Rhapsody of Entertainment Rebirth

Chapter 71 Chapter 72: Leaving

Shanhe and Lao Niu walked out of Xu Laowei's yard. The three of them had reached a consensus before.

Shanhe will bear all of Xu Ahui's study expenses. Xu Laowen promised not to stop his daughter from studying again. Village Chief Lao Niu testified on the sidelines.

As for whether Xu Ahui can pass the exam, it depends on her. Shanhe has confidence in this girl who is eager to learn and has the talent to excel.

Before Lao Niu said goodbye to Shan He, he patted Shan He's chest solemnly.

After completing the matter, Shanhe was naturally in a very happy mood. He shook his head and hummed a tune as he walked back to the elementary school.

"Shanhe, why are you so happy that things are done?" Wu Di asked aloud when he saw Shanhe's joy was beyond words.

Shanhe laughed loudly and replied to Wu Di: "Xu Ahui's studies will continue, I've taken care of the old brother!"

After hearing this, Wu Di also laughed and gave Shan He a thumbs up, "Shan He, you are really awesome. Since the suggestions you put forward started to be implemented, I feel that my work has become much easier. The feeling of not being able to find direction before has completely disappeared." Disappear. You need to give more advice!"

Shanhe waved his hand and said: "Angkor, you are a role model for volunteers. A young talent from a big city can persist for a year in such difficult conditions in a remote county and rural area. I admire you very much!"

"Why are you so flattering! We still have no experience. Shanhe, you have lived in the countryside. Please contribute any good ideas you have. I am going to sort out this year's work experience and summarize it in the magic city to help those who come after me. Get busy!" Wu Di sincerely told Shanhe about his plan.

The two stared at each other for a moment, feeling each other's sincerity.

Shanhe simply imitated the villagers' behavior and squatted down, followed by Wu Di.

"Angkor, I won't be able to stay in the village for long. You are the representatives and implementers of Project Hope here. To be honest, I have a lot of ideas in my work these days. I originally wanted to talk to you before leaving. Since you brought it up now, I can’t stop talking about it!”

Shanhe picked up the soil on the ground and rubbed it back and forth unconsciously, "First, I gave Director Wang of the Poverty Alleviation Office an idea. Planting potatoes is very feasible. There should be small-scale experimental planting. Angkor, we We have to strive to use Boli Village as an experimental base, and we can even spend some resources!"

Shanhe took a breath and continued, "Second, if this experimental base can be won, we volunteers will use Boli Village as a base, pool resources, and make a model first. I will invest in the primary school." Giving you the power to build will increase your voice.”

Wu Di opened his mouth and marveled. Compared with the mountains and rivers, he looked like a fool. His social experience was too poor and he only knew how to move forward foolishly.

The mountains and rivers are still going on, "Thirdly, I observed and understood the situation in the village. Although there is not much rain here, there are always several heavy rains every year.

Angkor, can we help the villagers build some storage facilities for collecting rainwater? I will consult about this when I return to Magic City. There should not be a big investment. We can cooperate with the Poverty Alleviation Office. As long as the water shortage in Boli Village is It will be alleviated, potatoes can be produced, and the extreme poverty here will be improved in a year or two.

Once our model is put into practice, the work will be easy to do in the future and we will have the right to speak! "

After Shanhe finished speaking, he seemed to be still immersed in his own imagination and did not make any move. He was still squatting on the yellow soil of the primary school playground, like a warrior preparing to rush to the windmill, imagining the passion of sprinting!

Wu Di just looked at the mountains and rivers. In just three or four days, he had already thought up a whole plan, and he also came up with a good idea for the Poverty Alleviation Office.

Is that human being!

After a while, Shanhe came back to his senses, turned to look at Wu Di, and looked at Wu Di with incredible wonder.

Shanhe asked: "Brother Angkor, what do you think of my idea? If you have any different opinions, please raise them. I have only been here not long ago and will be leaving in two days. I don't want to come just to show off. The actual solution to the problem depends on You guys, but I also want to do more!”

Wu Di wanted to stand up, maybe because he was not used to squatting, so he couldn't stand firmly. Shanhe quickly helped him.

Wu Di did not let go of Shanhe's hand immediately, but held it tightly and said to Shanhe: "Shanhe, before you came, I had a hunch that you would bring changes to us, but this surprise was too big, and I was a little bit I can’t react!”

Shan He was a little embarrassed when he heard Wu Di's sigh and praise. I have more than ten years of experience than you. Although I don't have much contact, my horizons will naturally be wider.

"Brother Angkor, if you think it is feasible, we will perfect the plan today and report to the Magic City office. Tomorrow you will return to Pingyuan County and keep an eye on Director Wang!" Shanhe saw Wu Di's performance and knew that he had been told by him. Moved.

