Rhapsody of Entertainment Rebirth

Chapter 69 Chapter 70: Boli Village

The next day, Wu Di rushed to the county Poverty Alleviation Office early in the morning to negotiate with them, hoping that they could send someone to return to Boli Village.

Shanhe participated in the discussion with the film crew about the shooting plan. At around ten o'clock, Wu Di returned to the guest house with a short and thin middle-aged man in a Chinese tunic suit.

"This is Deputy Director Wang from the Poverty Alleviation Office. He will go to Boli Village with us for a return visit today. Everyone is almost ready! Let's go."

The van stopped in front of a loess puddle, and Wu Di asked everyone to get out of the car.

"The car can only go so far. There is still three miles to go. We have to walk into the mountains, get the supplies and get off."

Shanhe followed the team members out of the car. Everyone was carrying stationery, books, and some donated old clothes. Shanhe was carrying some snacks.

The mountains here are completely different from those in the south. Looking at the mountains and rivers, there is almost no big tree visible. Perhaps it is due to the season. The entire yellow is only dotted with a few green spots, which are shrubs and low weeds.

Occasionally, you can see a few goats eating in the bushes, and you will also meet the children herding sheep looking at them curiously on the hilltop opposite.

"The biggest income here is herding sheep, but goats will destroy the vegetation, and the mountains here will become more and more barren, leading to greater water shortages!" Wu Di told Shanhe.

"How bad is the water shortage?" Shanhe asked.

Wu Di carried his backpack up, "Most of the time, drinking water for humans and animals is fine. There are some puddles caused by small springs here, but water for agriculture is very tight. Most cultivated land can only be watered twice a year. The amount of watering is It’s not big either, and agricultural crop yields are very low!”

Shanhe bent down to pick up the loess mud, and with a gentle squeeze, the crisp mud was broken into powder. Looking around, it is almost all crusted land.

Things are very bad here!

It was already noon when we arrived at Boli Village Primary School.

This school is similar to Shanhe's imagination. Several adobe houses surround a small playground, with a thin wooden flagpole in the middle. In front of the adobe houses, there are piles of messy hay and shrub branches. It is so dilapidated that it makes people feel distressed.

"This is already the best house in the village. We will stay here for a few days!" Wu Di said to several volunteers who came here for the first time.

Shanhe put down his backpack and walked into the soil classroom. There were a few old chairs sparsely placed in the classroom. It could be seen that they had been repaired many times, and the blackboard no longer showed any oil color. There is nothing else except these. There is no teacher's desk, and there are only two windows.

Shanhe is a bit sad. There is only a primary school with thousands of people living around it. There are only a few clay classrooms and a few seats in the classroom. How many children can come to school!

At this time, Wu Di walked in, "Shanhe, I know you want to build a primary school here, but it's useless. After the school is built, there are not many students to study. Does it make sense for you to build it?"

After hearing this, Shanhe asked Wu Di: "How many students can come to school now?"

"More than ten or twenty, our preliminary work is very poor, there is nothing we can do, we are so poor here!"

Shanhe heard Wu Di's helplessness, "What can the deputy director of the Poverty Alleviation Office do?"

Wu Di shook his head in despair, "Their Poverty Alleviation Office only has so little money. With so many villages in the county, it's just a drop in the bucket!"

It seems that without alleviating the water poverty problem here, it will be difficult for Project Hope to get started.

Shanhe walked out of the classroom and worked with other volunteers to organize another adobe room, which would be their dormitory.

"Shanhe, will you go with us to the village chief's house to move the bedding we left behind?" asked the new companion.

"You guys, wait for me for a moment." Shanhe took the backpack in.

Shanhe followed a few people along the path and walked into the center of the village. A small mud house was completely surrounded by a whole patch of adobe houses. Shanhe walked into one of the small courtyards surrounded by shrubs and branches.

"Village Chief, Village Chief, are you at home?"

As the shouts rang out, the door opened, and a woman who looked to be in her fifties or sixties came out and answered with a strong dialect: "He is not at home, they went to the fields!"

"Auntie, we are volunteers from Project Hope. We are here to pick up the bedding that we left last time. Do you still remember us?"

"I know, come in and move out!" The woman led the volunteers into the house.

Shanhe also followed him into the house. There was nothing in the house except a large kang with a cabinet standing on top of it.

The aunt climbed onto the kang and moved down several thick stacks of quilts from the top of the cabinet. Several people quickly stepped forward to help.

At this time, voices came from outside the courtyard. It should be that the owner of the house was back.

"Liying, someone is here!" A deep and deep voice sounded.

"These city kids who are trying to persuade their kids to go to school are back again. They come to the house to get their bedding. Old man, you are not allowed to follow them and take a look!"

Shanhe looked back and saw that the person speaking was a dark-looking man in his fifties or sixties with a square face.

"Chief Niu, this is Project Hope volunteer Li Zhihua. We came here for a return visit and brought some things for the children to study. We still live in the same house. Come and get the bedding!"

Village Chief Niu wrinkled his wrinkled forehead, "You city kids are back again. I'm afraid things won't be easy for you!"

"Uncle Niu, our volunteers are here just for the children. If the children don't study, they will still be poor in the future. Don't delay!" Xiao Li advised the village chief anxiously.

Lao Niu sighed and replied: "I understand the truth. You also told everyone last time, but children can't help with work at home when they go to school. Some families have several, and they have to bring their younger brothers and sisters. Besides, the teachers are also It’s not enough. Everyone is thinking that if you can’t learn it, you still have a ball to use. If you can learn it, go to school if you can learn it. If you can’t learn it, just go home and work!”

What Lao Niu said left Xiao Li speechless, and he was silent for a while, "Village chief, at least let your children become literate. If you don't know how to read, everything you do will be lower than others!"

Village Chief Niu stopped talking. Shanhe looked at the situation and walked over and said, "Brother Li, let's move the bedding back first and ask the village chief to sit at our place. Aren't there still some supplies that the village chief needs to discuss and distribute?"

Xiao Li looked back at Shanhe, nodded, and said: "Uncle Niu, we have brought some children's clothes. Come with us and see how to distribute them to the children who need them most."

Lao Niu glanced at the mountains and rivers, then turned to his wife and said, "Liying, I'll follow you to have a look. When Dunzi and his wife come back later, you can let them clean up the yard."

Several people carried the bedding and the old cow back to the elementary school.

"Uncle Niu, you came just in time. We have to trouble you this time. We also brought some food for the children. You can score points as you watch!" Wu Di stepped forward to greet Lao Niu enthusiastically when he saw him coming.

Lao Niu was a little moved, holding Wu Di's hand and responded: "We all know that you city kids have good intentions, want to help us, and want your children to run out of this poor mountain valley, but it's not that we don't want to, it's because we have no choice. Ah, you see, the wheat needs to drink water right before your eyes. To water this crop of land, we all have to dig through the bottom of the box, and the whole family points to it to eat. The children must eat enough first!"

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