Rhapsody of Entertainment Rebirth

Chapter 456: The God of Light and Shadow Shows His Prominence

The explosion of "Room" is not limited to North America, but is also blooming in countries around the world.

This movie’s global box office appeal is so strong!

There is a best-selling original book that triggered a trend among women around the world; there is a writer-director who has been undefeated in the world for more than ten years; and it is the joint debut of one of the most influential couples in the world.

The shock wave of Shanhe Hathaway and his wife's union swept across the world!

"Room" was sold out on its first day of release in various European countries, including the UK, France, Germany, and Italy. Almost all theaters were packed with female fans of "Room."

Fans of movies and books come with joy and leave with sadness!

The cumulative box office in European countries on the first day also exceeded 50 million US dollars, and the audience's reputation was overwhelming!

European media rated "Room" even more highly than North America.

"This is a masterpiece handed down from generation to generation. It is like a Chopin concerto, beautiful, delicate and gorgeous, but the emotions it can express are like Beethoven's symphony, full of pathos, questions and roars!"

"Hua Xiaqiu's talent seems to have no limit. He is still improving, and his magic is still upgrading. A realistic film has turned into a dreamy fairy tale and a cold modern poem in his hands, switching freely and smoothly. Touching and addictive! ”

"A model work of film art. There is no ostentation in the whole film, but the light of genius shines everywhere. The performance, picture, color, light and music are almost impeccable!"

The same is true in Asian countries, such as Neon, Bang, and Southeast Asia. As soon as "Room" was released, the craze has already formed.

Even India's high-caste elites were attracted to the few screening theaters by "Room" and were captured to tears by the film. On that day, a trend was formed in India to expand the scale of screenings.

Women here especially understand the situation of Elizabeth and her son in "The Room" because this country has the highest number of rapists in the world!

Of course, not to mention in China, even if we don’t mention the strong influence of Shanhe’s works, Hathaway alone has extraordinary appeal in China. She is a special existence in China, and can be said to be the only one in the country. actor.

She is the most famous "Chinese daughter-in-law" in the world, a popular Hollywood superstar, the mother of Little Bear, and she is also preparing to give birth to a second Chinese child. It cannot be said whether it is because she loves her family or because she is proud. Anyway, the whole country does not think of Hathaway. As an outsider, I have a special liking for her.

Even domestic news reports and the Internet public almost all called her "Annie", which shows that everyone recognizes and loves her.

It is no exaggeration to say that she is the "national daughter-in-law"!

This is the first time the couple have appeared together in a movie, and the domestic public has been eagerly awaiting it. A few days before the release of "Room", the first-day movie tickets were almost sold out.

The movie's explosive power in China was terrifying. On the first day of its opening, the box office exceeded 180 million yuan. In terms of moviegoers, it was no worse than "The Life of Yi".

The audience's reputation is very good, especially Hathaway's performance in the film, which was praised by everyone. She was directly regarded as a god on the Internet!

"Anne's acting skills are amazing. I really didn't feel any drama at all. I didn't even feel her big eyes and big mouth!"

"Shanhe and Annie have made great progress. I originally thought it would be another "Mom Love Me Again", but I didn't expect that there is no sensationalism or gore from beginning to end. There is not even a loud crying scene in the whole film, but it made me feel People were moved to tears, Shanhe’s directorial talent has reached its peak, and Annie’s acting skills are amazing!”

"You little girls in China, take a look. This is a real actress. She is an international movie star and a super rich woman on the Forbes rich list. She has been preparing for more than a year for a role. You can't even think of Anne's heels. Can’t even touch it!”

"I am completely blown away by the performances of Annie and the young actors. Their acting skills can be called great!"

The evaluation of "Room" by domestic filmmakers and critics has exceeded the level of "excellent", and Shanhe's title has been upgraded to "master".

Among them, Brother Chen Kai, after watching the movie, was interviewed by reporters and gave the most representative evaluation directly:

"The highest state of Chinese cooking is to use the simplest ingredients to create the most delicious taste. "Room" is like a "boiling cabbage". It seems ordinary, but it contains countless flavors, including All the "delicacies of mountains and seas", Shanhe's directorial talent has reached the level of a master!"

On the first day of its global release, "Room" grossed nearly 200 million U.S. dollars at the box office.

It is no exaggeration to say that "Room" filled the whole world with tears in early May!

As the midsummer of May approaches, "Room" has taken the world by storm, topping box office rankings in various countries, and has once again set off a wave of movie-watching frenzy among women around the world. Many girls even call their friends and watch it over and over again. Many mothers also bring their families to experience the true love between mother and child.

