Rich Devil

Chapter 406: ,idea


Rich people in Asia know these things even psychologically!

However, either it doesn't matter which position to buy, or it doesn't buy here, because various reasons lead to the result that it can't be traded...

The reason for the price is part of it.

The real reason is that the purchase threshold is reached, and the big guys who can afford it are unwilling to be angry.

Some truly rich Asians.

For the hilltop villas in Beverly Hills, it's not a must.

Similarly, they don't care about these so-called rules, and no one dares to sneer just because they don't like or buy a villa on the top of the mountain!

Can't afford it and don't want to buy it are not the same thing!

Asia's rich people are naturally indifferent to the petty family members of the American rich people.

I don't want to be neighbors with them.

This led to the fact that before Hu Yanshuo's purchase, the rich in Asia were somewhat disgusted by the behavior of deliberate exclusion, and, in theory, non-American immigrants did not have any advantage in the end.

Now, for villas located on the top of the mountain, few rich people in Asia are buying them.

If you want to say that Hu Yanshuo was the first to buy a hilltop villa.

Certainly not.

According to the registration of the real estate agency, some rich Asians bought villas on the top of the mountain more than ten or twenty years ago. In the end, due to various reasons, the rich were disgusted and sold the villas on hand cheaply.

So far, many rich people who know the situation have seen it in the eyes and remembered it in their hearts.

So before Hu Yanshuo bought it.

There are still more or less rich people who have suffered a small loss, and it is not until now that the mountaintop villa has fallen into the hands of Hu Yanshuo.


Hu Yanshuo bought not one hilltop manor villa, but two whole hilltop manor villas.

Of course the price will not be cheap!


Probably only Hu Yanshuo doesn't care about the price, just buy it in one sentence...

So this result is also let people fall below the glasses.

Hu Yanshuo didn't know much about the situation of the two villas at all, and he didn't bother to care about how much money, so he bought them without bargaining.

In the face of his wealth and wealth, the real estate agency was shocked all of a sudden!

Especially when I heard Nivaldo say that because he disliked the small place, he also bought the villa next to him.

With this powerful assist.

Where can a real estate agency take care of any unwritten rules.

Making money is what matters!

In the past, these rules were aimed at Asians, mainly because the price exceeded many people's expectations.


Many people have no special requirements for the top and bottom of the mountain, and some people just buy Beverly Hills, an American diplomatic business card, and wait for the land to preserve and increase in value.

Naturally, they will not spend money in vain to find guilt.

Some people who can afford it don't like the feeling of being ripped off.

A number of factors contributed to the inability to trade.

Therefore, even if the news is inquired, it is actually just an example.

What happened to Hu Yanshuo was purely an accident. He didn't want to buy any villas according to his ideas, but he had to make changes in order to have a place to rest temporarily.

At the same time, when I bought it, I didn't think there was anything special about the villa on the top of the mountain.

Even if Nivaldo said that he could see the most beautiful moment of the night scene in Los Angeles, he regarded it as a means of sales and dismissed it. The reason for the deal was because of what Nivaldo said when he introduced the master bedroom before. The remarks made Hu Yanshuo have a strong interest in golf.

What about golf scores?

Ask is full marks!

In fact, Kate Adriana will be more clear about this.

Inside the villa.

Hu Yanshuo was lying on the head of the bed, reading a thick English book in his hand. Kate Adriana next to him watched the light fall on his face, her misty eyes lit up, this angle made her think Hu Yanshuo was more handsome, under the rendering of the light Hu Yanshuo is like a sage prophet...

"Hu, you bought the villa, do you plan to hold a housewarming party?"

Kate Adriana stabilized her mind, quickly asked what she wanted to ask, and secretly straightened out her previous bold ideas.

Kate Adriana's words just made Hu Yanshuo slightly startled.

For a long time.

Only then did Hu Yanshuo recover from his stunned state.

