Rhapsody of Entertainment Rebirth

Chapter 435 Chapter 435: European Grand Slam

The eight-day Venice Film Festival has come to an end, and Shanhe's trip in Venice has also come to an end.

It has been two weeks since "Room" was released. After the explosion in the first week, the sales in the second week are still very hot. The biggest reason is the crazy support of female book fans around the world.

Female consumer groups are different from men. They are more emotional and delicate. Once they like a work or a writer, they will become more obsessed with it, and most of them are used to recommending Amway to others.

Two weeks after it went on sale, the popularity of "Room" on the Internet has not diminished, but has become even more popular.

The fan communication areas of Amazon Bookstore and major reading websites around the world are basically occupied by female fans of "Room".

Many mothers or girls were so moved by the mother-child relationship between Elizabeth and Tate in "The Room" that they couldn't help but tell their own experiences and stories in the message area.

In fact, there are too many stories worth telling and touching around everyone, but people often take them for granted and ignore them!

"Mother" and "maternal love" are the most common ones. The appearance of "Room" reminds the general public that there is no shortage of beauty in this world, and we are often in it.

"When I was a child, my family lived in poverty. In my memory, my mother was always picky about food and didn't like to eat many things. I didn't understand it before and never cared about it. She was just used to me eating chicken legs and my mother eating chicken feet; I eat meat. Drinking soup is a simple meal for my mother, but does she really not like it? I cried. I will definitely take my mother to eat all the delicacies in the world! "

"My mother is a single mother. After my father passed away, she supported the whole family by herself and raised our three children. We had a very difficult life. I always complained about the injustice in the world and the unfair fate. I always complained about the injustice of the world and the injustice of fate. I turned a blind eye to my mother's hard work and even complained about her. I was very wrong. I apologized to my mother, but her answer was very calm: This is a mother's responsibility, Fanny, you will also pay for your children in the future. everything!"

"When a young life that belongs to you appears in front of your eyes, it is the most wonderful feeling in the world. When he calls you for the first time as mother, you will want to keep all the good things with him. Even if you are exhausted, as long as you hold him, you have the whole world!"

More and more messages and stories are written on the Internet, and more and more people are moved to tears by these stories and think of their mothers.

The popularity of "Room" has created a global "Mother's Day". Praising maternal love and repaying mothers has become the biggest topic on the Internet recently.

As the craze spread, global sales of "Room" surpassed the five-million-copy threshold in its second week.

Excluding online book pre-sales data, physical book sales data in the second week even declined compared to the first week. This is amazing news.

"Room" sold well in the first week, mostly due to the appeal of Shanhe itself and the extensive publicity of Scholar Publishing House.

However, in the second week, there was a reversal of decline on this basis, which really surprised the global publishing circle.

After Shanhe received the sales data from Scholar Publishing House, he was also shocked by the numbers in front of him!

According to Shanhe's opinion, the book sales of "Room" in the second week should be at most half of those in the first week!

Compared with "The Young Man", "Room" has natural disadvantages in terms of subject matter and plot.

"Young Man Yi" continues to sell well around the world because it has most of the genes of a best-seller. Similar to "The Count of Monte Cristo", the book contains fantasy sea drifts, violent conflicts between humans and animals, and various cultures. The contradictions are intertwined, the vision is grand and vast, and it is fully attractive to readers.

As for "Room", the novel only describes a special relationship between mother and child. The plot conflict is weak, the rhythm is relatively gentle, the characters and scenes are relatively single, the perspective is relatively narrow, and it is not even considered profound among realistic themes!

Shanhe's original intention of writing this book was more to fulfill his promise to his wife and to use this work to put her on the Oscar stage.

But the reality gave Shan He a surprise. "Room" seemed to be more popular among book fans than "The Book of Changes". He couldn't help but question his assistant Xu Ahui.

"Is this data correct? Why is the sales in the second week better than the first week? This is unreasonable!"


Xu Ahui was confused by Shanhe's question. In her opinion, this data couldn't be more reasonable. "Room" was so well written. Many girls were moved to tears by the pure emotions of Elizabeth's mother and son in the novel. Of course Xu Ahui was one of them. First, she even thinks this is the best work Shan He has written.

"Boss, this data is definitely correct. How is it unreasonable?"

"The sales data of "Room" are too exaggerated. It sold better than "Young Man Yi" in the same period. How is this possible?"

"it's common!"

Xu Ahui answered while holding the folder,

“Boss, you underestimate the purchasing power of female readers. Women are much crazier than men when it comes to buying things!

Look at the comments on the Internet. Because of "Room", women from all over the world are proud to be mothers and proud of their mothers. Coupled with the crazy hype of European and American feminism, and the release of "The Young and the Restless", Well, it’s not surprising that “Room” has such sales data! "

Shanhe raised his head and looked at Xu Ahui, and nodded in agreement with her analysis. Qiu Chuxi was right, women and children are indeed the best money to make!

