearance. This was Shanhe's first impression on Frank.

After the two exchanged pleasantries, they went straight to the topic.

“Scholar Press’s status in the youth publishing field in Europe and the United States is equivalent to that of Bubble Magazine in the youth field in China. We are very concerned about youth books all over the world. This time, the publishing house headquarters attaches great importance to your books. After receiving the news, Immediately appoint me as your representative to come to Shanghai to communicate with you and show our sincerity." Frank solemnly elaborated while staring at the mountains and rivers.

Shan He and Qu Ling looked at each other and said, "Frank, you speak Chinese very well. Have you lived in China for many years?"

Frank looked at Shanhe with some surprise, "Yes, I studied and lived at Kyoto University for five years."

"I have a question to ask you. Is it convenient?" Shanhe said.

"You can ask, I know everything!" Frank showed a good level of Chinese.

"The sales of Chinese-language books in Europe and the United States are not optimistic. Why are you so sure that my books will have a market in Europe and the United States?"

Frank didn't think about it at all and replied: "The isolation between Eastern and Western cultures is very big. In the past, the background of Chinese books was incomprehensible to Western readers. Naturally, fewer people would buy it if they couldn't understand it. Shanhe's two books of yours are different. These two books are different. The plot in this book is equally common in the West, or even more serious. Furthermore, teenagers all over the world have common emotions. I personally like the characters and stories you describe."

Shanhe listened carefully and nodded.

Qu Ling spoke at this time, "How much publicity support can your Scholar Publishing House give these two books?"

Frank handed over the translated letter of intent for cooperation, and Qu Ling took it and began to study it carefully.

Distribution in Europe and America is very important to Shanhe!

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