Rhapsody of Entertainment Rebirth

Chapter 73 Chapter Seventy-Four: Capital City

The next day, Han Han arrived in Magic City, and Qu Ling took him to Shanhe's home.

As soon as Shanhe returned home, he saw Doudou, the Labrador dog, sitting on the ground, staring motionlessly at Han Han on the chair.

When Doudou saw Shanhe coming back, he immediately gave up on Han Han and ran towards Shanhe wagging his tail.

"Doudou, this is my friend, don't keep staring at others!" Shanhe kneaded Doudou's hair and said meaningfully, "Old Han, you are not afraid of being bitten by dogs, are you?"

"If you're used to being bitten by dogs, you won't be afraid anymore!" Han Han replied matter-of-factly.

"Hahaha, I see you are not only unafraid, but you are also a dog-eat-dog!" Shanhe laughed and teased Han Han, "This time you were invited by CCTV, are you mentally prepared to be sprayed all over your body?"

Han Han nodded and said: "Isn't it just being criticized back and forth by a group of people who don't know what they mean? I will definitely fight back!"

"Then I'll just watch the show on the side! Haha" Shanhe gloated.

Han Han sneered and said: "You still want to watch a show. You are called the poster child of the 1980s. I am a rebellious boy and you are a role model for young people. They probably think that we will have a fierce dispute. Do you think you can hide it?"

Shanhe sighed, "Okay, I guess I have to put on a show!"

Two days later, Qu Ling brought Shan He and Han Han to the capital.

Beijing West Railway Station was the largest and most advanced railway station in Asia in this era, covering an area of ​​300,000 square meters. The entire waiting hall was larger than several football fields.

Qu Ling and the other three followed the flow of people out of the station gate and walked to the West Railway Station Square. They looked back and saw three gate tower-like buildings coming into view.

With a proper Beijing style, Shan He was a little confused. He had wandered in this city for nearly ten years in his previous life, and now he was here again, but everything was still so strange.

In the square, they successfully met the representatives of the Youth Foundation who came to greet them.

Shanhe’s exclusive interview with Oriental Time and Space was planned by the Youth Foundation in order to expand the social influence of Project Hope and raise more resources to expand the scope of Project Hope’s student aid.

Under the leadership of representatives of the Qingjin Association, the three people quickly checked into the hotel booked for them by CCTV and the Qingjin Association.

"Shanhe, you have to go to the Oriental Time and Space column tomorrow first. Your interview is only part of the entire student aid topic. Your schedule must be coordinated with other content." Qu Ling told Shanhedao.

"Han Han, you can follow me tomorrow. You are the core of the recording of the "Dialogue" column. Don't speak too fiercely!"

Shan He smiled and said: "Aunt Qu, he is mentally prepared and has probably thought of how to fight back. Your last words were in vain!"

Qu Ling rolled his eyes at them angrily, "Both of you are annoying! Don't talk too late at night, tomorrow is your important moment!"

After Qu Ling finished speaking, he returned to his room. Shanhe and Han Han were left looking at each other.

After Shanhe passed on the experience of recording "Qiangqiang Threesome" to Han Han, he returned to his room.

The next day, the three arrived at the CCTV building as agreed.

At this time, the CCTV building was still a rectangular building, its full name was CCTV Color TV Center, located on the west side of the Military Museum in Beijing.

After entering the building, the three of them quickly separated, and different program directors took them to different studios.

Shanhe met Bai Yansong in the backstage lounge. At this time, he was only in his early thirties, full of energy, and his eyes under his glasses were somewhat sharp.

Bai Yansong is one of the hosts that Shanhe admires more. His hosting style is profound but not rigid, lively but not kitsch.

In terms of hosting, he is in a league of his own. Shanhe has seen many interviews with people he hosted in his previous life, and most of them were meaningful and not boring.

He is extremely wise, has a strong sense of social responsibility, and often gives people a serious and serious feeling.

"Hello Shanhe, I am Bai Yansong, the host of Son of the East. I hope we can work together!" Bai Yansong saw Shanhe walking towards him, stood up and extended his hand.

Shanhe also stretched out his hand to hold Bai Yansong, "Hello, brother Yansong, I often watch Eastern Time and Space. I like your hosting style very much. It's an honor to cooperate with you!"

After the two exchanged pleasantries, the director on the side handed Shanhe a folder, which contained an outline of the interview. Most of Shanhe's answers came from the questions here.

"Shanhe, actually this recording is relatively simple, because it is part of the theme of the entire Hope Project, so the center is clear, it is to rescue out-of-school children!" Bai Yansong said to Shanhe.

Shanhe turned his attention from the interview outline to Bai Yansong, "Brother Yansong, shall we start recording today?"

"Starting tomorrow, let's get acquainted with each other first. I think it will be over in one day tomorrow. I heard that the "Dialogue" column team next door is also looking for you?" Bai Yansong replied.

Shanhe nodded, "Yes, but I guess it's just a supporting role. The central topic over there is not me."

Bai Yansong didn't look serious in private. He laughed, "I probably know a little bit about them. I won't talk about them. I watched the documentary about Project Hope last time. It was full version and unedited. I was very moved and emotional!" "

Shanhe nodded, "The situation is a bit serious. Education and poverty are often an endless cycle. Sometimes volunteers are unable to change it!"

"Education is just one part of many tasks, but it requires continuous investment, not for the present, but for the future! Our column will continue to pay attention to Project Hope. Your work has touched many people, and I am one of them." Bai Yansong and Mountain and river interchange.

"I just happened to go for a walk at the right time. The ones who really put in the effort and belief are the volunteers like Wu Di in the film. They have been stationed in impoverished areas for a long time, not to mention the difficult conditions. They mainly have to face many difficulties and Frustration, I was completely moved by their persistence and purity! I hope you can report more about them, they are the backbone of the Hope Project!" Shanhe said with some emotion.

Bai Yansong stared at the boy who became famous at a young age and felt a little emotional, "We will. It seems that you have gained a lot from Shanhe. Are you planning to write a book on it?"

"I'm very willing, but I guess I don't have the ability. There are too many things involved. If it's superficial, it's better to remain silent!" Shanhe replied.

Bai Yansong was stunned for a while by Shanhe's words. This child is very mature and sees things very clearly.

"Shanhe, actually your reportage has aroused a response. Many young people in big cities have signed up to participate in student assistance activities. What do you think of this kind of action?" Bai Yansong seemed to have entered the rhythm of the interview.

Shanhe's expression cheered up, "This is very good. I am not claiming to be superior. Young people need to shoulder such responsibilities. The rise of a country is not just words. Education is what it is, it is the future! You have participated in the future. , and changed it, isn’t it a kind of pride!”

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