Rhapsody of Entertainment Rebirth

Chapter 441 Chapter 441: Terminator Father and Son

The little bear Qiu Yanche has been a source of joy recently. The lively and laughing little kid not only brings endless laughter to Gerald and Kate, but also brings a lot of fun to melon-eating people across the United States.

Shan He and Hathaway, the couple who started lighting fires and fanning people, left after finishing their work. After the demonstration began, these two core figures remained silent, hiding in the countryside of Vancouver and refusing to be interviewed. The media reporters could not find them, so they just left. He turned his attention to their son, Xiao Xiong'er.

Although the Gerrard family tried their best to protect the little bear and not let media reporters have access to their grandson, a large number of photos of the little bear still appeared in the entertainment media.

Xiao Xiong'er already understood what these people were doing when they followed him in China. He was not afraid of these reporters. Not only did he not avoid the camera, but he often stuck out his tongue and made faces at the reporters, with extremely rich expressions.

Fans also love to see the world's most adorable kid performing tricks, which makes Little Bear more and more popular, and more and more paparazzi follow him to take secret photos of him.

Gerald and Kate take their grandson to watch NBA games every weekend. The little kid loves the excitement, especially in the lively atmosphere of the NBA.

In order to satisfy their grandson's preferences, the old couple was willing to spend money. They bought the best seats at a high price each time, such as the back row seats of the home team Knicks, where they could even communicate directly with the stars.

Qiu Yanche obviously inherited his parents' talent for making trouble, and he immediately made a stunt on the NBA court that made the United States laugh.

The Knicks had a good record in 13 years, and the New York ball market was extremely hot. In the focus game between the Knicks and the Lakers, the opposing players and spectators were very involved.

The players on the field were fighting fiercely, with constant skirmishes. Carmelo Anthony and Kobe Bryant, the stars of the two teams, also had physical contact and looked at each other angrily.

Everyone turned their attention to the two superstars. No one paid attention to the basketball rolling out of the court, but the little bear sitting in the front row saw it!

Originally, he was very curious about the basketball that a group of people were fighting for on the court. In his little mind, this thing must be a good thing, otherwise why would so many people be trying so hard to grab it?

Seeing the orange-red basketball rolling towards him, the little bear didn't hesitate at all. He quickly jumped out of Grandma Kate's arms, rushed towards the basketball with his short legs, hugged it, turned around and went to Running back.

The basketball was a bit big for his little hands and it was a bit hard to hold, but it didn't hinder his deftness.

Not to mention the spectators and players and referees in the front row, even Gerrard and Kate didn't react. Little Xiong'er stood in front of the old couple holding the ball.

"Grandpa and grandma, I got the ball, can we go home?"

The audience in the front row, including Gerald and his wife, were stunned for a few seconds, and then burst into laughter.

The laughter attracted the attention of the audience. At this time, the referee and the players on the field realized that the basketball was missing.

The camera faithfully recorded the whole process of Little Bear stealing the ball and restored it on the big screen. The whole audience suddenly fell into laughter and joy.

Even the players from the two teams, who had been so angry just now, were laughing. Carmelo Anthony and Kobe didn't have a confrontational atmosphere. They looked at the little bear holding the basketball and laughed.

Gerald laughed and hugged his grandson who was holding the basketball.

"Baby, this basketball doesn't belong to us, we can't take it home!"

"Why, everyone is grabbing basketballs?"


When Gerrard was thinking about how to explain to his grandson, the referee walked up to them and answered for him with a smile:

"Bernie, you grabbed the basketball. It belongs to you. Can you lend it to us for a while? I guarantee that it will still belong to you after the game is over!"

The little bear tilted his head and looked at the bald old referee. After thinking for a while, he handed the ball to the referee.

"Okay! You are a bit stupid, why are you always grabbing this ball? You can give one to everyone!"

"Wow, that's a genius idea. I'll suggest it to Stern!"

"Ha ha…"

Little Bear successfully turned a heated focus battle into a hilarious comedy!

In the end, the Knicks lost, but everyone was happy, including Bear. The photo of him holding a game ball signed by the entire Knicks team and grinning appeared on the entertainment and sports pages across the United States the next day. superior.

Little Bear’s happy tidbits amused basketball fans across the United States that day. The official NBA website even published this tidbit on the home page with an exaggerated title:

"The Basketball Terminator is coming to Madison Garden!"

The whole process of Little Bear grabbing the ball and his conversation with the referee soon spread on the global Internet. The little kid's innocence and cuteness made people all over the world laugh.

As a result, he got his first awesome nickname: "Terminator". The official NBA website has more messages than when James won the championship last year.

"Haha... If Bernie becomes the Knicks' mascot, I guarantee that the Knicks will immediately become the most popular NBA team in the world!"

"It makes so much sense. I'm tired of looking at Spike Lee's old frowning face. Bernier is 10,000 times cuter than him!"

