Rhapsody of Entertainment Rebirth

Chapter 449: Creating an Oriental Business Template

On January 28, three days before the Spring Festival of the Year of the Horse, the premiere of "Ghost Blows Out the Light: The Ancient City of Jingjue" was held at the Beijing Golden Harvest Cinema.

"Ghost Blows Out the Light" is the first Chinese adventure fantasy production with a large investment. Since December, Chuhe Film and Television has started full-channel promotion throughout Asia.

The promotional posters of the movie can be seen everywhere on the Internet and in reality, and the slogans and slogans are even more varied: "Experience the boundary between life and death", "Take you into another mysterious world", "Adventure legend from the East!".

The gorgeous and fantastic scenes in the trailer short film have made domestic and foreign movie fans curious and looking forward to it!

From the decision to launch this series, Chuhe Film and Television has made a complete plan for the entire series.

Unlike the previous life, Chuhe Film and Television bought the entire novel copyright from the beginning. As soon as the project was confirmed, it launched a full-channel cooperative promotion with the author "Tianxia Bachang". Before the shooting entered the preparation period, Chuhe Film and Television and the publishing house began to promote the novel.

Comics, games, toys and other peripherals were also planned and produced at the same time.

This is a series of movies adapted from best-selling books, which has a very broad commercial prospect. Chuhe Film and Television has great ambitions and is preparing to create a Chinese version of "Harry Potter".

Even the boss Shanhe was pulled into the screenwriter planning team by the Chuhe Production Center. Shanhe's advice at the time was to stick as close to the original as possible. It would be stupid not to make good use of a best-selling book as a foundation!

From movies such as "Harry Potter", "Twilight", and "Young Yi", it can be seen that a best-selling book has an amazing impact on the box office of a movie.

But the operation of the "Ghost Blowing Light Series" in the previous life is really speechless. All kinds of messy adaptations have made this theme with unlimited commercial prospects a mess, which is really a waste of talent!

Of course, there are many reasons for this situation in the previous life, including the disorder of online novel copyrights, the immaturity of the entertainment industry system, and the fact that the author himself did not realize the importance of copyright.

But in this life, due to the intrusion of Shanhe, a giant Chuhe Film and Television appeared in China, which is fully capable of independently operating the commercial promotion of this series, basically avoiding the above several unfavorable factors.

Although the domestic market is still in a state of chaos, the problem of piracy is still very serious, and all kinds of messy follow-up trends are emerging in an endless stream, everyone can see that the situation is improving. In the hands of Chuhe Film and Television, the "Ghost Blowing Light Series" has a bright future.

When the author of "Ghost Blowing Light" "Tianxia Bachang" got the project plan of Chuhe Film and Television, he was instantly excited.

Fortunately, the copyright was sold to Chuhe Film and Television. Although the price seems very cheap now, they are really capable and honest. They don't forget to leave soup for themselves while eating meat. No wonder Chuhe Film and Television has such a good reputation in the circle!

If this plan can be achieved, I can immediately become the highest-paid online novel writer in China. If there is no pervert like Shanhe, it is estimated that becoming the highest-paid writer in China is not a problem!

In a thousand words, the premise of all this is to fire the first shot of "Jingjue Ancient City".

The entire Chuhe Film and Television is full of confidence in this. After the movie was completed, the boss Shanhe, the eldest brother Zhong Lifang, and the second brother Yang Liu all watched the movie in the internal screening room as soon as possible.

Shanhe's rating is neither high nor low: seven points!

"The Ancient City of Jingjue" is the opening work of the "Ghost Blowing Light Series". It is also the most exciting one in this series.

However, the plot of the novel spans a large area and the structure is relatively loose, which is also one of the characteristics of online novels.

From the grandfather of the protagonist "Hu Bayi", to Hu Bayi and Wang Pangzi's joining the team in the countryside, to the first meeting of the "iron triangle", there is a time span of several decades.

It is not realistic to tell so many plots in a movie of more than two hours.

