Rhapsody of Entertainment Rebirth

Chapter 47 Chapter 47: Press Conference

Shan He sat on the podium and kept sipping water. He was a little nervous. He had never experienced a similar scene before and could not predict the reporter's questions. Can he control the situation?

Qu Ling and Yu Zhengchong sat beside Shan He, one on the left and the other on the right. Their calm expressions gave Shan He great comfort.

There were about thirty or forty reporters rushing into the lecture theater. Their cameras and cameras were lined up in front of the mountains and rivers, and the scene was a bit noisy.

At this time, Qu Ling stood up and said loudly: "Hello everyone from the media. I am Qu Ling, the editor-in-chief of Shanhe at Sprout Magazine. Since Shanhe is underage, I have not been able to communicate with media friends. Today, Shanhe, Shanhe's alma mater, decided to hold a press conference to actively face the media's concern. I hope that friends from the media can also take care of Shanhe, a young genius. The press conference will begin below!"

As soon as he finished speaking, reporters eagerly raised their hands to ask questions.

"This friend!" Qu Ling pointed.

"Hello Shanhe, I am a reporter from Shanghai Daily, Zhou Tian. What I want to ask is which one do you value more, academic or writing? Will you give up one of them?"

"Well, probably not. For me, writing is my father's expectation, and studying is my commitment to my mother."

"Hello! Shanhe. You can now be said to be the spokesperson of the post-80s generation. What do you think of the media's evaluation of the post-80s generation as spoiled and unable to withstand the storm?"

"I have actually answered this question in an interview with the National Youth Daily. Materiality determines spirituality. The richness of material allows children to show differences. This difference has disadvantages and advantages. We cannot always focus on the disadvantages to judge and magnify them."

"Hello, I am a reporter from Nanfang Daily. Based on the content of your work, I can tell that you have certain social experience. Are these your experiences or those of others?"

"Well, the subjects of my works are all things that happen around me. Most of the materials are collected and consulted by myself. I don't know what social experience this reporter is talking about? Social experience or mixed experience? I have experience in society, I have experience in society, but I don’t have experience in mixed society!”


"Hello Shanhe, I am Zhou Yang, a reporter from Wenhui Po. According to media reports, publishing houses in Europe, America, Neon, etc. are interested in publishing your last two books. Is this news true? If true, what are the specifics?"

"This report is basically true. Specific matters are already being negotiated. Neon and Stick will be published soon. Negotiations are still ongoing in Europe and the United States. The publication time cannot be determined for the time being."

"Hello Shanhe, I am a reporter from the National Medical Journal. I have read all your works and found that you pay special attention to vulnerable groups and choose them as most of your subjects. What is the reason?"

"We often meet them in life. If you don't pay attention and don't care, you will even hate them and inadvertently hurt them. I think society needs more tolerance and help them. Only competition without kindness and love would be terrible. , I don’t like the word vulnerable group, what is its antonym, strong group, what kind of group is that, are you in this group, are you sure you are not a vulnerable group?”

"Shanhe, I am a reporter from Cross-Strait Newspaper. I found that your thoughts are extremely mature and sharp. How do you possess these at the age of less than seventeen?"

“Read and observe!”

Shanhe had a hard time dealing with the various questions from reporters. He kept wiping his face and drinking water.

Yu Zhengchong stood aside and watched the child's hard work. Waves of heartache surged from the bottom of his heart. He was only sixteen years old, but he had no choice. If he wanted to wear the crown, he had to bear its weight. This is what he must face.

There is no hiding or escaping.

Go back and ask the old woman to cook more delicious food for the child! How about buying him a puppy or kitten or something?

Yu Zhengchong was thinking about taking some pressure off Shanhe, while Qu Ling on the side was thinking about how to increase publicity for Shanhe. Shanhe was already standing in front of the media. As Shanhe's manager, how could Qu Ling not use the media!

Qu Ling remembered the invitations from several TV stations, and he probably wouldn't refuse them if he picked one or two.

"Hello Shanhe, I am Yang Shuo, a reporter from the National Youth Daily. My colleague Yao Yuan once interviewed you. What I want to ask is, you are only sixteen years old. Do you have any plans for your future life? What is your ideal? "

"Hello, bring it to Reporter Yao for me. I will never give up on literature and will continue to walk on this road. I also have a dream to film the stories I want and form pictures. I want to be a director."

The reporter named Yang Shuo did not sit down and continued to ask: "Movie director? What do you think of the weakness of the film market? Do you think there is still hope for Chinese movies?"

"Well, movies are an art and a commodity. I think as long as we have the technical talents to make products, Chinese movies will shine again!"

At this time, Qu Ling stood up and said, "Friends from the media, the press conference has been going on for two hours. Shanhe is just a sixteen-year-old high school freshman. His body and spirit have reached the limit. Today's press conference ends here. , please everyone leave in an orderly manner.”

Shan He supported the corner of the table, shook his head, stood up and walked towards the back door of the podium.

Shanhe's first press conference ended, and he was generally satisfied with his performance. Looking back, there were no major mistakes throughout the process.

When he decided to stand in front of the media, Shanhe had been mentally building himself up. Only when he really stood up did he realize how huge the pressure was, as if those sitting underneath were not dozens of reporters but billions of people.

A best-selling author is a public figure, and dealing with the media is a basic professional skill. From ordinary to outstanding, this is a scene he must face.

Fortunately, I passed the test the first time.

After the press conference, the reporters at the school gate got the information. As expected, they did not come to block the situation again, and the school returned to normal routine.

The media coverage of Shanhe himself intensified, and the answers to the press conference were published in various newspapers, radio stations and even television stations.

The image of mountains and rivers gradually becomes fuller in the eyes of the public.

In the past, I only knew that he was a talented boy with good writing skills. Now I know his thoughts, personality, hobbies and even ideals through various channels.

Shanhe has a lot of fans, mostly girls, and quite a few are even mothers.

Many of the speeches made at the press conference were praised or sought after by these fans.

Of course, some people are disgusted with this somewhat sharp young man and think that he is pretentious and may even be suspected of plagiarism. Sooner or later, he will be exposed.

Some people love and some will hate, this is the truth and no one can change it.

After returning home, Shanhe took a deep sleep. When he woke up, he smelled the smell of braised fish, and his master's wife had cooked the food.

As soon as he entered the living room, he saw a table of home-cooked dishes, which he usually liked. His master and grandma were so good.

"Xiaohe, come, sit down and eat." The master pulled out a chair and sat down.

"Where's the master's wife? She went out for a walk and couldn't sit still." Yu Zhengchong said with a smile.

Well, Shanhe had a big appetite and wolfed down the food, enjoying the care given to him by his elders.

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