Rich Devil

Chapter 183: ,role play


A multi-billion negotiation is over.

A black technology worth tens of thousands, the time limit of the invisible sound storage box also ends after one minute.

"What's for dinner?"

Hu Yanshuo, who had invested billions of dollars, was in good spirits and asked Chen Lingxi, whose cheeks were still flushed.

After the financing, Chen Lingxi felt her fingers twitch.

Well, probably because there is too much money, I can't count it, and my strength is extremely lacking.

They all seem to be lazy and continue to lie on the desk.

She couldn't quite hear what Hu Yanshuo said. Knowing that Hu Yanshuo asked again, Chen Lingxi recovered from the state where her body was weak and her eyes were dull.

A pair of beautiful eyes just looked around the office, the battlefield was a mess, and the roots of the ears were as hot as a fever.

Reminds me of waking up from the business negotiation halfway through. Realizing that there are many employees outside the door, worried that the trade secrets this time have been eavesdropped, the whole person is instantly in a state of extreme tension, even the screaming and breathing of the negotiation are deliberately suppressed, but the spirit of the whole person still feels something Same in stimulation.

Looking back now, it was as if my whole body had experienced another electrical stimulation.

The cheeks that had not dissipated from the blush could not help but become as red as blood.

"I-I'm not going."

Just when Hu Yanshuo asked again, Chen Lingxi couldn't help but said, her face was full of embarrassment, she didn't know the voice in the office, and it didn't leak out at all.

"Those people outside were too excited just now, so you didn't hear your voice."

Seeing her somewhat embarrassed look, Hu Yanshuo couldn't help laughing, and gave Chen Lingxi a more reliable explanation. Whether she believed it or not, it was a fact that outsiders really couldn't hear about this business negotiation. . Hearing these words, Chen Lingxi couldn't help but look up at Hu Yanshuo: "Really?"

Hu Yanshuo nodded.


Just saw Chen Lingxi slide down from the desk, and then quickly sorted out the mess in the office, and opened the windows in the office, dissipating the strong business atmosphere...

After doing all this, Chen Lingxi couldn't help but looked outside the door suspiciously, and found that those staff members did not seem to hear any movement.

After thinking about it, Chen Lingxi decided to stay and observe it secretly. It was hard to guarantee that this was an illusion created by Hu Yanshuo who colluded with his subordinates, so she said to Hu Yanshuo, "I won't go out to eat today, you can bring it later. Give me one! Uh, I'll make dinner by myself, you're tired these days..."

After thinking about it, Chen Lingxi still gave up the idea of ​​letting Hu Yanshuo bring dinner back.

Thoughts on Chen Lingxi.

Hu Yanshuo wasn't quite sure, but he didn't care.

As for Chen Lingxi saying he was tired.

Hu Yanshuo knew that he was not too tired, but everyone was under a lot of pressure during this time. If the person with the least pressure should be Hu Yanshuo.

Therefore, Hu Yanshuo is really not tired.

At least in terms of his physical strength, it's no big deal to stay up late for a few months, and the only thing that's really tired is a tired heart. Under the endless tricks, Hu Yanshuo couldn't solve it all with money, so the only thing he did these days was to burn money, frantically.

Chen Lingxi didn't expect things to be so turbulent.

Originally, Hu Yanshuo thought that at most, it would be an ordinary business competition with other platforms.


Being provoked by Yuan Zizhou, he cheated directly. At the same time, he also learned about Zhu Haotian's many secret hands, the truth, and who Zhu Haotian teamed up with.

Learned their intentions for Panda Live Entertainment.

It's a pity that it was too late to know, and the situation of Panda Live Entertainment is not good.

Under such circumstances, Hu Yanshuo lacked too much time even if he saw the move, but he had a flash of inspiration at a critical moment, and a very bold idea appeared in his mind, and he began to arrange and plan...

Use Hou Shuge to delay time on the bright side.

Hastily spent a lot of money to invite 30 hackers, barely repelling dozens of hackers.

Another huge deposit was spent.

It cost 45 million yuan just for the security deposit, which no one else could imagine.

This amount is also thanks to Hou Shuge, who has entered a state of selflessness and almost enlightenment, which has reduced the amount of security deposit.

Also faced with low mood of employees, work is not so energetic.

But these problems are not big.

Hu Yanshuo didn't say anything about chicken soup, he just waved the banknotes and smashed them into their hearts.

No empty promises are promised.

He directly moved 10 million yuan of banknotes from the bank and put them in front of all the employees, calming all the employees' ambiguity, and letting them understand what it means to work hard to be successful.

Even the daily life assistants around Hou Shuge have spent a total of several million yuan.

Including inviting several scholars to prove with Hou Shuge on the live broadcast platform, inviting some scholars to talk about those mathematicians who have seen through the stinky, and asking them to come forward and say good things.


What really moved these mathematicians was Hou Shuge's academic spirit.


Hu Yanshuo felt that it was really possible to have money but not spend it, and after he understood himself, it is best to avoid encountering such masters who see through the smell of copper and treat money like dung...

It also brought a record of the call between Zhang Yigao and the navy boss.