Wu Ershan and the creative team put the main touches on the plot of "Exploring the Mystery of the Ancient City of Jingjue", focusing on the personalities of the three characters and their initial acquaintance journey, mainly to set the tone for the opening of the entire series.

The description of the "Japanese Army Underground Fortress" and the "Nine-story Demon Tower" is relatively short, and the plot connection is a bit stiff, which is estimated to cause some criticism from the original fans.

But overall, the whole movie is relatively smooth, the special effects and action scenes are magnificent, the pictures have a cinematic texture, the plot has enough tension, the casting and performance of the actors are remarkable, and it is a qualified commercial production.

Things are similar to what Shanhe expected. On the first day of its release, "Ghost Blows Out the Light: The Ancient City of Jingjue" had a box office of 160 million yuan and a Douban score of 7.2, which caused dissatisfaction among some fans of the original novel, but the word of mouth is still good.

Before the Spring Festival holiday, the domestic box office was 460 million in three days, announcing the successful opening of the "Ghost Blows Out the Light Series".

In other countries and regions in Asia, "Ghost Blows Out the Light: The Ancient City of Jingjue" also gained a lot, not to mention Hong Kong and Taiwan. As the first Chinese-language 3D special effects blockbuster of the Eastern adventure type, "The Ancient City of Jingjue" swept the box office rankings.

Neon, South Korea and Southeast Asia also landed at the top of the box office rankings of various countries, and the box office in Asia in three days was close to 100 million US dollars.

The overseas reputation is even better than that in China, and the entire Asian film and television industry is lamenting the rise of Chinese-language films.

The media in Japan and South Korea have put forward higher requirements and expectations for their respective domestic filmmakers. They accept being ravaged by Hollywood movies, but they cannot accept the strength of Chinese-language movies.

Huaxia Qiu is fine, after all, the whole world knows that he is a big pervert and cannot be judged by common sense. European and American countries can't stand his back and forth rampage. There is nothing to say about the film and television circles in Japan and South Korea.

But directors such as Ning Hao, Xu Ke, and Wu Ershan have also followed Shanhe's footsteps and galloped through the film markets of the two countries one after another. This phenomenon made them unable to hold back. Not only the media of the two countries, but also the film industry has put forward requirements for the government to increase its support for the film industry.

The reports and praises of the domestic media are naturally more exaggerated.

"Chuhe Film and Television successfully created the Chinese version of "Indiana Jones", and the first part of "Ghost Blows Out the Light" was a great success. It is expected that the final domestic box office will exceed 1.8 billion yuan and the global box office will exceed 500 million US dollars!"

"Chuhe Film and Television operates "Ghost Blows Out the Light" through all channels. Not only has the movie box office won a great victory, but the online drama, comics, games and other peripherals have ravaged the entire network. "Ghost Blows Out the Light" will become China's "Harry Potter"?"

"Zhang Muye, the writer of "Ghost Blows Out the Light", claimed that "The Ancient City of Jingjue" is just the beginning. He will work with Chuhe Film and Television to carry this series to the end..."

Major domestic film and television companies have no time to sigh and envy, and have begun to scramble for online articles with the same theme. Various adventure film and television dramas have begun to be brewed and prepared.

Especially "Grave Robbers' Chronicles" by Nanpai Sanshu is the most popular. There is already a rumor on the Internet that the first part of "Grave Robbers' Chronicles" "Seven Star Lu Palace" is being prepared. Many film and television companies are imitating Chuhe and seeking to cooperate with Nanpai Sanshu to develop the entire series of movies.

The success of "Ghost Blows Out the Light: The Ancient City of Jingjue" has given a shot of chicken blood to all branches of Chuhe Film and Television. The success of this movie represents a very significant significance. There are as many as eight novels in the "Ghost Blows Out the Light" series, and there is a complete movie universe, and its commercial value is immeasurable.

Once this series is properly operated, the profits and influence brought to Chuhe Film and Television will be no less than those of Shanhe's works. Together with the boss Shanhe, it can become the supporting pillar of Chuhe Film and Television.