"Haha... I burst out laughing. Bernier is only three years old. He is very agile. He can run very fast with the ball in his arms. He might be able to participate in the NBA draft in the future!"

"comg on! This is the second richest generation in the world. He won't participate in the draft. There is a possibility that he will buy the New York Knicks and become the owner in the future!"

Shanhe, Hathaway and his wife, together with their little boy Xiaoxiong, are a family of three that have almost taken over the hot spots in Country M recently!

When the "Little Flying Bear" landed at New York's John F. Kennedy International Airport, Shanhe and Hathaway were immediately surrounded by a swarm of reporters.

"Qiu, what is your attitude towards the wave of women caused by "Room" and what do you think about the demands of feminists?"

"Qiu, the North American box office of "Yi Yi" is close to 700 million, and the global box office is close to . Video?"

"Annie, many women in country M regard you as the initiator of this protest march. What do you have to say to them?"

"Annie, what career do you hope Bernie will pursue in the future, maybe become a basketball player?"

"I support equality between men and women, and support protecting the rights of women and children from infringement. Naturally, the more box office the "Young Ones" has, the better. I don't have any specific requirements for the box office..."

Shanhe answered the reporter casually, then left the floor to his wife, watching Hathaway deal with the reporters' questions with ease.

"I am the ambassador of the United Nations Committee on Women and Children, and I have the obligation to express my views on the unfair situation of women and children. I don't care if I am the initiator of the protest, I only care about how much change the protest will bring..."

"Bernie's future is up to him to decide. Qiu and I have no objection to him becoming an athlete..."

It took a lot of effort for the couple to get rid of the reporters' entanglements and drove to the "Gold Coast" villa Hathaway bought for her parents.

The Gerrard family and their little bear were waiting at the door early. Although the little kid was very happy in New York, he would inevitably miss his parents, family and Doudou. As soon as he saw Shanhe and his wife, he immediately trotted away. Rushed into Hathaway's arms.

"Mom, have you and dad come to take me home?"

Hathaway hugged her son and kissed him on the face several times.

"Baby Bernie, you are homesick. Mom and dad will take you back to China tomorrow, okay?"

"I miss my grandparents, grandpa, grandpa, grandpa, and grandma. I also want to play with Doudou!"

"Aren't you happy spending time with your grandparents and uncle?"

"Happy, it would be great if everyone was together!"

"Ha ha…"

Shanhe got out of the car and looked at the two mother and son who were whispering. He walked aside and said with a smile:

"Smelly boy, come here, let daddy hug you!"

The little bear obediently stretched out his arms to his father.

"Dad, I miss you too!"

"Ha ha…"

Shanhe spent the whole day happily with his father-in-law and his family. Most of the time he talked about the great achievements of the little kid in New York. His grandson brought too much joy to his father-in-law and his family!

In addition, the little bear kept showing off his trophies to his parents. Looking at the toys and a basketball, the whole family was laughing.

During this period, the Chinese and American families also made an appointment on the phone to spend the following Western Christmas and Chinese Spring Festival together.

In the reluctant farewell of Gerald, Kate, Michael, and Thomas, Shanhe and his wife took Little Bear on board the "Little Flying Bear" and flew back to the capital.

Back in the capital, needless to say, there was another round of laughter and affection. During the twenty days or so that Little Xiong'er went to country M, he missed all the elderly in the family. Several old people hugged him and kissed him, not wanting to let go.

Doudou also misses his little friend very much. He keeps wagging his tail and barking "woof, woof" after the little bear.

Because of the return of the little kid, the courtyard has returned to the noisy world, but the whole family is enjoying it!

Shanhe rested at home for two days and took Hathaway for a wedding drink before starting the post-production of "Room".

Bai Yuxia, the eldest brother in dormitory 201, got married. The bride was not an insider, but Yang Liu's subordinate, the female agent of Chuhe Film and Television.

In order to wait for the Shanhe couple to return to China, Bai Yuxia and his wife even postponed the wedding for a few days, so the Shanhe couple naturally couldn't be absent.

This was the second wedding in dormitory 201 after Shanhe's wedding. After the wedding banquet, several classmates' best friends opened another table, chatting and bragging, and everyone got drunk.

Shanhe drank a lot, but his drinking capacity was the best among the others. He pushed Chen Zhiyong next to him. The "silkworm chrysalis" was the loudest, but the one who lay down was the fastest.

"Silkworm chrysalis, you kid is pretending to be dead. Get up quickly and drink this glass of wine before getting down!"

"Master, please let me slow down for five minutes! Just five minutes!"

"Ha ha…"

Everyone laughed. Silkworm Chrysalis is now a real director. Although he is filming a web series, he is enjoying himself.

The filming of "Ghost Blowing the Lantern: The Ancient City" has been completed, and we are waiting for Wu Ershan's movie version of "Ghost Blowing the Lantern" to be released during the Spring Festival and will be broadcast on Tudou.com.