That night, the entire volunteer team participated in the discussion. Everyone expressed their opinions and contributed to Shanhe's initial ideas.

Finally, near midnight, the plan named Boli Village Hope Primary School Base by Wu Di was put on paper.

Looking at the volunteers who were usually asleep but now full of energy, Wu Di said excitedly: "Our plan has been formed. Shanhe was the first to propose it, but everyone participated in the improvement and formulation.

We have to work together from now on to implement this plan. Some people may leave and some may join in the process, but this is everyone’s cause and a long-term persistence. I hope that the remaining volunteers can carry out this plan. Go on and pass it on to those who come after me. I believe it will be realized here! "

Most of these volunteers are young people. When they are full of passion and move forward bravely, they are incited by Wu Di and everyone is excited and ready to take the oath.

"Okay, everyone calm down. I will go back to the county seat tomorrow. Shanhe is right. We have to keep an eye on Director Wang. Xiao Su, I leave the work here to you. We can reveal the potato planting news in the next few days. Give it to Village Chief Niu and win his approval and support, let’s work together on both sides!”

The next day, Wu Di set out for the county town full of hope. The remaining team members continued to help in the fields and even went to school to help with classes. There were too few teachers.

Day by day, the volunteer team gradually integrated into the village. They would say hello to the villagers when they met, share their predictions about the harvest with them, and even ask them to help when holding wedding events, and they would serve together as guests.

Work has also become smoother. Those who can afford to go to school have basically returned to school. Volunteers who cannot afford it will take out their books to make up lessons for children who are willing to learn at the appointed time. In Xiao Li's words, at least the children must be able to learn. Be literate!

Shan He was at home in this kind of life, perhaps because he was the youngest and the villagers had the best attitude towards him. They liked asking him to do small things, and he was often asked to come to their homes for dinner.

Shanhe stayed in Boli Village for seven days.

He was leaving today. He hugged the volunteers and said goodbye, his eyes slightly red.

"Goodbye, comrades, I will remember the declaration that night, this is our cause! Please!"

"We will all remember the declaration that night, and have a safe journey."

"Take care of yourself!"

"Goodbye, Shanhe will write a book and send us a few more in the future!"

After saying goodbye to the volunteer team, Shanhe walked out of the adobe room.

On the primary school playground, dozens of students and two teachers in the school were waiting to say goodbye to Shanhe.

Shanhe was a little at a loss, "Teachers and classmates, what are you doing? I don't need this form of farewell, go back to class!"

The older teacher Wu walked up to Shanhe and said, "We know your plan. We have discussed it with the students. We will be here to watch you every time you leave. It's not a formality, it's just that there is no reward." , just do your best!"

Shanhe's eyes were red, not only because they were moved, but also because their work was recognized, praised and remembered by others!

Shanhe truly felt that he was in this great era and had contributed to its changes.

With excitement and reluctance, Shanhe beat his chest heavily in front of the teachers and students.

After walking out of school, Xu Laowen took his daughter, family and Lao Niu to watch the appearance of Shanhe at the intersection.

Shanhe walked towards them quickly, "How come you know I'm leaving?"

"Xiao Shanhe, although you have not been in the village for a long time, we can all see that you are a good boy and a good person. You have done a lot for the village. I have to come and see you off on behalf of the village!" Lao Niu said to Shanhe. .

"Xiao Shanhe, I want Ah Hui to kneel down and thank you. Uncle Danniu said you are not interested in this. Ah Hui, bow to your brother Shan He. You have to remember that he is the one who provided you with education. From now on, But don't forget, this is your benefactor!" Xu Laowen pulled his daughter forward and said.

Shanhe stepped forward to support the bent Xu Ahui, "Ahhui, what Brother Shanhe can do is give you a chance to learn. It's up to you in the future. You have to work hard to change your destiny!"

"Brother Shanhe, I know how to do it. I will send you the report card in the future, and here are the mutton bone skewers I made for you! Thank you!" Xu Ahui was much more mature than the average child and insisted on finishing her bow. , eyes red.

Shanhe took the rough but not ugly lamb bone skewers and carefully put them into his pocket, "Ah Hui, brother Shanhe also has a younger sister who is younger than you. I will give this to her. Do you agree?"

Xu Ahui nodded, "I can make it better and send it to my sister in the future!"

Shanhe patted Ah Hui on the shoulder and waved to the people in front of him, "You guys go back, I'm leaving first, and I will come back next time, and it will be better then!"

Shanhe and the filming team left Boli Village and returned to the guest house in the county town.