Reviews and recommendations for novels and movies are flooding the entire Internet. Whether it is Amazon Book Store or Facebook, "Room" has occupied the hot headlines on almost all popular websites.

In the three days of its first weekend, the movie "Room" took in a box office of 550 million yuan in China, 160 million U.S. dollars in North America, 130 million U.S. dollars in European countries, and 2.3 billion yen...

In just three days, the global box office of "Room" reached a total of US$530 million!

Once the data came out, the global film and television circles and melon-eating people couldn't help but fall in love with it again:

Hua Xia Qiu is like a god of light and shadow who plays on the screen. He is familiar with any subject matter. He has no framework of ordinary directors. He also doesn't care about the reputation and style of a great director. He can shoot whatever he wants. , and it is a great success every time, and people's understanding of him will be further improved every time!

Look at his experience!

A few years ago, he just shocked the world with the 3DIMAX of "Gravity", and then created a shocking absurd comedy movie, and this comedy movie opened the eyes of filmmakers and audiences around the world. It turns out that comedy is still It can be shot like this, and he used this comedy to undisputedly win the Oscar for Best Director and Best Picture.

Just when people thought he would devote his energy to his classic book "Yi Yi", he unexpectedly took over the comic book movie "Joker" and used this comic film to plunge Western society into panic. Ledger became an emperor and a god for this film!

Then, "The Life of Yi" swept the world again as everyone expected. Almost all directors admitted that this was an extremely difficult adaptation. Shanhe added too many ideas to the original work and described the fantasy world. It’s too ethereal, and only the original author Hua Xiaqiu can put it all on the big screen!

He did it again! It has achieved good reputation and box office success, taking away 2 billion US dollars in box office data around the world.

But now, he has transcended from the gorgeous 3D special effects, abandoned the eye-catching 3D special effects, abandoned the visual impact of big scenes, and even abandoned the creative imagination, returned to the roots of the movie, and calmly told a story The story truly reflects a feeling!

In the midst of criticism, he once again succeeded, and the success was undisputed. Even the most demanding Western literati had to admit that "The Room" is a masterpiece, enough to stand side by side with all classic literary films!

And Hua Xiaqiu has just turned thirty. What else he will bring to the world is highly anticipated!

Hollywood's most professional film review media, "The Hollywood Reporter", made a special report on Shanhe's film. The title was "Huaxia Qiu-the God of Light and Shadow Who Plays in the World?" 》.

At this time, no one could have imagined that the protagonist, once again praised by the media, was holding his head and moaning in the tropical rain forest of Xishuangbanna.

It is said that since the crew of "Operation Mekong" came to the Xishuangbanna rainforest for filming, Shanhe's extravagant preparations have worked. Although the entire crew is still in the running-in stage and the filming progress is slow, it has been running smoothly.

You must know that the environment in the tropical rainforest is different from that of cities and studios. The climate here is hot and humid, there are many snakes and insects, and the climate is changeable. Anything can happen, especially if it rains. The feeling of staying in the rainforest is so sour. .

Viewed from the camera, the entire rainforest is covered with clouds and mist, beautiful and fresh, which is simply refreshing. However, if you are in it, the situation is completely opposite. It is hot and humid, and the visibility is extremely low. Staying in this environment for a long time is simply harmful to the human body. To mental torture!

Perhaps because of careful enough preparations and good luck, the entire crew stayed in the rainforest for less than half a month without any accidents. Only a few staff members suffered from diarrhea due to acclimatization.

When the good news about the box office of "Room" came to the crew, the whole crew was cheered up. Staying in this hellish place is indeed a kind of torture, but with expectations, there is motivation. The global box office exceeded 500 million US dollars in three days. , "Operation Mekong" won't be worse than this at the box office, right? Look at this scene, it's bigger than "The Room"!

The most excited person is Liu Ye, a sexy young man who flatters the mountains and rivers.

"Boss, you are really awesome. You can break through 500 million in three consecutive days by shooting a feature film, and now you are starting to reach 1 billion. No one in the world has this kind of talent except you. You said, we are here How much box office can this drama have? It cannot be worse than "The Room", right?"

Shan He was naturally in a very bright mood at this time, but he never had a good attitude toward Liu Ye.

"Can you, kid, focus on the filming? Look at your performance just now. Although there is an extra scar on your face, which does affect your performance, haven't you always regarded yourself as an actor and an international superstar? This is a small thing. Are you confused? The most expressive thing is always the eyes, do you understand?"