In addition to "Ghost Blowing the Lamp", Silkworm Chrysalis is now eyeing "Zhu Xian" and plans to do the same as "Ghost Blowing the Lamp", with TV series and movies together.

He followed his hobbies and planned his career well.

"Fuck, you are so useless, Silkworm Chrysalis, you are just a talker!"

Chen Jingming glanced at the red-faced silkworm chrysalis with disgust, raised his glass and said to Shanhe:

"Shanhe, let's drink!"

Chen Jingming is now a producer of Chuhe Film and Television. His first project, "Soul Ferry", has just been broadcast on Tudou.com and has received great reviews.

Half a month after the series was broadcast, the online broadcast volume exceeded 200 million, attracting many netizens to watch and comment, and was rated as a milestone breakthrough for online dramas.

Chen Jingming has already started planning the second and third seasons, and is even preparing for his first feature film. He has reached a cooperation with the young director Lu Yang and started writing the script. The name of the film is "Embroidered Spring Knife".

Two other roommates, Du Guangyu and Zhou Zhengyi, both joined the Chuhe Film and Television Production Center. One became an administrator, and the other is a core member of the Bai Yuxia team, specializing in film art.

"Old Du, let's have a drink. How far have you and Old Bai filmed my "Send You a Little Red Flower"?"

"Boss, how can it be so fast? The script has just been finalized!"

Du Guangyu drank the wine in the glass in one gulp and replied with a smirk,

"Don't compare yourself with us. You are a pervert, but we are just ordinary people!"

"Old Du, do you know how to use words? You said it so inappropriately. What pervert is that? That's called a super invincible pervert!"

"Go to hell!"


Several people laughed, Du Guangyu He continued with a smile:

"Boss, you don't know that adapting your work is very stressful. As soon as we let the news out, your fans immediately exploded. There were so many requests and discussions on the Internet. If we fail, we will probably be notorious in the future and have no chance to turn things around!"

"Isn't it!"

Zhou Zhengyi also chimed in,

"We are also under great pressure in the production center. It feels no less than "Take Her Eyes". Boss, you have too many fans and your reputation is too great. To be honest, Lao Bai has been absent-minded in his wedding recently. Boss, you have to help him!"

"Okay! I'll be the producer to help you share some of the pressure!"

Shanhe responded with a smile,

"But I don't have much free time. You have to do the filming yourself. I believe in you. Among my works, except "The Hottie", "Send You a Little Red Flower" is the easiest to adapt. You are all veterans and nothing will go wrong. Be confident!"

"The master is right!"

The silkworm pupa recovered and his voice became louder.

"You guys are You are so ungrateful. I am not exaggerating. The adaptation of the great god's work has a box office of 1 billion yuan. What's wrong with a little pressure? You still want the great god to take you to fly. You are really shameless! "

"Canpus, you kid should drink the wine you owe first before talking!"

"Today is the big day of Lao Bai. Is it appropriate for you to force me to drink?"

"Oh, didn't you suggest to continue the second game? You talk too much nonsense. Hurry up!"

That night, Shanhe got drunk for a rare time and was carried back to the courtyard.

Shanhe recovered from the hangover at home for a day and started the post-editing of "Room".

A week later, Hathaway reluctantly said goodbye to her husband, son and family and went to the United States again to join the crew of "Interstellar".

With the completion of the filming of "Room", Bruckheimer began to arrange the schedule. After communicating with Shanhe and Chuhe Film and Television, Disney put the film's schedule in May next year. The biggest competitor in the same schedule is "The Amazing Spider-Man 2".

In the previous life, "Room" was just a low-budget drama movie. Before it was released, the film did not attract the attention of any film company.

But this life is completely different. This is Hua Xia Qiu's movie, starring Hathaway, and it is the first film produced by the world's most eye-catching couple.

Not to mention that there is also a global sensation and best-selling original book, which has an extraordinary influence on women around the world.

Sony Pictures executives were shocked by the sudden appearance of "Room" in the schedule, and then cursed,

"Damn Disney, damn old rogue, actually put the schedule of "Room" in the next week of "The Amazing Spider-Man"!"

"What should we do, or we should change the schedule, it is better to be on the same stage with "X-Men" than against Hua Xia Qiu!"

"No need, "Room" is a drama movie, no special effects, no 3D, no big scenes, and it is two completely different types from "The Amazing Spider-Man", it should not have much impact."

"Fuck, This is "Room", the work of Hua Xia Qiu and Hathaway. The appeal of the couple is much greater than 3D special effects!"

"Indeed, Dick, "The Amazing Spider-Man" must change its release date, at least one week forward, otherwise, we will suffer a great loss!"

"Damn it! This means that all our plans must be changed!"

"Let's change it, it's better than a complete failure. "Green Lantern" is a lesson learned. Hua Xia Qiu is a bit weird, and it's never a good thing to run into him!"

"Fuck, the nickname "Terminator" is more suitable for Hua Xia Qiu than his son!"

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