Rhapsody of Entertainment Rebirth

Chapter 478: This is not just a movie

At the beginning of the Spring Festival in the Year of the Rooster, the release of "Operation North Africa" ​​was like the dawn of the rooster, setting off a wave of China's rise around the world.

The news that the domestic box office for zero-hour shows exceeded 60 million yuan, and the first-day box office reached 570 million yuan, shocked the world!

Due to the Chinese theme of the film, the release of "Operation North Africa" ​​in North America was obviously suppressed. However, thanks to Shanhe's abnormal appeal, it still premiered in more than 1,500 theaters and nearly 3,000 screens. .

Perhaps because he saw hope of defeating Hua Xiaqiu, or perhaps because of some instigation, during the Hollywood box office off-season just after the Christmas period, there were actually two large-scale productions with great momentum released at the same time as "Operation North Africa".

"The Mummy" starring Tom Cruise and "Resident Evil: The End of the World", both movies have opened larger than "Operation North Africa", especially "The Mummy", with Tom Cruise Its appeal on the first day was more than twice that of "Operation North Africa"!

Unfortunately, both movies failed to live up to expectations. "The Mummy" grossed US$12 million at the box office on its first day, and its reputation was extremely poor. Its Rotten Tomatoes rating was only 20%, which was really disastrous!

The reputation of "Resident Evil: The Final Chapter" is not much better than that of "The Mummy", and the box office is even worse, with only less than 6 million US dollars on the first day!

In comparison, "Operation North Africa" ​​grossed 14 million US dollars on its first day, with a single box office of nearly 10,000 US dollars, which can be said to be outstanding. The Rotten Tomatoes score also reached 78%, and its reputation crushed two Hollywood movies. !

North American movie fans gave hilarious reviews of the three movies.

"Three movies have told everyone a reality: the Chinese should be allowed to destroy mummies and the living dead!"

"It's so ridiculous. Do the M people plan to use crappy mummies and walking corpses to deal with the Chinese aircraft carrier? It's so stupid!"

"Please, you want to stop Huaxia Qiu with these two pieces of rubbish. It's so funny!"

Compared with the wanton ridicule of the audience and movie fans, the mainstream media in Europe and the United States heavily criticized Shanhe.

"Hua Xia Qiu won the box office, but lost the hearts of the people!"

"The deterioration of a talented artist is extremely regrettable!"

"Hua Xiaqiu has abandoned the core of success by speaking for power. His failure will come soon!"

Unfortunately, these noises cannot affect the release and sales of "Operation North Africa" ​​in various countries around the world. Although "Operation North Africa" ​​was deliberately suppressed by theaters in Europe and the United States, the global box office on the first day still reached 140 million U.S. dollars, including in China. That’s more than half!

But this is far from the pinnacle of "Operation North Africa". On the second day of the new year, the single-day box office of "Operation North Africa" ​​once again broke new heights. In China, it exceeded 600 million in a single day. The film swept the entire Internet. The plot of "Operation North Africa" It dominates almost all hot search topics.

"The Chinese aircraft carrier fleet is mighty!"

"The whole story of China's evacuation of overseas Chinese."

"Detailed explanation of the 0.55 million ton large-scale drive."

"Is the Jiaolong Special Forces true?"

“As a Chinese, I am filled with tears of pride!”

""Operation North Africa" ​​tops the global box office in one day, demonstrating the power of China around the world!"

The hot search topics have made the whole country excited. Going to the cinema to watch movies has become the most popular topic during the Spring Festival.

For no other reason than to enjoy the sense of superiority of a citizen of a great country and to be proud of one's own Chinese blood, it is worth buying a movie ticket!

On the third day of the Lunar New Year, the box office continued to rise. The single-day box office of 650 million yuan once again exceeded the domestic single-day box office extreme. The box office on the first three days of the new year was 1.72 billion yuan, equivalent to 230 million U.S. dollars. It was shocking. With the Western media out of control, China is going against the will of heaven. How could the box office explode like this?

They don’t understand that China has the most unified group will in the world. Once more than one billion people hold the same idea, its influence will be difficult to resist!