"I understand, I understand! I'm going to take a pee, and I'll definitely get it right when I come back!"

"A lazy ass is grinding and peeing a lot. Hurry up!"

But it was Liu Ye's peeing that caused the crew's first accident.

Liu Ye is really a "badass". There is nothing in the vast and vast woods that is inconvenient. He insists on peeing into the hole of the tree. This time, he was surprised. Liu Ye didn't even have time to zip up the zipper. He ran to the shooting scene in a hurry.

The attack by dozens of bumblebees put the crew into panic, but the crew was well prepared and repellent spray quickly drove away these unexpected attackers.

Everyone else was fine, even Liu Ye, the culprit, was safe and sound, but it happened that the director Shan He was in trouble, and an angry bumblebee hit him on the forehead!

"Is everyone okay?"


"Liu Ye, look at the good things you have done!"

Shanhe touched his tingling forehead and said with a wry smile:

"I think I was stung!"

On-site consultant Zhou Luyao looked at Shanhe and asked seriously,

"Where were you stung?"


"Get in the car quickly, let's go to the hospital!"

"Ah? That's unnecessary. It's just a bee sting!"

"This is not a bee. This is a ground beetle. Dozens of ground beetles can kill a cow, and its toxicity can cause allergies in some people!"


Zhou Luyao's words stunned the entire crew, and then they fell into a panic in an instant. Everyone understood that Shanhe could not have any accidents, not even the slightest possibility!

"Fuck! That guy, stop being dazed, go drive!"

"Boss, how do you feel?"

"Don't we have medicine prepared? Find it quickly!"

"Boss, get in the car first!"

"You guys follow behind!"


On the way to the hospital, Shanhe's forehead swelled up, and his face began to numb. Shanhe looked at Yang Liu and several accompanying personnel who looked nervous, and couldn't help but smile bitterly. Joy leads to sorrow. He was on guard, but he didn't expect that the first accident would happen to him!

Shanhe's accidental sting made the originally quiet Menglun Town Hospital usher in the most lively day.

The huge convoy of the crew alarmed the entire Menglun Town. With such a big scene, the doctors thought that some emergency patient had come, but it turned out to be just a poor guy who was stung by a "earth beetle". Was there any need to be so anxious?

When they looked closely, the poor guy with a deformed face was the great writer and director Shanhe. Well, that makes sense. It's not too nervous!

Even the originally calm doctor became nervous. Shanhe couldn't have any accidents here. What about Lao Qu? Doesn't he have a special recipe for treating earth beetle stings!

In fact, for the local hospital, being stung by a "earth beetle" is really not a big deal. Many locals have been stung, and most of them won't even come to the hospital. They will get over it in two days.

What Zhou Luyao said is true, but it is an extremely rare accident. Of course, Zhou Luyao's handling is also reasonable. Shanhe's safety must be cautious, and there can be no negligence. His safety is very important!

After more than an hour of treatment and observation, Shanhe had no other adverse symptoms except that his face was swollen like a pig's head. After applying the local folk remedy, the pain was also reduced a lot, and everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

Especially Liu Ye, the culprit, just now he almost scared him to pee again. If Shanhe had any accident, he would be guilty of his peeing!

The power of "earth armor" is indeed not small. Shanhe's face has been completely deformed, and his eyes have swollen into a slit. He doesn't need to look in the mirror to know his current pig-head image. It's so unlucky. If this matter gets out, people will laugh at him!

"No one is allowed to spread this!"


Yang Liu looked at Shanhe for a moment, then covered her mouth and laughed,

"Hehe... I can't guarantee this, we didn't have the energy to think about this just now!"

"Then you hurry up and make amends! This matter must be kept secret! Especially all the photos must be destroyed!"

"Hehe...Okay! If it was going to be spread, it would have been spread a long time ago, boss, you have to be mentally prepared!"

"Damn Liu Ye! Where is he?"

"Outside! He was scared just now, I called him in?"

"I was disfigured by him, let him buy a truck of mangoes to calm me down!"



Shanhe's coming to the hospital made too much noise, and there were quite a few people watching just now. In the end, this matter could not be suppressed. Within two hours, Shanhe received a call from home.

The photos of Shanhe's swollen head were uploaded to the Internet, and soon they could be seen everywhere, with various titles, making people laugh!

"The mountain and river rain forest was attacked, and the whole place was unrecognizable!"

"The mountain and river's heroic appearance exploded, with a vermilion face and a prominent head!"

"The mountain and river achieved the god of light and shadow, and the fragrance was overflowing, which inevitably attracted bees and butterflies!"

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