By the way, Hu Yanshuo also thought about the result, shook his head and said: "No, although I know some people in the United States, it seems too much for them to come over in a hurry to celebrate me, and it's just too much to buy two villas. Throwing a housewarming party, you Americans are making too much of a fuss!"

Hu Yanshuo's remarks were indeed full of truth.

In his opinion, this kind of behavior is a bit of a fuss. Just a housewarming will have a party.

Thinking of attending the party at Villa Nivaldo before.

Hu Yanshuo felt that he was pure and didn't know the meaning of such a party at all.

It's better not to say this.

Hu Yanshuo's remarks made Kate Adriana stunned for a moment, and then she couldn't help laughing, and said seriously: "How can it not work?"

Immediately afterwards, without giving Hu Yanshuo much time to defend himself, he told him the benefits of a large housewarming party.

For example, parties are the best way for Americans to meet new people.

Usually everyone is very busy with their work. Take Wall Street as an example, almost all of their time is spent on work, and there is no time to relax!

Having a party like this can not only let them relax, but also make friends with people who are helpful in their work.

You can also meet a lot of people that you can't meet at work.


That is, he started to encourage Hu Yanshuo to open a small party.

"You and Mr. Vicente make an appointment, you need such a harmonious occasion!"

Kate Adriana came up with another point, and Hu Yanshuo remembered that he was introduced by Hardy to meet Juan Vicente in Nivaldo's villa?

It seems that not only Americans like to do this, but the Andorrans also like to do it.

In particular, Juan Vicente's character seems to like this kind of atmosphere very much. Even if he is not in the entertainment industry, he does not mind that he is very happy to be a romantic lover of flowers under the strange eyes of some rich and upper class. banker.

"By the way, why didn't you call him Juan?"

In an instant, Hu Yanshuo's thinking jumped quickly, thinking of the name of Juan Vicente, and curiously asked Kate Adriana.

"Vicente is what we call him."

Kate Adriana, apparently having some knowledge of Juan Vicente, explained to Hu Yanshuo: "The name Juan Vicente St. Charles Borromeo is usually not called St. Charles. Mr. or Mr. Borromeo, according to him, reminded him of the heavy burden of the family, by contrast, Mr. Vicente, a title by which he was honored in the Grand Duchy of Andorra, and as for the name Juan, according to The rules of his family, only exist on an equal footing with him, or the fathers can call him, even Nivaldo is not qualified to call him by his name directly..."

Hu Yanshuo was skeptical, but how could he be recognized when he called Hu An?

Immediately, he suddenly realized that Party A's father and the gold master's father are both his fathers, so it doesn't matter if they are recognized and called.

After thinking about this, Hu Yanshuo didn't go any further.


It was Kate Adriana who thought there must be a housewarming party to celebrate Hu Yanshuo's purchase of two manor-style hilltop villas.

to this.

Hu Yanshuo didn't hesitate too much. For this sake, he simply said to Kate Adriana, "In that case, how about leaving the housewarming party to you?"

Regarding this question thrown by Hu Yanshuo.

While Kate Adriana did not refuse, she was still very happy and encouraged.

Exactly what she thought!

Originally, she thought that Hu Yanshuo would agree to give her such an important matter if she had to wear a little more lip service, but she did not expect to receive such an important task directly.

"That's what you said!"

Kate Adriana said with a moved face: "I will draw up a list of parties to attend and invite some people to join in the fun, so you can get to know each other."

Hu Yanshuo nodded after hearing Kate Adriana's words.

To be honest, Hu Yanshuo is not worried at all. Kate Adriana randomly invites some irrelevant people to the party. From the look of her serious preparation of the list, you can see that Kate Adriana is serious.

As for who was invited?

Hu Yanshuo definitely couldn't guess, and he didn't have the energy to guess too much.

