Rich Devil

Chapter 373: , scared to cry


Who is calling?


Can't remember it's not that important!

Because Hu Yanshuo had moved his finger, he answered a call from a number that he was slightly familiar with.

Since I didn't remember who was calling for a while.

Just connect directly.


Hu Yanshuo didn't hesitate much. After connecting, he greeted him habitually. As a result, after hearing his voice on the other end, Hardy shouted loudly: "Mr. Hu, hello! May I ask where you are? Where, have you been kidnapped? The funds you deposited in our bank have dropped by $4.362 billion all of a sudden, do you know?"

Hardy on the other end felt like he was going crazy.

on the customer's account.

All of a sudden, $4.362 billion was transferred!

It was the client he was responsible for. Not only that, but he didn't even know about this situation. If the bank hadn't called to ask, he would have no idea that this happened. Therefore, Hardy vaguely felt that his career total darkness…

Not understanding this situation, he felt that a US court subpoena was on the way.

Such a sudden thing.

It made Hardy almost collapse, so he shouted and yelled, and he didn't have the calm demeanor that a British housekeeper should have. He just thought about more than 4 billion dollars in his mind, and he couldn't afford it at all!

Although Hu Yanshuo didn't see Hardy face to face, he could sense from his tone that Hardy at this moment was like a red-eyed gambler.

"So, gambling or anything is not good at all."

Hu Yanshuo made a little squeak in his heart, and then began to appease Hadi: "Hadi, is that you?"

"Yes, it was me, thank God you still remember me!"

Hardy's voice almost burst into tears and said, "Do you know that your account is suddenly less..."

"Oh, you said 30 billion less!"

Hu Yanshuo said indifferently: "There's no need to be so nervous, I just bought a toy just now, um, a very ordinary toy."

When he said this, Hu Yanshuo looked down at the fusion bead in his hand.

This is indeed a toy!

"what did you say?"

The other end fell into a period of silence that was neither short nor long.

After the silence, Hardy opened his mouth and felt that the tone of his speech seemed to contain a mouthful of blood, almost spitting out, or that hundreds of scumbags were about to ripple in his mouth.

"I spent about 30 billion on a small toy, which seems to be more than 4 billion dollars that disappeared from your mouth."

Hu Yanshuo said calmly.

at the same time.

Hu Yanshuo seemed to have thought of something, and quickly said to Hardy: "Okay, don't disturb me if you have nothing to do. There is no need to panic about this small matter..."

After he finished speaking, he hung up the phone.

Hu Yanshuo, who hung up the phone, didn't hear the voice on the other end, so he mumbled a little: "Do you really want to get a private bank?"

Obviously Hu Yanshuo thought of it, and Hardy might ask himself how to transfer the money.

After all, the amount is huge.

He thought of the game and asked himself, when there was no private bank, Hu Yanshuo realized that this might be a bad phenomenon, but if there was a private bank, would it be safe and sound?

Obviously this is impossible!

However, it is a small problem for Hu Yanshuo, who owns games, krypton gold mall, and plug-ins.

Come and catch me if you have the ability!

If I catch it, I lose!

Hardy at the other end was a little broken, and he had no idea what the toy Hu Yanshuo was talking about.

It cost $4.362 billion in one fell swoop.

Tons of gold are not worth so much money, right?!

While there was a sigh of relief in my heart, there was also an indescribable suffocation.

All the drafts in my heart are ready, and I plan to say to Hu Yanshuo: "Mr. Hu, if you have something to buy, tell me directly, maybe I can help you bargain or buy it at a low price. It's just this kind of work, but now you've spent $4.362 billion quietly, and I don't know what's going on, I almost went to the rooftop to watch the scenery..."

"You're very passive in asking this!"

"This kind of behavior will also make me, an economic adviser, very faceless, okay?"

There are thousands of words in the belly.

Finally, just before Hu Yanshuo hung up the phone, Hardy quickly said respectfully, "Okay, Mr. Hu."

at the same time.

