Rhapsody of Entertainment Rebirth

Chapter 87 Chapter 88: Sales Record

"Send You a Little Red Flower" has started a record-breaking journey since it was released.

The phone from the publishing house was ringing non-stop to urge people to get the goods. After Qu Ling finished taking care of things to prevent public opinion attacks, he joined in the busy work.

After Shanhe continued to do three autograph sessions, he went back to school regardless. After holding a small autograph session during the break, Shanhe lay down on his desk.

"Daxian, how do you feel about the on-site autograph signing? I saw it on the news yesterday. There were a lot of girls in the circle. I'm so envious!" Hu Ge asked curiously from the side.

Shan He didn't even raise his head, "If you are envious, I will take you to volunteer next time and give you a chance to show off your handsomeness!"

"Forget it about being a volunteer, I've been busy rehearsing for the May Day party recently, hosting and singing solo, so I don't have time!" Hu Gedesse replied.

"You still want to sing, what should you sing? Xiaoyaotan!"

"What sigh?"

Shan He pouted and casually spilled the song Hu Ge sang in his memory.

"Nothing, I just admire your versatility. Except for your grades, you have mastered everything!"

Hu Ge looked at Shanhe suspiciously, "Great Immortal, I seriously doubt that you are following me. Forget it, I won't argue with you. By the way, why hasn't Miss Tang come to see you recently?"

"I don't know where to go. The last phone call seemed to say that there was something wrong with her professionalism." Shanhe replied.

"Oh, the falling flowers are intentional, but the flowing water is ruthless!"

"Go to hell!"

Hu Ge dodged Shan He's kick and said with a smile: "It was said on TV that your new book will break the sales record again. How many copies will it sell this time?"

"It's estimated to be three to four hundred thousand in the first week."

"It's amazing, Lao Han's book sold for just over 1.4 million in total!" Hu Ge sighed, "It's a treat after school!"

Qu Ling on the other side was already counting sales, "Which province is still missing?"

"Most of them have been reported, but the ones with the worst results are from border provinces!"

"How much is it now?"

"More than 490,000 volumes!"

"Go ahead, there are so many! It broke Shanhe's own record by nearly 100,000!"

Qu Ling looked ecstatic, five hundred thousand, this is half a million copies!

The ceiling for domestic bestsellers has been broken. If piracy hadn’t been so severe, Shanhe could have reached tens of millions!

Qu Ling picked up the phone and called Xie Meiyu.

"Meiyu, I, Qu Ling! Your son is so amazing! The sales volume reached 500,000 copies in one week!"

"So much! Xiaohe said it's about three to four hundred thousand."

"This time it was the right time, the right place, the right people, and everyone took advantage of it. Sales exploded all of a sudden. It will probably level off in the future, but 1.5 million copies in the first month will definitely be no problem!"

"Qu Ling, bring Jiajia home for dinner tonight to celebrate your success!"

Qu Ling put down the phone and walked to the window, feeling as if he was alone and seeking defeat, holding a peerless sword and being invincible!

The next day, the first-week sales figures of "A Little Red Flower for You" shocked major publishing houses.

Half a million in the first week, what about the first month? Go for two million!

Some local newspapers also reported the news.

Among them, Southern City Newspaper is the weirdest. What is the source of the sales spree? This is the title of the Nanfang Daily report.

The entire article is full of suspicions and speculations about Shanhe's behavior. It is believed that the high sales volume comes from Shanhe's showmanship and deception. It even vaguely accuses Shanhe of being a puppet artificially promoted. The whole report has an air of arrogance and sobriety that everyone is drunk and I am alone.

After Shanhe saw it, he sneered a few times, "If I don't show off my power, you still think I'm a sick cat!"

Shanhe felt that he could not retreat and had to fight back, otherwise the opponent would definitely make further progress.

The next day, the National Youth Daily published Shan He's article titled "On the Quality of Bystanders."

The article takes the innocence of bystanders as the theme, mocking and scolding bystanders who have no courage and do nothing, but cannot see others bravely moving forward and practicing what they say.

Frankly speaking, these people will only use destruction to cover up their cowardice and incompetence. Frankly speaking, these people are the garbage and moths of the country and the nation and need to be eliminated!

As soon as this article was published, the public was in an uproar. This was the first time that Shanhe publicly confronted others in the media, which aroused the attention of many book fans and melon-eaters.

If there is public demand, the media will naturally report it. For a time, various newspapers and magazines reported on the feud between Shanhe and Nanfang Daily.

Most of the media's reports tended to favor Shanhe, criticizing the Southern City Daily's ulterior motives.

You are a bystander who has done nothing, but you stand by and maliciously speculate on the original intentions and beliefs of practitioners. In addition to Shanhe's battle message, the vast majority of the public supports Shanhe's counterattack after understanding what happened.

A large number of book fans in Shanhe even denounced Southern City Daily on the Internet and demanded a public apology from Southern City Daily.

Southern City News was under fire.

When Southern City News was preparing to start a game with Shanhe with articles, letters from lawyers from the Youth Foundation and from the Project Hope Office arrived at Southern City News at the same time.

The Youth Foundation and the Dongguang Provincial Communist Youth League jointly sent people to the Southern City Daily. While handing in a lawyer's letter, they questioned the Southern City Daily's malicious speculation and slander and issued a strong warning.

The editorial department of Southern City News fell into a dead silence for a while. Several newspaper managers kept contacting their supporters, hoping to solve the crisis through upper-level communication.

However, Shanhe did not give up. The next day, the National Youth Daily once again published Shanhe's commentary titled "On the Importance of Cultural Confidence."

In the article, Shanhe links China's five thousand years of cultural heritage with the changes of the times, criticizes the intellectuals who have absorbed all Western civilization, points out their sinister intentions, and gives insights into cultural invasion and cultural brainwashing. warning.

The weight of this article is much higher than the previous one. The day after the article was published, all major national media in China made positive comments on this article.

The authoritative media Dazhong Daily also published a commentator's article "Only self-confidence can lead to self-improvement", which strongly supported Shanhe's behavior and views.

For a moment, the originally arrogant and domineering public intellectuals shrank their tails, shut up and hid.

The Southern City Daily was completely knocked unconscious by Shan He's series of attacks. Its editor-in-chief held an emergency meeting to discuss how to end the public opinion war they had provoked.

They knew they had to surrender immediately and admit defeat. If Shanhe had another trick, the Southern City News would be in a desperate situation. If they lost, they would admit defeat and have a chance to make a comeback.

On the same day, Southern City News issued an apology statement, fired the reporter and column editor, published an apology in the newspaper, and compensated all victims for their losses!

No matter how many supporters he had behind him, Shanhe's overwhelming move directly crushed Southern City News!

As for whether it will make a comeback, that is another story!

After this battle, all local media in the country were extremely wary of Shanhe, and Shanhe once again succeeded in establishing its power!

At this point, Shanhe completely opened up to the public intellectuals and sat across from each other, preparing for the next game and conflict.

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