Compared with domestically, the overseas box office of "Operation North Africa" ​​is very inconspicuous, but it is still not bad. After the first day of 14 million US dollars, the North American box office reached 16 million US dollars on Saturday and 15 million US dollars on Sunday. It grossed 45 million US dollars on the first Wednesday, with the average box office of a single theater exceeding 10,000 US dollars.

Whether it is box office or word-of-mouth, it has suppressed two major Hollywood productions at its soles!

It is already a fait accompli that the scale of screenings will be expanded in the second week. Cinema chains in China will not let money go without making money. Their reasons are very good.

We have done what you want to suppress, and you have seen the effect. We have suppressed Hua Xiaqiu's movie to the point of 45 million in the first week. This is his lowest first-week box office. What else do you want? Next we We have to act according to business rules. Business is business, what’s the use of talking about anything else!

In the first week of its release, "Operation North Africa" ​​grossed nearly 400 million U.S. dollars in global box office, ranking first in the global box office list this week. Although the overseas box office was suppressed due to political reasons, the domestic box office made up for the lack of overseas box office. The magic of Shanhe box office The traces still continue.

Box office data is only part of the impact. In addition to box office, "Operation North Africa" ​​has brought a bigger topic to the world:

How should the world face the rise of China?

A certain blond troll who had just taken over as the boss started his funny performance again,

"No one understands Huaxia better than me, no one understands Huaxia Qiu better than me. I have been to Huaxia countless times. I was a fan of Huaxia Qiu ten years ago. Their power has long been revealed, but some people have turned a blind eye..."

"The rise of China" has become a political issue with global focus. Media from all over the world are discussing this topic, and various scholars and experts have begun to analyze and judge this topic.

There are all kinds of statements, but no matter whether it is alarmist or warmly welcomed, no one can deny the fact that China has become one of the world's superpowers and has once again become an important force leading the development of the world!

The public of various countries has a new understanding of China, and is also full of curiosity. What kind of country is China? In just less than 20 years, it has gone from poverty and backwardness to prosperity and strength?

For a time, the mysterious China in the eyes of the European and American public was shrouded in a sense of legend, and many Westerners regarded China as a new tourist destination.

At the same time, the travel video special "Thomas' Travel Life" by Shanhe's brother-in-law Thomas has once again become popular abroad. The reason is very simple. His video records China very realistically, instead of putting a filter on China like the mainstream media in Europe and the United States in the past.

More and more European and American bloggers come to China to shoot special topics to satisfy the curiosity of the foreign public about China. A brand new China appears on the Internet and in the eyes of the global public.

The most of them are Indian bloggers. The box office of "North Africa Operation" in India is not too high, but it has caused a huge wave of voices. Almost all the Indian elites are unwilling to believe the fact of China's rise. They don't understand that more than a decade ago, everyone was still on the same level. How can you suddenly leave us far behind?

This is the power of culture, this is the influence of a top global celebrity. "North Africa Operation" is not just a simple movie for China, but also a song of encouragement and excitement for the Chinese people, and a strong declaration to the global public!

During the seven-day Spring Festival holiday, "North Africa Operation" occupied almost 80% of the Chinese film market. The box office exceeded 3 billion yuan in seven days, which once again made the entire Chinese film circle silent. This is going to jump to 5 billion!

It's really not a human being. From 1 billion to 2 billion, 3 billion, 4 billion, and soon to 5 billion, Shanhe has been paving the way for Chinese-language films all the way. I have to admit it!

3 billion in seven days, that is, more than 400 million US dollars in seven days. This kind of box office data is rare in North America, the world's largest film consumption market, and China can actually achieve this step so quickly, which really shocked the global film and television industry!

Almost all film and television companies in the world have set their sights on China for the future. The potential and development speed of this market are immeasurable!

The valuation of Chuhe Film and Television has skyrocketed again. Many European and American financial media have even given a value of 120 billion US dollars, which has exceeded several old Hollywood film companies. Together with "Netflix", it is called the new generation of global entertainment empire by the media.

This explosive news did not bring much difference to the Qiu family. At this moment, the Qiu family was entertaining their in-laws who had just flown from New York to Beijing.

This year, Gerard and Kate had not originally planned to come to China for the New Year, but on the first day of the New Year, the old couple could no longer sit still after seeing their grandson and granddaughter giving them lovely New Year greetings in the video. The two children were so attractive that they just wanted to hold them in their arms and kiss them. After discussing, the old couple could not wait to arrange the itinerary and flew to Beijing.