With these two pillars as the foundation, Chuhe Film and Television is as stable as Mount Tai!

The employees of the Chuhe Film and Television Production Center have spoken a few points louder on the Chuhe internal network these days. See, the production center will always be the core pillar of the group!

The people of the Seven Color Light Prism sneered at the arrogance of the old rival production center. When our "Fengshen" comic universe comes out next year, we will compete again!

Shanhe was also excited about the box office explosion of "Ghost Blowing Light: The Ancient City of Jingjue". Although in his memory, the previous "Ghost Blowing Light: The Lost Tomb" was successful, the content and significance of the two movies were completely different.

One was a large-scale adaptation of the story, retaining only the characters and the world view, and the plot had almost no connection with the original work, just a single story.

The other, under Shanhe's suggestion, basically followed the plot setting of the original work, and there was a huge follow-up plan.

Under the flapping of butterfly wings, Shanhe had no reference basis for foresight at all, and before the movie was released, he was also uneasy.

Once "The Ancient City of Jingjue" failed in box office and reputation, all the previous business plans of Chuhe Film and Television would be burned, and the overwhelming publicity before the movie was released would become a big joke, not only facing huge commercial losses, but also a huge blow to the influence and reputation of Chuhe Film and Television.

It even had a significant negative impact on the development of the entire Chinese-language film!

For Shanhe, this is a gamble that spans time and space. Chuhe Film and Television has invested a huge amount of chips. Fortunately, it has become the winner again.

The success of "The Ancient City of Jingjue" will not only bring a vast and boundless business world to Chuhe Film and Television, but also provide an excellent case for the operation of domestic IP, which has greatly promoted the orderly development of the Chinese film and television industry.

In Shanhe's memory, the IP operation of China in the past life can be described as a mess. The film and television development of best-selling books such as "Ghost Blowing Light", "Zhu Xian", and "Grave Robbers' Chronicles" are all speechless.

Faced with such a huge market demand, it obviously has a good hand, but in the end it played it badly. Although it has gained short-term profits, it has brought the entire IP industry into a dead end.

It is really sad and infuriating to waste a great subject and a great situation!

The success of "Ghost Blowing Light: The Ancient City of Jingjue" made Shanhe breathe a sigh of relief. If you can't play it, don't mess around. I have already set an example for you. You will be able to copy it!

Shanhe put aside his grudges and accompanied his family with a smile to welcome the arrival of another Spring Festival.

This is the second Spring Festival that Gerald and Kate have spent in China. Compared with last year, the couple are much more familiar with each other.

The unique Chinese New Year programs such as celebrating the Little New Year, welcoming the New Year, New Year's Eve dinner, playing mahjong, visiting temple fairs, etc. made them very happy.

Of course, the most important reason is the daughter's pregnancy and the company of the grandson. Both of them are extremely satisfied with Hathaway's marriage and life.

Fortunately, there is still such a thought of a daughter. They don't count on the two troublesome sons. Let them go!

During the seven-day Spring Festival holiday, Shanhe accompanied the two elders, and spent double joy and noise in the son's noise and his wife's morning sickness.

"Ghost Blows Out the Light: The Ancient City of Jingjue" swept the entire Spring Festival holiday. In China, it collected another 800 million box office in seven days, and the cumulative box office in ten days was 1.3 billion, becoming the biggest winner of the 2014 Spring Festival.

The box office decline in Asian countries was very stable, and the second week closed at nearly 70 million US dollars!

It is worth mentioning that "The Ancient City of Jingjue" also landed in the European and American markets this week. The box office in North America for the first three days of the weekend was 21 million US dollars. The box office data in European countries was slightly better than that in North America, exceeding 25 million US dollars.

This number is naturally insignificant compared to Shanhe's movies, but it is a very good number for Chinese-language movies.

The most surprising thing is that the word of mouth of the movie is quite good. Many European and American movie fans are captured by the mysterious Feng Shui theory of China. On the Internet, the audience's freshness and discussion exceeded the expectations of Chuhe Film and Television.