Tomorrow they will leave this impoverished county and the film crew will return to Shanghai. They will rush to edit the film and prepare it for broadcast during the Spring Festival.

Shanhe is going back to his hometown in northern Fujian County to celebrate the Spring Festival with his family.

After coming out of Boli Village, he felt the urge to write down his seven-day short experience to let more people know that there is such a group of people who are practicing their words and working hard in the barren land to let the flowers of hope bloom there.

On the same day, Shanhe started writing the documentary report "The Fire of Hope Will Start a Prairie Fire" in the guest house.

Shanhe wants to write about the work, life, ideals and beliefs of volunteers, and let more people know about the large number of children in poor areas who are out of school.

There is a torrent gushing out in his heart, and the mountains and rivers must flow it to the tip of the pen and the paper.

From Pingyuan County to Northern Fujian County, Shanhe finished writing this documentary report in two days. It is not long, less than 20,000 words.

Shanhe felt that writing was very comfortable, and the words were like beautiful notes playing music on the paper. He was very satisfied with this reportage.

A few days later, the Propaganda Department of the Huaguo Youth Foundation received this reportage from Shanhe.

Several young people from the Propaganda Department had tears in their eyes. They had also been volunteers and felt the same way. From the article, they could feel the enthusiasm, ideals, frustrations and beliefs of volunteers.

We can also see the devastation in poverty-stricken areas and the serious situation of out-of-school children, and we can see the author's pain and belief.

"This reportage of Shanhe must be handed over to the leaders. It is so well written that we must find an influential newspaper!"

"Didn't the office in Shanghai Film and Television follow Shanhe's student assistance work throughout the whole process? It seems that it will be broadcast on CCTV in the next few days. With this reportage, the effect will be even better!"

"The Youth Daily should publish it. They seem to pay special attention to mountains and rivers."

In northern Fujian County, Shanhe's family is already preparing New Year's goods.

Year 00 is the Year of the Dragon. The dragon is flying and the tiger is leaping, and the year is prosperous.

Shanhe left northern Fujian for more than half a year. As soon as he returned to the county town, several close friends came to visit him.

Several people exchanged each other's high school life while laughing and scolding.

The first year of the new century, like every year before it, passed quickly.

Shanhe is also preparing to go back to Magic City to continue his studies. Next semester, Yu Zhengchong and his wife will still go to Magic City to take care of Shanhe's life.

As soon as the family returned to their home in Magic City, the home phone rang.

"Hello, I'm Yu Zhengchong, who are you looking for?"

"Hello, Mr. Yu, I'm Qu Ling. Is Shanhe here?"

"Here, wait a moment!"

Shan He took the phone from his master and said, "Aunt Qu, we just arrived, why did you call us by such a coincidence!"

"Shanhe, your article "The Fire of Hope Will Set a Prairie Fire" was published in the National Youth Daily today. It was so touching. I think it will touch many young people!"

"That's my personal experience, and I'm very satisfied with this article! In a few days, the documentary about the student assistance work will also be broadcast on CCTV 2, which will bring even greater publicity to the Hope Project!" Shanhe's voice said. There is excitement in it.

"Well done, congratulations Xiaohe. Also, how is your new book? "We Are Young" and "A Match Made in Heaven" will be released in Europe and the United States in a few days. Your new book should be out too!"

"The first half of the draft will be completed and will be handed over to you then. How are the sales of Han Han's books?"

"Nearly 500,000 copies were sold in the first month, which is a huge hit. Recently, he has been quarreling with a group of professors and experts online every day, which has caused quite a stir, which has greatly helped sales!"

"Congratulations to Aunt Qu, both swords are finally ready!"

"Haha, there's nothing else to do. Hurry up for the new book!"

"Goodbye Aunt Qu!"

Putting down the phone, Shanhe joined the cleaning team of Master and Master.

"Xiaohe, has your reportage been published?" Yu Zhengchong asked while sweeping the floor.

"It was published in the Youth Daily."

Yu Zhengchong smiled happily, "This Youth Daily really has a soft spot for you! It has its share almost every time."

Shanhe also laughed, "It's true, but I'm very happy to be on the Youth Daily. His influence is big enough and he should be able to stir up some waves!"

"Yes, after listening to what you said and reading your documentary report, I also think that the Hope Project must be bigger and stronger. Children and children are related to the future of the country and the nation and cannot be ignored!" Yu Zhengchong was born in the Cultural Bureau and is very familiar with current affairs. care.

"I will try my best, Master!"

The manuscript has been saved and revised over and over again, so everyone can just read it. This is my first time writing an online novel. I have very little experience and am very unsatisfied with the writing.

I wrote it too quickly and didn’t have time to think about it, so I’m trying to reflect on it.

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