"Okay! You're right, I underestimated your female compatriots. The great man is right, women can really hold up half of the sky!"

Shanhe laughed and joked, then changed the topic to the closing ceremony of the film festival,

"What is the process for the closing ceremony of the film festival? Has the organizing committee notified us?"

"As in previous years, we will walk on the red carpet in front of the Venice Film Palace, and then hold the award ceremony. Boss, do you want us to prepare your acceptance speech for you?"

"Haha...are you so sure that I can win the prize?"

"One hundred percent! All the staff of the organizing committee privately congratulated me today!"


The next day, the red carpet of the closing ceremony of the Venice Film Festival was extremely lively, and the entire small square was packed with audience and movie fans.

Well-known filmmakers from all over the world walked the red carpet amidst the cheers of fans, and the crew of "Youth" still made their final appearance.

When Shanhe and Tang Xiaoyu walked on the red carpet, the audience burst out with the highest decibel shouts, and the girls' screams were particularly clear and harsh.

The double hits of "Room" and "Youth" made Shanhe the most popular one in the audience. The enthusiastic and unrestrained European girls did not hide their love for Shanhe.

"I love you, Qiu!"

"Qiu, thank you for touching me!"

"Qiu, I'm no worse than Hathaway!"

Shanhe smiled and waved to the audience on the red carpet and walked forward slowly. Tang Xiaoyu had the red carpet experience of the opening ceremony and was much less nervous and jerky.

The two ignored the loud shouts of reporters, and after interacting with some fans for a few minutes to sign autographs, they walked into the Film Palace at their own pace.

There are many awards at the Venice Film Festival, including not only the most important main competition unit, but also dozens of non-competition unit awards such as the Phoebus Award, the Horizon Award, and the International Federation of Engineers Awards.

The first half of the award ceremony was filled with all kinds of self-pleasure about their European films. Although the European guests in the audience cheered and applauded frequently, it was really boring for Asian filmmakers like Shan He.

Domestic "Three Gold Awards" and artistic performances can relieve fatigue. Westerners will give endless talk show-style speeches!

It wasn't until the second half of the award ceremony that Shan He got his energy up, and the awards for the main competition unit finally came.

The first award, the Best Newcomer Award, was won by Tye Sheridan, a young director from Country M, for his movie "Jo".

The best screenplay award went to British director Steve Coogan for "Philomena."

The Best Actress award went to Italian actress Irina Cotta. Her performance in "Palermo" was indeed worthy of this honor.

The next step is the Best Actor Award. Previously, the most popular ones in the media were Tang Zhiyu, the star of "Young Yi" and Themis Pano, the star of "Miss Violence".

Both of them performed very well in the film and interpreted their respective roles perfectly, but the media was still more optimistic about Themis Pano.

Because the possibility of "Youth" winning the Golden Lion in the end is too high, there is almost no suspense. According to the regular practice of the film festival, the cake should be divided as evenly as possible, so the possibility of Tang Xiaoyu winning the award is naturally reduced a lot.

But as soon as the award-giving guest Jiang Wen came on stage, everyone knew that the media's prediction was wrong!

At this time, Tang Xiaoyu also understood that he, the actor, was definitely dead. The corners of his mouth were trembling with excitement, and he didn't know where to put his hands. He couldn't help but turn his head and look at the mountains and rivers aside.

Shanhe looked at the helpless young man, smiled and put his arms around his shoulders, and whispered with a smile:

"Congratulations, Xiaoyu, don't be too nervous, just say whatever you want!"

Jiang Wen on the stage didn't talk nonsense. After everyone applauded, he went to the microphone, opened the envelope, and said in Chinese without even looking at it:

"Congratulations, Tang Zhiyu!"

Then he did it again in English,

"Best Actor belongs to Fisher Tang, who plays Young Yi!"

At this time, Tang Xiaoyu recovered from his confusion, turned around and gave Shanhe a deep hug with red eyes.

"Brother Shanhe, thank you!"

"Ha ha…"

Shanhe smiled and patted Tang Xiaoyu on the back.

"Hurry up to the stage to receive the award, and remember to thank your mother!"

"I know!"

Tang Xiaoyu let go of Shanhe, wiped his eyes, and walked onto the stage amidst applause.

"Congratulations, Xiao Yu'er!"

"Thank you, Teacher Jiang!"

After hugging and greeting Jiang Wen, Tang Xiaoyu took the Volpi Cup, which symbolized the Venice Best Actor, from Jiang Wen.

In fact, Tang Xiaoyu had prepared an acceptance speech before, and had been preparing for a full week, but at this time, he was holding the heavy Volpi Cup on the stage, looking at the people watching him in the audience, and all he was thinking about was The prepared speech was completely forgotten, and only Shanhe's reminder was in his mind.

"I want to thank my mother first. She gave me life and she raised me!"

As soon as he spoke, Tang Xiaoyu's nervousness and excitement subsided a lot, and his words became smoother and smoother.