Ten days after its release, "Ghost Blows Out the Light: The Ancient City of Jingjue" closed at a global box office of 310 million US dollars, and the final box office of over 400 million is already a fait accompli.

The "Ghost Blowing Light Series" had a nearly perfect start, and the Chuhe Production Center was jubilant. They have begun to prepare for the second part of the series: "Ghost Blowing Light: Dragon Ridge Cave".

It is worth mentioning that Canch's "Ghost Blowing Light" web drama was also launched this week. This web drama is the highest-invested web drama in China so far.

Compared with the movie, the web drama is naturally not worth mentioning in terms of special effects and scenes, but it is not without advantages. The story of the web drama is complete enough, and the plots such as "The Tomb of the General of the Great Jin Dynasty", "The Japanese Underground Fortress", and "The Nine-story Demon Tower" are described in detail.

As soon as the web drama "The Ancient City of Jingjue" was launched, it broke the record of web drama clicks on the same day, and was warmly welcomed by many fans of the original novel. The Douban score even exceeded the movie of the same name.

The two movies of the same name and the web drama appeared in front of the audience together, causing a considerable amount of discussion on the Internet.

Fans of the original novel strongly support the web drama, and non-original audiences naturally like the movie more. After all, for this type of subject matter, fantasy special effects are the biggest highlight of the movie. Compared with the movie, the special effects of the web drama are too rough and simple.

Chuhe Film and Television took advantage of this popularity and launched the "Ghost Blows Out the Light" series of comics and related games in succession, developing this big IP to the extreme in China.

Chuhe Film and Television has made a template for IP commercial promotion for the domestic film and television industry, telling the film and television industry a fact:

IP is a golden egg, which is used to hatch chicks, not to be fried and roasted, and then eaten and left. It is too fucking unskilled!

Of course, there is a premise for all this, the movie cannot be a failure!

The popularity of "Ghost Blows Out the Light: The Ancient City of Jingjue" has made Liu Ye, who plays "Hu Bayi", one of the biggest winners recently.

He has risen directly from a first-line actor in China to an international movie star. Not only has his salary doubled, but his endorsement fees have also risen sharply. He has received a lot of benefits.

Liu Ye is not a person who can hold back. He has been full of vigor and vitality recently, and his voice is a few points louder than before. He seems to be walking with the wind, and he is about to float up!

But a phone call from Shanhe pulled his feet down from the air.

"Liu Ye, you have been doing well recently, have you gained both fame and fortune? I saw your interview, and now you consider yourself an international movie star, awesome!"

"No, no? I was just cooperating with the promotion of the movie. What kind of international movie star am I? Compared with you, big boss, I am not even a qualified follower!"

"It's good to know, don't be arrogant, remember that your next role is Fang Xinwu, don't forget the personal experience that Captain Zhou told you, and don't forget your promise to me, don't make me angry when the time comes!"

Liu Ye's restless heart immediately poured a basin of cold water on Shanhe. He had seen the big boss get angry before, and a certain Hollywood second-tier female star was completely banned by his words. It is said that Now he has become a homeless man.

"That can't be done, boss. Don't worry. I promise to complete the task!"

"Liu Ye, don't be blinded by the small success in front of you. There is a lack of charismatic male actors in China. Your talent is not limited to this. Look at Tang Xiaoyu. He is so young, but he knows how to settle down. You are over 30 years old and are the father of two children. You can't be worse than him!"

"Thank you for your encouragement. I will give you a military order. I will never fail in training and filming!"

"Okay! In addition, congratulations to you!"

"Congratulations! Congratulations!"


After ending the call, Liu Ye put down the phone next to his ear and wiped his forehead. The boss is really imposing now. It's creepy to listen to it. It's a typical awe-inspiring person!

But it can be heard that he is really optimistic about himself and takes good care of himself. The boss is right. My success is not limited to this. Sooner or later, I will get a real international movie star to play with!

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