It was December 1999, and Omen was about to return to the motherland. Shanhe thought of his new life when Hong Kong Island returned.

Two and a half years passed by. The mountains and rivers protected the family and changed the fate of himself and others. He was very happy that he did not violate his original intention or betray his will. He could do more, and doing more was good for his soul. Things that are good for the family and good for society.

Having such abilities and goals makes Shanhe want to fly!

In the office of Germination Magazine Publishing House, Qu Ling was familiar with handling the logistics reports of various channels.

She has been transferred from the editorial department to the publishing department, and is the top person in the publishing house.

In November, the publishing house published a total of ten books, one novel, five popular science books, one anthology, and three reference books.

Although there was no best-seller, she still made a small profit after deducting the cost. Now she is like a fish in water in the publishing house, and she can be said to have unlimited prosperity.

Qu Ling never thought that part-time job as Shanhe agent would not only increase her personal income, but also allow her to find a career direction that is more suitable for her.

Han Han's first book will be published next month. Qu Ling is full of confidence. A book by a focus figure that has just caused a small-scale heated discussion across the country, and the quality is very good, has been promoted by various book sales companies and bookstores. Attention and support were given.

After summarizing the specific situation of each channel, Qu Ling even increased the first printing to 700,000 copies.

Everything is ready, all we need is the east wind!

Phoenix Satellite TV just called. The interview with Shanhe in "Threesome" will be broadcast at prime time on weekends. Qu Ling is a little worried. This is the first time Shanhe has appeared in a media column. Don't be surprised!

Shanhe turned on the TV on the weekend, and Yu Zhengchong and his wife were also waiting in front of the TV. Today was Shanhe's first appearance on the screen. Almost everyone around him who was familiar with Shanhe was paying attention to Phoenix TV.

It was the same at Shanhe's house in Northern Fujian County. Qiu Jiang and Xie Meiyu were sitting on the sofa waiting for the show to start, while Qiu Chuxi was standing in front of the TV, jumping up and down.

"Brother, why don't you come out yet? Dad, how many more minutes are there?"

Xie Meiyu couldn't stand it anymore, "Qiu Chuxi, come here and sit down! Do you look like a girl when you jump up and down?"

Qiu Chuxi looked at Qiu Jiang aggrievedly, and Qiu Jiang hurriedly waved to her, "Come here, dad, we'll be there soon. This is your brother's debut!"

"I haven't seen my brother for a long time. I miss him a little!" Qiu Chuxi sat next to Qiu Jiang.

Qiu Jiang saw his daughter's eyes were a little red, and immediately promised: "New Year's Day, New Year's Day, let's go see my brother, okay, look, the show has started!"

On TV, Dou Wentao was the first to appear, "The trio of Qiang Qiang have become famous at a young age. Today's guest may be the youngest guest in the history of our program, the young writer Shan He!"

Shanhe's figure appeared on TV, full of youthfulness and a bit shy for the first time. He didn't say anything, just waved his hand.

"Brother, brother is out. Look, brother is a little different, dad!"

"It was the light that made my face turn white!"

"Can you two be quiet and watch carefully? It's my son's first time on TV. You guys, please calm down!"

At this time, the program had already started talking about Shanhe's childhood.

"You grew up in the countryside when you were a child? The first book we read about you was about the countryside!" Liang Wendao pointed out the topic.

Shanhe said: "Don't worry, my grandparents are working in the countryside, and my parents work in the county, so I spent most of my childhood in the city! During the summer vacation of 1997, I spent time with my grandparents in my hometown in the countryside. It was my first full vacation, and that’s when my first idea came to me!”

At this time, Qiu Dahai was also watching TV. After listening to Shanhe's words, he said to Grandma Shanhe: "Look, I am powerful enough. I beat that monkey out of Qiujiang, and now I have taught my grandson a lesson!" "

"You taught me this! Shameless, my precious grandson even mentioned me, why didn't you say I taught you this!" Grandma Shanhe retorted mercilessly.

"You don't even know a few words, what a fool!"

At this time, the topic has turned to literature, "You published a book at the age of thirteen, so you must be extremely talented. Your family must have had a great influence on you. My current career is influenced by my family!"

Shanhe said: "My father was an avid literary youth. There were many books and magazines at home. My father continued to create for several years. I have witnessed it!"

At this time, Dou Wentao interrupted, "Then your father should be considered a cultural celebrity in your county, right?"

"Er~ How should I put it? He is just creating and is not responsible for publishing!"

Now Dou Wentao and Liang Wendao understood, and they couldn't help laughing.

In Northern Fujian County, Xie Meiyu didn't have to endure it. She laughed loudly, pointed at Qiu Jiang and said breathlessly: "Now the whole country knows about your embarrassment, haha..."

Qiu Jiang looked confused. This bastard knew what he was doing! I'm a writer, so I won't say something subtle. I think the whole county will have to read my joke tomorrow!

On the TV, Shan He was still talking, "My master and master both work at the Cultural Affairs Bureau. They all love literature. My master also taught me how to draw..."

At home in Shanghai, Yu Zheng smiled at the old couple, relief and pride pouring out of their eyes.

"... When we talk about education, I think of my brother's son. When the little boy is seven years old, his grandparents chase him and feed him. This is not a special situation. It is generally like this now. Shanhe, was this the same when you were a child?"

"Yes, yes." Shanhe scratched his cheek, "I am the only boy in my family, and then there is my younger sister. Our grandparents love us very much. This is not unique to us or those born in the 1990s. Almost all periods in China have generations. My dear, Teacher Dou, Teacher Liang, you must have been the same way when you were young!"

Liang Wendao: "Our conditions are not as good as yours. Now we are all only children. We used to have a large group of brothers and sisters, and our love was limited and distributed!"

"This situation is caused by social development. I have a sister, and my friends are very envious of it. If there is only one in the family, it is inevitable that she will be doted on. This is definitely not good for the children, but we can't draw conclusions from this! We have shortcomings, but who Not at all! We also have advantages. As for whether we have more disadvantages or more advantages, when we step into society and take on responsibilities, reality will educate us again!"

Dou Wentao: "Shanhe, you seem to be very confident. Now, everyone is worried about education issues. As a high school student, do you feel anything is wrong?"

"I am still a student and am not qualified to judge these things. It is better to leave these to the experts and professors! However, a friend and I once argued about similar issues. He was more Western-oriented, and I sided with the Eastern side!"

Liang Wendao: "Oh, you guys are talking a lot. I have been to Europe and the United States and stayed there for a while. They have elite education. What do you think of this?"

"Well, I have never been abroad. Many things are just hearsay, and my ideas are very naive. Maybe it's because of my identity and position. I don't like Western practices very much. What flows in their blood is the law of the jungle. This kind of only Is the practice of competition suitable for us, and is it suitable for thousands of years of tradition? The West is now more developed than us, but not everything is better!"

At this point, Dou Wentao and Liang Wendao did not dare to go any further. In this era, public knowledge is still very powerful! During the actual recording, they did not continue this topic.

"I heard that you were once trapped at home by a reporter for half a month and dared not go out. Is this true? Are reporters that scary? Most people are probably eager for reporters to interview them."

"I have never seen this kind of situation, and I don't like it either. Maybe I just didn't get used to it all of a sudden. To be honest, I was scared, not just because of the reporter. My original expectation for "A Match Made in Heaven" was one million Up and down the book, the situation is quite different from what I thought. The things around me are overwhelming me, and I am a little out of breath. I am receiving re-education from my master and master at home!"

Ha ha…

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