As soon as they arrived at the courtyard, Gerard and Kate each held a child and kissed them reluctantly. With the noisy shouts of the little bear and the soft following of Xiao Huihui, the courtyard was full of the joy and happiness of the New Year.

Shanhe had no time to accompany his father-in-law and mother-in-law at this time. CCTV-1's "Focus Interview" and "Face to Face" columns once again invited Shanhe to interview. They planned to continue the way of "Gravity" last time and do a comprehensive interview and report on Shanhe and "North Africa Operation", a symbolic figure and film in China.

With the active cooperation of Shanhe and Chuhe Film and Television, after overtime shooting and production, this program met with the national audience on the first night after the Spring Festival holiday.

Shanhe brought "North Africa Operation" to CCTV-1 again. This news instantly attracted the attention of the public. In recent years, Shanhe's ability to stir up trouble has become more and more powerful, but interviews have become fewer and fewer. Shanhe has brought too many surprises and pride to China. Everyone loves and pays attention to this outstanding person in China to the extreme.

That night, the report of CCTV-1 was extremely heavy. "News Series" appeared first. It took nearly two minutes to briefly tell the viewing craze and influence of "North Africa Operation" in the country and the world, and gave a preview to the following "Focus Interview" special report,

"Focus Interview after "News Series" will bring you more detailed reports!"

The general public in front of the TV laughed and sighed, "Central Mother" has taken the treatment of Shanhe, its own son, to a higher level. Last time, there was no "News Series" as the beginning.

The host of "Focus Interview" is still Bai Yansong, an old friend of Shanhe.

"This year's Spring Festival is a little different from previous years. We Chinese people are also excited during the New Year's joy. Everyone knows the reason, the movie "North Africa Operation"! Let's see what the audience really thinks of this movie!"

The content of this episode of "Focus Interview" is very simple, it is just an interview with the audience, but the composition of the interviewed audience is not simple. The interviewees include ordinary audiences in mainland China, people in Hong Kong and Taiwan, representatives of Chinese people from all over the world, officers and soldiers of the Chinese Navy, and domestic scholars, and finally the director Shanhe!

"The movie was so well made. The motherland is strong. We are all very excited and proud. I went to see the movie with my father. He was a soldier. I had never seen him cry before, but today he was in tears. I understand him because I inherited his blood..."

"The country is the backing of the people. Only when the country is strong can the people have real security and happiness. Some young people in Hong Kong Island are very confused and are provoked and used. I believe they will understand this in the future. Most people in Hong Kong Island are proud of being Chinese. The box office explosion of "North Africa Operation" in Hong Kong Island fully proves this..."

"Shanhe's film and novel are must-see and must-read works for us overseas Chinese. "North Africa Operation" is very enjoyable and touching, especially when we see the importance and protection of overseas Chinese in China during the evacuation operation. We all shed tears. China is our root. Only when the root is strong can we, the leaves growing outside, get more sunlight..."

"The duty of our Chinese soldiers is to protect Chinese citizens. I have participated in the evacuation operation and I am very proud of it because I feel my value and feel that being a The glory of a soldier..."

"... "North Africa Operation" is not just a commercial film, it brings more than just commercial success to China. The sentiment contained in this film is the collective will of the entire Chinese nation, and it can even be said to be a cry from China to the world. China will embark on a new journey from now on, and we are full of confidence!"

"As a director, I am extremely satisfied that I can direct "North Africa Operation". The entire crew experienced many difficulties and suffered a lot during the filming process, but when we saw the Chinese aircraft carrier fleet, all the hardships were insignificant. When we boarded our own aircraft carrier, a sense of pride from the soul and blood emerged spontaneously, and the surging in our hearts was difficult to conceal. The whole crew shed tears. I am very happy to bring this pride and surging to the audience, and I am also very happy to witness this moment!"

At the end of the program, the camera returned to the host Bai Yansong,

"I believe that everyone, like me, has too many curiosity and questions about Shanhe and his film. Please pay attention to the "Face to Face" Shanhe interview broadcast tonight at 9:10: The road is like a grindstone, and the walker has no boundaries!"

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