It was sent to the police station as evidence.


Directly smashed a donation of 5 million, and forced Director Wu to report it.

Director Wu, who was instructed to push the boat along the water, started a serious investigation with his extremely active subordinates, and finally obtained the official document of arrest on the Dounai live broadcast platform.

It is said that when Zhu Haotian was arrested, Zhu Haotian was still struggling, and finally even threatened to let these police uncles go without food, but in the end, what surprised him was that a woman stood up, when Zhu Haotian saw this woman At that time, the whole person was paralyzed as if the spine had been extracted...


Zhu Haotian fell into the hands of this Zhao Lili.

Count the miscellaneous money.

Probably close to a million dollars!

Well, less than a hundred million!

"The smell is almost astigmatism, and, let alone no one hears it, so what if they hear it? If you talk too much, you won't care about your work, so you can just replace it when the time comes!"

Hu Yanshuo said indifferently, and then said to Chen Lingxi with the attitude of sharing good things: "Also, I plan to go to a seven-star chef-level place today!"

Chen Lingxi remembered the food she had eaten before, and couldn't help swallowing her saliva.

I was struggling with food and fame all of a sudden.

In the end, Chen Lingxi shook her head reluctantly, and said, "Forget it, I'll stay in the company! There are still a lot of things waiting for me to deal with, the audience gathered in Hou Shuge's live broadcast room this time, let our live broadcast platform suddenly To become a first-class live broadcast platform, there are too many things, I will accompany you after a while, okay?"

Hu Yanshuo sighed, stood up and said, "Okay! I'll go alone!"

Chen Lingxi nodded heavily, raised her fist and said, "You must be alone!"

Seeing Chen Lingxi's idiot appearance, Hu Yanshuo gave her a sideways glance, and understood that this idiot was worried that he would hang out with other strange women.

Really superficial.

Hu Yanshuo thinks that a big guy like himself who is considering the double flying project, how could he be hanging out with a strange woman?

Unless this strange woman is worth 90 points!

Standing up, he waved his hand towards Chen Lingxi and left the office.

Chen Lingxi looked at the figure of Hu Yanshuo leaving, bit her lip, and felt a little reluctant. She wanted to leave Hu Yanshuo behind, and she wanted to scold him for being a big pig. The complicated emotions flowed thousands of times in an instant...

Hu Yanshuo did not look back, and soon disappeared outside the office.

Chen Lingxi began to lower her head to work in frustration.

Just when Chen Lingxi picked up a document absent-mindedly and was about to look at it, a voice came over, "Let's go! You can do the same work tomorrow, um, this is an order!"

The sudden voice, in the originally closed office door, Chen Lingxi looked up and saw Hu Yanshuo's probing action, all the emotions in her heart were thrown away for a while, and her face was instantly smiling, extremely beautiful, like a spoiled child Angrily: "Domineering!"

Hu Yanshuo waved his hand gently, and saw Chen Lingxi walking over, leaving the document behind.

The sweet smile is getting closer.

Holding Chen Lingxi, whose footsteps were still a little weak, in his arms, Hu Yanshuo nodded slightly in his heart, um, this overbearing president, the role is okay!

Originally, Hu Yanshuo didn't want to get used to it, but he thought that Chen Lingxi's concern about leaking business secrets was because of and let's talk about it.

Chen Lingxi was able to satisfy Hu Yanshuo's idea of ​​the first office business battle. Although he was a little affectionate at the time, it was still because Chen Lingxi's heart was attached to him.

Couldn't bear to refute Hu Yanshuo's occupation.

It is such a state that Hu Yanshuo thinks about it again and again, and thinks what if he is used to her once?

Those who don't read books after the exam are either husbands or scumbags.


Still that sentence, the current scumbags are not a little bit of a scumbag. They will tell you what it means to be no **** and no money, and dating me is the sweetest. Give you fast-food-style love, flowing love, wholesale-style chat, mass-send thinking of you... cheating will create a new style, and scumbags will have a new realm!

Don't think a man is a scumbag.

It's not that you want to be a scumbag, you can be a scumbag if you want to!

If the scum can't be in that state, he can only be a happy and rich demon king.

Get on Behamas and drive the navigation.

Taking Chen Lingxi along, they went to a small farm outside the city that hides a seven-star chef-level character. When they arrived at the small farm, they looked very ordinary, but the two poinsettia trees in front of the door were well-opened and half-closed. In the style farm, you can also see a plum forest on the right, the picture of plum blossoms in full bloom…

After the receptionist in front of the door asked Hu Yanshuo, he led him to the seat and sat down.

The time is just right.

The waiter brought a pot of boiled fish that Hu Yanshuo had ordered a few days in advance, two bowls of rice, and a pot of plum blossom sake.

Hot chopsticks, hot cups.

The waiter withdrew, leaving behind two people who quickly picked up the chopsticks and ate.

When they left, Chen Lingxi couldn't help muttering, "It's delicious, but it's too expensive. A pot of boiled fish at a roadside stall is at most a hundred yuan, and here it costs half a million yuan. Yuan alone..."

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