As an international supermodel, Kate Adriana's circle doesn't have to be much smaller than Hu Yanshuo's. Seeing her happily and busy preparing, Hu Yanshuo couldn't help but think of whether to inform the group of rich people in the aviation town, after all Hu Yanshuo is also worried about some people doing things.

With a few more acquaintances on the side to help, it is unlikely that there will be a situation where the scene cannot be suppressed.

Nowadays, Hu Yanshuo and Kate Adriana do not know that the night in Los Angeles is not calm at all, and many people who have a job in the media industry have moved and found their informants.

Want to hear from other insider tips on buying a villa.

Many people are curious about the mysterious rich man who bought the villa on the top of the mountain in Beverly Hills.

Such a golden news.

How could all kinds of gossip reporters not care, each of them can't wait to grasp the ins and outs of this news immediately.

The information that the media now knows is that there is a rich man who directly bought the manor house on the top of the mountain in Beverly Hills, making everyone curious about the identity of the buyer.

It's a pity that as a party, Hu Yanshuo didn't notice this at all.

Like Kate Adriana, she didn't know that she had been missed by the major media.

Seeing that Kate Adriana was interested, Hu Yanshuo simply left these things to Kate Adriana to deal with, and he happily took a break.

"That's it, I'll leave it to you to handle it, and tell me what financial resources you need to provide!"

Hu Yanshuo also spoke cheerfully, and said with a somewhat embarrassed expression, "I can only do this trivial thing!"

"You're already fine!"

Hearing Hu Yanshuo's support, Kate Adriana showed a happy smile on her face and gave her sincere praise.

Hu Yanshuo smiled slightly.


He watched Kate Adriana enter the invitation with the phone, but because it was too bumpy, the hand trembled several times and couldn't enter it successfully, and he made a mistake several times, and the phone dropped several times...

In the end, Kate Adriana simply threw her phone away, grabbed the sheet and made the bull's irritated sound.

Well, probably provoked.

It looks so angry!

"You are quite social!"

Seeing that Kate Adriana seized the opportunity of the intermission, pulled up a group and sent hundreds of messages in a blink of an eye, Hu Yanshuo smiled and said, "It's just that this works for you. ? Tomorrow's housewarming party, I'm afraid they won't have time to come and participate!"

"No, they will arrive on time!" Kate Adriana said firmly: "After all, the time I gave them is enough for them to come back now..."

"There is still someone who can let you message alone, who is this person?"

Hu Yanshuo asked curiously when he saw Kate Adriana's action in the blink of an

Kate Adriana said with twinkling eyes: "My best friend, Nivaldo's wife."


Hu Yanshuo nodded, then remembered something and said, "If she wants to come over, don't invite Newaldo."

"Is that all right?"

"I'm afraid that if I invite them together, there will be an accident!"


Hearing Hu Yanshuo's words, Kate Adriana said that there was no problem, and said with a presumptuous smile: "I have an idea for you to meet the **** goddess of fans around the world."

"So old, or a **** goddess?" Hu Yanshuo said in a pure and speechless manner.

"Who said she was old?"

Kate Adriana understood Hu Yanshuo's misunderstanding, looked at him in surprise and said, "Don't you hear about what happened back then?"

"What's up?"

"Wait until she comes over..."

Facing Hu Yanshuo's inquiry, Kate Adriana pretended to be mysterious.

heard this.

Although Hu Yanshuo had some doubts in his heart, he also felt that there was no need for Kate Adriana to lie to him. If it was true, then it would be better to know about this in advance. If he didn't know the news, Hu Yanshuo was really worried about the encounter cause unnecessary misunderstandings.

So here comes the problem.

If Kate Adriana's words are true, the Nivaldos are a typical old couple.

Hu Yanshuo didn't want to know much about the divorce because of something.

What he thought of was about Nivaldo's desire to order a hat made of US dollars. Hu Yanshuo thought that such a deep color was the real desire of Nivaldo's heart?

NTR is irritating just thinking about it.

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