"She always said that I am her greatest pride in her life, and this trophy is my first reward!"

There was a burst of warm applause from the audience.

"I would also like to thank the teachers of the Beijing Film Academy Acting Department who value me as a non-staff student. Thank you Aunt Xu from the Beijing Zoo for taking me to face the tiger. Thank you to all the cast members of "Youth". Thank you. Your tolerance has helped me through the most difficult times. Thank you to my grandparents for your warmth and love! ”

Finally, Tang Xiaoyu turned his attention to Shanhe and raised the trophy towards him.

"Brother Shanhe, thank you for changing my life in the Staples parking lot. I will continue to work hard. I promise, this trophy is just the beginning!"

Looking at the red-faced Tang Xiaoyu on the stage, Shanhe smiled happily. This is the seedling that I brought out with my own hands. I didn't use my memory to cheat at all!

At this moment, Tang Shuqing, who received the news far away in the capital, hugged and cried with his parents excitedly. Xu Ahui immediately called the Tang Shuqing family who were waiting nervously, and gave them a live voice broadcast of Tang Xiaoyu's acceptance speech.

At this moment, the moods of Tang Shuqing and the old couple were indescribable. Twenty years of quarrels, unwillingness, distress and helplessness all turned into tears flowing down their respective cheeks.

"Dad, Mom, it was all my fault in the past. I was too willful. I'm sorry! But I don't regret it because I have Xiao Yu'er!"

"Qing'er, Xiaoyu is very good, and so are you. It will be better in the future. Let's not talk about it, okay?"

"Okay, Dad, Mom, Xiao Yu'er and I will never leave you again!"


After Tang Xiaoyu walked off the stage, he handed the trophy to Shanhe. Shanhe smiled and patted his forehead.

"You can keep it for yourself, I don't need this!"

"Brother Shanhe, if I win the award, it won't affect "Young Boys" winning the Golden Lion, right?"

"Haha... This is not what you want to think about. You should enjoy your honors and trophies now!"

"Hehe, this trophy is quite heavy. Although it's not as pretty as the golden lion, I like it!"

"You're lucky, remember what you said to me on stage!"

"Of course, this is my promise, I will win more trophies in the future!"

"Then I'm looking forward to watching your performance!"

Shanhe and Tang Xiaoyu whispered happily in the audience, and the award ceremony on the stage continued. Then the person who came to the stage to receive the award was still a Chinese face. Taiwanese director Tsai Ming-liang won the Silver Lion Award for Best Director for the movie "Outing".

The Jury Prize went to Italian director Gianfranco Rossi's "The Ring".

In the end, only the Golden Lion Award for Best Film in Venice was left to be awarded. The chairman of the jury, the famous Italian director Bernardo Bertolucci, appeared on the stage in a wheelchair.

The name Bernardo Bertolucci is very familiar to Chinese filmmakers, because his most famous work is "The Last Emperor". This film was the first film in history to be allowed to enter the Forbidden City in Beijing to shoot on location. At that time, China caused a sensation in the cultural world.

Not only in China, this movie about the last emperor of China, Puyi, also shined in the West in the 1980s, winning nine Oscars. The Dragon became famous and reaped the dividends of this movie for a lifetime.

It was also from that time that the fifth generation of directors began their journey to win European film awards.

Bernardo Bertolucci's influence on Chinese filmmakers is evident.

Although Bernardo Bertolucci, who is in a wheelchair, looks frail, he is very energetic on stage.

"Movies are wonderful, an art with endless charm. It contains ancient cultural elements such as light, color, music, literature, etc. However, it is actually still very young, only about a hundred years old. For human civilization, it is only A newborn has not grown up yet and is still developing. The main purpose of the film festival should not be to set standards for movies, but to focus more on the development and possibilities of movies!

The change in film shooting technology has become a fait accompli. Turning a blind eye or deliberately rejecting it is ridiculous resistance. As creators, we must accept this change and integrate it into art!

In the past, we have always opposed the commercial and artistic attributes of movies, and regarded them as the pros and cons of movies, as if they are irreconcilable and life and death. But someone told us that they are not contradictory. Computer special effects production is also a factor in his movies. This art, together with light, shadow, color, music and literature, forms a long poem, which is fascinating!

Congratulations, Qiu! "Life of Yi" is a groundbreaking film that is bound to leave a deep mark on the history of cinema, and the entire jury unanimously agreed that it was the best choice for the Venice Golden Lion! "

As soon as Bernardo Bertolucci finished speaking, the audience burst into thunderous applause.

"Young Man" is undoubtedly a good movie, no one denies this, but Bernardo Bertolucci's strong praise has pushed the film to a new level. The guest audience is all excited about Shanhe and " "Young Man Yi" cheers.

Bernardo Bertolucci's words have been recognized by many people. The development of movies cannot escape technological progress and changes!

Perhaps a few years from now, this Venice Film Festival will go down in history because of this movie and be remembered by future generations!

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