Rhapsody of Entertainment Rebirth

Chapter 473: The unchangeable passing

Shanhe enjoys the happiness of having two children in the capital. The warm daily life of his family makes him feel very beautiful, but he still does not live a leisurely life.

Within two days of his return to the capital, there was an endless stream of visitors coming to visit him. The first one was his old comrades-in-arms Ning Hao and his wife. The two had a friendship of more than ten years of fighting side by side. Ning Hao was not polite to mountains and rivers.

Ning Hao and his wife were familiar with the journey. Xing Aina said hello and went directly to Hathaway to watch the children and gossip, leaving the two men to make tea and chat.

The purpose of Ning Hao's visit was to work on "Fortress". The script has been adapted. The first draft and some design renderings were sent to Shanhe last month. He needed the advice of Shanhe, the world's authoritative screenwriter.

The adapted script of "Fortress" is quite different from the previous one. Although its theme and plot are similar, there are some new ideas in the script.

The core plot of the story has not changed much. The earth is also invaded by aliens, and after a difficult counterattack, the interstellar invaders are finally defeated. Although it is old-fashioned, it is not outdated!

In terms of details, Ning Hao and the writing team of Chuhe Film and Television have made a new design for the alien mothership, the form of the "Predator", and the air combat scene, with a very strong sense of future technology and a unique Chinese science fiction style. Color and background.

In addition, the script has also made changes to the plot structure based on the original novel. For example, at the beginning, the novel does not clearly explain what will happen to major cities on the earth after the Delta Mothership extracts the earth's energy "fairy vine" Such devastating consequences, and the script supplements this point. The film will clearly explain the entire story background through special effects shots and visual language.

In Shanhe's view, these changes are necessary. Although special effects shots are expensive, without this part of the background content, it will be difficult to bring enough psychological expectations and emotional foreshadowing to the audience, which makes the Magic City in the play the last bastion of mankind. The significance is greatly reduced.

Furthermore, judging from the proportion of emotional scenes, the script has obviously greatly reduced the emotional scenes between Commander Jiang Yang and Commander Lin Nan. The subtle feelings between the two protagonists are only used as a sub-line of the story, serving the purpose of defending the Magic City. main line.

Love is always an ego-type personal emotion, which cannot be equated with patriotism, collectivism, internationalism and other personal feelings. The biggest mistake of the original film lies in this. In this life, with the standards of Ning Hao and Chuhe Film and Television , naturally he would not make such a low-level mistake.

Shanhe gave the script "Magic City Fortress" an eighty-point score.

"There are generally no problems with the script. The continuity still needs some polishing, especially the emotional scenes and the climax. The most important thing is the casting. The male protagonist is the highlight of the whole movie. There are many domestic actors with both acting skills and box office appeal. There is a shortage of young actors, what are your considerations?”

Ning Hao took a sip of tea and replied with a smile:

"Haha... why did you forget about your little cousin? Tang Xiaoyu is a treasure in the film school. He is loved as much as you are. This kid is quite up to date. I think he is becoming more and more like your original demeanor!"

Shanhe also laughed when he heard this. Yes, he was really confused by the lameness of the little fresh meat in his previous life. How could he forget the child he brought out? Tang Xiaoyu is indeed the most suitable male protagonist.

"Haha... Speaking of which, I haven't seen Xiao Yu'er for a while. I have to ask him to come and sit at home when he is free!"

"I'll call him now!"

Without saying anything, Ning Hao picked up the phone and looked for Tang Zhiyu's number.

"We booked him before the script came out. After two years of waiting, it's time for this kid to show up!"

"Okay, let him come over and have dinner together, and I'll have a chat with him!"

"I met him on the Chuhe set two days ago. This guy is very hardworking and is using his summer vacation to study with the crew!"

Tang Xiaoyu was a frequent visitor to the courtyard house. When he came in, even the old and lazy Doudou stood up and waved his tail to greet him, which showed his popularity in the Qiu family.

"Brother Shanhe, you're back. Little Bear and I made an appointment to go out and play together on the weekend!"

Shanhe looked at Tang Xiaoyu, who had grown into a tall and upright young man. The stubborn boy had grown up in the blink of an eye. After two years of settling down, his temperament had changed a lot. There was a bit of stability in his exuberance, which made Shanhe very happy.

"Sit down and talk!"

He patted Tang Xiaoyu on the shoulder and asked with a smile:

"I heard that you have been helping on the set recently. How is it? How is your life in film school?"

