Rhapsody of Entertainment Rebirth

Chapter 51 Chapter 51: Qu Ling’s request

The Labrador Retriever is a hunting dog that originated from the Canadian island of Newfoundland. It was first trained to retrieve fishing nets and carry them on the cold sea.

In the 19th century, fishermen from Newfoundland sold the dog to England, and it attracted worldwide attention.

Labradors appear to be physically strong and active. It likes to play in water and swim; it usually does not have the troublesome characteristics of other dogs, such as occupying territory, causing destruction, attacking humans or small animals, etc.

Labradors are extremely lively and intelligent when they are young. After being taught, they can understand a large number of instructions given by humans. Young Labradors need companionship and guidance from their owners.

Shanhe happened to be very willing to accompany and teach little Huangdou. He spread old cotton batting for its temporary nest and covered it with old cotton clothes. The little one really liked rolling around in it.

On the first night Doudou came, she screamed non-stop because she was not used to being separated from her mother and brothers and sisters. Mountains and rivers accompany it, gently caressing it and soothing it until it gets tired and falls asleep.

The next day, Doudou seemed to understand that Shanhe was its new owner. Doudou was so excited when he saw Shanhe shaking his head and wagging his tail. After Shanhe fed him dog food, he held Doudou in his arms and she lay obediently in Shanhe's arms. , his tongue kept licking Shanhe's hands.

Shanhe looked down at its round head with two big ears hanging down, its big eyes staring at you as it purred around, and its small nose and big mouth kept shaking back and forth with Shanhe's hand. It was so cute.

Shanhe likes this new member very much. He combs, feeds, bathes it every day, and runs and plays with it in the room. Even if it doesn't go well sometimes, Shanhe enjoys it.

Yu Zhengchong and Xie Shinai were very happy to see this and put their original worries behind. The three of them often watched Xiao Doudou running and rolling happily in the living room.

After entering the new week, Shanhe gradually got used to this slow pace of life. Moreover, the public's attention to him is not as high as expected. When he usually goes shopping and wears a hat, almost no one recognizes him.

It also comes with a mobile phone, a Nokia 3210, a classic candy bar phone, which costs more than 3,000 yuan, which is ridiculously expensive.

Phone calls cost 60 cents a minute for local calls, 1.31 minutes for long distance calls, and 160 cents for roaming.

If you make half-an-hour phone calls a day, a normal person's monthly salary won't be enough to cover the phone bill!

Just as Shanhe's years at home were becoming more and more comfortable, Qu Ling came.

Qu Ling's purpose was to ask Shanhe to accept a celebrity interview from Shanghai TV.

Modu TV is a TV channel re-established last year with Modu TV as the main body. It broadcasts nationwide through satellite signals.

During the reorganization process, several new columns were launched, celebrity interviews being one of them.

"Aunt Qu, the promotion of "A Couple Made in Heaven" has been basically completed. The third week has passed, why are there still interviews like this?" Shan He didn't want to show up again to avoid causing trouble.

"Oh, I'm dying of thirst. How many bookstores have I been to in this day? The sales volume of "A Couple Made in Heaven" in the third week should not be much lower than that in the second week. The cumulative sales volume in the first month may exceed 140 Ten thousand volumes.”

Qu Ling poured the water, drank it in gulps, and then said: "The interview requests in the magazine are almost filling the drawer, Xiaohe, you have to take this step, you have already held the press conference, you are right. The impact is not big, and the TV interview is not as scary as you think!"

"What kind of column is this celebrity interview? Is it a cultural and artistic program?" Shanhe asked Qu Ling.

"Celebrity interviews are mainly about hot topics in society, inviting industry celebrities, discussing industry development, and satisfying the public's curiosity about hot topics! The guests it invites are quite diverse, and representatives from all walks of life are included in its invitation range." Qu Ling Explained.

Shanhe tilted his head and thought about it for a while, "This column is not suitable for me. I am young and the interview topics are not suitable for too deep. If I talk too much in this kind of professional industry interview, it will make people feel rhetorical. If I talk too little, it will make people feel shallow. .”

After listening to Shanhe's analysis and thoughts, Qu Ling thought carefully for a long time, "Xiaohe, celebrity interviews are really inappropriate. What do you think of "Qiangqiang Threesome"? The atmosphere of this show is relatively relaxed, and it is basically just chatting. Talk about some hot topics in the chat.”

Shanhe was confused for a while. Now there is "Qiang Qiang Threesome". Is it the one hosted by Dou Wentao?

Seeing Shan He's hesitation, Qu Ling continued: ""Qiang Qiang Threesome" was a program launched by Phoenix TV last year. The program's ratings and topicality were very good, and the styles of the two hosts were also good. Past guests The reputation is pretty good.”

Shanhe didn't say anything. It must be the "Three Company" he knew. Do you accept it?

Yu Zhengchong was a little disgusted with the purpose of Qu Ling's visit, but he admitted that her words made sense. Shanhe always had to take this step, but for some reason, Shanhe felt very insecure, as if he was deliberately hiding.

"Xiaohe, since the press conference has been held, some things are worse than being blocked. Those who should participate still have to participate. It's not a problem to hide all the time." Yu Zhengchong said to Shanhe.

After hearing what the master said, Shanhe thought for a while, and it seemed that he couldn't escape this time, "Okay, I agreed, just this "Qiangqiang Threesome", but I have to read the interview script first. I have the right not to Answer questions beyond the script!”

"I can also read the interview script and won't ask embarrassing questions. It's agreed, and I'll let you know the specific time." Qu Ling got what he wanted and drank the water in the cup overjoyed, "Then I'll go Okay, there are still a lot of things waiting for me, Mr. Yu, thank you Mr. Goodbye!"

Qu Ling could be said to have waved his sleeves and took away a few clouds.

"Shanhe, since you have chosen the path of being a writer, and you want to be a director in the future, facing the media is a basic job, and it is useless to just avoid it." Yu Zhengchong said to Shanhe with serious words.

Shanhe knew that this was probably a subconscious insecurity about exposure, probably caused by living in isolation for more than twenty years.

"Master, I understand. I just feel a little uncomfortable. I will select some participants appropriately in the future. You are right. You will always have to face it in the future. The sooner you adapt, the better!" Shanhe accepted Master's advice.

After talking about the interview with Shanhe, the two elders went out together to find friends.

Shanhe went into the room and played with Doudou for a while, and then started to study the first-year high school courses on his own. He would have to go to school in two weeks, and his grades had to be passable. He was not Hu Ge, who was a habitual learner.

The Chinese language is easy for him to speak, and he is confident even without reading books. English is also easy for him, and he has several years of learning experience in his memory.

The trouble is mathematics. I really forgot all about it in my previous life. I didn’t go to class and read books and finally realized the gap between myself and the top students!

There are also physics, chemistry, biology, history, politics and geography, and there are nine courses in the first year of high school.

Oh my gosh, no wonder Han Han has five doors.

Shanhe covered his head. The first year of high school is the most hectic year of study!

Facing the notes sent by Hu Ge, Shanhe buried his head in the textbook.

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