Hardy also understood that Hu Yanshuo didn't want to check it himself.

Even checked.

Might not be able to find anything.

In addition, if something is found, it will only offend such top customers.

Competition among banks is already great.

It is difficult for me to be able to serve customers with tens of billions of funds. If I am not careful, I will let my customers give up to others.


It is impossible to check!

You can only do your due diligence in a smart and sensible way.

Hu Yanshuo, who hung up the phone, was calm.

Looking at the fusion beads in his hand, he immediately checked whether Hardy would go on, and whether he wanted to get a private bank or not, all of them were forgotten, and instead, he focused on this one-time item in his hand. .


How can we maximize the value of props.

"Level: lv6 (13000000/100000000

Krypton has 30 billion yuan.

It also added 3 million experience points to Hu Yanshuo.


Hu Yanshuo found it a little embarrassing that he had nothing to prepare for fusion at all. The props of 30 billion yuan seemed to be purely a small toy.


Suddenly, Hu Yanshuo thought of skills and props worth trying.

LV4 exploration glasses (MAX): super multi-functional glasses, function one, vision cure. The second function is attribute exploration. Function three, super anti-green. Function four, invisible. Function five, bulletproof. Note: Player exclusive items.

this tool.

From the time when Hu Yanshuo was a LV0 player, he has only been with him until now, and now it seems more and more tasteless. It happens that at this time, there is no way to continue to upgrade.

When he saw the fusion beads, Hu Yanshuo had a bold idea.

Integrate it as the main prop!

See what comes out of the mix...


Hu Yanshuo began to search for auxiliary props and skills again. He looked for MAX skills and props in the prop bar, and found that he had a lot of MAX props and skills, but if he wanted to use it for fusion, it seemed that there was nothing. You can match your own exploration glasses….


Hu Yanshuo's eyes lit up and discovered the MAX identification technique.

make a prompt decision.

Hu Yanshuo also used the fusion beads without much hesitation, using the LV4 exploration glasses as the main fusion item, and the identification technique as the fusion secondary skill.

With Hu Yanshuo's idea appeared.

There were two frames in front of me, each with a pair of glasses and a skill book.

Hu Yanshuo gritted his teeth and decided to fuse.

The two frames bloomed with brilliance, collided quickly, and were superimposed together...


A prop appeared and flew towards Hu Yanshuo's eye socket. It actually penetrated Hu Yanshuo's eye mask without stopping, and directly turned into a golden light, which merged with Hu Yanshuo's eyes...

Quickly opened his eyes again.

Hu Yanshuo looked around and found that Avril was looking at the beach outside the floor-to-ceiling window.

He didn't seem to notice anything unusual about him.

It seems that only Hu Yanshuo can see the strange phenomenon before...

LV5 exploration glasses (upgradeable): super multi-functional glasses, function one, cure eye diseases. The second function is attribute exploration. Function three, super protection. Function four, invisible. Function five, bulletproof. The sixth function is to detect items. Function seven, flash protection. Note: Player exclusive items.

Eye disease cure: cure all acquired eye diseases, such as myopia, hyperopia, weak vision, corneal damage and other eye diseases.

Attribute Probe: Probe the character attributes of the specified individual. The current level can detect nine attributes.

Super Protection: A special function that requires a certain amount of money to add super protection to a designated character, adding a designated character will have information protection tips, once the added target is violated by a man other than the player, the player will receive information, and, Has positioning function. The next level will enable the Constraint Activation Teleport feature.

Invisibility: Make the glasses automatically invisible and cannot be detected by the instrument.

Bulletproof: Add a layer of bulletproof film, which can prevent armor-piercing bullets from penetrating, so that you have a pair of bright eyes that are not destroyed. Note: The bulletproof film is only attached to the outline of the eye.

Item Probing: Investigate the specified item, and there is a chance to obtain more detailed information.

Sudden flash protection: It has a strong protective effect against sudden flashes of strong light.

The exploration glasses that appeared have two more functions.

at the same time.