“Having a great time!”

Tang Xiaoyu was not polite, sat next to Shanhe and replied,

"The teachers are so kind to me. I am a student in the directing department, but the teachers in the acting department arranged special courses for me. There was no delay on both sides. I can also go to Chuhe Film and Television for practical study during the holidays. The conditions are great!"

"Haha... I haven't taken on a role in two years. Are you a little eager to try it now?"

"Haha...a little bit."

Tang Xiaoyu touched his head and responded,

"In the past two years, I feel that I have improved a lot, and I want to see what my true level is!"

Ning Hao smiled and interjected from the opposite side:

"We have confidence in you. Yang Liu has already said that Xiao Yu'er will definitely be Chuhe Film and Television's first Chinese international superstar. Let's start with "Magic City Fortress"!"

Shanhe poured a cup of tea for Tang Xiaoyu and asked casually:

"Have you read the script? How sure are you of your role?"

"I've read the script and I think it's pretty good. With your torture in "The Young Man", I can bear it no problem!"

"Ha ha…"

The three of them didn't talk for long. Little Xiong'er heard that Tang Xiaoyu was coming and quickly joined in, disturbing their chat with constant laughter.

The two mixed-race children get along very harmoniously, and their relationship is not generally good. They feel like a pair of biological brothers.

Ning Hao, his wife, and Tang Xiaoyu spent the whole day in the courtyard. They talked a lot about the preparation plan for "Magic City Fortress". Shanhe gave unreserved suggestions based on the memory images in his mind.

After Ning Hao and his wife and Tang Xiaoyu left, Guo Fan came to visit under the leadership of Yang Liu. The planning plan for the "Wandering Earth" trilogy also took shape. The entire team hoped to get Shanhe's opinion and recognition.

Different from the previous life, China's science fiction blockbusters in this life have sufficient foundation and preparation. Chuhe Film and Television's adaptation of "The Wandering Earth" is more systematic and scientific. The entire series is planned and adapted according to the timeline of the original novel.

The first part "Sail of the Wandering Earth" describes the plot of the previous life "The Wandering Earth 2", the second part "The Wandering Earth: Crisis on Jupiter" corresponds to "The Wandering Earth 1" in Shanhe's memory, and the third part "The Wandering Earth: Helium Flash Crisis" is even more unknown territory for Shanhe.

Shanhe quite agrees with this preliminary plan. Compared with the two "Wandering Earth" movies in his memory, this trilogy has a more coherent plan, and the protagonists, plots, renderings, etc. are more detailed and reasonable. While Shanhe praised it, I also gave my own suggestions based on memory.

Ning Hao and Guo Fan gained a lot from Shanhe. This matter spread throughout Chuhe Film and Television within two days. Xu Ke and Wu Ershan did not let Shanhe go after hearing the news, and came together two days later.

The projects of "Zhu Xian" and "Fengshen Yanyi" have been approved and script writing has begun. Who doesn't want to get some experience from Shanhe, a master screenwriter?

Shanhe smiled helplessly at the two of them,

"Brother Xu, Brother Wu, you are really making things difficult for me. Ning Hao and Guo Fan are making science fiction movies. I have experience in this area. You guys are doing fantasy and mythology production. I have no experience at all. You are saying that I Do you have any good suggestions?”

"You are a genius. What kind of experience do you need? When you were filming "Gravity", did you have any experience in science fiction blockbusters? No, you didn't. The filming was still stunning!"

"Brother Xu is right, Shanhe, please help us take a look. With you coming up with some ideas, our confidence will double!"

Shanhe looked at the earnest expressions of the two people and nodded in confusion.

"Okay, but I can't give you any advice now. You have to let me study it for a while."

"Haha... we are not in a hurry, you take your time, the project preparation period is still long!"

Shanhe bid farewell to Xu Ke and Wu Ershan. While he smiled helplessly, he also felt relieved and satisfied. The development of Chuhe Film and Television has ushered in another explosive period. Under his guidance, Chinese-language films are moving forward on a different path. Pentium, there will be too many changes in the future because of him.

Time flies, and in the blink of an eye, Shanhe has been reborn for eighteen years, and Doudou, the Labrador, has also spent fourteen years with Shanhe, and it is almost at the end of its life.

It seemed to have anticipated his departure. In the following days, it became more and more attached to the mountains and rivers, and was unwilling to leave the mountains and rivers.

