In fact, Xie Limo has tried his best to control his emotions, but the pressure on him is really great.

He was worried all the time, only when he saw Yun Bixue intact around him, the pressure in his heart would be less.

Although Yun Bixue did not fully understand Xie Limo, she also knew what he was worried about.

I remember that he had never wanted a child before, and she was a little depressed at that moment, thinking that he did not want to have a child.

Later, after he explained the matter to herself, she understood him.

At that time, I just understood, and agreed to deal with everything in the imperial capital, and the two would have children again.

It's just that after Grandpa disappeared, she and Li Mo experienced Gui County again, and she desperately wanted a child. It seems that there is a child, and she has the same spiritual support.

At that time, I only cared about myself and didn't think too much. Now that I'm really pregnant, she understood Xie Limo's performance and understood his mood.

Her mood is also complicated now, and suddenly she feels selfish, and she only cares about herself and wants a child, but she puts such great pressure on her unexpectedly.

So although at first she was not used to his nervousness, but later she tried to listen to him as much as possible, trying to make him less worried.

When he returned home, Xie Limo had already made fried dumplings.

As soon as she entered the house, Xie Limo helped her take off her coat and scarf, helped her tie her hair back, and then pulled open the chair to let her do well at the dining table and even set her chopsticks.

Yun Bixue enjoys Xie Limo's ****** service. At first she was awkward, but after more than ten days, she was used to it.

"Taste it, these plates are all different flavors, you can eat everything."

"it is good."

Xie Limo's cooking is getting better and better. Yun Bixue always eats more of the food he cooks. After eating, she wiped her lips and said: "I asked you to buy the electronic scale. Have you bought it back? "

"That kind of electronic scale is not easy to use."

"Then how do I weigh, I obviously feel a lot fatter."

"I said, you are too thin, I like being fat."

"But I think my face is round."

"Axue, don't you often say that women are good for themselves? I think fat is good-looking. If others feel thin, do you make yourself thin for others?"

Yun Bixue grunted and said, "Just because you are too ridiculous." If reasoning is true, she can't tell him.

Xie Limo shook his head and said: "Besides, you now bear the weight of two people and naturally want to be fat."

Yun Bixue is an inexperienced person. After listening to Xie Limo, she suddenly realized that she should eat hard for children.

With this consciousness, even if Yun Bixue was full, he ate a few fried dumplings.

She would continue to eat. Xie Limo held her hand and said, "Eating tonight is almost the same, don't eat bad stomach."

The next day, Xie Limo took Yun Bixue to the hospital for examination. After the filming, the doctor told Xie Limo and Yun Bixue that it was indeed pregnant. According to the filming situation, everything was fine.

This time it was really confirmed that Yun Bixue held Xie Limo's hand, and he was speechless with excitement.

"Li Mo, it is true, Ling Nanchen deserves to be a gold doctor, and his pulse is accurate."

Xie Limo patted Yun Bixue's hand: "Since Ling Nanchen dared to say it, it shows that it is true, and he can't make a wrong pulse."

"Li Mo, I will listen to you in the future. Let's guard the children together. Don't put too much pressure on you."

Xie Limo kissed her lips, "Okay."

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