It also has the potential to upgrade, and it can be upgraded to LV6 items.

There are also a lot of unusual features.

The first feature has changed, however, this change is clearly for the better.

Just from the description of the function, we can clearly know that after owning the LV5 exploration glasses, Hu Yanshuo no longer has to worry about the acquired eye problems.

Almost all acquired eye diseases have been forcibly cured.

Even Hu Yanshuo doubts that such a perverted function can cure some people who have lost their sight the day after tomorrow, and can directly cure the blind man who became blind the day after tomorrow into a person with normal vision.

"Attribute exploration: 9 items."

"1. Names can be probed."

"2. Gender can be detected."

"3. Height can be detected."

"4. You can check the appearance."

"5. Physical strength can be detected."

"6. Memory can be probed."

"7, can detect the speed."

"8. Detectable power."

"9, detectable skills x6."

The function of detecting attributes has been expanded again, almost taking Hu Yanshuo's attribute data as the blueprint for the exploration. At the same time, the number of skills that can be detected is huge.

Through these data, Hu Yanshuo can better understand a person's situation.

Super protection, this function is also a brand new change.

Super Fence: Xu Yun, Chen Lingxi, Song Qingzao...

Rows of names appeared on the guardrail. As a man protecting a woman, there was no problem at all, and the function of positioning was also a new change.

The most surprising thing is the function of the next level, which means that there will be restrictions to activate the teleportation function.

The meaning is a bit complicated.

However, the function is still well understood. It is probably the function of transmission. It can be transmitted to the other party in a blink of an eye, but I don't know what principle this function relies on.

The rest of the functionality remains unchanged.

The new sixth and seventh functions are all very useful.

The seventh function is so-so.

The sixth function should be that after the fusion, some data attributes of the appraisal technique are inherited.

Hu Yanshuo curiously used the function of item detection.

I scanned the big bed on which I was lying.

"Item: bed."


"Origin: Italy."

"Production Date:???"


Except for the item and the place of origin, the rest are unknown question marks.

After waiting for a long time, nothing shows up.

Obviously, these data and information are the results that Hu Yanshuo scanned with his exploration glasses, and this is the only result, and the rest of the information is obviously impossible to detect.

Although a little disappointed.

But Hu Yanshuo doesn't care too much, after all, the function is not bad.

At least.

Hu Yanshuo felt that if the name of the item could be scanned all the time, then it would be of no use to him if someone else wanted to carry out a terrorist attack on him, and he would find out if he checked it out.

The safety performance is greatly guaranteed!

Thinking of this Hu Yanshuo was rather happy, and he didn't feel that the function was so tasteless.

This function discovered by Hu Yanshuo is really useful.

To know the original identification technique, you still need to touch it with your own hands. Such behavior, even if there are dangerous items, will also increase a lot of danger.

If the dangerous objects are touched and disassembled by others, Hu Yanshuo who is close to the surroundings is even more dangerous.

Although Hu Yanshuo is an outlier among many rich people.

The level of security protection can be regarded as the lowest coefficient among this group of rich people of the same level.


This is just because Hu Yanshuo owns the Krypton Gold Mall.

In any life-threatening situation, his most direct way is to use kryptonite. For him, there is no way for him to endanger his life with ordinary bullets.


With the protection of Krypton Gold Mall, all aspects are very comprehensive, which can make people feel a great sense of psychological security.

However, it does not mean that Hu Yanshuo has no awareness of safety.


Naturally, you will know that such a function has greatly increased the safety factor for you, and naturally you will not feel that it is really so tasteless!

When faced with dangerous objects, Hu Yanshuo can scan the name of the object at a glance as long as he turns on the scanning function of his exploration glasses...

If there is an item of unknown meaning, you can also make a sufficient precaution!

Psychological safety!

It will naturally increase dramatically...

You must know that the previous identification technique can only be used to identify whether it is silicone or not for Hu Yanshuo. There is no way to increase the safety factor for this kind of small-scale behavior of identifying genuine products.

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