Except for the two children, the whole family had a bad premonition. Shanhe was extremely sad and declined all visitors. He quietly accompanied his dog on the last journey. He sat under the grape trellis that was already entwined with old trees and caressed Shanhe. Looking at the old Doudou, he knew that he would soon face the first loss in his life. Everything he had gained since his rebirth suddenly appeared before his eyes along with the sadness.

Since his rebirth, Shanhe has not relaxed at all along the way. He has used actions and efforts to fulfill the promise he made when he was reborn, protect his family, and participate in this great era!

Over the past eighteen years, he started out as a young man in a small county town and stepped onto a different path, stepping onto the train of the times and onto the global stage.

Since "From City to Field", "A Couple Made in Heaven", "We Are Young", "Send You a Little Red Flower", "Parasite", "Bottom Hot Girl", "Under the Zhengyang Gate", "Cliff" , "A Dog's Purpose", "The Martian", "The Signal", "Dallas Buyers Club", "The Life of Yi", and then "The Room", Shanhe has created a total of fourteen novels.

Almost every one of his novels has been a best-seller around the world. The total sales volume of his novels has approached one billion copies, unmatched by anyone in the world. Many of them are classics. Their literary value has been recognized by the global public, and he has demonstrated Chinese culture to the global public. The charm is a new milestone in Chinese literature.

No one will deny his literary achievements. The media’s evaluation of him is: the most representative writer of the new century, creating an era that belongs to Huaxia Qiu!

In terms of film achievements, Shanhe is also outstanding, with "Hot Girl", "Moon", "The Wind", "Dallas Buyers Club", "Gravity", "The Universe", "Joker", "The Fantasy of Yi" "Adrift", "Room", "Operation Mekong", plus the unfinished "Green Book", ten films have made him the "Mr. Billion" in the film industry.

Leading the trend of Chinese-language films and world films, Hollywood even classified him separately: Hua Xiaqiu is another level of director.

Even the most demanding Western literati and scholars who dislike him the most must admit that Hua Xiaqiu is already a master director and has created a new era of film.

What surprised him the most was that he inadvertently created a movie kingdom belonging to China. Let’s not talk about the value for the moment, but the huge platform of Chuhe Film and Television has given many people the opportunity to realize their dreams and laid the foundation for the development of Chinese movies. The solid foundation and firewall have made an indelible contribution to the spread of Chinese culture, and even represent the rejuvenation and rise of China.

No one in the world will ignore this rapidly expanding film kingdom. Major Hollywood film and television companies have even regarded Chuhe Film and Television and Chinese-language films as their future opponents!

In the past ten years, he has not only achieved countless achievements in his career, but also has a perfect family, met many like-minded friends, and seen many completely different scenery. He has received a lot, and he is worthy of God's generous gifts!

Compared with the previous life, which was extremely painful, Shanhe's life in this life was wonderful. Thinking of this, a wave of heat couldn't help but rush from his heart to his eyes. He changed himself, changed the fate of many people, and even changed the world, but he still To face loss, to face separation,

"Doudou, we have lived a great life and we have not let everyone down, right?"

At this time, Doudou no longer had the energy to shake his head and tail, but he would never refuse to his master. He stood up with great effort, leaned against the mountains and rivers, licked the palm of his hand, and purred. It responded with a loud voice, as if responding to Shanhe's words, telling its owner that it had gained a lot in this life, lived a very happy life, and had no regrets!

Shanhe looked at the old and hobbling Doudou, thinking about Doudou's past from childhood to adulthood, tears welled up in his eyes, he hugged its big head and choked in a low voice,

"Doudou, thank you for accompanying me through the more than ten years of my rebirth. If you have another life, remember to come back to us!"

Doudou turned his head and licked Shanhe's face gently, as if he understood Shanhe's words, and rubbed gently against his master's face. Shanhe could feel his unreserved love and strong reluctance.

Life is like this. There are gains, but more importantly, there are losses. As a reborn person, Shanhe is no exception. He has no choice but to bury himself in Doudou's hair and cry silently.

After Qiu Chuxi received the call from her mother, she rushed home that night. She knelt down and hugged Doudou, who reluctantly got up to greet her, and cried loudly. She refused to get up for a long time. She was no longer the high-spirited future rich woman, but A little girl who doesn't want to face death!

Three days later, Doudou, accompanied by his whole family, completed the journey of his life, and Shanhe faced his first permanent farewell after rebirth.

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